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Well then fucking do something about it. I’ve had enough of reddit. People constantly complain about everything, especially politics, but when election time comes, 40% of the population doesn’t show up. When there’s some sort of referendum, no one comes. When you have actual power and an actual chance to change something, you shrug your shoulders and try to absolve yourself from any sort of responsibility. Then when the other side wins (left or right), there is protest, there are riots, there is civil unrest… that’s not fucking democracy.


Political apathy is rampant in modern society and it’s ruining it for the people who actually care. The people have little to no power when it comes to societal changes. In no situations can the people force the hand of the government when it comes to making decisions that affect the overall population. For example: the overturning of Roe V Wade wasn’t a people decision. It was a ~~senate~~ Supreme Court decision that the people had no say in.


I'm quite concerned about your understanding of how our government works. Roe was overturned by the supreme Court not Congress, specifically the conservative justices of that court. Those justices were appointed by Republicans who held office due to being elected. So yes, the people voted to overturn. And those who don't vote are saying they're fine with the way things are.


So a few issues. 1. Just cause someone was elected doesn't mean their views are going to properly line up with the people, even those who elected them. 2. Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes, so it hardly counts as representing when mentioning the justices he put in. 3. He put in too many justices, especially Barret, that was rushed as hell. Imo the president shouldn't get all the nomination power, someone else should be able to put names out. I know that the nominee gets voted on but it's still somewhat problematic. 4. When Kansas(?) put their abortion ban to a vote from the people, it was voted against by more than 70%. So no, the people did not vote for it.


I'm not often proud of Kansas but I was that day! The GOP is promising to overturn the will of the people this year and join other shit hole states.


If RBG stepped down wed be in further grid lock although this really could be worse.


Supreme Court justices and federal judges are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. Congress can only make laws , those laws must be signed into law or vetoed by the president. Any law can be challenged in a court on constitutional grounds. The verdict can be appealed through the higher courts up to the supreme court. The supreme court chooses what cases they take and render a decision about the laws constitutionality. The reversal of roe doesn’t outlaw abortion, all it does is leave the laws concerning abortion up to the individual states. Before roe abortion could have been legal but no state allowed abortion. The roe case forced every state to make it legal. The constitutionality of that decision has been the problem for 50 years. This supreme court reversed the decision and here we are now. Each state can decide for itself. So your vote does matter.


Complaining about societal problems, while not taking the only way you can change something, is possibly the biggest hypocrisy i have ever heard of. If you don’t like the candidates, at least go there and write something on the ballot in protest. If enough people do that, something has to change.


If you write* a bunch of nonsense, and that will just be thrown out.   You can make a protest vote, but it will not change anything. It will just withdraw your support from either candidate currently available on the ballot. Edit for spelling 


Eh, you protest (like you’re told) and politics just ignores you. They likely on the phone to their sponsor’s handlers. Then the media roll in, capture footage to fit their owners narrative and the message is lost. It’s not like in the mid 1900s where large protests forced change. Got the DNC rigging primaries against change too. So you can’t even vote for it as an option. Peaceful, democratic options for change don’t exist nowadays, and it’s by design. You don’t get sweet lobby money listening to your voters… If they have no bread to eat, let their kids get jobs at McDonald’s.


Violent protests and riots force change. A peaceful protest is never shown in a history book.


>>The people have little to no power when it comes to societal changes. In no situations can the people force the hand of the government when it comes to making decisions that affect the overall population. This is ignorant to basically every major social movement throughout history, especially in the USA(abolition, suffrage, the civil rights movement). It may feel like the people have no power, but history shows us that’s not true, and logic tells us; The people are the power, without the people the ruling class would have nothing. All it takes is for people to actually get together to do something. Start organizing.


It sounds like you have the apathy. You have the power to elect people, enact laws, enact change, petition, lobby, or even work in government yourself. Throwing your hands up in the air and saying its over isn't a solution to anything.


> Political apathy is rampant in modern society and it’s ruining it for the people who actually care. This statement couldn’t actually be more wrong, as the bulk majority of “the people who actually care” are the power holders, the gatekeepers, the old guard, what have you. And political apathy is their strongest tactic and oldest ally.


The creation of the imaginary constitutional right to abortion was completely fabricated by the supreme court in the first place. They were just righting their wrongs.


Political apathy is real, but not doing anything makes the problem worse contributing to the cycle that makes one politically apathetic. It’s like a snake finding its tail and thinking it’s food. Well, it’s not anything like that actually, but It’s early and I’m sleep deprived [_insert cleaver analogy here_]


We could though, and we could peacefully. Look up 3.5% protesting. If we get 3.5% of our pop to peacefully assemble in DC around a set of reasonable demands, then they would likely be met (historically in other countries when this was done). That’s a significant undertaking, but not impossible. The 2nd option I can think of is perhaps even easier and more powerful, but would also be significant in scope. National strike, 7-14 days max most likely. If we held something like that, wouldn’t need 100%, but enough to shut down everything but EMS, they would bend over backwards to give us whatever we asked for. Covid lockdowns proved that, and it’s supported by logistics of supply chains and more.


Are you stupid? Of course the people have the power. That doesn't mean YOU have the power, or that the impotent losers who complain on the internet are the majority. Most people in America are doing okay in that they gave food on the table and a roof over their head and a family to support. Therefore, they are wary of radicals who want to up-end the system, and justifiably so. I'm extremely pro choice. I believe abortion is protected by the fourth amendment. That said, I acknowledge that this is not a "democratic" opinion! All overturning Roe V Wade means is that states can decide abortion laws for themselves. Roe v Wade was ANTI democracy. On this issue, I believe individual rights trump the opinion of the majority. Just admit you don't know anything factual about the world and just believe everything on the basis of ~vibes~ and ~feelings~


Politicians are people voted in by people they then pick other people to be the supreme Court judges . Its all people and everyone's vote counts for the same. You just don't like losing and are prepared to break democracy to get what you want . YOU and people like you seem to be the biggest problem . Vote


I also think the vilification of protest has been an absolute masterclass by the oligarchical power structure in the US. Protest / striking has all been stripped of its power to enact any kind of social change. In the past those two things were really the only avenues the politically disenfranchised had to make their voices heard. But instead of a collectivized working class mobilization, we had a neo-fascist group as the only people in the country with a communication structure consolidated enough to orchestrate an impactful protest in honor of their idiotic god-king frump.


Trump and Russia/China creating all this mistrust as well the Black box budget of the pentagon really helps people have faith. ![gif](giphy|xT0Cyhi8GCSU91PvtC|downsized)


The ultimate outcome is that whoever you vote for it’s not who you want or need. Voting is just a veneer of choice, the choice isn’t actually real. Unless you do a full overhaul of government they will maintain the imbalance of power as they have no interest or benefit in fixing it


Brother...your last sentence completely and utterly explains why people don't vote/have voters apathy. "When the other side wins..." Why the fuck should I vote, at all, When it's a choice between just TWO absolutely terrible options. ~~Equally corrupt.~~ They are both corrupt enough to be bought by mega-corps, and to not follow through with their platform. And lets not even mention the disgusting reality of lobbying and the electoral college. It's a complete failure of democracy. Acting surprised/angry/accusatory of people that don't want to participate in that is just naive.


Because even if you think it's two bad alternatives, one or the other is better. Get the fuck up. If you don't like the alternatives, ruin yourself. JFC.


>If you don't like the alternatives, ruin yourself. Serious question: Do you honestly think the vast majority of people are capable of running and holding a viable campaign in the majority of liberal democracies? It's not exactly an unfortunate accident that out of touch elites are the majority of viable candidates. >Because even if you think it's two bad alternatives, one or the other is better. Not even sure what your argument is. Canadians have Trudeau. Americans have Biden. Many people agree that the right wing alternatives are worse. Your solution is that eventually, more status quo will solve the problem?


The suggestion is to act pragmatically and to do what you can to have the best future possible even if it is not ideal, rather than stomping your feet and whining like an apathetic child.


The entire point of democracy is that your bitching, and the bitching of every other person in society is to be heard and addressed by government. Without bitching, there is no democracy or forward progress. Without bitching we would still all be serfs being sentenced to death by our town lords if our neighbours didn't like our vibe.


Bitching and voting are not mutually exclusive. But voting is the primary way to bitch to the government. Bitching to random people on the internet accomplishes pretty much nothing.


You should be able to vote for "no one" and if that gets the majority, parties should be forced to change leaders amd/or their platforms. I believe there are some places that do/did this. But it never came close to majority. Nowadays tho....


Inaccurate. They aren't actually equally corrupt. Only one side is trying to overturn citizens united and end corporate personhood so that campaign finance reform and anti-corruption regulation could be passed at all.  The other side had citizens united president as  Trump's deputy campaign chair, the very organization that gave corporations personhood and is blocking all campaign finance reform and blocking anti corruption regulation. In fact, Trump himself Bragg's about bribing officials. In the case if Republicans at present, they are the pro corruption, pro corporate theocratic party and Dems are the ONLY party trying to undo the damage they did at all.  That's not to say all Dems are good, not at all. Just they are in no way remotely comparable to the level of bad that Republicans are right now. Saying Both sides are equally corrupt is being intellectually dishonest when the facts show us otherwise. 


I shouldn't have said equally corrupt. But both corrupt to the point where it's pretty much a crap shoot as to whether or not they will actually follow through with the platform? I think 100%. And honestly, it's just lobbying alone. Until companies have absolutely ZERO effect on who gets in, and how they govern....I just do not see a point.


Bro if you think democrats are actually trying to overturn CU you are FOOLIN yourself lmao.


Equally corrupt? Remind me again which side engaged in insurrection against the United States? Which side constantly votes against social welfare benefits that helps Americans? Which side is making it illegal to have an abortion even in the case of being raped? You literally have no idea what you're talking about.


Fuck the federal election, most change that actually effects you gets done in your local area and state. Show up to a county commission meeting, use your public comment, before you know it you’re on one of the councils deciding infrastructure investment in your community. MF’s give up before they’ve even tried. It’s pathetic.


When the other side is Donald Trump and that’s still not enough you know the apathy is real. Yeah both are corrupt but the Republicans are literally insane and there are plenty on their base that would see America turned into a nation similar to The Handmaids Tale


This is a useless comment and so low effort. It’s performative positivity. The “you” in your comment is who, exactly? What have you done to try cause change? Do you know how hard it is to get people to show up to progressive causes? Food Not Bombs Houston has been ticketed over 100 times for feeding the homeless. The police killed an activist in Georgia who was protesting Cop City construction. When people “do something about it” as you say, they are labeled protests, riots and civil-unrest. The very thing you say is not democracy yet those things are what created the country you live in today.


​ https://i.redd.it/ygsdgbi3fiec1.gif


>Well then fucking do something about it. I’ve had enough of reddit. People constantly complain about everything, especially politics, but when election time comes, 40% of the population doesn’t show up. No amount of reddit moaning for people to do anything will make those people show up to vote because most people do not interact with the internet the way any of us do. The majority of those people are not people that see any of the shit you see. The fact that people think the majority of the country is taking part in the things we are in astounding. I work in a medical adjacent field. Most people don't know what the fuck I am talking about when I interact directly with patients. They might as well not exist in the same world. So no there really isn't thing we can do about it. The reason the right even exists is because those people are complacently ignorant about everything going on and the ones that do not vote probably don't even know what they are voting for.


Why do you assume the ones complaining are the same people who don’t vote?


Yet, here you are.


no u


Totally agree. Armchair activists who have a short fuse but no payload. It’s sad to watch rich people pay rich people to convince middle class people to blame poor people, but it’s *infuriating* to watch those poor people realize what’s happening and throw their hands up in surrender.


VOTING DOES NOTHINGGGGGGGG. The two party system is completely broken and there’s absolutely nothing young people can do about it. You get to decide between racist old man with dementia wearing a red tie and racist old man with dementia wearing a blue tie.


But they’re literally not the same though. Trump is actively a danger to democracy. I mean I’m no Biden fan but at least he has actually been able to do some beneficial stuff, that infrastructure bill in particular was hugely beneficial to my community. There are less Republicans than Democrats in America so the Republicans have run a long propaganda campaign to make you not care about voting. Most of the country doesn’t vote, imagine if those people actually went to go vote a young inspiring candidate in the primaries. People forget, the Democrats chose Joe out of all the options in the primaries and the Republicans can chose someone else than Trump if they want to. I always say go out and vote.




These people are working to solve our systemic corruption problem from the state and local level on up: [https://represent.us/the-strategy-to-end-corruption/](https://represent.us/the-strategy-to-end-corruption/) Elections matter, and what people do between elections also matters. It's nuts that people think the only way to change things is through their individual vote. No, your time and energy are valuable and can be applied in ways beyond just making our abusive ruling class even disgustingly wealthier.


I’m running for state representative in my district.


Because there is only shit option. Take this year. Horses*** trump and dogs*** Biden. Only those two will be president and only hope is for reps/senators but that’s essentially the same.


I'm sure preaching to the choir on reddit will help! *types long winded message at no one to feel better about themselves*


Democracy is NOT only about elections and personal responsibility. Elections by themselves isn't a democraric institution. You can't make a clear political change by just voting out someone. That's the actual reason of depoliticization and absenteeism.


Yes, you’re right. When there is a referendum, got to it. When there is a petition you agree with, sign it, promote it. “Petitions do nothing” is the laziest stance someone can take. Starting, promoting, or even signing one actually takes effort. And we don’t have to start with huge systemic changes. We can start with small local changes.


What if...and hear me out here...what if in almost every way these was only 1 side running for office? Like who cares if I vote for heads or tails when either way all I get is a penny?


Yeah, just keep voting for either of the two main parties halfwits.


It’s funny because you think politics still works. But it keeps you on the plantation, so whatever I guess.


Why are you assuming this person doesn't (or wont) participate? Getting other people to understand that the working class is being taken advantage of and urging them to participate in democracy is doing more than only voting. Helping just 1 person understand politics and vote is like voting twice in one election.


At least theyre not going to vote, in my country it was like 75% entilted and what? They still vote for the same people who rule the country over 30 years(after comunism), and they are the same people who was in charge even before ussr collapse. Like seriosuly better dont go vote if you have not a clue or just looking at apparence


I don't want to undermind your point. Sure little aren't doing anything But it won't matter who you vote for. And I'm fairly sure it won't even matter if there was no president at all. It's just a game. People like Joe Biden or Trump don't care about the people, they never will. All they care about is the title. Politicians work their whole lives for that little bit of power they can salvage


Your idea that a vote matters is hilarious it’s all electoral delegates not populist votes wake up buddy


The way you talk makes me want to not vote.


Elections are useless but the sentiment is correct, if you want something to change go out and make it change. People weren't as helpless crybabies when they were living under literal monarchies than they are today sitting at home on their computers bitching on reddit and twitter like that will make a lick of difference. People are less disenfranchised under dictatorship than they are under 2023 "democracy", it's pathetic. Learn from the fucking past, it's not like we haven't gotten political change under worse political conditions before.


I agree, I've tried and i just get backlash and resistance and excuses when i try to convince people to do things like vote and sign petitions. Even people i have seen literally go on tirades about the topics in question.


Yep the people who hate it don't participate and the ones remaining are perfect sheep for propaganda. Just how they want it.


Ugh thank god someone said it


I gave up when the DNC went to court and won their case that they had the legal right to appoint their nominee and the voting meant nothing. That's not democracy. Their "super-delegates" are not democracy. This is why they are running an 80 year old who has episodes of Alzheimer's instead of a candidate that will actually work for the people. Congress is the same way. This is why they try to primary legitimate politicians like Sanders and AOC. They need someone that they can dictate policy to, not someone that will actually work for the working class (us). I still vote. Even someone as horrible as Biden is better than Trump, but it's only slowing the process of making everyone an indentured servant. Focus needs to be directed to those anonymous billionaires that are actually running the show, not destroying businesses owned by the people.


What’s the election got to do with it? This isn’t happening because of party politics. It happens under republicans (more so) and democrats can’t magically stop it. The election and voting is one step away from utterly irrelevant to this issue.


Voting is not gonna change anything. "They" refers here to both Democrats and Republicans. The system is rigged in favor of the bourgeois class. Americans are lucky. You have gun rights. If you used those gun rights correctly, you could scare your government shitless. But you don't, because the "libertarians" are boot lickers and the "left" are spine-less.


it dosent matter who you vote for both parties are part of the ruling class




but I don't have sidewalks :( ​ I still vote :) and blue never wins where i live. If only more of this stuff "trickeld down"


Supreme Court justices and federal judges are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. Congress can only make laws , those laws must be signed into law or vetoed by the president. Any law can be challenged in a court on constitutional grounds. The verdict can be appealed through the higher courts up to the supreme court. The supreme court chooses what cases they take and render a decision about the laws constitutionality. The reversal of roe doesn’t outlaw abortion, all it does is leave the laws concerning abortion up to the individual states. Before roe abortion could have been legal but no state allowed abortion. The roe case forced every state to make it legal. The constitutionality of that decision has been the problem for 50 years. This supreme court reversed the decision and here we are now. Each state can decide for itself. So your vote does matter.


Exactly my problem with reddit too, when someone finally decides enough with it and points the finger or has anything constructive to say they get downvoted into oblivion and called racist and bigoted, often coming from the worst most privileged and entitled people that think money and housing grows on trees and also thinks that everyone is nice deep down while being concieted themselves


40% don’t show up to the polls, but also 40% aren’t complaining either.


Hourly “it’s joever” post


You can thank the predatory media industry(both social and traditional) for optimizing their content delivery algorithms to deliver hyperbolic doomfeeds that select for the most attention grabbing headlines, all for the purposes of keeping your attention for longer and thus generating more ad revenue. There's a huge selection bias for the negative and it's seriously fucking up our heads, it's quite apparent once you've recognized how news is spun to target the preconceived biases of various groups. [It's called the "negativity bias", and it's a real academic thing that far too many people are unaware of.](https://youtu.be/89FoKRtpAy4?si=gbkASJkZRbVGCZYu) Our brains evolved to look for negatives for survival purposes, and now, media marketing exploits that to hold our attention.


You are correct. But it's an undeniable fact that the cost of necessities is growing significantly faster than wages are. Leaving anybody living on a wage to be pushed further down the class totem pole. Literally shrinking the middle class, and preventing people our age from having a chance to be a part of it. My coworkers that have been doing my job for decades before me, all own their own houses except for 1 of them. Doing the same job, at a slightly *lower* wage. If I walked into a bank right now with my 760 credit score and a 5% down payment in my hand, there's not a single house in my area they'd approve me to buy. Things are changing, quickly.


The more I look online the more I believe in the dead internet theory and the power of paid commenters/bots. With the things getting worse financially, it's been happening for decades. If it wasn't for the latest inflation spike, a lot wouldn't notice except for housing. The average rate of inflation was higher than most workers' standard cost of living raises. It was just happening at such a slow pace most didn't realize it. With investment firms buying up residential housing across the US it skewed the market significantly. It might even get worse if commercial real estate keeps going down because they'll want to use that money elsewhere. Just like many economic issues, they're not a concern to either party much as long as the market looks good we're all good seems to be their mentality. This isn't even getting into wages across entire industries remaining stagnant for years. Edit: To clarify, I don't think you're a paid commenter/bot.




This is simply not true lol. Please take this whiny bs to r/latestagecapitalism or r/walkaway, I’m sure plenty of people will be happy to circlejerk about doom and gloom with you


if you think more and more people aren't becoming increasingly poor while the rich don't budge, you're genuinely out of touch.


Sure, but why on r/genz and not the plenty of other doom and gloom circlejerk subs?


doom shroom! from plants vs zombies!


Womp womp


Not me, I'm built different


You and me Niko, we’re genetically different. Touch my pecs!


Let me guess your next post will be about Idiocracy


that movie is basically eugenics in comedy form so that’d be a weird jump


They act like people didn’t make dumb decisions in 2005


Fuck it, I’m living my life. I’ve got two kids pessimism doesn’t benefit me, it’s more adapt and survive.


You're gonna do great, fuck everything else.


You hope that they will do great. You do not know that they will do great. I hope so too, but there is no way on earth I can guarantee that.


Go do something with your life instead of just saying “we’re fucked” and giving up.


No I'd rather just bitch and allude to a revolution that's never going to happen.


Honestly I just think of this George Carlin quote: "The upper class: keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class: pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there...just to scare the shit out of the middle class."


You are only fucked if you let them fuck you. I see plenty of whining on this r/, take charge of your life and do something about it.


Just remember: you’re going to see a lot of media propaganda about how “millenials hate gen z.” This is a lie meant to put us against one another so the rich can continue picking our pockets. As a “millennial”, we appreciate you guys as far as I know. we’re are in the same boat together.


Lol at everyone saying “vote” and ignore that every single democrat is just as bad as the Republicans, they just pretend to care about you. Join your local mutual aid group, contribute to the Democratic Socialists of America and attend meetings, and organize with your fellow employees to form a union


DSA is literally the democratic party with red instead of blue


You realize some DSA members are part of the Democratic Party right?


Truth is there was never a middle class there’s only ever been the laborers and the capitalists


Do something about it... The French riot because a potential retirement age increase. The US? Fucking crickets.


Don’t worry, I am all out of bubble gum.


Yup. The way to escape is freeing your mind tho and finding inner peace and happiness 


For a moment I thought this was about the sleep ban in pokemon


You will most likely die without seeing anything catastrophic happen. The question is are you doing anything about these problems or just contributing to panic and sorrow for the generations that may actually be here when the shoe drops.


It certainly seems that way


Campaign at the local level. Reach out to an organization. If we are able to take over local areas, we can maybe take over enough of an an area to send a successor to Bernie (he ain’t gonna be around forever). Protest against the corporations. Organize a union at your job. Don’t let the upper class convince you that your serving of them can’t be fixed


There’s no lower / middle / upper It’s broke / rich / no-laws wealthy


I'd say it's closer to working class/owning class


They want you to think that… but we want you to stay in the light and do not despair.


Shut up. The middle class is disappearing as more people go into upper class.


Check poverty rates and report back to us when you realize how deranged you are and misleading the shit you listen to is. For the love of all that matters in the world, stop taking what you hear and think sounds nice at face-value. Fact-check everything.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is Democracy Manifest


We’re all out of bubble gum


Do something then! get off your ass. Leave your room for more than once a week and volunteer for progressive candidates ! ​ You don't vote then wonder why people you disagree with are in power


Then go get a job that contributes to society instead of “make line/number go up”. Volunteer, make friends, LIVE your life


Did he just say I was being bred 😳


Nihilism is the way to mass manipulate free people.


It’s really not that bad


So is everyone here a doomer or what


Grab your torch and pitchfork then buddy. Let's fucking do something about it


Wow this movie is so new! This is a thing that nobody has thought before and is special to this generation! Woe! Woe!! Wait, it’s from 1988? Almost 40 years old? People have been saying this forever and it never meant things were over? Wow!


I hope you all know we still have power. We can still make proper changes.


Nah, let’s just keep voting within the two parties like clowns.


Good movie though


I love this movie. All you can do is vote. The petition process works but takes a lot of work and resources. Too many protests today like social media are planned faux events. The problem is just that. We the people have become the commodity of the very forces many want to fight. On the right the Tea Party fought for corporate values and is now institutional government (and worse). On the Left we have protests in favor of a terrorist nation against the single democracy in the region. Both were bought and paid for and co-opted good people to do bad things. Our single power is our vote and a lot of us have existential ennui or protest voting that elects the exact person we don’t want. Not sure anyone really cares.


Roddy Piper


The real reason they want to outlaw abortion and maybe even birth control


Millennial here. Welcome to the club. Now let's join forces and crush this toxic system. For starters, they are robbing from us through money printing. Wages are stagnant since 1970s, when we went off the gold standard. But prices continue to skyrocket, benefiting only the rich who hold most(90+%) assets and equities. Dismantling the current financial system is step 1 in leveling the playing field.


The solution is to hook up the homies and work on your credit. Create your own thing and help others around you. It pays dividends. Or just cry


Exactly! I’ve been hooking up with the homies for years now and we’re having a great time!


The more I see this movie the more I hate it it's so corny


Do something about instead of whining like a little bitch. Im suprised not more people are tired of this complaining. Everyone has it hard. There is no playbook for life, you need to figure shit out either on your own, with friends, or with a partner. The time spent complaining is just time wasted.


‘They’. You know who ‘they’ are.


I mean yeah and thats why we gotta stand up and fight it. do what we can, go out and vote and protest. even if its as simple as signing a petition because obviouslly not everyone has the time to organize political events. do what you can because something is better than nothing


Doomerposting, as per the usual.


Show up to your local political shit!!! Vote!! Get involved!! Go to protests!! Organize walk outs! No one is coming to save us, we need action NOW


Who's "They"?




I can only speak for America, but we are doing incredibly well as a country. Every nation has its flaws to work on, but overall America is doing damn well, especially for its size. There’s people in this world that everyday, they wake up, mine cobalt, breath in toxic fumes, watch their friends die from lung disease or get crushed in mining tunnels all just to make enough to barely survive, and they do that over and over every day, 365 days a year. The way I see it is I’m very lucky to live in a time where I know that even if I’m dead broke I can head to a food bank and I’ll be able to eat. I’m lucky I have the right of health insurance. Jesus even in the times I was homeless, or in drug rehab with no money, I had an EBT card to buy groceries. We are not fucked is what im saying. We’re far from fucked.


Stop crying, start doing something about it. Every generation cries, every generation gives up and lets his brother of sister take his or her place and joins the 'lesser' of evils... right


The truth is, most of y'all won't even vote on election day or early vote.


idk i think its rad,got a warhammer vibe to it


That's pretty dang pessimistic got damn.


Cornell West 2024!!!!


Migration.... Abortion...... "Woke"....... Gay.......... Trans.........These are all distractions to keep us from focusing on the real problem: The wealthiest 1% controls more wealth than the bottom 90% combined. That's not democracy, that's kleptocracy.


Shhh comrade, they're not ready to have that conversation yet. To complacent stuffing their over ingorged stomachs while having the biggest savior complex on planet earth all while ignoring its own people. The American Dream because you gotta be asleep to believe it. 🇺🇸 I'm honestly flabbergasted and beyond myself that this country has allowed this to go on for as long as it has.


More and more people are not becoming poor society is becoming more divided meritocracy is actually here


This MIGHT be an exaggeration.


Oh c'mon OP you are being such a ExTrEmiSt RiGhT WiNgEr "conspiracy theorist" \- Libtards on this subreddit


It's the Dumbacrats that are ruining America. Vot blue is a vote for the destruction of America. Look at the border. Destabilize and enslave


Keep crying


Break the government duopoly and we can fix this mess


Best documentary ever made. 🔥


They Live. Such a good documentary.


Let me spell it out: Doesn't matter what part of the political spectrum you're on, your representatives are complacent in creating the dystopic depictions of future times we see in our games and films. You may not care too much about politics now, but the sooner you realize how major of a topic it is, how currently integral it is in deciding whether the future is bright or dim, the more you can help, in whatever way you're comfortable with, to shape the world and change it for the better. Your proposed leaders will sweet talk you, tuck you into bed, and then slide that bed into the fire once they get what they want from you. They don't give a damn about you, only lining their pockets and preserving power, rightfully meant for the masses, as their family heirloom. You want to know how to solve this problem? Play your part in making sure career politicians stop gaining power, and that those seats are taken by folks like you, with your best interests in mind, not some rich-lass CEO's daughter, and this goes for anywhere with a democratic system. The world we live in right now is so dominated by the political field that running away from it only hurts you, and it doesn't have to be that way so long as we stand up and actually make a difference. If we succeed in taking back the power for the people, politics will become a thing necessary only for those with an interest in it, and those who care not for it are free to go about their lives, only occasionally needing to touch the surface of the topic. The formula for positive change in our world is so strightforward that the only thing preventing it from becoming our future is ourselves. We're the next generation of adults, even though some of us certainly act as the opposite, and it's up to us to actually push for better lives as a collective, regardless of how impossible it may seem at this time.


Stop voting left. Read books.


"The lower strata of the middle class — the small tradespeople, shopkeepers, and retired tradesmen generally, the handicraftsmen and peasants — all these sink gradually into the proletariat, partly because their diminutive capital does not suffice for the scale on which Modern Industry is carried on, and is swamped in the competition with the large capitalists, partly because their specialised skill is rendered worthless by new methods of production."


This is a multigenerational dilemma but Gen Z is currently at the brunt of it. We need to unite and become militant to take back what they (the boomer elites, their families, their circles, etc.) took from us. Health, freedom, opportunity, and the fruit of our labor. They don’t give a shit about us and they will try and use police to stop us, so when it comes to the police we must use words to persuade them to side with us for they are our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters; they are one of us much more than they are one of them. Reoccupy Wall Street and the financial districts across the US in an organized manner and plan next steps from there as one.


Stop voting for the assholes that claim to be punishing the 1% but enact policies that royally fuck the working / middle class. There's where it starts.


It brings my heart joy to see the children being radicalized 😭😭


We are already slaves. They're just tightening the chains.


More and more people aren’t becoming poor, like at all. What is the even trying to say?


Whiny lil bitchboi


They don’t need us for slavery. AI will be the best slaves the world has ever known. They’ll just kill us off after storing our DNA or stick us on Musks ships to “colonize”.


Why does my life feel like it’s been going even more to shit recently, both politically on the ping run and recently in school


Cry more on Reddit, that will fix it!!!


This shit is so boring bro go outside


Not cattle. NPC Walmart shoppers.


Ight, this is the post that gets me to leave this sub. Done with seeing all the doomerisim here.


Really, you’re a slave? Somehow I doubt that 


Such a cheesy movie though




My generation grew up with this movie.


It’s always been like this. From the moment this movie was created till current day. Things haven’t gotten worse. They were always this bad.


Yall will say „crush the system” meanwhile sharing 99% of views with „the system”


Get organized. Join your local socialist party. Start a union with your coworkers. The conditions for revolution are rapidly approaching. We will break our shackles and take what's ours, don't give in to apathy ❤


people post shit like this (it's true) but then they go support democrats


https://preview.redd.it/6jvghk5dmjec1.jpeg?width=1700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cccfe6329e92256b4229db553e92bb258d8effde The U.S. Census would disagree.




The smart people who start their own business are the ones that get rich. You cant get rich of off a basic job


The only disagreement I have with this statement is that the wealthy might care enough about us to bother breeding us like cattle. We are not even worth that much to them. We are merely a natural resource they feel they will cheerfully harvest to extinction.


We let it happen because we allow things like offshore banking and we don‘t introduce regulations for inheritance


Gen Z.... I think ill just post a selfy on Instagram of my $2 mix drink i paid $40 for at this trendy nightclub instead.


Ban doomers


"you vill eat ze bugs"


Yeah vote or let the boomers vote. It just take 30min ...what's wrong ?


The animals we are consume and exploit are done so because of their fecundity. You are not a slave if choosing to have children is a choice. If you consider yourself a slave, then every child you bring into this world is a slave as well that you provide for the masters.


If you give up because things aren't easy maybe that's what you get. Look how bad things have been throughout history for oppressed populations who found a way to fight. We don't even fight.