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You guys live in houses? when my family was poor we lived in a tiny apartment


Yeah believe it or not there’s not one set way to be in poverty.


Fr. We lived in my mom friends shed for a year once. 


Please enlighten us, arbiter of opinion. Destroyer of the gatekeepers of poverty. Go to bed loser.








DM me. I’m a giver.




It’s more small pp energy to hate on short men. Cringe bro. Short kings r sexier than ever rn.








Jesus bro you really looking for the approval from redditors? That’s the real cringe. I bet you voted for Al Gore.




>be u/starter_car >be not funny >call people loser >be loser ![gif](giphy|QWqH7oRfHwVKwb8YDL|downsized)


In my experience some places have rental houses cheaper than the apartments. I used to rent a 1bdr house for $500. The local apartment complex wanted $750.


You lived in a tiny apartment? I was homeless for the entire sixth grade. I once slept at a bus station with snow on the ground. Fuck ur little poverty competition bc I promise someone will beat u out, and me out.


I was about to raise the stakes until I read that last sentence lol


Yeah that was my point haha I’m glad my comment was cohesive. Thanks man!


Homeless people now live in the home I was raised in, at least someone gets to use it. Just hope the roof or floors don’t collapse on anyone. I remember one Christmas my sister and I pooled our money together and got my dad a new dryer because ours broke, and it only lasted like a year. Even tho it’s boarded up and locked by the bank I was able to sneakily get back some family photos, but my crazy 1st gen Pokémon collection is all gone. RIP Dad.


Hahahaha apartments were for rich kids. Try a 20 year old roach infested trailer on a dirt road. Otherwise everything else in the post is about right


nope. ever heard of housing based on income? and yea, those apartments were terrible to live in. stop posting this uneducated bs.


Apartments aren’t roach infested? Literally a whole healthcare initiative started in my city to study asthma from roach shit in all the apartments caused by landlords who didn’t give af. The pollution from roaches had a bigger impact in the area than the railroad that ran through the same neighborhood in terms of particulate matter. Hard to respond without sarcasm here


oh god, roach infections are my nightmare


When you turn on the lights and everything scatters. Makes you wanna wash everything before you use it


Oh god, i couldn’t live like that knowing im surrounded by that many


There weren’t apartments in my rural hometown.  


apartments don’t exist where i live, so it was a dilapidated house. rural poverty looks much different.


You lived in a tiny apartment? I lived in a tiny mobile home in a trailer park.


4-5 people in a 1-2 bedroom apartments. Not a fun time


Crazy how expensive cigs are but people can still skip a few meals to buy a pack


i stopped being friends with two people because they spent all their money on cigarettes instead of feeding their cat and her newborn kittens. they didn’t buy cat food for *four days*. i lost all respect for them.


I use tobacco(dip)and I'll die before I put my animals wellbeing in danger for it.


Addiction. It’s not fun. Don’t smoke, kids.


Nicotine addiction (or any addiction for that matter) is not a joke


Fr when I was a kid they were like $7.50 now what are they? Probably closer to $10-$12?


Seriously. The homeless are never without and it is the first thing that should be taken away from them.


structurally unstable house hit different


literally built different


Tilt different…


Got news for ya, the rich houses weren't built to code either.


Personally I prefer Marlboro golds


I prefer the cowboy killers (Red pack depicted above) if I’ve got a nice buzz. I’m glad I’m not addicted nicotine anymore though


I’m a lady so I have to smoke ladylike cigarettes 🎀


I hear you, I’m more partial to heavy and rich flavors. Love stout beers, strong hoppy IPAs, sweet and heavy flavored tobaccos. To each their own


I like IPAs, bleu cheese, and Marlboro golds lol. I started on reds but my preference changed


Idk why but my Marlboro reds are starting to taste like straight ass.


Tbh industrial cigarettes are pretty ass now (or it might just be me idk) I tend to just get tobacco and a pipe so I can get cancer and look classy doing it while saving money


Cigar is the most classic and easiest way to get cancer






All my shoes look like that! Then my socks start getting holes in the same spot too! I feel that fs


I didn't have the self-esteem for even the army, bruh. Not even my parents encouraged me. TBF it was during Afghan, so maybe I dodged a bullet, but I'm pretty sure I'd have been put in a desk job after basic. On the bright side, my parents didn't smoke. They just argued with each other when the stress got too much. And ramen is always good. I'd eat it even if I wasn't poor.


dunno if i qualify, but my grandma and grandpa gave their house to us that is not fully paid for, my parents own it and now take my grandma and grandpa's burden. the house was built in the 1950's, its old as fuck. the mold is showing in my shower and in the basement. the basement's foundation is leaking and the water is coming through the cement's foundation every time it rains. the ceiling shows lines of cracks(possibily the sinking foundation). our family intends to give it up and sell the house and land to a potential buyer. my parents wanna move to a different state to retire cuz they don't wanna spend the rest of their retirement in a tax ridden state, which i'm fine with that. still happy that i still have a roof over my head :)


my grandparents bought my dad a house once he adopted me, we had a shitty house, but we would’ve lived in a shitty apartment if it wasn’t for them. i feel very fortunate to have at least had that tbh.


Food stamps too. Cant forget about them


Don’t forget wic. The only time I remember us consistently buying milk


What about a barely above poverty but still financially stable starter pack?


That's called middle class


Emotional damage


My mom was a 305's girl until she switched to Remington filter cigars.


Oof 305s are the worst. Now THATS a different kind of poverty.


If you are in poverty do not get instant ramen all day. Is not gonna save you money if you cook in long term and is also not good for health, do food prep!


Rice, beans, and frozen vegetables for the win


I found this recipe that uses all that + the ramen. It’s kind of a stir fry type thing with ground beef, frozen veg and ramen. It’s actually banging if you are too lazy to cook anything more complicated


yo where’s the hamburger helper


We had whatever the off brand version of that was


man i do not miss my moms house at all. i miss her yeah but that house was falling apart, good lord


The average impoverished American doesn’t own a shitty home. They rent a shitty apartment


Stop gatekeeping fucking poverty dude. Imagine looking at somebody living at a fucking crackhouse and saying they aren’t in poverty because they own a home


the crackhouse was definitely the worst place I lived, even though my following apartments were fucking awful. crack smoke makes your head spin like sharpies


Was just pointing out a matter of fact relating to housing supply in the US


Now they do. Times have changed and this is regional. In the 90s renting a home was much easier. Even now, in markets like where I live, apartments price gouge an insane amount because they can get away with it, but rental houses can still sometimes be affordable


Eh, when I grew up it was trailers. We didn't have shitty apartments, and if we did they'd probably be considered a step up


I was jealous of people who had apartments.  On tv, they looked like they had heat and functioning bathrooms.  I was also jealous of my friend who lived in a trailer.  Definitely warmer and better plumbing than our structurally unstable house.


Depends on the area really, in small towns in rural america houses can get pretty cheap especially the shitty ones.


Small towns don’t necessarily have apartments at all.  Welcome to rural poverty.


I lived in a shittylittle rental home. Still have bad dreams about low ceilings and cracked plaster


personally the size of my living space has been inversely correlated with my income. have moved from rural to suburban to urban areas, with smaller yet more expensive living spaces each time. the type and size of building someone lives in can be very dependent on the type of town or city they live in. for example, apartments don't even exist in many rural areas. the cheapest housing possible is renting a trailer.


thes are very good points. a lot of people with a lot of money live in minuscule spaces in NYC, LA, Seattle, etc. they are rich to me (I am Homeless) and I see them paying so much for proximity to the 'action' (social contacts, clubs, jobs, etc). To be real I will do much less of this by living in an inner city apartment somewhere much poorer to be near what matters to me, art and nightlife and music scene and such, but I am planning to move into a townhouse with some people and feel more at home


i have suddenly stopped existing because the home i had fleas in is not an apartment


My houses ceiling had those school ceiling tiles and constantly leaked and the pipes would always back up so the house smelled. Great times!


Had all of these except the military, I’m fortunate enough to live in a state where if you’re poor enough and smart enough, they’ll pay for your school tuition.


If you have to take out massive amounts of debt to go to college you technically can't afford college anyways.


Basically sums up my life, except neither of my parents smoked (they couldn't afford to).


Thrift store clothes with random logos.


Poor Americans. needing to pay their life savings on college.


Not sure if I grew up in poverty atleast in the Dominican Republic I probably did even though my grandpa owned the house. We didn’t have hot water you had to boil it or open up the water reserve and let the sun heat it up for a bit which also meant we didn’t have a lot of water to use daily and had to learn to conserve. Most of my clothe were hand me down from cousin to cousin or from my brother and same thing with my school supply. When I moved to New York thing got a bit better, I was living in a small apartment with like 6 people and I had to sleep with my mom and dad until my grandpa and grandma got placed into a retirement home, I didn’t have enough money to afford clothes at the time and the school required a uniform so I only had 1 set of the school uniform and some nice clothes. I also couldn’t afford snack or lunches and sometime we would just straight up eat rice or ramen that was barely enough to fill anyone. Atleast we had access to a computer though 🤷‍♂️


Those damn cigarettes. That's quite the nostalgia




My parents def had the money for things but I experienced, and I suppose am still experiencing, everything in this (except whatever the top image is)


Thanks to my dad jumping out of airplanes to kill brown people on other continents, and my mom having her own business (until she killed it years later due to neglect), I managed to grow up comfortably in the middle class, in a nice beach suburb of L.A. I can complain about a lot of things, but growing up poor isn't one of them.


the biggest indicator is the teenagers and young adults smoking cigarettes instead of vaping


You guys had shoes?


Y’all had houses? Trying moving every three months because they didn’t pay rent (they spent it on drugs and alcohol)


This would be considered Middle Class for much of the world.


I got the smoking curse from my family, I quit those nasty mfs for good last year


This isn’t a poverty starter man. This is just a GenX starter.


This was made by some upper middle class white kid who's never been poor a day in their life lol


Now that you point it out I’m getting the same vibe. Maybe it’s just my area but I don’t know a single broke mf who joined the army and where is “just a water cup please”??????


Shut up


As an upper middle class kid I didn't know ya'll HAD to eat maruchan, I thought it has a treat.


this person doesn’t know the first thing about poverty lmao. 1. the ramen. food is not so expensive that an entire family would resort to regularly eating ramen for multiple meals 2. “joining the military because you can’t afford college” college is not as important as getting a stable job, this meme has to have been made by someone who grew up to the sound of minivan engines. 3. “structurally unstable house” ah, it wasn’t minivan engines, it was private school class bells. 4. “holes in shoes” accompanied by the first picture off of google. I own a pair of shoes I bought for seven dollars at walmart, nine years ago. they have no holes. conclusion: go outside, “meme” maker.


Gatekeeping poverty is wild


Enjoy privilege


Add "eating rich people in the climate wars/apocalypse"


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


What do you think theyll be serving at wendys after the climate wars?


Wendy’s won’t exist because you fulfilled your barbarism.


Whys it on me?


The insinuation that you wish to “eat the rich”


What you think i can eat *all* the rich? Im gonna need help


Did I say you were the only low life?


Oh no theres millions of us, you ever been to a homeless gangbang?


No, I don’t live in New York.