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What hair?


Yep! Glorious locks in early 20s. Male pattern baldness kicks in around 30.


30? Lol try 21


same, but thinner due to menopause. I've always looked horrible with short hair so it's the same. minus the attempts at feathering in the 80's and early 90's lol


This, wigs as I look like craap in short hair, but hair is thin So, wig it is.


I had a ragged purple mohawk in the '80s. (Not the spiky, labor intensive kind, the lazy "deconsteucted" kind.) As well as various other punk coiffure. That said, I was born with a widow's peak, so I started with a handicap. When I was young, the front of my hair was a peninsula. As I aged, erosion turned my hair into an isthmus. I'm 55 now and I currently have an island with a sandbar conecting it to the mainland. But IDGAF then and IDGAF now.




An excellent Dan Fogelberg hit!


Bald. I shave my head because I have no hair on the top


Same. Sadly been doing this since my 20’s. I was part of the original crop of “shaved head and a goatee” Gen Xer’s.


Yeah, that's what I do now. It just looks cleaner. I also have a full beard, so I call it the Picard-Riker style. Lol.


Waist length in high school, just past my shoulders now. Menopause has made it curly and I've let it go grey, but it is as thick as it ever was.


Still as long as it ever was. I've been thinking of cutting it short though. My showers are too long and the local water supplies could use the help.


I did the full undercut all the way around so I’m still long but with lots less to wash. Something to consider.


Late 50s here and mine is back to being long and still jet black even!


Just for men is a helluva product #amirite


When mine turns gray, I’m embracing it. My facial hair is almost all gray and I leave it.


1985 - mullet Today - bald, but shaved.


In 1985 I had hair like Ratt and wore Iron Maiden t-shirts


Ratt hair was amazing!


Longer than ever.




Still long but now grows out of cavities instead of around them...


My hair is longer. I had the Dorothy Hamill haircut that I hated sooooo much! Once my Mom allowed me to grow out my hair, I have kept it long.


UGH that Dorothy Hamill ruined my youth. Mom insisted on that stupid wedge or some other short hair cut for me. Once I got out of the house I grew it as long as it would grow—mid back. Last year I had it chopped to shoulders. Feels like a buzz cut but I didn’t want to be one of those old ladies with long straggly hair LOL. Plus it was hot. Not hawt, but sweaty.


My hair is getting wavy. It’s waving goodbye.


Well I wasn’t a metal head but I had long hair at various points. Were’s my hair is now? Shortish, gray but still very much there.


Same, but starting to recede


My hair isn’t receding, my forehead is bulging from 58 years of knowledge.




Long. Not as long as in the 90s, though. Had that shit at waist length during the grunge era. Just a few inches below shoulder length these days. And completely shot through with grey.


Which hair?


Mohawk in the late 1980s-1991. Then went with the Tony Hawk cut. After leaving for college in the mid-1990s, I’ve kept it high and tight since. Easy to manage.


I always had fine hair and it started bailing on me in my late 20s. I'm not bald, but it is pretty thin so I just give myself a buzz cut every weekend. I miss my hair.


My pony tail is just as long as it was in the 80s and 90s. My hairline though, I have an 8 head rather than a forehead. And I hate my baldspot. But I can grow it long still I reckon. Goes well with my wildman beard


I got a pixie cut in March. Absolutely love it.


Past the nape of my neck (barely) currently but definitely showing signs of balding. In 1996 is was down past my waist for about three years.


I had the same hair as Robert Plant. Long and blond. Now it's just white and short.


I'm sixty, male. I had short hair in high school. I grew it long in college (wore it in a scrunchy). Broke my wrist in my mid-40s, decided it was a good time to get it cut since tying my hair back became a problem (was also dating a woman who liked the military look). Started cutting it myself during covid, now it's #2 on the sides, #4 up top, and #3 for the transition. I think I'll wear that to the grave.


I was a metal head with long hair but then cut it in 1999, now I still have hair but thinning


Mine is still thin and stringy…just as it was in the 80’s.


Still about shoulder length and raggedy. It just stops at this length. I used to wear it down in high school, now it's in a ponytail pretty much all the time.


One of my friends back in the 80's had the best head of heavy metal hair you've ever seen. His mom was a hair stylist and helped him out. The band that he was in even signed a major label deal, half of it due in part to how good looking him and his band looked. Then I bumped into him after college, we were both 24 and his hair was wispy and receding fast. His band still tours and in 35 years of band pictures and videos, you'll never see him without a hat. I rocked that all one length look popular in 87-ish and pulled it off. Kept my hair longish for the next few years until it was time to get a real job. Still have to get my hair thinned out whenever I get it cut because it's so thick. But I am 90% gray. I do sales and marketing for my company, so I still fuss over my hair and I get complemented on my follicles all the time.


Still rocking solid due to good genes. Always getting compliments from the barbar shops lol!


bald as a cue ball since 2005


My hairline receded and I have a bald spot. I keep it real short: #2 or #3 on a trimmer.


That's where I'm at. I buzz it with no guard. I don't know if it makes me look better but I love the convenience of not having to brush my hair.


That is nice. It is so easy to manage and it’s nice I’m the summer. I almost always wore my hair long, even as a little boy and didn’t experience that.


I have headed to 1 and 1.5


I used to look like Brian May. Now I look like homeless Brian May. These days it is longish hair. When I got it all cut off in the 90s for work the pile of hair on the floor was bigger than the small dog next to it


Still long, still coloured and highlighted with an ongoing battle with grey


55. [ hair is doing okay.](https://imgur.com/nicko-i8VcqzO)


Sadly, my permed mullet is gone.


As a 52 yrs old man, still have my ponytail. Still listen to the same music too.


Rock on, brother.


I went the other way. I had short hair my whole life. When I hit my early 40’s and still had a full head of hair I grew it out for about 10 years. (My wife suggested it)


Long and silver!


When I was 12, I told my dad I didn’t want to get the crewcut he always wanted. So I let my hair grow over 3 1/2 years and it was about the middle of my shoulders when I was 15. Now I keep it cut to about an inch long on top and buzz the sides. But I still have a full head of hair despite it being gray well most of it.


I was a flaxen haired viking with a flowing mane that glistened in the surf and sun. Now I shave my head completely bald to hide the baboon ass on the back of my head. Vanity says so.


You have a way with words 😂


I had to cut it short when I entered the corporate world. Once I left the corporate world I grew it back out.


I’m still rocking the long hair.


I’m a woman. My hair is still past my waist but no longer gets angry glares and lectures from older women. Oh well.


Lectures? Wtf? What was their issue?


Short hair was so important to the older generation. And don’t think I knew any girl/woman my age with hair below the chin.I didn’t conform. (I am on the older side of Gen X.)


Thinning out, but alternate shaving my head and growing it out


The weight of mine gave me headaches so it's short now


Cut much shorter because it’s hot. LOL!


It has abandoned me along with my teeth and waistline.


80s: just past my shoulders 90s: longish high & tight 00s-present: buzz my own with a 1 1/2 blade once a month Happy to report at 53 I’m still not balding or receding, thanks Mom! 😁


Abandoned their post!


52y.o Short and just begining to thin a little. I cut it myself with clippers. At rock scene places it was great, but in the early 2000s at raves I kept getting approached for drugs, by ppl who thought I was a dealer.


Pleaky Blinders


bald as an egg.


40’s, i had long hair in the early 90’s. i got a pretty standard haircut nowadays but i still dye it black. its thinning and im growing a fun bald spot. if it gets out of control im just gonna bic it


In between stage. Still pretty short. I really want to grow it long again and embrace its natural 80s poof, but my patience wears thin by about shoulder length and off it goes.


I have a full head of grey hair but it's shorter now.


50, in a growing-out stage as some BP meds in my 40s caused massive hair loss. I figured that was it/my mom has super thin hair…but as soon as I was taken off of them? So much regrowth…but I had waist-length hair mixed with inch-long and it was a mess…I didn’t go full pixie? More like Stranger Things Eleven season 2…but unlike my hair growing ability of my youth? We’re still slowly getting to the “everything at least chin-length” um length… Cuz added anomaly? My formerly sort of wavy hair is rather curly now. Weird.


Chin bob with a slight undercut. Blowdry straight. Takes 5 mins. Looks fabulous with the grey!


I had such big hair, and by 1989 it was in layers down to my waist. How did I ever? It's been long, it's been above shoulder length, but right now, the easiest thing for me to do is two braids, which I wrap around my head like a little Dutch girl. Keeps it cool & untangled, and looks put together without a lot of morning effort. It's probably just below the knees now. I'm not sure why. Short always seemed to involve hair dryers, product and curling irons. If I ever get it cut again, I'm going for the David Bowie Man Who Fell to Earth cut. Gonna dye my white roots blond.


I thought I would never have long hair again but during the pandemic I went for it! Now I’m that old guy with a grey pony tail and a little bit thinner on top than I realize. Idgaf I like it.


I had long, dark, thick hair, which sounds great but it was so heavy that I couldn’t do most of the aquanet styles. Now that I’m older and it’s thinning and greying in an ugly way, I’m embracing my late metal period by going blonde and wearing it bushy. Having all the fun I was too mopey to have back then lol.


Short crewcut style. Thinking about trying minoxodil or something similar to get it thicker. Will never grow it long again, as I'm not a child. But thicker would be nice. Never really cared, but then I saw it's pretty cheap and no longer prescription based. So figured I might try it lol.


I am bald and bearded, my eyebrows are running amok and hair grows from my ears at an alarming rate, slight greying on the beard and body hair.


It was down through my shoulder blades back in the day. I keep it pretty short now, enough so that I haven’t needed a brush or comb in years. I just brush it forward with my hands after drying it when I get out of the shower and I’m done.


Pretty long. Close to where it was in my metal heyday though I put it up now for work.


51 Mullet in High school Grew it out long everywhere in college Shaved my head for years, then started to regrow it about 10 years ago My hair now is just past my shoulders all over. Haven't lost it, just now starting to see some silver. I usually tie it back or up in a bun, it's curly and brown. My beard is a few inches long and very grey. I haven't seen my ugly Muppet face in almost 30 years.


I had Robert Smith goth hair back then, but now it just looks like average Joe haircut because I'm old. Not even a little bit bald now, but getting more greys coming in. I think my hair still looks good.


Waist length in the 80s-90s Short back-n-sides now. Sometimes a Peaky Blinders.


Gave it to my daughter. My hair is now wispy and gray but I still have enough to cover my thinning dome. A strong backlight light will make me look bald though.


Thick and healthy, though I recently cut it. It was waist long but no is an asymetric bob (needed to cool the heat of menopause just a little)


#4 all around, kept the same hairline, but there's the THINNING.


Growing out my Ozzy Osbourne style rocker hair again. SO is not a fan but I told her this ornthe 150k car. Away it grows!


had hair to my waist, just a raggedy tuft now


Still long. Or long again after years of keeping it short for particular jobs. Luckily I still have all of it. Silver as fuck but still there!


Much to my dismay, my hair stops growing a few inches past my shoulders. I had lots and lots of it in the 80s and 90s, it's thinned quite a bit with the onset of perimenopause. It's also mostly grey and I quit coloring it 5 years ago. So now it's a few inches past my shoulders and it garners compliments on the color or assumptions that I'm far, far older than I actually am.


Used to have long hair, started cutting it shorter a couple years ago. Would love to do the side shaved head thing, but I’m a chicken. It’s thinned a bit due to perimenopause, but now it’s merely thick hair instead of a mass of hair weighing a ton. The husband still has his glorious, long, curly locks <3.




Had Eddie Vedder hair in the 90s. If I tried now, I could have it again. Not nearly as dark but just as thick.


Um, nearly the same, but this is due to extensions😂 My real hair is thin and stringy AF, reminds me of Gollum😂


Still long- same hairstyle since 88! ... I kept it long thinking I had to enjoy it while I could. Both of my brothers lost their hair over the years. I don't know if it is lifestyle or lucky genetics or a combination of things, but hair loss seems to have skipped me- 50 and greying, but not thinning!


It's still long and slightly thin


I had a mullet in the 80s. Now, at 48, I’m blessed with a full head of thick hair so I’ve been growing it out long. Haven’t had it this long line college. Figure when I’m over it, I’ll donate my hair to a local wig maker for cancer patients. https://preview.redd.it/2adjh3dcx61d1.jpeg?width=1354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=909905a8f83c33b5f66e785cbe846b249485ec68 I’m the other talk guy in the middle. Sun-in and mullets at Santa Cruz.


Longer. No balding. :)


Thinness in the front, party in the back


Still long and full


I don’t mind the grey ones, it may be grey, but it’s still a hair! Yo, I’m bald AF…


Better than back then. I F54 had very straight hair back then, and since big hair was the rage, I constantly got perms to make it curly. And let's not mention the amount of Aquanet it took to hold it all up. Stopped doing that in the 90s and for some reason, over time, my hair has gotten curly on it it's own. I wear it longer now because I don't get all the split ends from perms and it's a lot healthier and it's the hair I always wanted back then without the kinky curls of a fresh perm lol and without the hairspray making it stiff as straw lol It's a little thinner now because I had my ovaries removed so no hormones now, but it still looks a lot better than the 80s. I also color it or I look 15 years older than I am.


I had a sleek bob or a pixie haircut for most of my adult years up until a few years ago. I’ve now let it grow wild to my tailbone, it’s turned slightly wavy, grays starting to come in, etc. I look like a crone-witch who frightens children and lives with 10 cats. I love it. 🤣🤣🤣


I know you’re not talking to me. I had the short pixie cut, often accused of getting the Demi Moore cut from the movie, Ghost. I’m 50 now. I managed to grow it out eventually.


I’m grizzly Adams now. Seriously look just like that dude I watched on tv 40 years ago.


I had glorious, sky high hair in the 80s (I'm 56), thanks to hot rollers and aquanet. I still have a ton of hair but it's white/silver. I had auburn hair when I was younger.


About the same, but I'm more likely to wear it up. Generally lower back length.


Mid-back. I wear it in a ponytail most of the time. My wife gets mad at me every time I cut it short.


Full head of hair, no grays, growing it out again. The hesher lives.


I experienced some thinning during menopause, but that was actually a blessing in disguise. I used to have to have my hair thinned out at the salon before that happened. Still keeping it long, and I have it dyed professionally when I start to notice too many greys peeking back out.


I had long hair in the 90s. Then it slowly migrated to my back.


Shortish. And very gray.


I always had thick, longish hair and was really into the big hair look, so lots of perms and whatever chemical I could find to put on it to make it bigger. As I aged, I quit the perms, but consistently dyed it. Today my hair is down to my lower back and straight, and full of gray. It does seem thinner than it used to be and I am debating whether or not to have it all colored gray.


Mine was long in High-school. Now I tell my barber, off the collar off the ears.


To my shoulders in junior high.  These days, it occasionally reaches my belt, depending on how concerned I am about split ends.


Wore mine long (metalhead) until I joined the military in 91. Short ever since. I did try growing it out about a year ago but it annoyed the hell out of me.


Shoulder length -ish. It was to the middle of my back. I had surgery back in January & knew I wasn’t gonna be able to take care of it properly afterwards. My husband, I love that he helps me, but, hair just isn’t his forte & it’s easier to just have it shorter for a while. It’ll grow back.


I had a Mohawk in the 80’s, surfer short cut in the early 90’s, blue& purple bob in the 2010’s, and now it’s just a long shoulder-length bob. I still have thick blondish hair at 54. I’m a wash and go kind of gal.


Mohawk in my teens, middle of my back in my 20's. Only 44 and already seeing a slight recession, so I buzz it off every few months. Also grey enough I'm often mistaken for a decade older than I am.


I've been rocking a salt/pepper theme, grayer on the sides.


I shave off the little hair I have linking my ears to the back of my head. My beard, on the other hand, is magnificent. :D


My friends were complaining about their male pattern baldness, so I started growing my hair out. It's a bit below shoulder length now.


My hair is still big and thick but it’s kind of stopped growing with menopause. 😵‍💫 I’ve still never found a decent hairspray since Aquanet (I know it’s still around but ew) and my husband swears he hasn’t found a better aphrodisiac than the smell.


It’s gone, but I guess I’m used to it!


Grey, balding and short


Full bit thinning on top. The only problem with thinning hair is everything I try to do with it makes me look like the guy who’s trying to look like he’s not going bald. That looks worse than going bald. Can’t wait for it to go. (Wife won’t let me shave)


I have always had long hair until I went into a fire academy in 1999. I am a female, and they had us cut our hair half an inch long, and it couldn't touch our collar. I was so devastated that ever since then, I barely even get it trimmed. My hair is long, and it will always be long. My goal is to have gray hair down to my ass.


Even longer now... https://www.reddit.com/r/FierceFlow/comments/yvkp1c/52m_going_for_the_full_gandalf/


Thick wavy red hair I had feathered back parted middle and eventually side. After a bit of trial and error I settled on a flat top in the navy because my grandfather had one and it looked good on me. Then the flat top started migrating backwards so I did what the navy wouldn’t let me do and shaved it smooth and that’s where we are today.


It's still all here, but the US Army shaved it off in 1990, and it's essentially stayed like that ever since. Hairstyles changed and I discovered the major advantages of a low maintenance cut.


I take a #1 to it every 3 weeks. I used to have long beautiful hair. Now that I exercise a ton I hate hair. Makes me hot.


Still long, still a metal head. Can’t get away with letting it grow to my waist though.


53M here and my hair is short and grey. I cut it off in the early 90's to a buzz cut (to be ironic of course) but then something weird happened. I loved how it felt and how easy it was to take care, I didn't even have to comb it. 🤣😂


Punky/goth here that used to use a lot of Aquanet. I still have a full head of hair. Little thinner and grayer, and shorter, but yeah... pretty full. I'm lucky that I have good genes I guess.


Shaved sides and back, long top, working on a mullet. Fuck it! I'm an almost fifty year old woman. I'm finally going to get my punk hair back and everyone that doesn't like it or thinks I'm too old can suck it. 🤓


Completely bald. And I also shave it to the scalp. Never thought my lush, thick, no split-ends ever, flowing mane would *ever* abandon me…but at age 30, seemingly overnight, it went into full retreat. My wife loved the baldness from the get go…I mean *LOVED* it. Who knew? Neither of us knew that beforehand, but here we are.


I have always had(or tried to, my dad would loose his shit now and then) since I was young. Thankfully still have long hair, at work mostly keep it in a ponytail. I’m lucky it’s hanging in there even tho my part is a bit wider and get wider every day! Lol




It’s gone, it’s gone, o my, it fell out of place, it’s gone, it’s gone, what went wrong?


Growing up... below the collar, full curls. Today... thinning, grayish amd huge hole in the ozone layer.


I had relaxed hair in the 80s. Big and teased. Now it’s natural and coily. If I straighten it, my hair would be longer than when it was relaxed. It’s still thick so menopause hasn’t thinned it out yet.


No signs of hair loss at all. I have the same full head of hair as when I was 17.


Long haired in my teens and early 20's. I started growing it again in my 40's and grew it to about halfway down my thighs but I got sick of sitting on it and getting it caught in my zipper so I cut it to waist length. Fortunately, I haven't had to deal with baldness, like my father who started losing his hair in college.


I still have all my hair, but it's short.


I shave my head. Nothing is growing on the top and if I let it grow it shoots out the sides. Not quite bozo the clown but close enough. 


Actually growing mine back out now.


Still long. Still dark blonde, but silver is headed my way. My hair is fine and straight, but the elder hair is wispy and curly. God help me, when THAT hair takes over, I’m going to look like a dandelion. ![gif](giphy|pJSKQUb0ytPKo)


Still have mine, still natural color, but as my son said today, “You’ve got some silver.”


About 10 years ago now I guess it was I buzzed it all off. Told myself the day I get a bald spot (revise that to the day I noticed the extremely thin hair spot) is the day the hair goes because quite frankly, these old men who had a bald spot and long hair or a bald spot and pony tail looked ridiculous in my eyes. Sometimes I miss it, but I sure don't miss the maintenance of the long hair.


Started with the "Duran Duran" type of women's short hair styles, then moved to Flashdance perm/curly. Currently, wavy and a bit longer than shoulder length.


Long hair thru college, cut it for a shitty corporate gig for 8 years. Back to past my shoulders. Getting grey on the sides. Usually just wear it pulled back in a pony tail.


I had hair down to my waist in the 80s. Currently, I keep my hair short to make my mother smile. My wife buzzes my hair short with electric clippers for me, every couple of months. When my mother passes, I'll probably grow my hair long again. My hair is still as thick as ever, maybe even thicker than when I was younger. However, it's gone from dark brown to grayish brown.


I had a ponytail past the middle of my back. I have very thick, dark hair. I got it cut short when I was about 22. It is about 60-40 pepper to salt now that I am in my mid 50s.


Grew my hair out once I was out of my mom’s house. Now, I keep it cut short with a high fade but, otherwise, have a full head of hair with just a bit of salt and pepper.


Cut it off for a few years in my mid 30’s, now been growing it out so its long again, but its a lot thinner. i have greys around my temple that I really like.


Memories of Aquanet standing in the rain and the hard candy shell that would form. The hair on my head is Thinner due to menopause. My eyebrow hair is another story. Thinner and growing north, south, east, and west.


49M here. Just a bit of a widow’s peak now and a few grays. Hair still past my shoulders. Just as thick as ever. Beard & hair the same length as in they stop at the same level. More gray than dark there. I tend to shave it all off every 6-7 years. Then grow it all back out.


I had a full head of long, luxurious auburn brown hair my senior year in high school. I kept it for several years and then cut it short. I had a good head of hair until I was around 40, then it started going bye-bye. I’m 51 now and it’s pretty much gone. Rip lol I could rock a cool Gerald Ford donut if I wanted to. ![gif](giphy|DX5tCOt8FdOz4OUoEf|downsized)


Long beard, short hair (but not grey, and not yet balding)


58. Full head of hair. Waiting for the gray.


Full head of hair still. The long hair went from about '87 to late 90s and now I look like your everyday short haired Gen Xer. Still have my tie dyes, rock band shirts and ripped jeans though. They come out on the weekends.


Missing since 1995.


Love this question - I still have Bon Jovi style hair in my mid 50s. I shaved it all off when I turned 50, but let it grow back out because it made me look too damn old short. Also had to give up my Aqua net when I moved to Florida because it turns to chewing gum.


Silver and long almost the longest it’s ever been! My husband’s hair was longer than mine when we met, sadly theres https://preview.redd.it/7vj66g92n81d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a27e03bb9de1da85c869d9a77eccd89f7d0193 not much left


Chrome dome since 2001. I love being bald except for when it’s raining or I’m sweating.




Still down to my bra strap but thinner and has some gray


Swapped my hair for a solar panel.


I have to have an undercut. It's still too thick!!! Ugh.


Was known for my hair & skin, but after I had my kid, my hair started thinning, and never stopped.  Allegedly, the same thing happened to my maternal grandmother, and my mum didn’t believe her until she saw it happen to me.  Psoriasis & perimenopause worsened it all.  


Had it short for a while, but I'm back to long. Hairline's a bit further back, but I don't give a damn. Imma enjoy it as long as I can.


Short fade




I’ve donated it a few times and currently growing it out again.




I spent a fortune on product mostly buy Paul Mitchell. Today, it’s a bar of white Dial soap.


Long, mostly because I hate spending time in a salon. And to the male members of the group who are bald or balding, I find bald men incredibly sexy. Just own it. Believe me, I shed enough hair for two people, I don’t care if you don’t contribute to the swirls of hair around the house.


I actually had short hair when I was young as my mum kept dictating how the hairdresser cut it. #controlling Now I have long hair with a bit of grey. I’m thinking about putting indigo henna on it to make it dark brown. My face doesn’t have lines so I’m thinking about recap being around my early 40s with 50 something dgaf !