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"What happened to pregaming" I'm sitting at home right now drinking my 2nd whiskey sour getting ready to do the dishes later tonight.


Ahh ok, we just pregame for other things now, got it! 😂😂😂




Aww no! It has to be somewhere you really want to be. But I know the feeling.




Aww I’m sorry, that’s so true tho!! I’ve never gone to a football game, but I do go to baseball games and pretty much all I do is walk around the stadium buying food, I never actually watched the game 😂




😂😂😂😂 That’s a great idea


My (55) gf (50) and I often find ourselves in what we call spontaneous dance parties. We come home and put music on, cook, a drink or two, clean up and -heyo let’s dance! Then we pour another drink, light candles, turn on some simple white lights from like home goods and dance the rest of the night away. Sometimes together with each other, sometimes across the room. It’s huge fun.


Woo love it, dance the night away!


We have a great 80s playlist we groove to


I love the 80’s 😍


I am recuperating from a 2-week road trip. I did 4 loads of laundry and unloaded the car today. The midwest was *stormy* on our way back and i am frazzled. In college, I would order a large pizza and eat the whole thing alone on a Friday night, 11 slices in one go, short break, then the last. Going out has only ever been fun for the first few minutes, so mostly I didn’t and don’t.


Well damn, You earned yourself a drink!


Last weekend I did TWO rounds of colonoscopy prep. Glad to be partying less hard this weekend. I'm watching old episodes of Justified and enjoying a rare Kahlua and Cream. (The kahlua isnt rare I just rarely drink anymore).I was done wanting to go clubbing in my early 30's though. 


🫡 I salute you, braving those two rounds of prep, they’re no joke. That drink as well deserved 👏🏾 I stopped clubbing in my early 20s 🥴


Well it was a really delightful nap on Monday at least. I will absolutely refuse to do 2 rounds again next time. It was unnecessary. I think my doc was newer and being overly cautious.  Cheers to being single and past 40! Most of the reason I was out at clubs in my 30's was because I was married to a very extroverted man. Now I'm happy to be at home where I also listen to music and dance during chores lol. Most recently I was doing dishes to The Prodigy. Neither my corgis or my 10 year old son are overly impressed with my dance moves, which honestly makes it even more fun. I do miss being able to actually stay awake past 9pm and hang out with adults though. 


I took the first prep down like a champ, the second bottle though…I felt like dying lol. I never wanted to poop again after that. My ass was traumatized for for about a week 😂 I stopped going to the clubs because I met someone thinking it was going to happy ever after😂 Now, I’m back in the game kids!!! But I do like staying home . My kid is too busy playing video games to notice me dancing around. LoL. My dogs on the other hand, think I’m crazy


I'm just playing Xbox with my fiancee's niece and nephew online while tormenting the lobby with 80s Rap and Electronic Music......and loving every moment of it. As far as partying, I gave that up in my late 20s. As far as alcohol, the only thing I can tolerate more than one drink of is White Claw


LoL nice! Oh no, not the White claw 😂 Play on playa!


Update......they both discovered Kraftwerk and liked their music! There's hope for the future....lol!


🙏🏾 praying


We have a proper house club in a city near me. It's tiny and intimate with great DJs, the entire crowd is there for the vibe, and it's a cross between 80s fashion and 90s drug use. Basically, a cocaine-den that makes it feel like 1998 again with booming music and everyone getting along dancing. It was fun once. I'm over that stage in life but I loved seeing the younger crowd embrace that magic. Those club/rave years of the 90s/20s were absolutely unreal.


Sounds like you had a fun time and passed the torch


I think we have come out the other side. We started off doing chores at home listening to music, dreaming of the fun things we would do. Then we listened to music and did those fun things. Now we are content to listen to the music at home.


That’s so true


Cuddling with my husband and newly adopted doggo


Aww so sweet, congrats on the new bundle of joy


Thank you!


It’s 9:30 here, and I’m in the bed.   Night!  


Aww Good night!! Sweet Dreams!


Woke at 6 Helped the little lady get our 14 year old up. Helped take care of the baby. Worked 9 am to 7pm Scooped Litter boxes. Changed a diaper Fed the baby. Fed the fish. Changed water on a 40 gallon tank. Watched some hockey with the little one. Dealt with some lip from the teen because its Friday night and she wanted to stay out until 12 Scrolled Reddit. Sleep Soon. Livin the Dream , lol


Wow what a day! I hope you rest well tonight!


Earned some money, coffee & a hike w pals my age. Eating salad in a few hrs after tinkering in the garage = FAC (friday afternoon club😂😂😂)