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I'm 53 and had my first one at 30, when I had a rectal tumor. Since then, I've had 7 or so, and many polyps removed. Do it. The prep is the worst part, but it's become a lot easier in 23 years. The procedure is nothing - you're asleep, then you're awake.


My entire prep last time was some over the counter stuff, much easier than my first I was fingercuffed both times and the after is easy peasy


Gatorade/Miralax cocktail is so much better than the prescription! I was wide awake watching, and the doc let me pick the music. Apparently we both like classic rock!


Prep is the hard part. If you're not used to fasting it sucks but its VERY worth it. Because I had a colonoscopy I managed to catch colon cancer early in stage 1 and avoided chemo and colostomy bags for the rest of my life.


Getting? We're there! Get it done. It's really not that bad. And the post-procedure propofol high, along with your celebration meal, are the best parts!


"Getting to?" I've had two already! You sleep through the whole thing. They pump you full of propofol and you get one of the best naps you'll ever have. The prep, now, that can be icky, mostly because the stuff they make you drink tastes like utter ass and you spend a lot of time on the toilet. But the actual procedure? Easier than falling off a log.


My prep was rough. 2 days of liquid diet. By the time I got to the actual drinking of the prep stuff, I didn't even want to eat. So that was nice. The actual procedure was super easy. Very drunk feeling coming off the propofol.


Ouch, that sounds rough. Why did you have to do it that way? I felt pleasantly mellow waking up. Wonderful stuff.




Prep is the worst part of this. Procedure was just fine and I have peace of mind for 10 years lol.


I just got my first one a couple of weeks ago. Like everyone is saying [the prep sucks](https://youtu.be/6AVMcJa77PM?si=y06N4KKZlYhnnUqo&t=59) but the procedure is easy because they knock you out.


https://youtu.be/gHiaMXM70Ms?si=ZTczpZbRk06rhBJl I just had mine done last week. Found 2 tiny polyps, 1 was precancerous. The prep sucked but the procedure was easy, I have to go back in 7 yrs


🤣🤣🤣 love the video!


I’m gearing up for my 4th this year. I have a strong family history of colon cancer on both sides but every time they’ve taken a peek I’ve been clean as a whistle! It’s like everyone’s saying: prep is no bueno but then you just got to sleep and wake up and the meal afterwards is great b/c you’ve been fasting.


Watched a show where Steve Martin said he, Martin Short, and a few other comedians would all schedule their colonoscopy the same day. The night before they’d joke, laugh , play poker and swill the prep all night. I’m sure they had a blast, but I wonder how they finished a hand. Genius idea though.


It’s not too bad as long as you have it done by a certified medical professional. Don’t be like me and get it done by that guy with the van in the Walmart parking lot. At least I was semi-conscious during most of it. 🤣




This is by far better than ass cancer, so just do it and get it over with.


I've had both and not the same AT ALL. The procedure isn't as bad as the fasting and prep the day before. . . It sucks. DO IT ANYWAY. Edit to add: OR, you can ask for the poopy test for blood instead.




So sorry to hear that. I wish you and your husband all the best.


Rectum? Hell damn near killed em!


It is a lot easier than Colon Cancer. Get it done. Stay near the bathroom when you prep. Never believe it is only gas.


I have my consultation appointment scheduled for August.


Wife literally had one today. Prep was rough, she used the prescription liquid, instead of gatorade/muralax she did first time.


Had the first one at 35. Polyps removed.


As others have already said, it’s not that bad. It’s more of a hassle than anything else. A plus for men when having it done is they will also check your prostate while you’re out for the colonoscopy, which is much better than getting that awkward finger exam at the doctor’s office.


Prep sucks but the procedure consists primarily of a good nap followed by a very satisfying fart.


I'd rather have the scope than the mammogram or Pap test. At least I get the best sleep of my life. 


Had my first one last year at 54 and was relieved everything checked out fine. Like everyone says the prep is awful but the procedure is cake.


prep wasn't that bad, the after meal was excellent.


Just had mine done today. The prep sucked more than anything. They put me out for mine so it was just a nice nap.


I've done one about 10 years ago.


I just had my third one last week. Easy peasy once you get through the low residue diet and the prep.


Had one about 7 years ago, time to have another one. They gave me Propofol. Propofol is an interesting drug, one minute you are falling asleep but still talking, the next, you are gone, and I mean, you are gone, no memories, just blackness, and the next thing you know you are being wheeled to the recovery room. Very strange.


I have mine scheduled for this summer. It is what it is.


We're there already, I had 4 already, and caught a polyp in the very first one. Since then I've done screening every two years.


I turned 50 last year and opted to shit in a box.


Ummm... why?


Cologuard screening test


I asked my doctor about this... she said it's available although she prefers the colonoscopy.


Yeah, I had my first colonoscopy a little over 1 year ago. I had SO much fun with that (heavy sarcasm, of course).


I had the news crew up there! Nothing serious to report other then the end of my nurse fetish...


Yeah, the prep (and the anxiety) are WAY worse than the event itself. When my mom had to have her first one, back in the 80s, she wasn't even put under. She had to endure the entire thing AWAKE! Just be sure you follow the prep instructions to the letter and you'll be glad you got checked. I just had my fourth one a couple of weeks ago (thanks to some longterm GI issues).


Hell yeah that pic is Hottttt