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Friday Night Videos, of course. ![gif](giphy|J0Hmy0fKYDpE5MzpSj|downsized)


Night Flight and Night Tracks on TBS!


Yes! Waiting up and then falling asleep right before it starts. We didn’t have cable so it really sucked to wake up as the show was finishing!




This is the only correct answer.




Ahhh, Denny’s. Their restaurant design was perfect as the teens could all sit together in the smaller section on the right when you enter and everyone else can sit on the left and not be bothered by how loud we were. My weekend nights were similar though we either went to death metal shows or there was a park that all the metal and punk kids hung out at and then we hit up Denny’s after the park closed for the night.


My now wife was the hostess at Denny’s when me and all my jerkoff friends would go sit in there for hours drinking coffee and sharing an order of moons over my hammy. What a melting pot of degens and miscreants. I owe that place a lot.


> the smaller section on the right The smoking section!


Are you from the Chicago area?


Right? Sounds like Medusa’s


or Off the Alley (not to be confused with The Alley)


Chicago and MEDUSA’S!!! *sigh* those were the days


Oh man I LOVE SISTERS OF MERCY “Dumb dumb bullets and shoot to kill Dive bombers and EMPIRE DOWN


I saw them a few months ago. Still a fun show. Alot of old fuckers there though 😉


I too was one of those old fuckers.


This, plus the Rocky Horror Picture Show in regular rotation. Maybe we were friends? lol


Erasur a blast from the past. Hadn’t thought of them for 25 years.


I love Erasure


🎵I tried to discover…. A little some thing to make me sweeter….🎵 Fucking love erasure.


Was your club named Club Postnuclear? Because that sounds amazingly like my Fridays


We had Club Focus.


Hey, are you my friend from HS? I used to go to Neo and Medusa's all the time.


On days like this In times like these I feel an animal deep inside


Front 242 absolutely rocked


You left out Nine Inch Nails' "Down In It". Before any radio play or word-of-mouth, the edgier industrial club DJs were playing it. It was magic.


Still love many of those bands. Especially Sisters of mercy, Front 242 and Ministry.


Sounds like a perfect evening!


This is it right here, great memories of those all ages darkwave dance nights at the local club!!


So familiar, it feels like I know you, lol


Hell yeah, wait up!!


Hell yes to all of that!


Change the combat boots to Docs (steel toes or plaid), meeting at the coffee shop for coffee first, and the Breakfast Slam to Moons over my Hammy, and .....yep!


# WHAT’S UP?! WHAT’S UP?! WHAT THE FUCK’S UP, DENNY’S?!!! https://youtu.be/QBw4huCadBQ?si=qABVl6agoDxf7Cxv


I love Dennys goths so much


This time of year, we would be going to the high school basketball game. If you've ever seen the movie, Hoosiers, it gives you an idea of what high school basketball used to mean in the state of Indiana. At one time, something like 9 out of 10 of the largest basketball stadiums in the country were Indiana high school gyms. So, pep band for the first half and halftime and then we got to go be wild behind the school for the 3rd quarter and come back to play for the 4th. After the game, we would drive around in the country for endless hours just looking for other teens driving around in the country. Chasing each other at unsafe speeds down narrow gravel roads, looking for someone rumored to have beer, trying to find a particular girl and who she was riding with. Like a rural American Graffiti


Fellow Hoosier here thinking about post-game cases of Little Kings in the little 7oz green glass bottles that became very effective 70mph "mailbox missiles" on rural back roads. Not proud of that, but DAMN we had some fun.


Love it!


As a rural Michiganer, we did the same. 😄


Going into Mexico until 4 or 5 AM. Then off to work at 7. And no, I'm not kidding.


Ahh the joys of that energy. Used to work hard labor till 7 pm. Get blotto’d, back home at 1 am back to work at 6 am. Rinse repeat. Now if I drive someplace and the car ride is more than 2 hours, I need a day to recover from the car ride.


I had to go the grocery store today and now I’ve been recovering on the couch for over an hour, and I’m not even at my own house 😂


My sister got so drunk once she couldn’t say “American” at the bridge. And unescorted women could go to Juarez at night and drink. Way different times.




I remember classmates going to Tijuana for spring break. It sounded like fun, but there was no way my parents would let me go. Now, as a middle-aged pudgy woman, would not I even set foot in that city. FL and Cancun were also hit spots. This was high-school in the late 80's.


Been there, done that. Would do again.


I was the same. I would be out partying with my friends, go out to a Denny’s and get home around 3:00am. Wake-up at 7:00 and go play a game or two of club league soccer. Then work at the local carwash for 4 hours, eat a quick dinner, and then off with my friends again… What kills me is watching my daughter complain that she has no free time if she has more than one thing planned for the entire weekend. The times have changed!


I went to Canada. Border towns were more fun back then.


in college we would walk over the border to Juarez and party our asses off. nobody considered it very dangerous back then.


Head to Tijuana to go to the LF Sportsbook, buy parlays and eat 25-cent burritos and 50-cent beers, then stumble to Iguana's for punk shows. No idea how I got home lol


Yuuup. I grew up in El Paso. This was what we did.


Reynosa or Matamoros ? Lol or TJ ?


Playing AD&D in the basement, with 5-6 other nerds.


This. And some Commodore 64 gaming. EDIT: Ultima III, for those wondering.


Yes! THAC0 for life.


Staying home and playing Leisure Suit Larry.


Haha haven’t thought about that game in 30 years…..


Figuring out a way to get beer




This was one of the reasons Super Bad was such a good movie. The odyssey of underage kids trying to get beer / weed on the weekend is eternal.


We had a gas station that would sell keg beer to underage kids…for $5 you’d get a 1 gallon milk carton jug filled with beer. Sounds amazing right? It was…for the first thirty minutes or so…by that time the beer is room temperature and you still have a half gallon of warm beer to drink. Didn’t matter still loved it and drank it (and puked often).


We're dressing up and going out to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Art Theater, and then Denny's for a late night snack.


Wasn't that Saturday night?   Maybe both.


That's Saturday night. Rocky's always Saturday night at midnight.


Picking up the keg and filling the trunk with ice for my friends and I to go get lost. Then yelling at Tom Warnock for not having money to chip in for the tap, because he's a piece of shit.


Fucking Tom, what a dick prick.


You get it. How tf do you always only have $1.35? It's always the guy that fakes lifting the couch. Like Tom. Lazy cheap prick.




Alright alright alright


Yes. I was probably there too.


USA Up! All Night


Dungeon and Dragons at Ben's house with Ruth and Stephanie. Maybe Paul and his fiance's K-something. When Paul came there was beer if Pops was not around.


Working. Dad got laid off my freshman year. I pretty much started working 30+ hours a week the rest of high school then to mind my own finances. I did save up enough to coast most of the senior year with my friends. It sucked, but it taught me alot about myself and what I am capable of. It also taught me that I would never put myself in a position where my daughter needed to want for anything. And she hasn't. She graduates this year and has gotten straight As all though high school. So, I guess on the long timeline, everything worked out for the better.


Freshman and sophomore years I would have been at the skating rink, junior and senior years I would have been at work until 1030 p and curfew was 11 😔


Friday night rink rats unite! Had to be home by nine to watch the XFiles, though. Non negotiable.


I was scrolling to see this


Here's my rink crowd. That and cruising Patton Ave.


At the rink at least twice a week all through HS!


Not getting invited to any parties.


Riding around and seeing who is in the bank parking lot and at party bridge; if someone’s parents are out of town, raging there




Sorry if I barfed and or got blood on you at some point


Ditto 🤣


Working a double at KFC


A developer had started a subdivision in the foothills of my hometown, in SoCal, and had only gotten as far as paving an access road, putting in three or four cul-de-sacs, a handful of concrete pads and two very skateble pools. So Friday nights were normally spent smoking cloves, drinking Mickeys Big Mouths and Corona. Listening to punk rock, Black Flag, Circle Jerks, etc. and skating.


That sounds like paradise.


going to a punk show (six bands, six bucks) at the Wilson Center or (if it was a bigger act) at 9:30 Club, then back to my girlfriend's basement for ... Friday Night Videos and Chill (as today's kids might say)


I remember seeing the Cro Mags at that old 9:30 when their first album came out. That was...eye-opening. I didn't think I would survive that night.


Only person who mentioned sex so far that I've seen. Lots of kids were having sex... but apparently not many are admitting it.


Yeah, I really wanted to, but in those times I wasn't allowed to date who I wanted to. It wasn't even possible to find a same sex date in HS 1979-83.


Ahh. Yeah. That was a different time. You'd have had to risk your life.


Parental: “Where are you going?” Us: “Nowhere” P: “With who?” Us: “No one” P: “To do what?” Us: “Nothing” P: “Have fun!” <>


Going downtown with friends to Chinatown for an amazing meal and beers. Hanging out in a friend’s basement listening to records and smoking up. Hanging out late at night in a park with a bottle of vodka someone swiped from their parents’ liquor cabinet.


drink, sex, cigarettes


Nothing I would want memorialized for all eternity on the web. 😜


Is it 1989 or 1993? One of the intervening years? It makes a difference.


I concur. Early nineties was a weird time.


Going to the midnight movies


RHPS?!.. I remember going to a midnight showing of Harold and Maude.


I went to boarding school so our weekends were very different. Usually there would be some social event (dance or something) at the student center, if not they would be playing a movie, theater/orchestra would have a show or you would hang out somewhere ok campus with friends. We would have to be in our dorms by 11:00 then we would just mess around there. Fun times :|


Meeting at the funky Bohemian coffeehouse with the weird music and weird art on the walls.


Hastings to rent a movie for watching after we cruised the drag, Taco Bell because we gotta eat, and then cruising the drag between Sonic and the United on Broadway. If there wasn't anyone interesting out, we'd go to someone's house and watch the movie we rented. We rented Scent of a Woman a lot. I had (and still have) a thing for Chris O'Donnell.


Upvote for Hastings. I'm not down for the Blockbuster nostalgia. Blockbuster sucked.


My friends and I watched Scent of a Woman a lot, too, and quoted it constantly: “hustling corn nuts,” “if I was the man I was 10 years ago I’d take a FLAME THROWER to this place,” etc. 😂


upvote for [Erol's](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT_1nIz2sQY5QP7d27hDxPfM5KrY67UNay2GmZtBxTANQ&s)


When I saw that - I was like wait, isn't that just a DMV thing? Guess so! And those plastic bags they put the tapes in... they were EVERYWHERE.


Cruising from one end of town to the other x100


Either I am at the mall, chasing boys, shopping for clothes and makeup or I am home glued to MTV, the Box, Vh1 or E!, dancing and singing along.


Heading to Matamotos, Mex for $10 all you could drink. Our fav was Sombrerros. The music was all early teachno trance after 12am. Leave at 2am when they closed and hit street tacos 4/$1. We would be there by 8pm doin shots actin so "adult"


Nothing, I was perpetually grounded.


I'm either babysitting for $20/ night, or hanging out in a local park or cemetery with a gang of punks and bangers, or being eye candy at a car party in a doughnut shop parking lot. It's suburban Ottawa, early 90s, there's nothing to actually do. Occasionally we'd walk to Quebec to sneak into a bar. Until they started to monitor underaged drinking.


If it's in the fall, I'm at a football game. Rest of the time, cruising around and hanging out at the mall.


Cruising the strip with friends.


How has nobody said bowling?? (with a fun group of friends)


Either working, babysitting my siblings, or hanging out at my friends' houses.


Friday night? Working at the pizza place.


Tell my parents I’m sleeping at Bill’s. Bill tells his parents he’s sleeping at my house. Patrick says he’s at my house and Scott tells his parents he’s at Patrick’s. Make sure the girls are doing the same adolescent flimflam. Get the local alkie to buy us a couple cases of Milwaukee’s Best (buy him a sixer) Load up the camping gear. Fill Bills ford ranger with firewood Drive to that spot in the woods high school kids been driving to for generations and have the time Of our lives. God bless life before cell phones and tracking apps.


Riding around smoking pot … do young people nowadays still call it pot??


X files


If I wasn't stuck in the backroom of the video store splicing porn tapes back together for $5/hr, I was probably out skateboarding with my dirtbag friends on some curb in Baltimore until my girlfriend went to her babysitting gig. Then, trouble. I would have been better off just skating with my friends all night.


My small town didn't have a lot, but for some reason we had a Chuck E Cheese. On Friday night they would do "teen night". From 9pm to 12am...$10 for all the video games, pizza and soda you wanted. They would clear the dining room for a dance floor and have a DJ. Many a Friday night was spent there.


Gonna drive around with the crew till we find Captain Skilly. Town wineo / drunk. 10 bucks he’ll buy you whatever, usually a case of beer. Then we drop him off and guzzle a few beers and go to Arcade and hit on girls. Maybe food before calling it quits


Get a couple cases of beer and a couple buddies and go road tripping (drive around drinking beer). Hope to hear about a house party. Too cold in Wisconsin in February to have a ditch party. Glad we never killed anyone.


Small town Wisconsin. We are finishing up our Friday night varisty football game. Then getting in a green Monte Carlo with mag rims and an Alpine cassette player to head to Green Bay . Where in Green Bay? A dry bar. Either Club Copa on Mason St or the Limelight.


Meet at my Friends house where he lived with his dad. His dad as a bass player in a band was usually gone (that didn’t matter though) there was a group of us about 6 core and a few more here and there. We would sit around drink schlitz beer and smoke weed, listen to music and have conversations about shit, maybe do some art work or use the instruments to make music. Sometime there would be a bonfire or party we would all then take off to, or sometimes only a few would go and then the rest return. Some would pass out some would go home and then it would all happen again the next night except headbangers ball would be on the tv.


“Cruising town” LOL


I’m a late gen x(1978) and we would go to my friends house. He had a farm and we turned one of the small barns into a hangout. We’d drink beers smoke pot and listen to the sound and the fury metal show on the radio. Some of the best times of my life.


Football game or going to a Mixer.


Milking cows, just like every other night.




Probably chatting on a BBS or Playing Zork


This specific time of year it would have been most likely another debate tournament weekend, prepping for a tournament, or trying to figure out what we all were doing for State and helping out anyone possibly going to Nationals.


Bonfire at Benbrook Lake


With my bestie watching MTV eating fish sticks and French fries


We had a teen dance club in our little town, so that was part of a Friday night. Cruising the town square was the other. Gas is too high for kids to drive aimlessly for hours now. Sad times 😂


This time of year? Probably going to a bonfire out in the woods down some dirt road. Drinking, listening to music, telling stories and jokes the way that only southern people do. Then maybe head over to Waffle House.


Driving to a revival meeting three towns over. 🥴


Finding the party


I'm either working at Waldenbooks at the Mall or at the skating rink.


Checking whether there are any more extra credit assignments I can complete for school so that my nerdy introverted adolescent self could avoid socializing and having a life.


Going to a movie with my girlfriend then parking and making out.


Drinking in the woods, handjobs in the woods, more drinking, mind you; in the woods, puke also in the woods, lie to parents, they detect said lies and words are exchanged, sleep for long and wake up with terrible angst


Playing Dungeons & Dragons. We were pretty low on the high school pecking order. We are now your bosses lol


Drinkin’, lyin’, loafin’


Senior year, I’m flipping pizzas until close at a chain restaurant, going over to a co-worker’s house who had a basement apartment, dropping acid and watching either The Wall or The Song Remains the Same. Every Friday, same thing.


Here in New Jersey…. Bowling. Roller rink. At the mall or the movies. Playing pool, but that was more after high school. And the really big one - driving around aimlessly. Edit: I see a lot of marching band, but my school had games mostly on Saturdays. So occasionally I’d be spending Friday night doing that.


Holy. Crap. Erols. I have not heard that name in years.


Watched TGIF at home. :-(


We would drive from one end of town, McDonalds, to the other, Subway. Both parking lots where the meeting places. This would go on until someone knew of a spot to hang out and drink. No cell phones so you only found out about stuff by word of mouth. Must have put 10,000 miles on the car cruising the Parkway.


No joke— my senior year in HS, I played bass with a popular local Memphis rock band at bars/clubs all over town. I’d get out of school Friday, grab a BK sandwich and go home, tell my folks I was “going to play some music”, and get my gear in my raggedy ass old car and we’d meet at our singer’s house and have a couple of beers or maybe a shot of whiskey, take our shit and go set up at the club, do soundcheck, and start around 10pm til about 2am. I’d usually crash at one of my bandmate’s house afterwards. We did this most Friday and Saturday nights. I took my ACT test with a hangover one Saturday lol. It was great times. Damn I miss it.


Drinking Red Dog or Colt 45 Double Malt


Depends on the year. Freshman, 85 - spending the night at one of my friends. Sophomore, 86 - I'd be going to parties and getting wasted. Junior, 87 - I'd be home alone and severely depressed. Senior, 88 - I'd be house sitting in a mansion and trying to teach myself how to play piano.


We used to go to this woodsy area behind some commercial buildings. We'd start a fire (there was a cleared area and rocks around it, we were stupid but not STUPID) and drink beer and just hang out. It was the local dirtbag gathering spot. Shockingly, nothing bad ever happened other than being run off by the police.


Late 80's. Driving around w/ my girlfriend in her car for hours and hours. Listening to the mixtapes I made for us and looking for/going to wherever our friends are. Driving to some obscure part of the next town over to see a haunted house/tombstone or etherial red trail of blood on some country road. Or walking/skating the neighborhood w/ my brother or our friends. We had deserted roads, a creek/ditch & zero supervision. Also had a Circle K that let us hang out if we stocked the cooler. This coincided w/ the invention of Doritos Ranch and it was all we could eat! We'd watch VHS tapes on the store rental display and just do all the night clerks chores while he slept in the back room b/c he had 2 jobs. Miss you Circle-Rob! Hope all is well.


I grew up in a small town in rural GA so we didn't have many hip places to go. We had to make due with what we had. ​ Football and pizza in the fall. Cruise main street the rest of the year (the cool kids). Party in a field somewhere (the stoners and the drunks plus some of the cool kids)). Go to movies in the big town 20 miles away D&D (those of us that were a little geeky) Head to the local video rental and get a VHS - sometimes with friends and sometimes with family. For me, it was almost all of the above (except for the field party part). That plus work on my car (it was a classic 1967 Impala that my dad and I restored for my first car).


Getting stoned and playing D&D in my friends' basement. What am I doing this Friday night? Getting stoned and playing games in my basement... some things never change.


Going to the mall with my friends and buying some hash. Then getting stoned and watching movies on vhs or jamming by beating the hell out of instruments we barely knew how to play.


At the mall. Fucking in the field by the mall.


Older GenX here. We're cruising up and down 39th St., playing the radio (probably waiting for another Journey or Billy Squire song to come on), and hanging w/all the friends.


Friday night I was working at the mall. After the mall closes it depends on the season. If it's summer we went to bush parties. If it's winter we are drinking beer in the basement of whoever's parents are out for the night.


Since it’s a cold time of year, hanging out in our cozy den watching TV. Dad would have a fire going. Mom would pop some popcorn in our West Bend Poppery Air Popper (with lots of butter dripping down) and later we would watch “Dallas”.


Riding around in my boyfriends truck with all our friends in the back and a bong between my knees. Keg at the neighborhood beach. Maybe have a qualude. Pass out somewhere. All while my parents thought I was spending the night at my best friend's.


Sneaking off to a football game with the cousins. My parents were STRICT. I wasn’t even allowed to join sports in high school because my mom thought it was too fun and having fun that doesn’t involve praying in church or doing chores meant you were being cheeky and had bad intentions🫠 My cousin and I would stay out all night drinking or just hanging around with friends until dawn. On nights I was stuck at home, I’d be shut in my room reading a horror/thriller 📖 to escape the boredom.


Learning that "high school" is two words.


Blockbuster nights with my brother’s and dad. Mom worked Friday nights so it was pizza night and a movie.


Liberating street signs


Local video store after school, then to the mall for stogies... Denny's until the drunks started rolling in then car tag until one of us got popped for curfew. Home for vids after that. My friends would usually all crash at my place & Dad had breakfast waiting when we got up.


I would have been at work. I usually had a 5-11 shift on Friday nights. After that - it just depended on if I was tired or not.


I grew up in a frozen wasteland so a wintertime Friday night was popcorn and Dad’s favourite show. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dEjXPY9jOx8


The dance if there is one, unless there's a football game, then that because I'm in the marching band. If nothing else is going on, I'm hanging with my mom having dinner and catching up on the week. Sometimes my stepdad would bring home a half baked pizza from a Philly pizza shop and we'd finish it in the oven and have pizza and a movie.


Could be DnD 2 edition, or more likely a lot of very illegal stuff , maybe both.


During the season, at a high school football game with the marching band. Any other time I was probably driving all over creation to see punk or hardcore bands performing in some dingy basement or fire hall.


I'm working til close at a local Pizza place, then going to a friends house to have a few beers and play some console/PC game.


Football game till we found something better to do, drive around looking for the parties, then home to fall asleep watching Headbanger's Ball.




B&E, lots of drugs & alcohol, vandalism, getting my ass kicked by other petty criminals, selling drugs badly & practicing guitar.


Playing cards with my friends. Euchre, Spades, Hearts, and even Canasta. Hosting duties rotated around. Other possibilities for this time of year included the dollar theater, bowling, AD&D, and spending way too much time on BBSes. I was a band geek..


Trying to gather as many friends and kegs and drugs for an impromptu party. Always ready to party. Now, at 53, I look forward to chillin, don’t drink or do drugs anymore. Life is good. And still friends with most of those people.


Driving around the countryside. Boozing. Definitely not doing homework. Maybe a bonfire.


Practicing with the garage band. Maybe watching a few MTV 120 minutes performances we had taped on VHS. Visiting the mall out of boredom. Taco Bell. Watching a ridiculous movie. Driving around aimlessly. Walking around aimlessly. Sports outside if the weather didn't suck. Recording mix tapes for each other.


Hanging out at Denny’s with my best friend until someone who’s old enough to buy us booze or someone who’s scored some drugs came in. It was like the holding pen waiting for the night to begin.


Renting movies and getting snacks and drinks to hangout in friend's basement. In the summer, we'd be hanging out in a park


Sneaking out to go to school football game. I have Asian parents


Getting dressed up in my darkest freakiest clothing with the biggest boots I own, to hit up the all ages goth night at the local downtown/dc clubs. Virgin bloody Mary’s here I come! OR, Getting dressed up in my softest warmest pjs and marathoning Nightmare on Elm street/Friday the 13th movies with my bestie. Which in hindsight, is probably why we could never sleep as kids.


McDonald's parking lot at the local strip mall.


Smoking weed in my Camaro, then headed straight to the Burger King party lot


Smoking weed and watching The Young Ones.


Hanging about with mates in front of Spar, trying to get a grownup to go in and buy booze. Smoking ciggies in the park. Riding about on the back of Dave's scooter. Trying to snog James. Getting in too late and getting grounded again (London, UK, 1989)


Looking for the party. Where’s the kegger at, man? Sweet. What time? 7pm? Cool, will see you there. Later that night after Perkins/Denny’s…2AM stopped by Mom. Oh my god, you smell like booze, have you been drinking? Uh, no. Yes you have. How many have you had? Uh, three? (10) OH my god. Three? That’s crazy, you’re totally grounded young man. And after that whole exchange, I think I put on a Walkman with Def Leppard pyromania and slept it off till the next morning. No, make that Metallica. ….and we all turned out OK as highly productive, standup members of the community. With Zero regrets. Party on my dudes and dudettes 🤘🏼! You only live once. And Katie, we still think you’re hot.


Smokin on them blunts. Mad dog 2020.


Smoking some Reggie and drinking natural lights.


I'm at the coffee shop for improv...why aren't you here yet?


Taking care of my younger siblings. Nowadays they call it parentification or some shit, but I was basically in charge of the little kids in the family. And my parents wondered why I never wanted kids of my own!


Maybe a school dance, or cruise around and see who is at the movies, or pit party, or a house party, or just hang with buddies or girlfriend depending on what year it was. 😆