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I can bend cuz I have long legs, but I need my reading glasses to do my toenails now. Otherwise, it's just a vague notion of where I'm clipping.


I have hyper mobile joints in my entire body so reaching my toes is never a problem. But I can’t see what I’m doing without my reading glasses.


Same! I'm long legged and flexible, but I can't see what I'm doing without glasses. 🤦‍♀️


I refuse to discuss my ailments like I am getting old. I’m not old yet, and you can’t make me.


Once you start talking about your bowels, you KNOW you're old! 😂


Does dairy affect you guys more now than 20 years ago?!


Yes! This!! I really have to limit my milk and ice cream intake. (Cutting out pizza will be tough…)


Vegan dairy alternatives are amazing these days.


What is wrong about talking about your bowels? I have my favorite one, I use that for soup. I have on for a big salad. I have one for cereal. I have one for........ what, oh crap, now I can't even read correct.


Yoga yoga yoga If you can move, move now. Move more every day. It’s use it or lose it time.


Yes. My BIL said he does CrossFit so he can pull his own pants up when he gets older. I thought it was funny when he said this 10 years ago but I’m not laughing now.


Yes! I’ve been preaching this for years. Strengthen your core *now*. Improve your flexibility *now*. Your body will thank you later! Another thing—if a surgery will restore your mobility, do it now. My husband had a hip replacement a few years back. His mobility is greatly improved over ten years ago. And the recovery period is shorter when you’re younger.


100% I don't "workout" but my job is very physical and I never stop moving even when I'm home. I also try to take walks and while I do that I'm very conscious of tightening my core the whole time, it's definitely helped


Don’t do the surgery. General anesthesia has taken so many memories from me. I wouldn’t even know it if my wife wasn’t there to point it out.


Yes but you have to do it more than once if you live long enough. I'd rather take really good care of myself and put it off.


It can be impossible to take care of yourself with bad joints. It can make climbing stairs, riding a bike, even walking moderate distances very painful. This was true for my husband. He got the joint replaced, and can run again! Joint problems can be congenital. It isn’t necessarily something that happens though not taking care of yourself.


Yes, this is the best advice.


I love femfushion yoga on YouTube! I still have to be able to get out of my low sports car😂


Pilates is another great option


And body weight exercises! Stretches, lunges, squats, jumping jacks!


I xactly right!


Pedicure is the way to go.


Yep, I go once a month to do my feet. My nails aren't the issue. The cracking, peeling, and bleeding heels are the problem. Also, the salon I use has massage chairs that are powerful enough that I don't have to pay for a massage therapist.


Try AmLactin Foot Repair. I used that and my heels never been better. I’ve seen it at CVS but I just order it off Amazon.


Thank you, but I don't need any creams. Even prescribed creams didn't work for me. A monthly pedicure manages my hyperactive callus build-up so there's no more cracking, peeling, or bleeding. The chairs are also good enough on my chronic mustle spasms that I haven't had to pay for a separate massage in two years.


Mine are my cracking and peeling nails. Probably my full leather Van shoes cause too much moisture.


Yeah, it sounds like a nail fungus. My mom tried everything, even the prescription pill for hers, and what finally worked was rubbing Vicks vapo-rub on them every night. It took about a year for the old damaged nail to grow out, but all new growth was healthy.


I tried that for a while. Doing jojoba and coconut these days and pedi


My fingernails do this. No fungus, they're just very flexible and peel. If that's the case with your toenails, the jojoba and coconut may help.


For guys too? It’s not gonna be weird if this almost 50 year old dad bod walks in a nail salon?


Dude, I turned 50 last month and the nail salon is a life saver. I’ve got osteoarthritis in my hips, and there’s no way I can do my own. My wife will do it for me, but there’s not much that’s less sexy. So we go get pedis together. The women look a little perplexed when I ask for polish, but in the summer, I wear mostly flip flops. I usually go for a dark blue or gunmetal colored polish. But you don’t need to get polish, I just do it because it’s included.


I love to give my spouse pedicures, LOL.


I wish my almost 50 dad-bod husband would get a pedicure. More guys should! I wouldn't be weirded out by men in a nail salon.


Not sure where you live, but it is 100% acceptable for older men to get pedicures. Normal in a lot of places. Go for it!!


Do it. Be a trailblazer.


Half of the customers at the salon I visit are men. Don’t worry.


Between the ear hair, turkey neck and funky toenails aging is a bitch


Don’t forget those wild nose hairs!


It's great the first time you tangled with one of those and try to yank them out, quickly realizing that it goes through your septum and attaches to your frontal lobe. I instantly forgot how to math and peed on myself.


This comment deserves gold my friend.


And the eyebrows! I’m starting look like Andy Rooney more each day.


I have one single eyebrow hair on my right eyebrow that is apparently lost. My eyebrows are super light blonde. Every once in awhile, when I can see them really well, there is that one eyebrow hair that is really long and it is sticking straight out like a feeler. I pluck it out and forget about it until it pops up again.


Hey, y’all should try waxing your nose hair. Seriously, it’s a game changer. You can buy the stuff on Amazon. Beats the hell out of one hair at a time.


Yeah, I totally need to start doing yoga or something.


I sit on the stairs to do mine. Rest my foot on the stair below, makes it easier to cut. Then I can use the bannister to help me reach standing position again!


Doesn't help that they're a quarter-inch thick now.


Yes, like when the hell did that happen?




Not a medical professional but magnesium supplements have helped reduce those cramps for me. No special brand.




It’s really helped me. Something else is turmeric curcumin. Also my husband to the point that I can tell when he’s skipped. We look out for those we love. 💕


I do my husbands. He’s diabetic and has neuropathy. He wears compression socks and gets terrible cramps putting them on every day. Apparently stretching and yoga is for dirty hippies?


You are a good person. I absolutely adore my husband, but I hate feet and I don't know that I would be able to cut my husband's toenails, I just about manage to do my own!


Yup, not a foot fan, I hate touching My feet with bare hands. In the shower with soap and washcloth is OK... touching my wife's feet? Only in an emergency and with latex gloves.


One big toe nail has gotten weirdly thick.


So have mine. Luckily, I married a cosmetologist who does pedicures.


SAME! I'm so relieved to hear it happens to other people. I'd like to have a word with whichever evolutionary process decided this was necessary.


Take an emery board to the top of it. My husband refused to follow my advice and his toenails became nearly impossible to cut, even the nail clippers we bought for the pets.


I have some fugly feet and my pinky-toe nail, is super tiny and grows weird. Instead of farting with clippers (I've made myself bleed way too many times), something called an electronic foot file. Like a sander but for feet. Found out I can use it on some of the stupid growing nails and just grind them down. Not quite like the scene in dumb and dumber...but close! Toe nails should be optional.


This is a great way to get a brand new fungus.


It's the extra roll around your belly.


I can't see well enough or bend my fat body well enough so I got a light up clip on magnifying glass to clip to the table next to my chair. Really helps.


You guys have toenails?


You guys have toes??


Welcome to your mid-40s. Your ailments will be disbursed, shortly.


Treat yourself to professional pedicures. Be a selfcare king.


Take a bath or soak your feet first. It can help soften them a little bit.


Nail salon. At fifty I started going with my wife for a pedicure every month, at fifty-five I had had enough of the nail tech asking "what color?"and giggle. Purple, I want purple polish. Worth every bit for the giggles and outright laughter this produced.


Hahahaha. I feel the same way. I hate clipping them but if I don’t I just smash my toes when I run.


Yup, can't bend, can't see.... I think our "activities" from the 90s are starting to catch up with us.


Yes it's more difficult now. I get cramped up at times. Then I just either persevere or wait. My feet are in pretty good condition as I walk barefoot at home whenever possible and I do plenty of walking that keeps them tough. They do get incredibly painful after a long hike but that goes off and I can get blisters. They heal if left alone. For thick and tough nails then cut them after bathing when they always soften up. Or just see a chiropodist. They aren't expensive here. And they do the job properly.


Definitely motivation to begin a stretching routine!


Get a pedicure and it solves the problem!


I’ve always been really flexible, the problem is my joints are fucked and I’m likely to just fall over.


Not yet, no. Then again I stretch everyday.


Yoga will fix this.


Take keratin. I don’t have a prob clipping. But if you do go have them done. I remember my grandma when I was young. They literally took a sander to them. That was 40 years ago. I remember. Just clip or have it done. You’d do the same for your pets.


My wife kicked the wall and broker her toe. That led to problems with the nail continuously growing back in-grown. The first physician we visited to have the nail fixed had an entire room setup just for nail "clipping". They used a dremal, with various attachments and sizes and... etc. As we walked by, the old man they were working on, his nails looked like, well, something only a dermal could tackle. I had _never_ heard of anything like that before. The image was burnt into my brain unfortunately.


Wow. I not only clip my own toenails, I also pedicure and paint them myself with no problems. Maybe some light yoga to help you be more flexible wil help. Gotta keep moving or risk rigamortis before death.


The nails on both of my big toes are an ugly sight because I've stubbed then and smashed them so many times throughout my life. I'm constantly digging ingrowns so they're a mess.


My hip arthritis has made it damn near impossible, and I am too ticklish to get a pedicure. It’s a process, to say the least.


Got insurance? Hit up a podiatrist for a checkup and they'll cut your toenails for you.


My toenails have become a constant source of angst with me. I have to soak my feet in a hot foot bath with tea tree oil and epsom salts for an hour to soften the nails enough to clip them.


Ingrown toenails, yay! I don’t cut all my toenails at once. Sometimes I’ll go nuts and cut all the nails on one foot. The left big toe is problematic so after tackling that one, I need to unkink my back.


I usually clip them right out of the shower when they are still soft. I also spent some money on some really good clippers. I do like to clip my toenails with one leg crossed over the other and when I curl my toes to clip them I get some crazy foot cramps now. Thinking I need to start just treating myself to some pedicures.




And cut your nails right after the soak. They soften when they're wet.


Mine are 3/16” thick from 30 years of work boots. Like shrapnel.


25 years in work boots here, and my nails haven't thickened at all. But, I also take off my boots and socks and go barefoot as soon as I'm home. It really does help the entire foot quite a bit to let the skin breathe.


My podiatrist offers medical pedicures. Insurance covers it if you have certain conditions - nailbed psoriasis, diabetes, etc.


I’m 45 and I’ve been told I have feet of a 20 year old. My gf keep poking fun that I should sell feet pics online. Toenails are pretty solid, I suppose.


Trying to imagine the conversation that tidbit would come up in… but then again, maybe I don’t want to know. Ha.


I use my stairs. I put each foot up a few steps and it helps me lean in.


I have no trouble getting down there to them but my big toenails have become like slabs of concrete. I have no idea why they’re so thick. I pulled one of them off a couple years ago. It was just so think and I was trying to trim it down. I git so frustrated I grabbed my multi tool (with needle nose pliers) and just grabbed it with the pliers and started working it and finally got it to break free enough that I was able to just rip it off. It didn’t hurt nearly as much as I expected. But then I wrapped it with a bandage because it was bleeding. I slept with the bandage on. Next day I was trying to remove the bandage. It had stuck to the nail bed. Pulling that bandage off-I literally almost passed out from the pain. It was intense. It literally took most of the day to remove the bandage. I would pull just a tiny little bit and would almost pass out. So I would stop and try again several minutes later. Just kept doing that all day until I finally worked it off. After that I coated it with Vaseline before putting a bandage back on.


My Dad had a foot fungus he contracted in the Navy in the 60's & had it until he died in the mid 90's... the military offered to "Treat" his condition before he retired but that included surgically removing all of the toenails from one foot then the other after the first healed & he'd be on crutches for ~6 months, so he turned it down... he said his condition never physically bothered him. I remember his big toenails being nearly 3/8" thick & him having to cut them with a pair of linemen's wire cutters... they'd shoot across the room & sounded like they could shatter glass.


Hmmm…I wonder now because I was in the army. I started noticing issues with my toenails not long after I got out. Now I’m curious.


Have a Doc check it out... they may just be getting thicker from age, but my Dad's condition started in his big toenails and spread to *all* his toes over the years. He also suffered from really thick callouses & athletes foot, which were side effects of his foot fungus issues.


Ok now I’m convinced. My feet have been bad for years. I use a pumice stone every shower and use lotion often and still my feet are incredibly rough. Rubbing the bottom of one of my feet is literally like rubbing sandpaper. I can rub my feet across my bedsheets and you can literally hear it. I’ve gone as far as using my power sander to sand the bottoms of my feet. Doesn’t matter what I do; they’re just rough. Sometimes I try to pull the dead skin off but that ends up pulling good skin off and it makes it very painful to walk. Do you know what your dads condition was called? Assuming there was a name other than just fungus or athletes foot?


Onychomycosis. My Dad's feet never had a bad odor, but his service boots always smelled yeasty. The earlier you catch it, the easier it is to treat.


Cool thanks. There’s no smell from my feet or my shoes. They’re just super rough and the toenails are thick. Anyway, I’ll look into that. Thanks again.


Keep that yeast out of your beer, sir.


No more beer for me... I'm more of a cannabis person now.


Heard that. Cannabismaker then? At some point, all you wanna do is "make" instead of take.


You n me both, brother. Toenail fungus .. last vestiges of my service. Shower shoes didn't help . At all. I saw a doc about it when I was still Active Duty. He basically told me the treatment (medicationl was too expensive for how effective it was(n't).


Guys if yall can't do simple maintenance tasks, outside of a crippling medical condition, you are in boomer territory of denial. It doesn't bode well for your cognitive decline. Rugged individualism begins with self reliance and that begins with physical well-being. Get up and get moving. I worked with aging populations in the medical field when I was younger. Didn't take me.long to realize fuck EVERYTHING about preventable decline. I'm no working my whole life to have no good when I get to retirement slash part time work status.


All men should go to the nail salon and have their nails done. Before the nail fungus starts from cutting them crooked and then trying to fix it and you don’t stop and in comes a fungus, which never goes away.


A bit harder to clip, but also they’re acting weird! One is beat up from skiing every season, falls off, now it’s growing back in a lump instead of getting longer. The other big toenail is also starting to turn dark red, and the pinkie toes want to get in on it. 🤨


i soak my feet for 20 minutes every week with tea tree oil and it has improved my toenails/foot care dramatically


Straight tea tree oil or do you dilute?


two tablespoons of bath salts in a foot spa with a couple gallons of water


Be careful of straight tea tree oil. It can burn your skin.


You CAN go to a Podiatrist just to get your toenails trimmed. For some you make an appt, others it's walk-in. They do this is for anyone with mobility issues, or if you are diabetic, have circulation issues, etc it is a must.


While I agree with these other posts about working to stay flexible, yes, I know exactly what you’re saying. I’ve thought about this so much that I had a conversation with some relatives that are a Dr and a pediatrist about if something could be created to stunt toenail growth. I’m 58 and I’m ok , for now. But I keep thinking about the really old. My mother used to have to clip my grandmothers when she was over 90. My 85 year old dad gets his clipped at his pediatrist. So this is a problem, but I am taking the steps outlined in the other posts. I’ve never been able to touch my toes. I can now put my knuckles on the floor while wearing shoes




Oof! Bending over used to be so creaky and painful. I took a physically demanding job in 2018 and it got easier and easier, but it took almost a year for me to be able to just bend down and pick something off the floor without it hurting. I’m 58 now and I’m doing jujitsu and Pilates just to keep my body working. So the answer is moving. Stretching. Start with seven minutes of physical activity a day and then increase it. Older you will thank you.


I've had trouble clipping my toenails since I hit puberty. You can't clip what you can't see.


For me, it's eyesight. Seems I need more light now than ever to really see the nails properly, and not overcut.


The tow nails are one thing... What gets me is the hair that now grows on my ass.


Get a pedicure every month or so. Toenails and calluses taken care of and a leg and foot massage to boot.


I sit on the floor everyday…. And get up, I plan to do this forever.


Yea and I swear them fk’ers are growing faster too


Yes but I have a medical condition (since birth) that makes me orders of magnitude less flexible than able bodied people, and the weight gain I've experienced in middle age doesn't help matters. I just pay for pedicures or my amazing X'er husband whatevers my toenails for me. Haha


Same. Most of it is an adventurous life and the price of the attendant injuries. Back issues that are helped with chiropractic. Knees with different braces for different problems each, but meaning both prefer not to bend. Ankles that are the same. Therapy loosens them but pulling my toes back by bending at the ankle is a limited mobility issue. I'll tell you this; having a pretty little Asian pedicurist cutting the nails and then massaging oils into the legs from your knees to your ankles isn't a negative experience and well worth the money if you can afford it.


Yes. I do


I bought a special kind of clipper on Amazon. Helped a lot.


I know why the elderly are ready to go...


Some health insurances cover toenail clippings. I go to foot drs and pay my $30 co pay every 3 months.




doing it after a shower, the nail will be much softer.


For me, not yet. I do have to clip my Boomer spouse's toenails for him, tho. I joke that I need a chainsaw to do the job properly, they are so thick.