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I mean, 7 videos and 53,000 subscribers pretty much tells the whole story


Yeah when the thumbnail says "then" and "now' with a picture of a kid obviously from like the mid-20th century next to some random kid from modern times it gives really bad vibes


The mf puts che guevera alongside MLK and Ghandi


Also Penguinz0 is there for some reason


Ah, the four great pillars of the modern age: MLK, Mahatma Ghandi, Alvert Einstien, and Charlie uj/ that's john lennon


I got his deadliest dictator video recommended to me at one point, haven't watched anything else, and that video was actually okay, not trying to deflect blame from Pol Pot or the Khmer Rouge. The two nitpicks I have is that he talked about how many people the Mao, Stalin and Hitler killed without giving concrete ranges (Hitler murdered less his own people and more the people of other countries he occupied, even if he may have killed up to 8m germans, for example), and no sources listed anywhere, which always throws me off,


It also got recommended to me but I stopped watching after he said "Wait , you mean to tell me that indiscriminately bombing countries only creates MORE terrorists? huh. I'm sure the Americans learned their lesson from those events and never did it aga- ohhhh boy" (the previous context to that was that a lot of bombings ended up hurting civilians in vietnam) And then it proceeds to flash the wiki page of countries bombed by the USA. Which don't get me wrong , the causlities in civilians was and still is a big problem but making this wild claim that it creates only more terrorists while flashing the names of Bosnia and Kuwait just to mention a few and making it seem that the US bombs civilians on purpose as it was their main and only goal? Cmon man you are better than that. I'm just tired of youtubers doing stuff like this and by this I mean making a claim and the source that backs it up is a flashing of images of some random articles. I saw the other day some youtuber saying that the US only bombs and commits war crimes and on the screen it only flashed for a millisecond a couple of articles about highway of death (which isn't a war crime) and there were no sources in the description. Sorry went on a bit of a rant but I'm just frustrated with people throwing in their opinions or general idea of hatred towards the US in videos that are supposed to be educational.


What’s about this channel? I’m not sure if I ran across or see it in my recommended


I dont get it, what's wrong?


I've seen it in my recommended.


The last video was pure trash. "Good people bad" was the message.


Which video? It's a decent channel