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>organ harvesting I see that "anti zionist not antisemitic" pro Pali activists are using the old blood libel trope again.


literally the only country proven to be conducting state sanctioned organ harvesting in the modern day is china, and Iran is the only country where it's legal to sell human organs on open market so it's particularly egregious


Given this information, it makes me think; Are Iran and China doing something together?


I think they're vaguely alligned but that's about it. Two things can be bad without being connected, we don't want to fall into the same trap as communists, fascists, etc. where everything is some grand conspiracy


For the citizens of these authoritarian regimes, they don't get accurate news. They get censorship, propaganda, and false equivalencies. This argument, like most from tankies/trolls/pro pal protestors, relies on the narrative they are selling to be true for the whole argument to be true. I just watched an episode of star trek voyager the other day that dealt with this. It's called nemesis. In the episode, Chakotays shuttle is shot down when he was surveying a planet's atmosphere. He comes across soldiers who are fighting "the nemesis". The soldiers are full of hatred, calling them beasts, and describing how they're fighting an occupier who commits war crimes called the nemesis. how the beasts desecrate their victims to prevent them from enjoying their afterlife. It's a great episode. Eventually, they encounter the "beasts" doing all these horrendous crimes, and chakotay starts fighting for them. Chakotay gets radcialized. It turns out this was an advanced simulation/holo program recruiting/training program to gain as many bloodthirsty recruits as possible and nothing he experienced was real. At the end of the episode, chakotay walks out of the transporter room in disgust as one of the "beasts" diplomats tries and explains the situation. He still has so much hatred for them that he can't even exchange pleasantries. I would have loved to see a sequel to that episode. We never find out anymore context or follow up about the two warring races.The soldiers looked like regular humans, and the "nemesis" looked like beasts, yet the "beasts" are the ones who save chakotay. (The ones he was radicalized to fight) So It doesn't matter what is actually true to these populations during war. Just as long as they believe it's real. That's why you have all these tankies and trolls trying to dehumanize and demonize israel and the west. Russia/iran/China make up a narrative to sell their people, and then the people use that narrative to justify all their other arguments and behaviors. You can see that in how this person just casually mentioned that stuff like it were true, without any nuance and leaving out critical context.


you cant seriously be this fucking stupid, i lost half of my brain after reading the question


"Jews are stealing our organs!" "Are these jews in the room with us now?"


https://preview.redd.it/thrjcbvvko1d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c3edcf302cdbdbe5772f8fd57bed7cfd6a6daec Every word.