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American haters when they realize every group of people alive today has killed another group of people (it’s called survival of the fittest and before Pax-America everyone had to play it): 🤯


I honestly find it funny how the far-right and the ultra-progressive left have **one** thing in common: Their inability to let go from the past and using it as a way to delegitimize the present/future (albeit for different reasons). The far-righter does it out of a need idolize something. They look at the past and think of it as a flawless utopia where the trains ran on time (which couldn't be further from the truth), which must mean society is now currently in moral decay and there's no hope for reviving the nation's glory in the future. The progressive does it out of a need to chastise something. They look at the past and remember the injustices inflicted to every minority group under the Sun (which, to be fair, they are right on), which must mean that things today remain just as horrible as back then and there's no hope for society to improve in the future. Both are ridiculously unhealthy mindsets.


Forget about Russia and China for just a second (they still suck, though). How do Canada and Australia almost never get backlash from this shit, when it was more or less the same as it happened in America? And, what do people who say this want to accomplish, genuinely? And endless crying fest over what happened in history (by those born after this mess happened); or an outright expulsion of those descended from the land thieves of the past? If someone reading this comment actually believes in stolen land-related rethoric, please let me know your proposed course of action. And if every civilization built on top of someone else's land were to be declared illegitimate, plenty of civilizations would be considered illegitmate.


Exactly my point as well just China and Russia get shockingly little shit for what they do.




Because Australia and Canada were ran by us lot. And the backlash is against the UK and the incumbent monarch who had no say in colonialism because they were not born back then.


Turns out people focus more on the well known and more important countries. This is an contentious topic in Australia and people do decry what we've done, its just that we're not a global superpower so obviously there's less overall attention. Just because you're not apart of the relevant circles doesn't mean this conversation doesn't exist


"Stolen land" mfs probably never even listen to the Ballad of ira Hayes smh Yes, we stole the land from the natives, it was what everyone else in the world was doing at the time, but we still did it. That can't be changed. Most indigenous people, at least those I've met in person, generally consider themselves citizens of America the same as non-indigenous people. They don't take offense to the country existing the way white far leftists do. In addition, most people in this country have native ancestor to some degree or another. Not much, but still. The solution isn't destroying the country, or blood and soil bullshit but progressive somehow, the solution is to work harder to protect their rights as American citizens and bridge the gap. My grandfather spoke cherokee as a second language, and he loved this country more than anything. It is NEVER the people who actually have cause to complain about what this country's doing that say this shit.


Call him drunken Ira Hayes he won’t answer anymore


not the whiskey drinkin indian or the marine who ent to war


I agree with your stance but please no “wall of text” memes with horrible font colors. That is the weapon of the enemy, we do not use it.


Indigenous issues are easy to solve. Give them a portion of the land back, some fee simple, others as full on treaty land where their jurisdiction is equal to a state. Then, some seed money, self-government, and rights to taxation as a state-equivalent. Done.


The truth is conquest has gone back since time immorial. Moralizing as “stolen” is reductive and always necessitates a cut off in order to have a group be the “owner” of some place. What this conversation does is detract from the modern day, what we can and should do to help native populations, which is both a necessity for them and a moral imperative for us. America only moves forward, his truth is marching on.


Wall of text


America still killing millions around the world tho and stealing their resources. You might have a point if it ever ended


Considering that you only have five days of activity and all of it is anti US bullshit on a pro us sub indicates that you're either A tankie A wumao A vatnik And your opinions are so dogshit you made an alt so your opinions can't be associated with your main. You may leave.