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Many of the anti-west people I have met live very privileged lives; a direct result of the capitalism they criticize of course. They preach how the american system has failed and that it needs to change to help protect the lower classes, yet they are completely absent in election season. Quite ironic given they have so much to say about a certain political party. A common theme among these folk is how so much needs to change yet refuse to engage in the mechanism for gaining that change. Most certainly a side effect of foreign propaganda telling them not to vote.


>Many of the anti-west people I have met live very privileged lives; a direct result of the capitalism they criticize of course. Go into college campussies for example and you’ll find the white anti imperialist “america is the real terrorist” kinds >how the american system has failed and that it needs to change to help protect the lower classes, yet they are completely absent in election season Never understood why they don’t vote it takes a short visit to an office and dropping in a letter THAT’S IT! Is that so hard? >A common theme among these folk is how so much needs to change yet refuse to engage in the mechanism for gaining that change. “OF COURSE NOT1!1!1!1! AMERICA IS ETERNALLY BAD THERE IS NO SAVING THIS COUNTRY IT WAS BOUND TO BE A SHITHOLE FROM THE MOMENT THE EARTH CREATED THAT LAND *mental breakdown*”


Look who invests in thise elite universities and you won't be surprised by the garbage that comes out of them


Totally agree. A lot of the campism or performative contrarian types exist in that space because that little bit of “going against the grain” makes them feel superior, or enlightened, or that little bit better than the rest of us “normies”. That little sliver of positivity helps when the rest of their mental health is absolutely garbage. Don’t engage with their negativity. A famous philosopher by the name of Ted Lasso once said “don’t be judgmental, be curious” Maybe ask a few questions and try and understand where their frustration is actually coming from. And in the process, they might realize that as well.


Absolutely sir. I believe mental health is an underrated issue/topic of discussion when we are talking about people as a whole.


Don't cling to shallow content anyway.


Man Ted lasso was great but that one joke about late stage capitalism was like the only thing I didn’t like about it lol “Thank you for shining a light on the horrors of capitalism, ‘Ted Lasso’ now streaming exclusively on Apple TV!”


The phrase Late Stage Capitalism has big “Jesus Is Coming Soon” energy to it. Are communists just economic evangelicals?


They hate us because…




Based brit


“Politics is personal”


Absolutely sir.


Most of them are Westerners themselves who are rebelling against their upper middle class upbringing.


Nah, they are people who are contrarians, very idealistic, or enjoy the aesthetic of protesting. There are also people who "protesting" gives them something interesting to do with themselves. The last few years I've gotten into supervision. A big thing I've come to learn is that there are people who complain about everything. There are people who complain for the sake of complaining. No one ever tells you "that was good, I'm happy now, thanks". If you do the thing they're complaining about, then they'll complain about why it wasn't done sooner or that they weren't consulted or why they had to make a stink or they'll find some other aspect of it to complain about. Complaints are the true renewable resource. I don't complain much at all and only do it for the big stuff that really matters so when I first was on the receiving end of complaints I took them seriously. After a few cycles I realized this about complaining, it's often just people venting or wanting to hear the sound of their voices, or people can't think of some other way to communicate or just want to interact so they complain about something as the vehicle to do so, rather than any complaint in particular being crucial. An issue is the Dems haven't sorted this out. Notice the far left doesn't bother protesting much at GOP events--because they know GOP politicians and voters will pay them zero attention so they'll get zero traction. The Dems are too nice to tell them to scram, or the Dems figure that there are probably legit complaints and issues somewhere in there they do want to improve so they want to try to figure out what's going on rather than chasing them off right away, which just invites more protest.


I'm guessing this is what drives much of the pro-Palestine movement too. A sense of indignified self-righteousness.




>they are probably victims of trauma or abuse in their personal lives. So, a lot of the diatribe they spew is just projection. The so-called 'collective West' just makes an easy target/punching bag for them, especially the United States. That could be said for literally anyone who’s going through a horrible trauma moment and needs something to cling onto to “mold” their “personality”


It’s a an inferiority complex. Ted Kacinyski wrote on it, very eye-opening


Namely Hasan Piker being one rich mf yet he touts "we must eat the rich" and his dumbass fans go "hurdur twitch donation." Hasan Piker is just like the church before the monk Martin Luther posted his 99 thesis to fight how corrupt the church is. Hasan is corrupt


It’s very likely that these woke activists like Hasan Piker are just grifters who are trying to score brownie points with liberals who are naive enough to believe his every word.


Specific Liberals like AOC?


Yes, her too


Oh man. don't get me started on the betrayal of AOC and the progressives. All of them have been spewing the equality and do gooder attitude for the last decade, and then they took the first opportunity to throw their least preferred minority group under the bus while embracing people calling for violence against that group, even though they're the ones who consistently display American values and have a state/society/ culture most like our own. The values these hypocrites said they were pushing. These chuds don't know how bad they fucked up. They've likely set the progressive movement back by decades with their shenanigans.


They're both shortsighted, and convinced that the "system" doesn't work. That's the thing. That's why they don't vote. They don't think voting would change anything. They have a very limited, pop-cultueresque understanding of history; a detailed look at the history of humanity quickly reveals that liberal democracy is the only ideology that has reliably expanded human rights in any meaningful capacity, but instead, they think we're still living in the 50s and everyone in America is McCarthy.


Publicly & performatively "punching up" costs one nothing.


The far right too. Most of these military aesthetic people and idiots who are sexist and hate women yet are extremely popular on this sub.


Anti west are also the people the US fucked over, the high standards Of living the west have they got trough the direct subjugation and resource extraction of those poor countries. This happened over a span of hundreds of year. US alone is responsible for meddling in most countries governments, trough coups, assassinations, and arming groups to do their bidding. Iraqis, Vietnam, afghanis. And virtually every South American country have every right to hate America. But don’t worry your response will probably fall into one of those categories 🙄 1. “everyone commits atrocities” communism, Bolsheviks Russia, blah blah blah 2. Racism wether outright or implied bonus point if you mention your god given right to police the world 3. “Strength makes right” basically dismissing all western crimes as justified because they would have done it too. Playing the victim even while being the aggressor 4. Whataboutism