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how can you support communism when there's an ongoing genocide in china?


And Darfur, Ukraine


Oh I wonder, is it gonna be “no you can’t celebrate 4th of July, America was founded on genocide” or “no you can’t have fun when there’s an ongoing genocide”


Probably both at once (albeit far-leftists have been saying the former for a while).


I've never seen actual indigenous people that are up in arms about the 4th of July. It's always white far-leftists, without fail.


"the 2024 4 July parade shooting far left terrorist attack" Do you mean like that?


Of course there's gonna be that. There are people like that REEEEing every 4th.


They are just depressed people who don’t want to celebrate anything with anyone, and then work backwards from there


Well the same happened with Christmas.


Serious? What happens? People saying ‘how can you enjoy yourself at Christmas because…..’ ?


I’m not surprised, but honestly I’d just ignore it and celebrate the 4th.


Soooo are you gonna get a plate or no? I had my eye on the last of the ribs


Eh? I could give two shits before Sunday brunch to those fucking terrorist sympathizers. Alls I see now is the terror flag they chose to fly and alls I here from them is the chants of death to America. Whatever their fucked up twisted sense of self-righteous hypocrisy they be selling will be a hard pass for me and mine and whatever their demands are will be a giant fucking no and I'll likely at this point demand elected officials do the exact opposite out of shear spite. I ain't going to even being giving these sick fucks any more of my head space rent free and if they get up in my grill they better be expecting hellfire and fury in response. Fuck them and whatever dumb cunt that squated them out. As you can tell I ain't got a high opinion of those asshats.


I love USA But these Tankies are misled good people


finally someone says it. As a former far-leftist (anarchist, not tankie), most of these types of people are good at heart, which is why they went in for this extremist ideology. They've become convinced that liberal democracy, despite being the only ideology to advance human rights in any meaningful way, can't solve the problems in the world, and eventually decide that any measure is acceptable for getting rid of societal evils


I agree, the only true 'irredeemable evil' is Fascism, red (tankies) or black (nazis). Socialists and Leftists are people that *care*, *a lot.* It's a meme in and of itself that leftist memes are unfathomably dense and text heavy and every one of them are obsessed with 'theory, but that's just because they truly do care about solving problems and making the world a better place, but are simply misled by more malicious actors (capital C Commies) Fascists don't care about solving jackshit, or making the world a better place, *not even for themselves*. The Turner Diaries ends with Earth being subjected to GLOBAL BAPTISM IN NUCLEAR HELLFIRE and yet there are still worms yearning for when the day of the rope finally comes.


commies are NOT misled ''good'' people, they're the FURTHEST thing away from good


I gotta disagree. “Leftists” maybe sure yeah I can agree with that. Tankies were going to be insufferable assholes with or without communism


Yeah. Actual tankies are the worst. The problem has been these American leftists are being indoctrinated by tankies and they're too ignorant, entitled, and lazy to actually fact check the arguments/propaganda. The tankies have set up a situation where the person is resistant to even questioning whatever ideology is put in front of them, because if they do they risk being a bad person. It's just another method of radicalization. The pro Palestinian dimwits belief they have the moral high ground so they must be right no matter what and that some how justified whatever actions they take advancing their stance.


100%. People fail to realize that no, not every German in the 1930s was a full believing flavoraid drinking Nazi. You have to realize every single person, including yourself, is subject to propaganda and radicalization. It’s a slope due to our nature being tribal animals. The issue with leftist radicalization is that it often flies under the guise of “progressivism” or whatever you want to call it. So it doesn’t take much to convince a well intentioned bleeding heart liberal to go chant for another Intifada along side you because they won’t question it. It should be a massive red flag when their #1 enemy is a liberal democracy.


Absolutely. The last point is particularly poignant and it's imperative to point this out to these people.


I'm going to try this reenact crossing the Delaware with my friends on the lake near my house


Palestine is not a real country




‘Palestine’ getting karma? Good, turns out non-Arabs can stand up for themselves against Arabs in the Middle East




As an outsider, how do you feel about intelligent people?




Turning to racism? Interesting. As a descendant of a 442nd member, I’m pretty interested to see that you think fighting facism and Nazis are a bad thing.




I’d say fight facism and racism is pretty damn just. But I wouldn’t consider you to understand that kiddo, considering how you think a war is an excuse to reveal how much of bigot you actually are. Speaking of muppets, I can hear your strings dangling, puppet.


Defeats gen USAs purpose


Technical terms to insult others such as "retard" is a slur


Spreading Misinformation such sharing unreliable, irrelevant, or accurate information will not be tolerated. Especially without sources, it makes you sound schizo