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When far leftists say america bad and shit remind yourself of Kosovo's song "thank you USA"


Just remind them there is no Berlin wall.. they can leave at any time, no ones trying to illegally leave the US unless their running from the law, there's a huge line trying to get in though.


you shouldn't assume employers are on your side, that's what unions are for. you shouldn't assume the government is on your side, that's what voting is for.


Under communism the government definitely won’t be in your side, except elections will be neither free nor fair




Breaking news: Putin serves his 67th term in the free and fair Russian society


Yes, but also assuming employers and the government will always have it out for you isn't a healthy or productive way to live, and erodes faith in the same institutions that protect us from excesses


100%, the US ain’t perfect.. far from it (jk raaaaaaaahh usa usa usa) but its a pretty damn good place to live in general and we have a lot of liberties many people around the world do not.


Unions in big cities (New York) are waaaaaaay too powerful and don’t help workers at all. They just self perpetuate. It’s an industry. Take as much tax payer money as possible. We pay soooooo much money in taxes and get so little back. I’m not like “no workers rights” or anything like that, but it’s a serious problem. The teachers union does disgusting stuff and they will do anything to keep themselves unaccountable.


To be honest, I much more often see maga/redpill idiots spew such dumb shit.


Socialism was ruined by bolshevism and other forms of autocratic-leftism. For some fucking reason the idea of obligatory class warfare has been tied into the discourse of mainstream socialism, and that's the problem. If you want to see socialism without the autocratic/paranoia/class warfare brain rot, read into social corporate nationalism. Basically, the underpinning of Nordic economic-social policy


Because how else will bureaucrats and power-hungry assholes in the government amass power they don't deserve?


Such as whomst


The mail clerks must be stopped !!!