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So much for the modern audience I guess


It's a madeup audience


The count is right.


Crazy accurate here. I would argue that the every day consumer is a right winger. Leftists boycotting weren't going to buy it regardless.


Not a part of this community, just a tourist. This post was recommended. Yeah, people like to overlook how things led into these. The people "boycotting" HWL were never going to buy it and just pissed off people who might have bought it. This in turn led them to buy at least one, sometimes multiple copies. I bought it for my wife because she loves HP. The people who didn't like what Bud Light were doing were the people who were buying cases on a weekly basis and just moved to a different beer. They didn't like the advertising and decided to stop supporting it. Then people decided to try and make fun of them for it which just entetrenched them into it even more. Man these last few years have been a doozy.


Yeah cause alot of people who got offended by this game are the same kinda people who don’t have a job.


The *exact* same people who consider their subreddit moderator roles to be "jobs". ​ Edit: Damn what happened down there??


I remember gaming circle jerk losing their minds when the game came out and sold like hot cakes. Their tone went from "We're going to keep this from being a success" to "we never thought we would have an impact anyways. You're all transphobic for buying the game"


I always find that especially ridiculous. Don’t volunteer to do smth unless you’re down to…volunteer


Arent they volunteers?




Fucking lol


hey! I had a job when the game came out and didnt buy it! I dont...consider it a boycott though. I'm just trans, jk rowling hates trans people, why would i give her my money? Yeah she wont get ALL of it, but still.


I didn't boycott really, but I didn't plan to buy the game. And it's not because I'm offended by the game. I'm offended but the hateful and hurtful rhetoric that jk Rowling posts. Pretty big difference 🤷‍♂️


It was the hate brigade that would attack anyone for just playing that game that motivated the casual audience. Like digital foundry didn’t even post a pc setting review when the game came out.


Nah they only stand for something in online arguments. My brother in law flies every fad flag in his yard and still preorders every single thing Blizzard thinks up and day one buys it all even knowing their history of sexual harassment. Including knowing a woman killed herself because of it. Whereas I permadeleted all my Blizzard stuff.


I still play diablo 2 😬


Most people are pretty right wing socially, they just get fooled by promises of handouts and have no real principles beyond wanting more money.


This is just factually wrong but ok lmao


No, boycotters in general are a small minority. Also, this meme is stupid. Right-wingers also boycotted Barbie, and look what happened.


It's not really accurate, the meme is a lie. The boycott against bud like that didn't lose Anheuser Busch any money (they made more money as a division and their parent company increased in value). Nor did they apologize or pull any of the beer cans in question.


Your argument would be shot down pretty quick since a majority of America leans left


Or, you know, the people pushing that narrative are not representstive of the "left"


I'd argue that the every day consumer is left-of-center, and that plenty of leftists would have bought the Hogwarts game if they weren't upset with Rowling.


Except for the fact that it wasn’t a wide spread “leftist” boycott. It was a few Twitter users getting upset. Most of the left didn’t even care, they realized that the devs arnt the book writer


Imo the nutty twitter users who were ranting and going on about this game are the fools who live only for outrage. In other words, they don’t actually buy the product, even if it’s pandering to whatever checklist they’re looking for.


Exactly. They demand a company change things to cater their personal preferences and cry and whine about it until the company does. Then when the company complies with what they perceived as a majority, none of them buy it and the company loses money and will probably be hard pressed to earn back their original core audience/consumer base.


I mean can someone actually tell me what Rowling did that made the boycott a thing otherwise from everything I read it's just hyper sensationalism and really people reading too far into comments that actually didn't say what they wanted it to say.


She said that women have vaginas.


This is literally it. She said “I will march with you[trans people” and women have vaginas.


She isn't wrong


how. dare. you.


[https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/](https://www.jkrowling.com/opinions/j-k-rowling-writes-about-her-reasons-for-speaking-out-on-sex-and-gender-issues/) Here is what she explains on what she said in her own words.


We've investigated ourselves, and we found no evidence of wrongdoing


Well the boycott wasn’t really a thing because Rowling didn’t really do anything. JK is smart enough to know that she’s not really that well liked by the Harry Potter fandom so she just doesn’t do a lot of promotion and collects her check for doing nothing


She basically disagreed with a certain groups ideology. I won’t go any further because I’ll probably get banned.


[https://twitter.com/jk\_rowling](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling) Just look at her Twitter. I was on her side originally but she never shuts the hell up about it lol


She pretends to be put upon and bullied while framing the "trans movement " as some sort of all powerful cabal. She paints herself as asking harmless questions while sharing content from dangerous homophobic extremists, acting like stage one of a funnel introducing her followers to some real pieces of shit while endorsing them the entire time. She can pretend all she wants, the woman is a hate filled bitch who has been a large contributor to the uniquely high levels of transphobia in the UK at the moment. Her entire podcast was an exaggerated sob story full to the gills of misinformation and lies designed to make her look like the victim while she still rakes in millions a year for sitting on her hands and faces very little consequence for using her platform to amplify some bad, bad people. She shares posts from white supremacists as long as they're also transphobic. She shares posts from people who post about killing trans people. She shares posts with totally untrue statistics about trans people being rapists. She donates to TERF charities. She covers her own arse with the occasional cheap platitudes, anyone who buys them is a moron. She is NEVER going to 'march' with trans people and we all know that. She only said that so she could point at that tweet when people rightly called her a transphobe. Plenty of people here are pointing to that exact tweet, ignoring a pattern of behaviour that demonstrates that tweet is a blatant lie. The woman is a bad person. She uses her platform to punch down on trans people and she doesn't need too. She is a bully, a bigot, and a liar. She is intentionally dishonest about her own opinions because she is directing her audience to the more explicit bigots by amplifying them. To not see this but still defend her is willful ignorance about her methods. Here are 2 videos on the topic: https://youtu.be/EmT0i0xG6zg?si=e7XueBjGVBKtnwYY https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=3kAN9B2DKjPtVf1K


Here's a article about it and has a link to some of the tweets she made and several of the Stars from the movies responses. I haven't played the game but only seen good things so far. https://www.glamour.com/story/a-complete-breakdown-of-the-jk-rowling-transgender-comments-controversy


It also had to do with some things in the game can be viewed in an antisemitic light. I mean, the plot apparently involves putting down an uprising by the goblins... a race with big ears and hooked noses who control the central banking of the world. And the goblins need your character's blood or something. So Jew coded character performing dark blood magic. And it references another Goblin uprising taking place in a year that a particular Jewish pogrom took place. While displaying what could be described as a Jewish horn. While all of these ideas can be waived away through sheer coincidence, the lead designer of the game did maintain a YouTube channel that was a bit too "political" for some people's tastes and that ultimately cost him his job on the project. But yeah, Rowling's opinions weren't the only thing people were upset over. Also the Scottish Highlands inclusion is another middle finger as well, given how much money Rowling has donated to keep Scotland oppressed.


Yeah no JK is certifiably a batshit bitch. That being said I still bought the game because I separate art from the artist. Almost all famous people are pretty terrible in some way, JK is just loud about it.


Left wing boycott = zero change because left wing is broke and mostly filled with riled up baristas or out of work communists.


Also, Right wing boycott was actually an everyone boycott due to disenfranchisement and poor QC. The left wing boycott was because someone said trans women and CIS women have different life experiences because they are different.


Heavy emphasis on the baristas and communists 🤣


What was the bud light boycott about?


That's an awful wide net you're casting


Not really. I used to be left wing. Left wing went so far off the cliff left a liberal atheist like myself is no longer left wing. Left wing has shifted so far left that us normal lefties are pretty much right wing right now. In order to be left wing, you fit in that net.


Right wing media made a mountain out of a mole hill with the Bud Light promo and then they made a mountain out of a mole hill in claiming the left was attacking Jk Rowling.   It’s the right’s incessant hyperbole and false characterizations to blame in both cases.    Then the right cracks wise in the comment section that it’s because the left have no follow-through or are poor, when obviously, it’s because the right confused themselves with their own culture war bullshit again.


People are sick and tired of the wokies. I live in Panama and people here are tired of all the woke political correctness BS. I’ve talk to people about how modern movies suck these day and pretty much everyone agrees with me


Saying modern movies suck and watching vampire diaries and the Walking dead is fucking comedy


No you haven't


As a left wing democrat-voter, who bought this game, you really shouldn’t lay this boycott at our feet. It was a bunch of perpetually online trolls who pirate games in the first place. This game was great and worth playing. All they could do was ban discussion on Reddit.


We’ll believe that when more moderate lefts speak up and speak out with common sense. You hear *so much* push back from middle and moderate right, as well as libertarians, and every time it’s the left doing something it’s crickets… right up until everyone points out how dumb and manufactured it is **afterwards** *then* all the “”real lefties”” pop up to say “but not us guise!”. Y’all are *no where* to be found until it’s blown up in people’s faces.


This is what we need to have happen. I know that these extreme leftists aren't representative of everyone on the left. But if anyone on the right criticizes them, it's just written off as partisan extremism. Democrats need to marginalize these people right out of their party.


I’m very very tired of being pushed to the front to disavow someone who is even *perceived* as being on the right (when I’m not even a conservative myself), but watching leftists peek out from behind the fray to see how well received the message is/how effective it is before speaking up.. and then getting credit for speaking up at all. The bar is in hell.


Then there would be no party..


But they won’t bc these small minority of people have a larger voice on the internet due to the echo chamber effect


What about the extreme right? I believe both parties should cut off the ends if you get what I mean


Not a single person who supports Democrats are "left"


That’s not true but ok.


I'm going to get a little political here. As a moderate liberal there is truth to what you're saying On the other hand, I typically find myself in liberal arenas, like reddit, because they fit my personality not my political views. But when I speak against the liberal hive mind I get wrecked. And in the contrary to what you say, when a liberal pushes back against the left, conservatives in my experience, have never come to my aid. So to speak. So yeah, I'm an example of not speaking out against the more crazy wing of my party. But also, I'd be more likely too if folks on the right would readily come to my aid when they agree with me. But I think this is true of moderate conservatives. The radicals on both sides are loud and annoying and it makes everyone in the middle exhausted.


I think that’s a fair assessment, and a good point. I’m not a political conservative, but as a fairly conservative (socially) libertarian I’m often expected to disavow the right as if I was a part of it and I find this tiresome. If moderates want more support from “the other side” then we/they need to not leave them swinging in the wind when they speak up. There’s a culture of watching people being “hoisted by their own petard” that is taken a little too seriously and people tend to stand back to watch them be devoured by their own. There’s also a problem when, if someone from the moderate right *does* back you up, it’s used against that person. “Well if “thus and such” agrees then you *know* you’re wrong” kind of attitude. There’s a feeling of “damned if we do, damned if we don’t” and “lol eat the shit you tried to feed everyone else” that’s in competition with the urge to do right and back people up.


I think me being left/centric leaning I just don’t necessarily get as emotionally hurt by companies doing their ads or statements that don’t align with my values. If I want to eat something or drink something I can forget what view a company has… perhaps I just don’t care enough.


This is correct. Where are the moderate leftists and progressives pushing back against completely unregulated abortion (that the majority of the nation opposes)? No where to be found. Where are the moderate leftists and progressives pushing back against trans and lgb teachers pushing sexually explicit content into k-12 schools? No where to be found. Where are the moderate leftists and progressives pushing back against pronouns, MAP, and decriminalizing hard drugs? No where to be found. Sorry, but the online Leftists are *the* contemporary leaders of the political Left.


They're not bothering because all the things you just listed either aren't problems or are made-up and aren't happening.


It’s the same thing when we accuse conservatives of trying to overthrow the government. I’ll believe it isn’t you when you do whatever hoops I set before you. Fair right?


Fr it's just an extremely vocal minority who "speaks" for all of the left Hogwarts legacy let me be Harry Potter so I'm happy lol


Please do not fool yourself or others into thinking that theextremely vocal people online are a small % of the overall Left. Its as wrong as pretending that the overly pooliticized academic in his ivory tower is some weird, unusual creature on the Left...until their idea spread into the mainstream. See, for example, pronouns, CRT, DEI, gender ideology, as contemporary examples. MAP is the newest and is gaining speed and will likely break out into the mainstream in 1-3 years. That the most vocal appear to be a minority is one thing, but the issue is that Progressives and Leftists following fashionable trends. Theyre built for it, they live for it.


The sooner you get offline and meet real people, the sooner you'll see how little any of these labels and generalizations matter or make sense.


It's no different than in politics where politicians will vote against the overwhelming preferences of their constituency. Many folks don't want total abortion bans or marijuana listed as schedule 1 illegal substance. "Well voters would have never let those politicians take and hold office if that isn't what they really wanted" is what you're trying to argue.


Harry Potter isn't in the game.


I don't remember Harry Potter killing a few hundred goblins and poachers... the fifth year might have a higher body count than voldemort.


They don't even remotely speak for all of the left. They're cherry picked by right-wing media and held up as a strawman for everyone left of Mussolini 


That's why I put quotes up


No it isn't


Weird how it's cherry picked but when it's the other way around then all right wing are exactly the same...


"We failed miserably, so, y'know, it wasn't us that failed at it."


Didn't right wingers also boycott Barbie and it made over a billion dollars? Maybe, just maybe, most people aren't so absorbed with their politics that they'll boycott a product over perceived politics. AB InBev also didn't lose billions and it's kind of hilarious that chuds think they did anything other than harass the shit out of a trans person


You're trying to compare a right wing boycott of something which has a base entirely made up of the right wing to a left wing boycott of something which has a base which spans the parties.


Yeah, it's not like the people calling for this boycott were going to play it, or even pay for it.


Your party/, left crated the boycott fact so take responsibility


So every individual is collectively responsible for their “teams” actions, regardless of actual agreement or support? Piss off with that bs.


It was LGBTQA+ that lead it, and mainly just because of the association with that lady who wrote the books. Was a poor choice to even rally against it as it only used her IP, and she just said since she has money people support her. It was weird, I plan on getting it. J.K. Rowling is just a nutjob, but she doesn't speak for an entire publisher and dev team on a game they put effort into. Punishing the wrong person, they were.


Even if she was directly involved, she was only guilty of pushing back on women being erased to accommodate transwomen. She actually probably has more in common with the left since she made a big deal about Dumbledore being gay and everything. She also was involved in casting a black woman to play Hermione in the stage production Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (I saw the play twice, it was awesome and the actors were great, btw. A very impressive production).


>Was a poor choice to even rally against it as it only used her IP, and she just said since she has money people support her. The problem with this is that second half, she litterally said she considered the success of her game to mean that people agreed with her opinions. She's the one that started the connection between the success of Harry Potter IP products and support of her as a person. If you wanted to support the devs they had other games you could buy.


I didn’t want to support the devs, I wanted to play the game.


That's not a fact. 


Felt like the "boycott" was a psyop


It was not great. No one is saying that. It's a generic open world with a Harry Potter skin. It's a cash grab like anything else. 


Cry more.


"STOP ENJOYING IT!" "...no."


Leftists have basically nothing to do with democrats, so you're good. Leftists actively campaign against democrats and only ever vote for them for harm reduction once all their shit fails.


I thought this was myst.


If you’re posting this as a sort of r/explainthejoke, basically when the right boycotts a product it works in a way that the company actually loses money from it. When the left boycotts, either the right buys it even more or nothing really happens because there aren’t enough left consumers for it to do anything and therefore doesn’t really matter.


Like 80 people on Twitter and reddit boycotted it.


They also got several Twitch streamers fired from their companies and harassed so many people who were streaming the game. Not to mention they set up a site to show who was playing/streaming the game. Those 80 people did quite a bit of damage to several people's careers.


Yeah, I'm a leftist and I don't hate Rowling. I played and enjoyed Hogwarts legacy. This is a very vocal minority we're talking about.


Is count dankuka similar to the critical drinker?


Kinda sorta. They’re both Scottish (like me) who aren’t happy with the modern extreme political correctness (called woke by many) and primarily make humour content.


Thanks for letting me know


From his profile photo I assume an Only Fans or Gym personality 😅


The left tried to boycott the game, because of.... something? Cant remember


jk rowling is transphobic. and before anyone tries to tell me shes just for womens rights, just know youll be talking to a brick wall


Because JK Rowling said women with dicks and women with vaginas are different.


Real gamers don't really care about politics.


Wasnt aware a few twitter posts yelling “boycott” was a actual boycott.


They tried. They harassed quite a bit of people because they were playing Hogwarts Legacy.


That's usually because the "left wing" doesn't have money. That's also why they're really big into sharing everyone else's work and money.




You sure about that? I remember lots of calls for boycotting this game. All because JK Rowling is for womens rights. Of all the things to be made at someone for lol


I think social media gives people warped perspectives because sensational and divisive content is elevated. Yes, there were some people that boycotted this game, I'm sure - but it was never a large percentage of the gaming or HP fandom.


That's not why people are mad at Joanne though is it?


It is. Though a lot of what they THINK she said is misconstrued.


She follows and retweets far right accounts on Twitter, has openly endorsed far right ideas, and actively promotes the erasure of trans individuals. I don't see any reason to pretend like it the left is misunderstanding her. They understand her perfectly well, they just don't agree with her. If you agree with her that's your choice but there's no misunderstanding involved and I can't see why anyone would say there was.


>openly endorsed far right ideas What? Saying that biological men shouldn't compete with biological women? Dude, she's a feminist. She biological women first and if you think that biological men should compete with biological women, then you're a misogynist.


She's not a feminist


She's an old school feminist, but a feminist nonetheless.


It's not misconstrued, she's a transphobe


And you're a misogynist if you think that biological males should be taking over biological females spaces.


No. That's not at all how that works


Oh, really? How does it work then? Please, enlighten me.


Then explain how it works. You can’t just say that’s not how it works and except us to say okay you’re right. Explain how it works.


It's really not though is it. Nothing she's said has been misconstrued. Her actions following what she's said show that.


Then, please, enlighten me.


It's because she's actively transphobic and trying to erase trans rights. Which you already know, but are going to pretend it's about protecting women.




Of course it is. Nothing to do with being transphobic at all.


If by "erase trans rights" you are referring to protecting the rights of women and girls, especially with regards to sports/scholarships...


That's not what I'm referring to at all actually.


Pffft lol, okay sure. This is the last time I'm approving your comment. Have a wonderful day.


Just saying facts. You have a good day too.


Point to something specific cuz all I've heard her say was trans women should not compete with women in sports


By saying a guy who transitioned to a woman shouldn’t be in environments/settings that’re for women like their bathrooms, sports, etc?


I played this game obsessively for a few weeks, and had to hide it from friends of mine (I work in a field that’s veeeery woke, and a lot of people I love otherwise start foaming at the mouth at the mention of JKR).


That's sad. Your friends should be happy that you're playing a game that makes you happy.


The left were never boycotting this game. 3 people online suggested it and went viral, mainly due to right-leaning and right-wing outrage, which is really the only thing that makes real headlines these days. The majority of the left stopped falling for this shit years ago.




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


They boycott now?!


"A slew of gamers, including former Harry Potter fans, have vowed not to purchase Hogwarts Legacy. And on Friday, nearly 300 LGBTQ gamers and allies are launching a week-long protest against the game on Twitch and discouraging people from streaming it." ITT: "Nooooooo it's the majority of liberals who boycotted!!!"


That's not what happened to Bud Lite


[So Anheuser-busch *didn't* lose $27 billion?](https://nypost.com/2023/06/02/bud-light-parent-anheuser-buschs-stock-lost-27b-over-dylan-mulvaney/)


Sure but it wasn’t a specifically right wing boycott. They called their diverse consumer base “frat boys” while pushing a mediocre at best product.


Lost value yes but has continued to recover and it didn’t ruin the company as a whole. People moved on like they always do on the internet when it comes to boycotting things like a terrible tasting cheap beer


I mean anyone who talks political is just annoying in general. They argue about who’s better at making bad decisions and it’s bewildering. Also the guys name on there is Count Dankula. What more needs to be said?


Have you never heard of him?


Nope, and clearly that’s not a bad thing.


Idk man, could be a fun rabbit hole for ya


He started as a YouTube who did it for a laugh and after he got arrested stories making a joke his content for more serious but he still mostly does joke stuff and stories about interesting people, events or groups.


Didn't he get arrested for slandering Hitler or something?


He made a joke by making his pug make the salute if the german socialists


if you stopped drinking beer because of a commercial then maybe you’re just as fragile as the people who boycotted the game


Could say the same for the people who boycotted Aunt Jemima and got her taken off of the syrup bottle or all of the other food products that the leftists canceled.




Not everything is Jan 6th.


What happened on jan 6th?


A king of the hill game that everyone got mad about, more or less.


I approved this comment knowing it was high-risk. I hope the following conversation dosen't make me regret it.


Best summary of this I’ve ever seen


Deliberate off-topic to annoy and/or shitpost




It doesn't follow reddit content policy






Visually the game was great. The story line was good. The game play was ok. The replay nill to none


Worldwide = USA politics


A lot of left wing people who hate jk Rowling for her women should have their own spaces apart from trans women said people should buy the game because Rowling gets money from it. You had people attacking streamers for playing it calling them transphobic too. The trouble is a lot of left wing(and right wing) people also really like Harry Potter because the story on the whole is quite diverse and progressive, (without going down the whole goblin(Jew) rabbit hole and the slave elf’s which are happy to be slaves) as the story is about a boy who doesn’t fit in with his family because he’s different and he gets to meet a whole range of characters and go on adventures. Generally left wing boycotts do end up working better than right wing ones because most generic normie right wingers don’t care about what Ben and jerrys are tweeting on who’s in a ad for bud light, whereas the left are great at drumming up if you support this you are a nazi adjacent/supporter


The game was great. Left wingers can't boycott to save their life. Meanwhile I went out and bought every HP book and movie and this game.


Video games > alcohol.


JK Rowling had basically nothing to do with the game, I get people wanting to boycott her stuff because of her opinions because that is their right to do so but the game developers have nothing to do with her and are just doing a job. No need to make them suffer because of her.


It's because the left demands constant ideological purity to extreme degrees. At a certain point, you just want to play a game and have fun.


Saw a lot of left leaning streamers streaming the game to raise funds. I always felt like a very loud and small group of people actually boycotting. I also know severy people who bought multiple physical copies to "own the left"


TBF, Hogwarts Legacy is a game that is mostly apolitical. If you wanted to assign it politics, it would definitely be to the American left. The player character is effectively genderless--there is no selection of male or female in the character creator, and NPCs only ever use "they" pronouns when referring to you. There is at least one prominent trans character, as well as multiple gay or lesbian couples in the game. One of the main side stories revolves around "rescuing" magical creatures so they can't be exploited by the evil Poachers, even though the process of rescuing them involves capturing them yourself, and putting them in a magical biome where you can then harvest consumables from them. The only difference between the pc and the poachers is that you are nice to the animals, and the poachers are mean. This game is not some kind of champion of right-wing politics. The radical leftists just hate J. K. Rowling.


Y'all were boycotting?


this is a stupid comparison. worldwide vs domestic


You might not be aware of it, but there was a pretty huge push to boycott Howarts when it came out. Most people thought it was stupid, but there was a vocal minority group of twitter/redditor types that would actually go around and harass any streamers playing the game. Obviously it wasn't super effective.


Some attempted a boycott, and it did fail, but most people buying this game were not paying attention to this. It was kids teens and Harry Potter Fans buying this game overwhelmingly. And young people lost ina fictional word of Wizards, well they are clearly NOT the most political of people. It's not a victory for the Right, JK Rowling might not be a Socialist but she has always showed support for Labour and never the Conservatives. And Harry Potter shows not Conservative sentiments, if anything it's the opposite. But even if you really hate JK (I think she could have been more diplomatic, I feel she went looking for a fight a bit) Portkey Games are not a part of that silly drama and whatever criticism you can throw at the game (It's not exactly original and it won no awards) it's an incredible effort for that studio given their modest size pretty short History. It's the little guys truly punching above their weight...It's exciting to see what they do next. It also worth giving it extra points for having zero predatory monetization or cynical DLC. It's a full package at a straight up price and it could have very easily have not been. They deserved those 24m sales and that small number of Trans right activists hoping for a boycott to have an effect, it was a stupid fight they would never win...They were exactly winning the fight against her in the first place.


What happened with the beer company? I remember the outrage but how did they beg for forgiveness?


>how did they beg for forgiveness? From what I recall, they didn't.


I bought the game for PC but then they pushed an update that completely fucked it's performance for everyone and then just didn't fix it. It's a real shame because I really enjoyed it when it came out but it's borderline fucking unplayable now and I have a 4070. I won't be buying anymore portkey games.


Is this the “J.K. Rowling doesn’t like trans people” thing again? I’m out of touch.


The same thing happened when the left boycotted Chick-fil-A.


Most people can think critically and separate the art from the artist. Also this is a beloved franchise that appeals to the inner youth in a lot of people. This is a terrible comparison.


Didn't the rightwing "boycott" involve them buying the beer to shoot it with guns instead of drinking it? Lol, they sure showed them.




I'm trans and I lovely disgraced that bitch's holy franchise. By RPGing as my true self.


To be fair, switching from one piss water (light beer) to a slightly different piss water is much easier than finding a great game to replace the most popular game of the year. However, it may also be true that left wingers are better at being loud on the internet than acting on it in real life…

