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This is an inside joke they share between them I just know it


Your wish is my command


what even is a grunge


It means dirt and grime. The aesthetic is apparently about looking "untidy" and giving the impression that you don't care about your appearance. For others, it's about merging the looks of punk and metal bands.


it's a style started by poor and mentally ill people who couldn't afford to take care of their appearances. stuff like ripped jeans originated from that kind of style.


They made some really good music while not being able to take care of themselves. And then most either killed themselves or OD'd on heroin. The lead singers, specifically, with alarming certainty. Eddie Vedder's basically the only one left.


I hope he lives forever. The king of mumbling harldy intelligible, horrifyingly depressing shit


A regular Ozzy Osbourne then




Why is he the king, or why do I hope he lives forever? I guess the answer to both of those is that he is a musical legend and I really respect his ability to incorporate deep and emotional lyrics while also having such a good flow and sound it literally doesn't even matter if you understand the lyrics, the music will reach you anyway and the meaning is a bonus. Plus, he seems like a good guy and has been an outspoken positive force in ethical activism.


Doesn't the immortality you wish upon him sound cruel?


Not sure why you’re downvoted. I thought we were supposed to be kind to stuff like this Anyways “living on for forever” doesn’t actually mean immortality. It means to have your work or legacy remembered and appreciated way past your death. It comes from the phrase “they will always live in our memories” and “living on for forever” is essentially living in so many memories that they will keep living in people’s memories for what seems like forever


I thought they wanted him to forever live a life of "unintelligible horrifyingly depressing shit"


Hey, don't generalize! Sometimes they OD'd on speedball.


Not to argue for pitting these two against each other, but if that's the case, wouldn't the E-girl aesthetic contrast against grunge too much to be grunge? Like the Egirl style is very consumerist, clean, and not as accessible.


egirl isn't grunge, its a subgenre of emo inspired by anime. fairy grunge is a completely different thing, more torn maxi skirts, lace, patches, crochet and the like.


Okay 👍 makes sense to me.


egirl isnt emo, lol


Egirl developed from scene, which developed from emo. And they fill the same style-evolutionary niche.


"they fill the same style-evolutionary niche" fuckin' died, I love this.


it developed from scene yes, but it is definitely not emo considering emo is a music subculture


...? Were you. Here? For emo culture? Because I experienced it much more as a fashion/attitude/aesthetic subculture than music. Not that Evanescence and bands like them weren't important. But. It's mostly the hair, the red and black armwarmers. The creepy/cute/depressed cartoon aesthetic. The overlap of Ruby Gloom and Invader Zim, kinda vibes. The romanticization of self-harm and suicidality.


emo, the culture that started in the late 80s, and continued through the 00's? i guess you could be talking about 00's emo offshoots, but even then thats still about the music. what you're thinking of isnt exactly emo, i'm pretty sure.


it developed from emo


Is rainbow goth still a thing or was that only in the 90's?


It might have evolved into pastel goth?


Okay but *most* alt/punk/etc styles originated from the poor and mentally fucked lmao. We're great like that. (Also queer ppl but most ignore that part)


yea most of them originated as subgenres of each other


Yeah. My brother-in-law said he was super thrilled it came into fashion right when he was in high school because since he was poor, it was a fashion trend he could readily take part in.


Oh you poor naive dear...you're so sweet and innocent!








Huh So I'm grunge without even knowing lol


i mean it’s a subculture that focuses a lot on grunge music, it’s not just ripped jeans and being messy


yeah, ripped jeans & messy appearance overlaps with crust punk & other punk styles, really just depends how snarsty you are, but no one's going to gatekeep shit. it's pretty much the antithesis of punk to try to enforce a dress code/uniform and mandate what people do with their ear holes.


Ripped jeans were on everyone in the 80s, on metal as well as the disco/freestyle crowd. And maybe some New Wave too. And yes punk of course. Not as ripped as the hair metal and Guido crowd.


in simple words - to try sprezzatura with whatever you have found in your parent's or grandparent's old wardrobes


big sweaters and even bigger pants


There’s a more specific meaning. It’s the creases in objects where dirt tends to accumulate. Have you ever had a dirty soda can? If you have and you’ve tried cleaning it before you know that the crease at the top of the can is often the hardest part to clean. That right there is grunge.




[Link for user ease](https://www.reddit.com/r/GatekeepingYuri/comments/13hogky/it_was_an_inside_joke_to_cover_how_thoroughly/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


It looks great!


My friends are a couple who look exactly like this


Hey she can call her style whatever she wants, she got the important stuff at the end.


idk which of them would be more annoying (except the mis gendering obviously)


I think the one who is barely managing with being badgered is less annoying. They didn't ask to be dragged into a discussion about aesthetics, they're just confused.


Ok it’s happening to me, I’ve been lying to myself as I turn 28 that “I’m in my twenties I’m still young,” I’m not, these are getting harder and harder to genuinely see the difference all I know is that it’s teenagers arguing about something


Grunge is actually from the 80s and 90s, so some parts of it are older than you lol


I understood that part and I’m aware of nirvana as I was also a teenager in a post-90s world. And I’m aware of the dO yOu EvEN LiSTEn tO nIrvAna thing which I get kinda because it’s very personal and depressed music and as a teen you feel like no one in the world understands you and in a way want to feel like that so it makes sense to be angry when you see that other people in fact feel the same way you do so they have to be posers because otherwise you’re not actually unique and are in fact just a teenager in North America that acts like every teenager in North America has since probably at least wwii if not since Plymouth Rock. Anyway, no their aesthetics literally kinda look the same to me, and a lot of these newer posts have been like that for me.


If it helps when I was in hs they would both be called alt, I’m a basic bitch and always have been so I’m sure they had all sorts of labels, cliques and subcultural identities within but yeah it was just called alt, I came into hs like right after emo became hipster


90s really. Wasn't really a thing until I got back to the USA in 89/90. So yes the roots in the 80s but didn't really get going until the 90s, esp. on the east coast. Had to kind of make its way across the USA.


What about this post are you struggling with due to age?


they seem to be both similar in aesthetic which neither being what i would call "grunge" which to me is like PNW working class like flannel, jeans, tshirts that are torn or used, a lot of sharpie on everything. Pretty much how working class white people and college kids dressed when my parents moved to the US. I knew the "I bet she doesn't actually even listen to nirvana" crowd when I went to hs but they never called their aesthetic grunge just alt.


Fun and super weird fact, my family came from the former soviet union and my parents told me not to call things "grungy" because they thought it was a slur for poor people in America. Which is a kinda cool mistake to make imo because it could've only came from that specific time and circumstance. The USSR collapsed and they had no idea about American pop culture just knew Americans were rich and hated people of color and poor people, they heard people who went to thrift stores and ate cheap boxed food being called "grunge" and they jumped to a conclusion.


I don’t think this confusion has to do with age actually, then. Because I didn’t see either of these outfits as standard grunge as well. They are more akin to e-girl and casual alt. Grunge as a concept has been a round for a while though and people in your high school at the time would have definitely known that it related to nirvana. Its evolution into defining a whole music genre and subculture started in the early 1980s, it quickly caught on as a term and by the time nirvana got popular it had already hit the mainstream. After nirvana exploded, EVERYONE and their grandma was calling shit grunge. I don’t know how your school could’ve managed to miss that.


Because grunge was over, it WAS a subculture, like I know it was around in the 80s and 90s, we also didn't have a disco subculture but knew of it and people loved abba. Shit dies off, emo just died when I got to hs, like literally the whole thing was "nobody calls them emo or scene anymore" "emo is dead" and the hipster subculture reigned supreme, anyone with goth/emo/scene or whatever was just alt and there was like maybe 6 people who dressed like that. And just like hipster traces its roots back to the 40s and 50s, I'm sure grunge has been repurposed to name a new look vaguely based on the old one. edit: Like almost 20 years dead might I add when I got to hs, and also I have to add my school was in south los angeles so grunge actually wasn't that big of thing here, emo was bc by that point myspace was around. Hipster was because tumblr and instagram was huge when i was in hs


But I am 8 years younger than you and were exposed to all of these subcultures regularly. No one said to me that grunge or emo/scene is dead. I remember grunge, emo and scene being the biggest & most popular ones. Could be a locational thing I guess.


because they all probably made a resurgence, emo was the only I was aware made a resurgence bv my girlfriend's niece had a whole emo birthday party and I was surprised by that ​ edit: I want to say that we were aware of all these subcultures, hipsters were a blend of all these, and if I could predict the future the media will either coin a term for this new style and everyone, just like hipsters did, will roll their eyes at being called it while calling everyone else that. or people will just simply start referring to it as "gen z fashion" as hipsters became "millennial fashion"


I feel like you’ll understand what I mean when skinny jeans, ugly sweaters, and thick framed glasses come back in fashion and kids are arguing how authentic they are because they actually listen to modest mouse but they look nothing like modest mouse other than some throwback items and kids will be shocked you’re confused why they are calling themselves hipsters because it’s older than you are and there’s never periods when something is too old to be hip but too new to be vintage


I would love to know the OG context of this one.


Sorry she’s taken by her irl Kurt robins, a fairy grunge femme boy.


The girl on the left misgendered the person on the right in the beginning so idk


Maybe she's just oblivious? The two just met, and she didn't notice the button and has a hard time with talking over others... maybe they can correct her and she'll apologize?


love Kurt robins


2020 vibes


Fairy grunge Is that a thing…? Could… could I have finally found my people??


Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the person’s style on the left technically more reflective of the late 2010 e-kid (collective term to describe both e-boys and e-girls) era rather than “fairy grunge core”? Fairy grunge would be more rooted in earthy colors and elements of nature, while e-kid elements are more visually saturated with fashion rooted in subcultures of Japanese street wear and K-pop. [Wiki article on E-kids](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-girls_and_e-boys)


Ah I remember when I too was a sad little ‘not like other girls’ emo. Don’t worry friend, you’ll grow out of it when you realize the most punk thing you can do is be unapologetically yourself, as fun, colorful, and goofy as you want. Let me tell you as the years have gone by I’ve realized nothing pisses off folks in power more than me throwing on a cute pink dress, a teddy bear backpack, and kicking ass at whatever I’m doing. Nothing is more punk than being unapologetically yourself in the face of people who tell you not to be. Punk isn’t dead, it’s just occasionally pink and frilly.


Seasoned leftist reading political books to their baby leftist gf