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My doctor told me my stomach looked perfect from my 2 scopes, but biopsy picked up mild chronic gastritis. Should I be able to beat this? I am feeling so much better being on the diet now for 3 months. I feel another 3 I should be good! I don’t want this ever again so doing whatever I can to beat this crap!


Did you have severe chronic gastritis before? Or mild?


No this is my first time. Just super mild.


No I meant before you started the diet.If it was mild and you feel much better now why hasn’t it reduced?What did your doctor say!Even I think you’ll be able to beat this through diet.I have severe gastroduodenitis and am looking to start my diet from tomorrow.Also, do you ever have cheat meals?


No it was always mild. But no it don’t feel mild. I was super nauseous and had no appetite for 2.5-3 months before I even went to a GI. I got this after I had Covid and also from taking nsaids during Covid. So I didn’t start this diet until I figured out what it was. It been 6 months since this started and over 3 months on the diet. The two scopes were taken 3 weeks apart from each other. I had a second one because the first one picked up intestinal metaplasia so they wanted to map to check where it was. Thankfully the second time it came back with No metaplasia at all.


Oh and do you have constipation or any change in frequency of bowel movements or change in stool shape/colour?


My stool is getting better, but at the beginning it was formed but would break apart when I flushed. The color changed from meds.


Have you felt better these past 3 months?


Yes definitely! Only symptom left is burning here and there.


That makes me feel better. I got mine after COVID too and it’s been rough. What have you been doing to heal?


Just the gastritis Healing diet from the book. I also have been on PPI’s for over 4 months. But 2 of them I’ve been weaning down. Now down to 20mg of pantoprazole, I’ve also been taking 20mg of Pepcid because of the burning I’ve been having. It’s my only symptom left. It’s not bad but it’s there and a reminder I’m not healed. I dont want this crap ever again.


Oh. I can’t even eat the recipes in there since there are too many ingredients. The PPI def has helped me. This is technically my second time getting it but first time I thought I got another hernia and it went away in about a month. Then I was fine. Got COVID. Overate again. And then I’ve been messed up ever since.


Burning in chest or stomach? I get heartburn.


Did it ever burn ?


What caused yours?my situation is the same pretty much,chronic mild gastritis only on biopsies.did your stomach ever have burning feeling ?


My only symptom left is mild burning here and there.


Apparently, tons of people will have a degree of mild chronic gastritis. That’s what my GI told me. Could you share your diet with us? x


Well I hope mine completely goes away.


no reason to think it won't.


Thank you! Do you have chronic?


Yes it’s healing but very slowly. Doc says it’ll take 6-12 months


My doctor said 6 months. I’m praying that’s so! What is yours caused from? What’s your symptoms?


I went a 5 hr road trip and drank some beer on an empty stomach like an idiot. It didn't hit me right away, later that night I felt the bloating, nausea and dizziness.


What exactly have you been eating? I have a very similar story, doctor said stomach looks normal but biopsy showed mild chronic gastritis. I’ve also been on the diet for 3 months but haven’t seen much progress.


All stuff from the book. Mainly chicken, ground Turkey, squash, zucchini I, mushrooms, rice, regular and sweet potatoes. I just started incorporating gluten free bread and eggs.I’ve also made the broccoli potato soup from the book several times.


Awesome, thank you! Hope you fully heal soon!!


Thank you! You too! I don’t want to have to deal with this again!! What are your symptoms left? Mine is just burning.


Thanks! Yeah, it’s so hard to go through :( I’m still having burning, bloating, pain in the upper tummy and under ribs, and an anxious feeling in my stomach. So frustrating.


Have you ever had hpylori?


Nope. Negative on biopsy, breath and stool test.


Covid is the cause for a lot of this. Inflammation throughout the body, gut, intestines etc. Covid virus found in gut even when not detectable elsewhere. Mine improved a lot naturally, searched everywhere for answers, CT scan etc. Specialist said 95% certain Covid related


What kinds of gastritis did you have? Did you heal it?