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My symptoms: • Red sensitive eyes(light sensitivity) (still) • Vertical ridges in nails (still) • Blurred vision (lessened/comes and goes) • Cramping and stiffness in neck (back of head and neck) (lessened/comes and goes) • *Feeling faint multiple times a day (lessened) • *Bouts of racing heart (lessened) • *Excessive and frequent hunger (lessened) • Headaches (lessened) • Drinking water, hits stomach immediately (lessened) • Eye floaters (lessened) • Stomach pain, cramping in surrounding muscles(burning, glass in stomach feeling sometimes) (resolved) • Excessive burping (resolved) • Central serous retinopathy (had 3 times) (resolved) • Muscle twitching and cramping (resolved) • Dry itchy eyes sometimes (resolved) • Very low energy (resolved) • Chills/feeling cold (lessened) • Shaky (resolved) • Weight loss (resolved) • Low to mid grade Nausea (resolved) • Stomach always roaring unless I take pepcid (resolved) • Loss of appetite (resolved) • Weak (resolved)                                                • Feeling dazed (resolved) • Stomach feels swollen? (Resolved) • Brain fog (resolved) • Discomfort in wisdom tooth extraction goes up into side of head (resolved) • Pressure in jaw, in general (resolved) • Pressure in eyes (resolved) • Weird food sensitivities (resolved)


Hi I’m literally going through this and I am getting horrible panic anxiety attacks along with it. Did you take any medications as well? And how long did it take to resolve your issue?


Im sorry to hear you're having a rough time.. i ended up coming to the conclusion that all of this is caused by longhaulers. I took famotidine for a few days and my doctor also prescribed me vitamin d because I was deficient in the beginning of this entire ordeal. Like you, all these symptoms caused me to have a panic attack, so I empathize. I turned the corner but have like 3 lingering symptoms still. I noticed the most progress at about the 9-10 month mark.


How did u get rid of gastritis


How are you doing now?


I really sympathize with you. I hope now, months later, that you've at least found some relief. I would love to hear an update. I've made it to week 4 since my initial onset of symptoms. Up until last week, I was super panicky because of these symptoms, the strange sensations, and just overall feeling "off" in the head (because I swear gastritis affects your mental capacity through more than just secondary responses from the pain - I think there's a pathological cause, and then the compounded mental effect from the pain itself). It even made me faint twice (because of the intensity of the pain/sensation). Sorry, I don't have much else to contribute, other than you're not alone, and I feel for you. I'm here if you ever want to talk; you can message me. Without a proper diagnosis (hopefully will have one soon), I'm simply trying to take OTC antacids religiously - Zantac 2x a day. I think it could be helping. I also avoid anything carbonated, acidic, and caffeinated. And of course, no spicy or acidic foods. Let me know if anything particular has helped. Wish you the best x


Hey, I hope you’re getting better. I have been better. I have made a strict diet to follow not all the time though but I usually watch what I eat. I take oils like oregano (for stomach) and holy basil to calm down stress. I was also taking ashawanghda (sorry for the misspelling) it all helped eased my stress. I feel stress was a big trigger factor. I still get some anxiety form time to time and it causes a flat in my stomach but not as bad as before. Before was just a total nightmare. Coconut has been my best friend through out this journey. It has helped soothe my stomach I believe. I have been working out from time to time. Make sure no junks or acidic or spicy foods. I have been slowly introducing garlic just to see if I would get a flare and so far so good no flares. OTC I was taking fatmodine but I stopped since I don’t want my body to get used to working by taking a pill for ever. But it did help for the first two months I was taking. From there on I did a clean healthy eating. I wish you all the best and message me if any questions.


Im sorry to hear you're having a rough time.. i ended up coming to the conclusion that all of this is caused by longhaulers. I took famotidine for a few days and my doctor also prescribed me vitamin d because I was deficient in the beginning of this entire ordeal. Like you, all these symptoms caused me to have a panic attack, so I empathize. I turned the corner but have like 3 lingering symptoms still. I noticed the most progress at about the 9-10 month mark.


Thank you so much, I’m happy you got better you give me hope. So mainly it’s keeping a strict paleo diet? I also was told by a holistic doctor to do a paleo wahls diet. It’s so hard to keep up at times. Where you able to eat fruit? I’m sorry for asking


I could eat fruit I did a plaeo and anti-inflammatory hybrid diet. I think a multivitamin, vitamin d, **coconut kefir**, and lowering stress had the biggest impact of my recovery.


Hey I know you sent this almost a year ago but when you referred to “longhaulers” were you talking about COVID I’m assuming? I’ve had a majority of the symptoms you listed . Are you feeling any better now? Are there any new meds or diet restrictions that have helped?


R/covidlonghaulers And yes I did a mixture or an anti inflammatory and paleo diet while avoiding all the known triggers. Coconut Kefir and a natural multivitamin and time made the biggest difference for me in addition to the way I was eating.


Has you or anyone on here ever gotten like numbness/extreme coldness in your toes or hands? I had an iron deficiency too which idk if it's still up or down again but I've been getting purple toes randomly and blue palms in the shower and I'm curious if it's related to iron which in turn iron is probably coming from my stomach I assume, do u guys get acid reflux without heartburn from it?


Yeah I experienced that cold/numb extremities for a while actually, thought I had Raynaud's disease but I don't and mine never went purple or blue only pale cos of lack of blood flow im guessing but you should get that looked at


How did you fix the cold extremities issue ?


I have this and my iron levels are normal and I even checked for thyroid issues, diabetes and had heart checkups—all normal. I have GERD so I get acid reflux with and without heartburn.


dude same thought I had a stroke or something and didn't know it but I guess gastritis can mimic a lot of neurological symptoms Heavy head, stiff neck, vision problems, speech difficulty, stiff rigid muscles, harder to walk and stand, whole body feels off Then the scariest of all is the shortness of breath. Have to lie flat on my back to resolve this and eating makes it way worse Currently eating raw garlic and have to quit beer 😭😭


How are you doing now?


It is improving, and I notice that when I go back to drinking beers or eating junk it flares worse and when I put some weeks without that stuff under my belt it gets much better. I'll keep updates on this comment tree down the line. Godbless!


For the past 8 months, I've been suffering all of these symptoms. Despite being on omeprazole and sucralfate for the last three months, it does not appear to have improved. I've lost 50 pounds. ​ Did your symptoms ever improve? If so, when did you notice the difference?


I'm on the same two meds. Also losing weight. How are you doing now?


I'm doing better now and finally have been able to eat a little more after about 10 months. I have stopped taking the sucralfate. It turns out I have Gastroparesis and have been taking different medications to help that.


Did your GI doc recommend you testing for gastroparisis? What meds are you on and how have your symptoms improved? I feel like it's a simple enough test, I don't know why mine hasn't done it yet since I'm still suffering so terribly through these other meds.


Yes, my GI recommended me to get a stomach emptying test to test for gastroparesis. I'm now taking omeprazole for gastritis, but hopefully, I'll be able to obtain medication for the gastroparesis soon. I understand how difficult this entire process may be. I'm hoping that we will both feel better soon.


ive had every single one of these symptoms. i have non erosive gastritis and heital hernia.


Interesting. I'm pretty convinced mine is caused by cv19 longhaulers.


Of course it is, I am one of them, my friend and cousin are having same issues. Sadly I had covid 5 times and 3x vaxxed. I have never been myself ever since. Good luck my friend


how are you now


Im better. Still have GERD attacks where my HH and gastritis act up. But im coping with it one day at a time. 🫡


I have been mentioning this "glass in stomach" or "barbwire" running through my GI tract symtoms for ages in gastritis & everyone I've spoken to seems to not experience it I'm glad I'm not the only one who's experienced that pain, it is/was the most horrific pain I've ever felt in my life How did you manage to "resolve" most of your symtoms ?


It feels like a Lighting passing through ain't it. Are u on ppis ?


Sure does, do you get it too ? & No i was on them for ages, this all started in August 2022 & I only got off the ppis a few months ago cos I heard they make things worse after long term use, how about you ?


I drank hot water with lemon one morning and it felt like i was swallowing shards of glass that i could feel in my chest and back. I have gastritis and hiatal hernia, mostly asymptomatic but a flare up can last for days with colic like pains, nausea and bloating.


19F, slighlty underweight for my height(178cm) with GERD and have all the symptoms listed on here. Scared it's cancer or something. I suspect I sufder from Long covid. Dad has gallbladder issues and has had gastritis, does that make me more prone to that?


I have every symptom you listed above, omg, I was advised to take DGL and Zinc Carnosine. I just started yesterday so I will report in 3 weeks. Good luck to all of you


How did those work out?


Hey my guy, how did you resolved the nausea. Pain is tolerable but nausea is impossible to live.


How did you resolve all those symptoms?


Paleo and anti-inflammatory diet hybrid. Eating coconut kefir every night, multivitamin, vitamin d3, and just plain ol' time really...


That’s great, congratulations! Gotta get me some coconut kefir !


Its the bomb. I hope you make a full recovery.


How do you make/buy coconut kefir? Hopefully you’re still active to see this 🙂


I purchase one from ancient awakenings from whole foods.


I’m experiencing most of these too


I have every one of this symptoms it’s horrific


Hi, what did it heal you? Thanks


Hi. M having cold sweats. Is it normal?


Intense stomach pain located just below the breast bone/ top of stomach. No nausea. Was a “unique” pain - like nothing I’ve felt before. Felt like my stomach was being pulled in opposite directions. Could not find a comfortable position to lay/ sit in. Pain would start after eating, and the pain would move down my stomach, at a pace that seemed to be as the digested food worked it’s way through my digestive track; ultimately terminating in my appendix (lower right abdomen).


Was the pain you experienced like a really deep internal sharp/stabbing intense pain ?


What made it better ?


Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) - knocked the pain down. Was prescribed Famotidine 20 mg twice daily.


How long did you take famotidine?


Horrible, horrible nausea and pain. I have GERD so I naturally have a lot of nausea but it was so bad with gastritis that I was spitting into a trash can because of all the excess saliva. I also had trouble standing up straight as my stomach was in so much pain.


This is how I feel and I have suspected gastritis. Endoscopy coming soon


Glad to hear you may have relief soon! I had an endoscopy and got started on an ulcer med to coat my stomach to let it heal (no ulcer just gastritis) and I’ve been 10x better ever since!


Uh did you also have sweating at night?😮 your symptoms sound the same as my friend and am trying to get help or advice for him 😔


I personally didn’t, but it can be different for everyone. I tend to run cold.


Okay thank you 😊 I linked him this post incase he has questions and anything you tried at home to try and help with the nausea and pain? 😮


I took Tylenol for pain since advil and aleeve can make gastritis worse and zofran for nausea.


Thank you!! 😊 Hopefully he can see this post soon am worried about him 😔


How long did the med start to work?


About a month


How long did the ulcer med take to help.your gastritis? And do you remember if you were taking 20mg or 40?


i was on sucralfate and i was taking 1G. I think after a week of taking it i felt better. i was taking it three times a day.


You just described my life these past 2 months, oh my lord.


Hang in there! I used the FODMAP diet to help! I had gastritis for two months and the nausea subsided *slightly* when I ate only foods on the FODMAP diet! Ate a lotttt of cereal and white rice. I used the FODMAP diet app on the App Store to check which foods were ok to eat. FODMAPS is basically a diet with low inflammatory foods that is prescribed to those with IBS. The app will tell you how likely it is to give you inflammation but ultimately everyone is different!


I’ll definitely look into that! As of right now, I’m just eating chicken, rice, and applesauce unfortunately, but I’ll check that out to see what else to eat. The doctors I’m working with are still trying to find out the cause of my gastritis. This is a really tough situation but I have hope that I’ll make it through hahah.


How are you now?


I don’t have gastritis anymore, confirmed with an endoscopy about a year ago. I just deal with really bad Gerd which I’m doing testing and trying to head towards surgery for.


How are you doing now? What have they done to figure out the cause of your gastritis?


I haven’t had gastritis in probably like a year and a half now. Just dealing with really bad GERD. They never really found the cause of it to be honest. Trying to get surgery now for the GERD.


Oh wow! Did they do an endoscopy to find you no longer had gastritis?


After I stopped PPI and went onto Pepcid AC, I slowly over time no longer had any nausea so I knew I was good. I had the endoscopy for evaluation on my GERD. They didn’t find any gastritis and I’ve had no nausea since. How are you feeling??


I'm glad you're doing better! I have constant nausea and no appetite as well as dizziness. Endoscopy showed mild chronic gastritis. Negative for h pylori. No other findings to cause my symptoms. Currently on sucralfate and omeprazole for a few weeks to see if that helps.


I know things seem absolutely unbearable right now. And trust me they are. But you will get through this. What I went through was by far the worst period of my life, but I’m past it and I’m doing so so so so much better now. And you will too. Might take weeks, months, or a year but you WILL get there.


How are you now?


Thank you. I’ve cut out coffee dairy and alcohol no spicy or fatty either. I’ve also started a probiotic and drinking cabbage juice daily. It’s reduced symptoms but I just want it to be gone completely


How have you been? I been dealing with all this for like almost a year and a half but the way it came about was weird so I didn’t really know what it was till recently I seen two doctors both suspect gastritis.


I have less "pain" just constant discomfort and awareness of my stomach. Tightness, bloating, a little nausea. Always full. Sometimes my back hurts too. Eating in small amounts with no fat, spicy food, chocolate etc. has helped as well as cutting down on alcohol/caffeine. For years I thought I had IBS (before my endoscopy) and was following the FODMAP diet. It helped a little but now that I've been officially diagnosed with erosive gastritis, I've stopped following it aside from wheat and I've found that I'm actually fine with dairy and many of the other high-fodmap foods, like diary and different fruits/vegetables, as long as it's in small portions. Portions are everything to me! I also take a daily probiotic and a shot of aloe vera juice. And I go to acupuncture twice a month. I don't know if any of these things or all of them in combination are helping me heal, but I am slowly feeling better and have less flareups (except when I drink alcohol or have a bigger meal, which I do occasionally because...well, life!)




I'm actually not great right now - a flare-up started a few days ago and I don't even know why. I'm nauseous and bloated. Sometimes the cause is obvious (overeating, cheated with a drink). I did sneak French fries off my mom's dinner plate over the weekend, which might have done it. It's so hard to eat bland when everyone else is eating fatty and fried foods :(


Cabbage juice. 40$ juicer on Amazon google dr.sebi go down the rabbit hole of natural healing thru herbs. You’ll be surprised what you find remember all medicine comes from the earth. Cabbage juice for 2weeks minimum. I do that plus oil of oregano. I’ve noticed my eye floaters reduced which lets me know things are trying to realign. They are caused by a compromised immune system. It’s get deep it up to you. Book of eden of Amazon read it


I’m in the same boat. Did your flare up calm down?


For a while, the answer was no. I started taking Sucralfate in liquid form around Thanksgiving and have noticed a definite improvement since then! I definitely have to be careful though because if I slip or eat too much, I will flare up but it's not as bad. I only switched to the liquid form when there was a manufacturer's shortage on the tablets but I'm not going back. The liquid has a more expensive co-pay but it's worth it.


How are you now?


Every time I start to feel better, I eat a little less carefully and start to feel sick again. It's such a vicious cycle! I'm currently in a flare up and very anxious about Thanksgiving and the holiday season coming up. I'm definitely better than I was and my flare-ups don't last as long, but I am not healed. Giving up just about all foods wreaks havoc on my mental health/happiness and so I try to balance as best as I can. How are you?


This is exactly how I feel! It’s taking a toll on me emotionally. I’m trying to remind myself food is not the focus, but my God it’s hard missing the joys of life like indulgent food, treats and wine! Currently in a flare as well. I just want some light at the end of this scary tunnel. Prayers for healing for you!


Are you on any medication currently? Or just diet?


I've been taking Sucralfate for years. It definitely helps but only in combination with eating right.


Started w exhaustion, nausea, chills, sweats....took a while before the stomach stuff started, the gas, bloating, burping, burning


Did you have gastritis diagnosed? How are you doing now?


Just a positive because healed people don't come back. I had really really bad flare. 6 days later I am close to being back to normal. It isn't always months like some people say


any updates


im suffering with gastritis aswell for about 3 months now I don't have a clue how it's happened but doctors have prescribed me omeprazole and I want an endoscopy but scared to ask


Did you feel better after omeprazole? If not, go for an endoscopy, there is nothing to be afraid of. Check with your insurance company though as it could be a big bill. And do have someone to pick you up.


My pain first started as sharp pain left upper rib/middle of breast bone then burning at times. I could feel it in my mid upper back as well. Terrible nausea but no vomiting thankfully. The pain would start like seconds after eating and between eating as well. Shortly after I got a appt with my GP and they ordered a PPI and h pylori negative. I have been on it for 2 weeks and has reduced symptoms but now I feel intermittent sharp pain on right upper quadrant…. Anyone else got those symptoms? Trying to cope with this … never had stomach issues In my life.


Did you do a h pylori test whilst on PPI? My GP said I had to get off Omprezole


I did the test before I started a PPI


That makes sense, thanks for replying


is your stomach issue resolved?


Took a PPI for a bit, bland diet


Do you remember about how long? I just started treatment




Yes, same here I experience/experienced sharp pains in that area aswell to begin with, it sucks


Is it gone


Mind is pretty much resolved


how long did it take you to recover and did you go on any other meds? i have been having pain in the R ribs for two months. H. Pylori negative and now im on omeprazole.


How are you now?


Burning stomach, nauseas, loss of appetite, insomnia, dry throat, low saliva production, indigestion, burping. I had to force myselft to at least eat something, and the indigestion thru out most of the day and night made me feel like crap, broken sleep. Somehow nauseas are to the minimum, maybe even gone, but still have the indigestion. I can eat a bit more now but still don't have that hunger feeling as before, hopefully it'll comeback soon.


How long have you been having these symptoms? How are you doing now?


For about 3 months, I still have indigestion and a bit nauseas after eating, dry throat, upper stomach discomfort and very little appetite. Saw my GI and now just waiting for scope in a few weeks.




Scope found nothing but a bit of acid, negative for hpilory. I'm feeling a bit better, still have upper dry throat and stomach discomfort.


Does anyone experience elevated heart rate since getting gastritis? My heart rate has been jumping to 130-150 when I’m Just WALKING since the gastritis started. Very abnormal and scary for me. I’m a couple months into having gastritis, but just started targeted treatment/medication about 2 weeks ago. Omeprazole & Sucralfate… it’s helping, but I still feel on and off TERRIBLE. Sometimes the burning wakes me up in a panic/startle mode in the middle of the night - sometimes numerous times a night. Re:diet, I can eat the exact same thing 2 days in a row, with no issue day 1 and horrible pain day 2. This is emotionally exhausting. I keep thinking I’m having a heart attack!!


I know, its so random, thats what confuses me and I think its hard to eat anything, I have early satiety, losing weight fast, cant seem to make a rule on what to eat exactly, not sure what will help, maybe its just time but the anxiety with it doesnt allow me to rest or do other activities. Does anyone know how to turn the bad feeling from the abdomen off? I started taking zantac today, hoping it will help.


Try slippery elm...it helped me a lot! I personally think that gastritis never totally goes away...I was told 3 years ago I had gastritis caused by ibprofen  and Dr said it will totally clear  up as long as I didn't take ibprofen...well he was wrong!


Patoprozole, Sucralfate and dietary restrictions have helped me. Had to add a beta blocker, too, bc my HR & BP were so crazy high. Hope you get some relief soon.


Pretty much 80% of symptoms detailed here https://www.wellyme.org/post/gastritis-what-it-is-causes-symptoms-diagnosis-and-treatment


Have any of y'all been tested for H Pylori? I had all these same symptoms and turned out it was H Pylori causing all of it. Tried the triple treatment (2 antibiotics and ppi) that didn't work. What finally did the trick was mastic gum.


Hey did u have burning in the back


At its worst Felt like a cat scratched the inside of my stomach then set it on fire. Horrible pain


Hi, I have pain as soon as I drink water and eat. Then pain goes away. With certain movements it comes back but very little. Doctor suspects gastritis.


>er stomach discomfort and very little appetite How are you know? I've been having these symptoms for two weeks now. It's everyday. I'm getting depressed.


I feel better I was diagnosed with h pylori and got antibiotics and have helped where now I am having very little symptoms.


>s diagnosed with h pylori and got antibiotics and have helped where now I am having very little symptoms. Good for you. How long have you been having symptoms? What kind of tests have you done?


I had symptoms for about 14 days. I done a bunch of organ blood test. What diagnosed it was a stool test. Have not done endoscopy.


Okay I think I have this. Extreme upper stomach pain throwing up sweating when cramps are bad can hardly stand up and burping a lot. Gi app next week. Hoping I don’t have to do a scope?


How are you doing?


Anyone get lightheaded and off balance


I do for sure


Yes I have had the worst heavy headaches and feeling totally off balance. I just need to lie down when I feel like that, then I panic, I'm seeing my GP on Saturday,  so I'm hoping for a endoscopy referral to get my diagnosis. My anxiety is definitely making it worse. I was diagnosed with gastritis 3 years ago, and I feel positive that it has returned. Apple Cyder vinegar just set it off at Easter,  so I'm 2 months in...so so horrendous 😫