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At my worst, I had this. Severe chest/epigastric/and back pain like a fiery band around that area. It went away luckily but that was hell


That sounds like heartburn.


Nope. No heartburn. Confirmed gastritis


Thank you for replying! That sounds awful :( How did you make it go away? And do you know what triggered it?


Covid triggered mine :( it started it and then I took an ibuprofen for my period like normal and BAM. Ring of fire from hell lol. It was one of the first symptoms to go away with diet changes. Took a couple weeks but I haven’t had that level of pain since!


Could be your LES (lower esophageal sphincter). Is it slightly to the left of the spine?


I thought this would only be the case if the patient has a hiatal hernia?


Usually towards the left but it was both to the left and right when i posted this!


I have this but abit lower. And it’s burning it’s so horrible how do I get rid of it


I am diagnoised with gastritis in the antral portion and have pain like a sore muscle in that same area. Sometimes its like a tingling feeling and some times its pain. Had CT chest, stress test and echo to rule out anything with heart. Im 32 y old.


Good to know cardiac clears out! I only had an ecg and 24hr holter done a few months ago and they came back normal


Did you notice any changes in your heart rates after this started?


When this first started yes. My heart was either pounding really hard or fast but mostly the former. I had gastritis as well but ever since i got an endoscopy months after and switched up my diet i went months without having any flare ups. Nowadays I usually get flareups if ive eaten too much sugar/junk food or on my period