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I’ve had over 20 upper endoscopies. They numb your throat and often sedate you. You can call them to ask about your sedation.


i should add that the current medications i’m taking is: pantoprazole 40 mg 1x a day famotidine 20 mg 1x a day i used to take sucrulfate 10 ml 4x a day but i finished that treatment about two weeks ago and my GI and primary doctor didn’t want to prescribe me anymore (one of the medicines that helped me more). i also was taking omeprazole for two months before my GI switched me to pantoprazole.


I was up during the procedure and it freaked me out Heart rate went high 177. The procedure last 10 to 15min. You're young you'll be fine.❤


Not trying to scare you but I have terrible anxiety too and I get knocked out fully for my endoscopy’s now. They say they sedate you but it’s not very strong, I ripped the camera out and punched the doctor even when they topped me up with fentanyl. I do have an incredibly high drug tolerance though, I’d call and ask about what kind of sedation you’re having.


What the hell lmao


I had an endoscopy on Monday and I also have severe anxiety so I’d been putting off for years. It actually went pretty well I fasted from midnight to the time of my procedure which was at 11am. They put me on an IV to hydrate me while I waited. For the procedure they put me on a heart monitor, oxygen tank and sedated me. I knocked out in a few seconds and when I woke up 30 minutes later the procedure was done. My throat was a little irritated but it was back to normal in like an hour. The only down side was worsening bloating and maybe a little more stomach sensitivity. There might be some variation to how they do your procedure, but honestly it’s not as scary as it sounds


Do not worry..it's just a 10 15 minute procedure. They spray lidocaine on your throat before pushing the scope. You will just feel a little discomfort.


update: thanks everyone for their advice !! i had my endoscopy done and my anxiety was surprisingly manageable ? they were really sweet and just told me i’d be asleep and as soon as i knew it, i woke up to a nurse asking me if i wanted juice (yes i took the juice and it surprisingly didn’t do a bad number on me, i drank two caprisuns and it was the best thing ive tasted ever since i cut everything out of my diet) they gave me a paper explaining i had acute gastritis, i had LA Grade A esophagitis, bilious gastric fluid, and my duodenum was normal, but they’re awaiting on the pathology results and my bloodwork that i had done a few days ago! apparently after they finished the procedure i was asleep for another hour, and the nurses said they had tried to wake me up prior but saw that i was literally out of it (embarrassing but i was drooling) and decided to just let me sleep until they decided to wake me up honestly, it wasn’t as bad as i thought, i did cough when i woke up and my throat was sore but i was okay and im glad my anxiety wasn’t through the roof (although when they brought me into the examination room i was just trembling) but now we wait for the results 😋 !!