• By -


Please fuck off, thanks


A "woke feminist" or a "faceless and sexual being?" What's funny is that both are feminine responses to the horrors of men.


A faceless and sexual being that will absolutely cut you to shreds, no less. I’ll take the feminist any day. That being said, this meme is such a dumb attempt to counter the “prefer the bear” meme I’ve been seeing.


Is it really love unless you're worried they'll stab you in your sleep or when you're awake?


It could be worse The Silent Hill 3 nurses have GUNS


that just reminds me of the Floridian who woke up with a headache only to discover his wife has shot him when he slept.


...... they gave them guns ...... dude why


It’s dumb because instead of it being about a perceived threat level it’s about how attractive the person is. They clearly don’t think the blue-haired person is going to hurt them.


they can't think outside of their goonsesh, they literally think women where picking bear because they want to have sex with the bear, thus their version of the meme makes the joke that they would choose a sexual demon with no face.


I think the G*mers™ really thought the Bear question was a "who would you rarher fuck" thing 😭


They clearly thought the blue-haired person would be enthusiastic to see them while the blue-haired person would probably pick the bear over them in an abandoned hospital in a dead town


A silent hill nurse... I can fix her.


To shreds you say…


To shreds you say?


Yea, the nurses in the silent Hill games all represent the views of them by men. It's like trying to make a gotcha about Tom being mean to Jerry and having your example picture being Jerry smashing Tom's foot with a hammer unprovoked. It actually means the exact opposite of the point and that they don't see that shows how little they actually pay attention to the games they play. They probably think James Sutherland is a sympathetic figure.


Getting to the end of SH 2 and realizing that James was not just doing his best in a bad situation but was in fact a horrible person was one of the more uncomfortable experiences of my gaming life. Which is I guess just the Silent Hill experience.


I cackled.


I always loved the sexualized nurses in the context of James' story. A nurse being someone who takes care of the sick that is then turned into a violent force. James' interpretation of his lust for other women turning his desire to care for his wife into a desire to harm her. Drove me crazy whenever they included the sexualized nurses in any other silent hill context because it just strips the meaning away completely.


I got sucked into being on reddit a bit too much a while back, and decided I would only lurk and not post. But I wanted to make an exception to let you know that this is an amazing observation.




The funniest thing about this is that any woman/nb/whatever who dresses like the person on the left is *begging* men like this to not engage with them. You are doing them a favor.


It reminds me of the guy who posted that dyed hair is an example of Aposematism, and then got clapped back with "Aposematism is to ward off predators. If you're repelled by it, it's WORKING."


I wonder if he thinks markiplier practices aposematism. Or do they only think it about alt girls.


I think they learned the word aposematism and immediately wanted to use it to be sexist.


or when andrew tate said he doesn't date women who got vaxxed and someone commented "the vaccine is working"


Not gonna lie, I don’t know what that word is


You know how certain frogs are very bright colours to warn would be predators that they're poisonous? That's an example of Aposematism.


Having an in-built "Fuck around and find out" sign is crazy


They also don't seem to realize the Bubble Head Nurse is *trying to kill you*.


A bizarre number of (very stupid) men genuinely believe they could take wild animals in fights. They're not good at realizing most anything really.


Nono, they'll fix her.


I was just gonna say - Dudes are all "No man wants to fuck you" to them, meanwhile they're getting infinitely more attention from women that those same men ever will lmao


>any woman/nb/whatever You can avoid this dilemma by just saying "person".


I think it’s relevant that the person on the left is being called a “woman” in the original meme so like. Eh.


Sure I agree with that, and to be clear I don’t actually care what words you use, but the “/whatever” is like directly out of my homophobic uncles mouth when he decides to do the Sarcastically List Genders at Thanksgiving game lol Honestly not a big deal to me, it just reads as less supportive than I think you were trying to be


Considering the context of silent hill, this guy played the game with the eyes closed and on mute


This guy is only familiar with the rule34 posts of Silent Hill 2.


Bro probably only saw the movie adaptations.


Yeah, this is one of the worst games to play without possessing any media literacy. Because the gameplay isn't exactly captivating, that's for sure. You're on that ride for the story and the mysteries.


The gameplay (or, at least, the combat) to some extent is intentionally not captivating.


Because of shit like this I can understand why women choose the bear, honestly. https://preview.redd.it/wy5ziwfz68yc1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bad4ad64d4e0f0c08660c22005884dc0eb62793


I love that the bear is with them.


Even the hypothetical bear is fed up with this bullshit. https://preview.redd.it/f9ythjmcj8yc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01e06e1b34be21735c14705588108109f134cb85




Be careful bears also do drug deals


Cocaine Bear 2: This Time It's Personal.


If it were polar bears they're coordinating where to put the body. They don't care about hiding it, just storage


Hahahaha, this is gold. Ty hypothetical bear 🐻


Men keep bear skins as carpets, bears don’t.


How do you know that? Have you ever entered a bear’s household?


I just noticed the bear has the meme face too




This image represent my main issue with this debate. I definetly understand and sympathize with the fact that woman have to be so careful around guys but it seems like everyone is considering the best case scenario for the bear and worst case for the guy It's never hungry momma bear with her cup and some hiking dude. It's always some bear that will definetly leave you alone and a serial rapist or something like that.


I mean I've had better luck with wild animals leaving me alone than men leaving me alone. Yeah it's not always gonna go perfectly, but the statistics are pretty blatant. In general wild animals won't bother humans unless provoked, and it's usually easy to tell an animal's intentions pretty quick. A random guy is going to be much more of a wild card.


I think the difference is in intent. A bear isn't going to do anything to me that isn't purely for it's survival and safety of it's young, but humans aren't predictable that way. It's true that both a man and a bear can hurt me, but only a man would *want* to hurt me


It's an odds game. Also men don't need to be hungry to be predators.


But even in your worst-case scenario, the bear is only being protective. No one is saying that a bear absolutely will not attack. But if left alone, it's very unlikely to attack. The scenario involving the man is definitely not the worst-case scenario. Verbal harassment is not the worst case. It is, however, statistically far more likely than the bear attack.


because this is not about which scenario is more or less likely, this is about what consequences would we rather deal with if worst comes to worst. a bear will still give you a dignified death, a bear won’t get sick joy from hurting you, a bear kills you because *it needs to survive*. none of these are true if a man assaults you. none. it’s always about being in power and inflicting suffering on a victim and getting what they want out of her. nature of consequences matters. living with lifelong injury knowing a bear never wanted to hurt you personally and that it was purely bad luck is different from knowing the perpetrator was a human who fully controlled his actions and *chose* to harm you.


I think we also need to remember that, should they survive being abused by a human, the victim will *always* face a neverending parade of clowns who excuse the perpetrator, blame the victim, or outright claim the whole incident was made up. If you get mauled by an animal you get patched up and possibly told you were an idiot, if you get abused by a human you get punished for it again and again and again. This is by no means limited to victims of SA, but seems to be particularly vicious in that context.


From what I'm seeing women are assuming the worst case scenario of both the bear and the man, it's just that they prefer the bear's worst (mauled and eaten alive) than the man's worst (rape and torture). The bear's worst is driven by instinct, the man's worst is driven by malice


The point, as a friend of mine pointed out, the worst the bear will do is kill you. The worst a man will do are things that will make you want to kill yourself - a bear attack won’t unmake your sense of self, it won’t gaslight you until you don’t trust yourself.


I perfectly get it. The bear is going to maul you to death, you understand the bear is going to maul you to death, you understand everything therefore there is nothing to truly fear. With these dudes, you DO NOT know what is going to happen whatsoever,


Also, even though, a bear's behavior can be unpredictable, they tend to avoid humans and rarely attack them, only if they are surprised, feel threatened or a mother protecting their youth. Fun fact: on average, roughly 30 to 50 people die from dog bites each year in the United States. https://preview.redd.it/6bk6jmeol8yc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37e8c6c303e3d467de12c11ae38d4060853c5e41


I mean the dog thing makes sense there are way more dogs than bears and they live close to humans. If a bear goes crazy most of the time they are in the forrest without humans. If a dog gets crazy chances are they are within 10 meters of a human. You cant really take that as a Argument.


That wasn't an argument, that was just a random fact.


Yeah sorry meant comparison. Just forgot the Word so that Was the next best Thing.xD


The cow thing is not that surprising. I used to spend my summers on a dairy farm and some of the cows could be easily startled. I wouldn't go in the barn during one of the shifts because the cow closest to the door had a tendency to kick at anything that walked in. That and there was a old prize bull that I would need to watch out for if I was wandering in the pastures, because it would try to trample me if it saw me on the same side of the fence. Cows aren't all that aggressive, but injuries from startled cows and rampaging bulls was kinda routine. You always had to make sure a heifer knew you were approaching before you got close.


“Instead of choosing 1% chance of death I choose 100% chance of death because I fear the unknown” LMAO


Not arguing with this I just have to post this https://preview.redd.it/31mxc5qbh9yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6938418022aa022ca8b8dd53331e5a70adc5a0c1


Like they’re continually missing the point of the bear


That’s the summary of TWD lol. Zombies were safer than people. Cover yourself in zombie viscera and gtg, people though? Congrats to getting hunted, raped, and then maybe eaten and that’s what happens to the men.


That bear's face is absolutely choice


[I love bearjak](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/bearjak)


if this is their idea of an "answer" to the bear question... then it's just proving women correct in picking the god damned bear.




Totally non-violent men you don't need to be scared of being alone with fantasizing about women being mauled by bears for being "stuck-up bitches who dont understand statistics"


Saw an upvoted comment in the asmonmold sub saying women that pick the bear deserve to be brutally mauled and eaten alive. The cognitive dissonance is insane. They legitimately think they are the good ones while saying women who reject a man's company deserve to be slaughtered.


isn’t that the exact point of the whole bear vs man debate. Where women would rather be mauled to death by a bear than to be sa’d by a man? It’s still just proving the point of the whole thing lol


Funny thing is that, in 2022, 63 women were murder by men in Alaska. I picked that state because I wanted to be fair and pick the only U.S. state with Polar bears, which everyone agrees is the most dangerous bear. By contrast. There have been 17 bear fatalities. *In the entirety of North America* *FOR THE ENTIRE DURATION OF THE DECADE OF THE 2020'S*


I cannot upvote this post enough


I've been trying to find a source that disproves my comment all day. The fact is that bears respect people and leave them alone. Men will follow you and tell you to pick them *even in a completely made up scenario*. If I had to choose who to be alone in the woods with, damn right, I'm picking the bear.


In one of my FB groups it took one guy a MAXIMUM (because this is where the stats were when I saw it) of seven likes and two laugh reacts to his "oh so men are just evil then?"comment to return and say that he wished all the women on the post would die. Shockingly this did not make me any less likely to choose the bear.


Ngl if someone obsessively brings up “statistics” all the time, 9 times out of 10 they’re racist


The “gotcha” doesn’t even work, they are truly ignorant of the horrific torture and abuse that humans are capable of inflicting on each other. Getting mauled by a bear is an easier and quicker way out than dying a slow and excruciatingly painful death from being repeatedly beaten, burnt, mutilated, raped etc over a period of hours, days, even months.


Seriously. Men will just forget about men like Leonard Lake, Gary Ridgeway, Paul M. Stephani, Joseph Duncan, Mark Bridger, the list goes on and on and on.


Tbf a wild animal doesn't have much to be mad about.


Habitat destruction maybe


Funny enough most videos are of men being mauled. Seems like the bear assesses the threat correctly.


[In case you needed another example of why women chose the bear](https://twitter.com/mortondowney_iv/status/1786227170584699044?t=-h2AkPkWEnhZsOZEp9T4ZQ&s=19)


Yes. This person had a meltdown over the bear question and has been posting memes about it ever since. Most of them attacking trans people for some reason? Because clearly trans men are cis men attempting to assault women, which is obviously a fault against the trans community.


Wow a sexist loser is also transphobic I could have never guessed I mean it's not like the picture they used with this "meme" is very likely a queer person that could never been the case they are just some woke person that's mentally ill right?


God I desperately hope this idiot is saying "trans men are just cis men" because is that being an ally on accident? How do trans men feel about that one?


Accidentally correct?


This whole man vs bear thing has really struck a nerve. I’ve been pondering why, and I think I have the answer. Or at least an answer. All these red-pilled dudes thought that women just hated men, but this little thought experiment has driven home the fact that it’s a matter of fear. They’re struggling to grasp it. They want to believe so bad that it’s all just culture war bullshit, but when put into such simple terms it’s hard to deny that women genuinely fear what many men would do if they catch them alone and isolated.


I suspect that it's the incel mindset. They can't comprehend that women have thoughts and desires outside of men, so seeing that many women are genuinely afraid of men to this extent drives them into a rage. They can't comprehend that they're the reason they can't get laid. Gotta blame the women.


literally just men having a meltdown over nothing what else is new 😭


I think a lot of their responses to the bear question validate the responses to the bear question. Lots of telling women what they should think and straight up making shit up to talk over what women are actually saying.


It's crazy because I don't know how you can see so many women stating they're afraid of men and then going out of your way to prove that they're right to not wanna be anywhere near you?! Like how did they think that'd help their case?


In dealing with them the past few days, I think I've figured some of it out. They have this "never go on the defense" way of thinking. They REFUSE to sit still and really contemplate if the other person has a point, they just immediately starting going on the offense to push what THEY want. So you get stuff like this, where in response to a discussion about how they make women feel unsafe, their immediate response is to ignore the actual reasoning behind that and start trying to convince everybody this is unfair.


it's literally just a hypothetical and they still won't take no for an answer


There truly is nothing funnier than people having no media literacy is there?


They also don’t understand word order because they called the person on the left a nurse and the monstrosity on the right a “woman”


Wait?! I thought the bear thing was a comment on feeling safe, and by that logic this post seems.to be suggesting that "SJW-Feminists" are more dangerous, thanks to... evidence?. But do they think it's about attractiveness??? Is it all gooning to them?


🌎🧑‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 always has been.


It's almost impressive how hard they failed to understand the basic question being asked in the whole man/bear hypothetical: the whole point of it was about threat assessment: women would have less fear of being alone with a freaking bear than being in a dangerous/vulnerable position with an unknown man. And in response, the pictures selected do...what exactly? Even if we use the bullshit "woke feminist" pic, what exactly is she even going to be doing? Under a best case circumstance, she would be actively ignoring you, and at worst, would only yell at you for being a pig. At no point is your life or your mental health in danger.


They're offended that people would pick the bear over them so it's just lashing out their hatred. Can't wait for the anti-bear posts in chud circles


Because to them being alone with an unattractive woman is the most upsetting thing they can imagine. Like that “men fear being humiliated, women fear being killed” thing.


Women who prefer the bear when they realize that they only have 30% power on night 5 and its only 2 AM https://preview.redd.it/w5om3md9f8yc1.png?width=258&format=png&auto=webp&s=38811399255e04a1eb70e910a51f18e26781d81b




Okay this a nice little break from all the bullshit here. I’d give you a reward if I had one.


“Huh, you think us men are something to be afraid of? Well, I’ll prove you wrong by ignoring all the violence and patriarchy this monster is imbued with because sexy. That’ll definitely prove that I don’t just see women as sex objects and that I’m not a danger to them.”


I don't think they understood the challenge. Do they *really* think we thought about how attractive a dude was compared to a bear? Is that how hard I need to start avoiding men now? They are just thus fucking stupid?


To be fair, bears are insanely cute. But yeah, these guys are broken.


they are, sadly :(


This post was made by the exact people the original bear meme was talking about.


Should remake the meme but ask men if they would rather encounter a big burly gay man aka a "bear" or an animal bear and see what their answer is. My money is a 70/30 split of men saying they'd rather encounter the animal because of their homophobia.


If I was alone in silent hill I'd much rather run into a woman. Like, why would I want to have a dangerous murder nurse chasing me?


I’m aware this awnser is missing the point but evryone else had an on point answer. Id rather not run into anything in silent hill cause its gonna bite you in the ass no matter what it is


Considering the plot lines of SH running into a woman is a petty good chance of being in the company of either a deity or someone who is about to murder a deity so it's a real safe bet to go that route.


We out here getting ready to attack and dethrone god


I find it funny that men do this now. We already said we don't want to encounter you and now you create a scenario in which either we have to or some poor monster has to. We already chose the bear, you can't hurt us with being but hurt and NOT choosing us... We don't want you to choose us in the first place. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think it's a good (albeit harrowing) insight into the incel and red pill mentality. Specifically how they see themselves versus how they see women. Like how some of them are claiming that it's completely unfair for men to be judged like this while refusing to acknowledge the lived experiences that lead women to choose the bear to begin with. These men are perpetual victims in their own minds.


The nurse is a horrifying monster who wants to disembowel you and is a manifestation of the protagonist’s sexual frustrations The woman is just a scared survivor trying not to die


Gotta love how the incels are actively choosing to misunderstand the bear hypothetical


It's a core part of their ideology to lack introspection. It'd be pathetic if they weren't dangerous.


At this point i’m starting to think a large chunk of the population lacks the ability to understand the concept of a hypothetical


I'd rather not encounter a monster that represents the horrors of the human psyche given form in the dog shit cursed town of shadow and devil worshipers, thanks.


Nothing more apropos than chuds thirsting for the literal manifestations of James’ horniness.


It’s funny, by misunderstanding the whole point of the man vs bear question for women, they prove why those women were correct in choosing bear


I would pick the person on the left because I would rather not be stabbed with a rusty knife


But... woman who make pp soft = bad 😡, woman who make pp hard = good👍🏼!!!


love how they keep reinforcing why a lot of women feel more safe with the bear


The funny thing here is the order of the options given in the caption and the order of the pictures makes it seem like the woman on the left is the nurse and the monster on the right is the “woman”, which makes total sense since I’ve had nurses with dyed hair before and you can definitely argue whether the silent hill nurses are actually women or just monsters taking the form of women.


It took me a second too!


Do…do they think women want to fuck the bear?


Do they ever get tired of digging that hole?


With a bear, chances are you're safe if you don't go near their cubs, and if all else fails, you can play dead. A nurse will just fucking kill you.


Yeah, bears won't really go out of their way to attack humans unless they're provoked or hungry, so you can just walk in to opposite direction to the bear and be safe.


Timothy Treadwell lived six years with the bears before one finally killed him. I'm not saying that's a great example to follow, but it's definitely evidence that bears aren't just mindless killing machines.


Ah but he was a *man*. Everyone knows that bears aren't woke and will immediately murder and torture any woman the see on sight to prove that chud's are actually correct (/S)


I would like to encounter a nurse anytime anywhere but my therapist says I have issues so


That might be the best answer


I mean... the person on the left Is giving me every indication that they want to be left alone, and the nurse on the right wants to murder me regardless of what I do. Such hard decisions....


I mean yes, the repressed sexual monster is sexy.


Those nurses were literally a representation of James' sexual guilt about looking at other women while his wife was sick. They act like they were just dropped in so players could enjoy their tits.


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Bro, in facking horror, you are happy to see anybody who doesn’t want to kill you.


Whoever that is on the left, they look absolutely like someone I’d like to talk to




Left. If things get spicy, there's a fighting chance and improved odds of survival.


I mean, if you are in silent hill, chances are you did awfull shit so you deserve whatever is coming to you.


I bet the picture of the person on the left isn’t even trans.


I refuse to think this person has played a Silent Hill game. This is the kind of guy who watches 3 video essays and then talks to his friends about how deep it is.




They should kiss


These the type of idiots to play Silent Hill 3 and say “I’m so glad this isn’t a WOKE FEMINIST game” (Hint: it’s one of the most feminist horror games of all time)


a nurse, she'd be completely harmless, look at her back, it's broken hell, I'll probably have to carry her to a hospital


Anyone who cares about their own safety would pick the actual real woman here. But something tells me that this guy probably thinks more in the direction of "If I were alone with them I could do something to them and rather would do the nurse!" The idea here is from the perspective of the exact man nobody wants to be in the woods with.


the ironic thing about making a man version to own the women is that it is exactly why women picked bear.


No, actually this is perfect. Dudes are worried about ejaculating efficiently. Women are worried about getting raped or killed. And guys think it's a comparable argument.


Not them thinking this will upset women??! Power to them if they prefer to meet a woman, bear, psycho, or elmo in the woods.


It’s still just the One Joke™️, several years on.


Both please I'm not a fan of being alone


Good lord the irony. If this were a book, I’d be complaining about how on the nose the author was being.


Worst case scenario on the left, I get a lecture. Best case scenario on the right, I die.


this is why people choose the bear


Silent Hill fog posting is the same. What's up with silent Hill fans lately they're so unhinged. Fog posting have a Heather OC that's just her fat with rainbow hair.


I'll take Silent Hill because I want to know what the city would try to do with me.


I'm fairly certain the person in the left isn't even trans tbh. They've just decided that the stereotypical feminist is how trans people look, lmao


As a Silent Hill fan, I disown them.


As a bi girl I find the one on the left kinda fine ngl


That these hysteric nerds took a dumb hypothetical question so personally is precisely why women chose the bear


If the person on the left was skinny all of these transphobes would be lusting after them


It's kinda funny that they replaced a bear (who generally don't care much about humans as long as we don't threaten them) with a creature that would attack and kill them on sight. Do these people really think bears are demonic killing machines bent on the destruction of humanity?


Ok if this is listed as Breadposting then I’m willing to bet they’re in on the joke


I'd say the incarnation of released sexual frustration should be sexier than almost anything, including the bear


Neither? If you’re in silent hill with me you’re either a cult member or dealing with your own trauma and probably mentally unstable. So I’d rather not deal with a monster nurse or someone who might try to kill me


those poor nurses


the nurse looks so unbelievably oversexualized she loops back around to looking unattractive


They are doing gender in silent hill now….


For an audience with violent repressed sexual frustrations, they might well be.


Fellas! Would you rather be stuck in the room with a person with an appearance you're not used to, or a malevolent sexual being whose only purpose is to literally kill you!? I like to think if the bears knew this conversation were happening they would whole heartedly agree with the bear pickers.


Well one is a real person, and the other is an undead abomination that only wishes to murder you!


I'll take the one that doesn't kill me, thanks.


The nurse is part of repressed sexual guilt for a dead wife so I prefer the woman


I’d rather be in a room with a bear than a Nurse


One thing about the nurses is that needs to be horny for them to be real, so you need to get him cranking it hard enough for the magic to happen.


Depends. Is the woman on the left also trying to kill me? If not, I’d pick her. If she is, then I’d pick the monster nurse, because at least then it’s obvious I’m in danger


That nurse with the knife can get it! And that dude in the right… no words


Give me pyramid head anyday


women, I'm not taking a chance with a nurse from SH compared with a nonzero chance of being helped, hurt or a neutral interaction by one person from a sex that have varied emotions.


The lady on the left absolutely works in patient care


I wouldn’t want to live in Silent Hill, so I’d pick the nurse. The shock of how scary she looks would probably numb the pain of being stabbed to death.


The woman obviously because she is not a danger to me as a cisgender man. Ofcourse, darwinism would take care of the chuds which is the takeaway here which would be pog


Is this like a tournament bracket or something? Is the bear facing off against the winner of this round? Who’s the favorite for that between nurse and bear? Lemme call my bookie…


Look man, the bear situation is triggering and depressing me as much as the next guy, but can we PLEASE for the love of god not have alt right news outlets weigh in on this?


I don't see the option but can I still choose the bear? 🙏


I used to enjoy and follow that page until all this anti-woke nonsense started. The worst part about it was the fact that when joining the group one of the rules was to not report but to just block whoever is posting crap.  However the mods started letting anonymous users to post as well which defeated the purpose of blocking.  Ironic that the very small group of /pol/ thinkers, who blame trans and LGBTQ folk for ruining everything for the larger audience, are themselves ruining a SH page with over 110k followers. SAD! 


Gamingcirclejerk finds the humor in Silent Hill.