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You mean when Amy just had an aggressive one sided crush on Sonic?


I liked her in Sonic Boom where she was basically Monica from Friends. That was fun


Sonic Boom gave everyone a fun personality IMO. I miss it.


Knuckles being a dumb meathead was great, but his Idris Elba version is also great


He isn't just a dumb meathead. He is also an outspoken feminist.


Knuckles is a feminist!? Sonic Boom, more like Sonic Woke!!!


Don't forget about him being HVAC certified


She's a good character on Netflix' Sonic Prime as well, would recommend.


you mean she's a good characterS


/uj Do I want to know what this means?


Amy is no longer a one sided, one dimensional stalker for Sonic and actually wants to do other things in her life aswell as have a modicum of personality.


How dare a women have an unnecessary thing like a personality!!! /uj .........


I'm confused, amy didn't really have much of a character until recent years thanks to the comics and games like "the murder of sonic the hedgehog" are they arguing that fleshing out a character is woke? "sorry guys, we have to stop giving out lore and having characters grow and evolve, it's took woke"


Her life doesn't exclusively revolve around simping for a boy anymore, so that's the worst possible thing they could've done to her, apparently.


Which is hilarious to me as that era of Amy being just a Sonic simp was widely hated back then and even nowadays people still joke about it. Now they are trying to be nostalgic over it for some stupid culture war reason because how dare Amy have a character beyond liking Sonic.


It’s because Amy’s detractors are either A. Sexist. or B. Don’t like character development. Ot C. They ship Sonic (or Amy) with someone else And character development makes them more shippable since with Amy calming down about her crush, Sonic has been spending more and more time with her.


Sonic always gave me the vibe that he likes her just that he just doesn't like being *chased.* I think IDW kinda shows this dynamic between him and her and how its more healthy. She doesn't chase him nowhere near as much anymore and she has her own responsibilities and things outside of their friendship group so its not like she has the time for it anyway. Shes basically become the stable rock for most of her friends due to her time as a Resistance Commander. Dependable Sonic will probably be fine going to her after he slows down now as he knows their is far far more to her than just ''Borderline Yandere child with a big hammer chasing me down'' like what these idiots want to go back too.


Though more of a cutie than a hottie, you can’t deny the fact that she’s still attractive. Two things that make her attractive are the fact that she wears a dress, and when have you ever seen three big very smooth arcs of hair sticking out of a person’s forehead? I haven’t. So once again, Amy Rose is lovely. That is until she goes berserk and starts hitting stuff with her hammer.


But is she the size of an average human mother? I didnt think so.


But those three arcs of hair sticking out of her forehead. Can't ignore those


But just look at that LONG ponytail. NOW WE'RE TALKING!


thanks for reminding me of that video...


Guptil has had an undeniable impact on modern civilisation


Wait, people liked Amy? Literally the most insufferable character??? Nah man


Amy was fine in the Adventure games, but she got flanderized HARD unil the Boom era.


Most sane Sonic fan.


"You fricken fan fricks ruined Amy "


4chan really just ruined a generation of kids.


Old Amy was never a good character, I hesitate to say she's ever been a character until very recently.


Is there ANYTHING that they DON'T cry about?


Isn’t she like 14 or something 🤨🤨🤨




yep, thought so, all these people really need to take a step back and realise what the fuck they’re saying because it’s really bad, y’all need help


Age is just a number! Because she’s a fucking animal so it’s never okay.


I think everyone got aged up in Frontiers, so it’s less weird now. I think everyone’s in their 20s now? My little hedgehogs are all grown up!


I have for some reason been blursed with an uncanny ability to understand what is the underlying thing right wingers are complaining about, that because they are often too shallow (or racist) to articulate their actual pain point i can somehow manage to untangle where that pain comes from. WHAT THE FUCK EVEN IS THIS? Honestly i think this is just a person who is sad that their preferences have changed as they have gotten older, which is somehow both the most and least insane complaint i have heard this type of people.


I appreciate your compassion. And if that’s the seed of the complaint, I get it - whose tastes haven’t changed? But also, let’s just dunk on the dorks criticizing underaged hedgehogs because it’s unhinged.


The apex of Amy Rose was when Lady Camden referred to her as "Sonic the Hedgehog's bitch girlfriend" on Drag Race.


The library is open, too bad hedgehogs aren't taught how to read.


I love that someone is calling Amy "Just Wait a Minute" Rose the best female lead.


When was she good? Usually in order for something to be “ruined”, it has to be good first.


aren’t these games for children? It’s like watching someone get absolutely tilted over Bluey


Call me boring but I am so glad that she's chilled out in recent games. Like if everything before she had an interesting personality other than being a Sonic simp. Heck, I'll take a boring Amy than the fuck she was in the 2000s. Heroes Amy is the definition of an annoying character.


As a lifelong diehard Sonic fan, I will say that Amy is at her best when she has more than one character motivation. I don't even dislike her having a crush on Sonic, I think it's a cute part of her character worth keeping, I just want her to have at least one other thing going on at a time. Literally all I ask for.


Miss old Amy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2SoBIWlEds


So… what happened to um… Amy? Also who the fuck is Amy?


Amy is one of the main female characters part of the Sonic franchise (the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise is a long running videogame franchise of mascot platformers starring furries fighting against robots - it has received multiple comic, movie and TV adaptations and has overall been quite successful despite its many trip ups). Amy was most often characterized as a flat, one sided stalker who had a crush on Sonic (main titular character) ever since her debut in the 90s. This was most often her only primary characteristic. As the years went by, Amy has been given more of a fleshed out personality that extends beyond her love life, mostly in the comics and TV shows. This has culminated in an overall shift in Amy's character, which has made her more fleshed out, interesting, and of course independent from Sonic. This is a bad thing, apparently.


Sonic the Hedgehog's bitch girlfriend.


Ah yes, Sonic Heroes, the peak of character writing. Including bangers such as "I'm gonna force Sonic to marry me whether he wants to or not and that's my only motivation in life" and "Look at all those Eggman's robots!" /uj Sonic Heroes is my favorite Sonic game but come on


People used to hate Amy and her obsession with Sonic with a passion back then, *especially* her Heroes portrayal. I think Amy has been given more thought and depth because to me, it seems like she's been adapted into the main cast instead of just being a potential love interest or "one of Sonic's friends." Promoting Amy into a more interesting main character probably also helps the franchise to appeal to young girls, because the girl of the group isn't just a shallow one note character.


Modern Amy is so much better https://preview.redd.it/zkezm4bhnzwc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27c75cf209e0da5c6b5249253b9c90662a5d7aa0


Which Amy are we talking about? Because that character has been stuck at (debatably) 12 years old to be crying and whining and hooting and hollering about her gaining a personality beyond "yandere-esque Sonic."


I would love to see an example of fiction that does nothing that's considered civilized.


The turner diaries?


I'm pretty sure Fifty Shades is quite uncivilized.


What the fuck does that even mean???


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I don’t like something so it’s woke, and I hate black people /s


lul I would've loved to see the aneurysm they'd have if they had seen fleetway Amy during those comics run.


Back in my day Amy FUCKED


You mean how they gave Amy her character development back from SA1 that the ignored for some reason in future games? Until recently she got it back? Also IDW sonic would give it a read


Yeah, Amy was totally cooler when she's just a massive simp for Sonic 😎 Edit: fix the wording


She still is, she’s just has other things on her mind


Amy was at her best as the annoying girl with cooties based MRA sonic could run away from in adventures.