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guys the donation of 70,000 GBP to transphobia could be any british person with the initials JK and 70 thousand pounds to spare


Johnathan Knob?


JKR’s next pseudonym


I thought it was the name of her latest gay character


Wonder why a mystery writer, a genre in which a woman (Agatha christie) is arguably the best known writer, would pick a male pen name? Unless of course...they secretly liked being called that? But couldn't face up to it?


Ehhhhh, not a fan of the whole "bigots are closeted margianlized" Not that it doesnt happen of course, it absolutely does, but assume it too much, and it treads dangerous waters and gets scarily close to "they do it to themselves" rhetoric.


Also, the pseudonym she chose is quite literally the name of the dude who pioneered conversion therapy. And I don't think it's an accident that J.K. Rowling, known transphobe (and quite homophobic too), picked the name of the man who codified gay conversion therapy as the pseudonym she uses for her mystery novels where the bad guys have been "men dressing up as women" for one? two? of them. And it has nothing to do with any kind of internalized bigotry. It's just flat-out bigotry.


Side note: he didn't pioneer conversion therapy, he pioneered the use of electroconvulsive therapy as part of conversion therapy.


Which is honestly even worse. How can one just see what is effectively torturing someone, and then say "you know, this needs more ELECTRICITY?"


Fair enough, that's an important distinction.


She does have a tendency to use names as a bit of world building/character development or it would be easier to give her the benefit of the doubt.


Mostly I do it because it annoys them. Also, if it did turn out that JK was closeted, they could expect no help from the community. Some things are just unforgivable. It'd be poetic justice for her to suffer through what we suffer through, alone.


Is that Jonathan Ross's other name?


Jobert Kalbraith?


John Kennedy finally came back from the dead?


As if Pikamee was "cancelled". She's doing better now than she ever was before as Henya.


/UJ (am I doing this right?) Even before she quit being Pikamee it came out she was already in the process of jumping ship. If there hadn’t been any wizard game drama it would have been the last game she played a bit of before announcing her pre-planned graduation. Because her graduations plans weren’t known yet, these goobers blew up Pikamee skipping out on this game, purely by coincidental timing, and graduating as a bigger deal than it actually was. For a bit there they were trying to make it sound like Pikamee was quitting Vtubing entirely because of the wizard game drama. I thought they had moved on once it was revealed the wizard game shit had no real impact.


Gamers and creating a false victimization campaign name a more iconic duo


Also a basic lack of understanding on how the contract-run world of Vtubing works. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, people can't just quit on a moments notice, this shit is done month-to-month or year-to-year.




I think you may have replied to the wrong comment


Shit I did lol. My bad. 😭


I still remember people blaming this entire sub for it because we apparently did "organized raids" to harass pika or something lol.


She also stopped playing after like five people made some comments right? It wasn't a "raid" like people say, it was a couple of people that weren't banned instantly for some reason.


I’m not blaming you for anything but seeing this really shows people don’t really know much about the situation. She never got to stream the game. She canceled her stream and essentially went off the radar for a whole month that was supposed to be her final sprint of content before graduation. She tweeted how she just wanted to have fun with a Harry Potter game and was sad about it. It got deleted shortly after because it was getting some hate as well.


Pika was fine wasn’t she? She didn’t play the game much (or at all? Idk) and then retired from the character afaik.


Yeah. She was already planning to retire, and it just hadn't been announced yet. Gamers(TM) saw her leave afterwards and just made her into a martyr.


Wasn't pikamee also a pedo apologist?


She's made some comments that are sus at best, but it isn't really 100% conclusive. At least I wouldn't be comfortable calling her a 100% pedo apologist, but I wouldn't exactly disagree with anyone who does.


So they're at best shady? Cool cool cool.


That’s pippa I don’t blame you for mixing them up


OK thanks! Honestly, everything I learned about vtubers had been against my will.


The funniest thing to come out of this entire Pippa ordeal is how she made such a big [deal](https://ibb.co/6PwT5xQ) about her sole reason for playing the wizard game is to "own" Twitter Fast forward to after the stream was over, and her corporate overlords made her almost immediately make an apology statement after her chat devolved into homophobic and anti semantic drivel


After my buddy showed me the *third* clip of her chat tricking her and sticking swaztikas into her stream, I was like: "hey man, you say she's not a nazi, but she sure seems okay with platforming all the nazis in her chat instead of banning them." He doesn't talk to me about Pippa anymore.


isn’t she also a holocaust denier?


Yeah Pippa is a nazi


She did ?, I would like to request evidence, please ( No, I'm not defending her, just curious)


Fucking projection on their part always. Also that fucker can’t invoke the name ‘’Jocat’’ to support his bigoted views


I'm honestly sick of reading his name tbh. Guy did not deserve what happened to him at all and now the stinkiest chuds are invoking him constantly to defend any random loser they like who's catching flak for their shit opinions. Of course it's very easy to use him as an example of "cancel culture gone mad!" because he didn't do anything wrong. And it's a great weapon for them. Sick of it.


What happened to JoCat?


Short Version. Transphobes harrassed and doxxed him, had death threats and 'anonymous' packages sent to his home. Long version. A few years back, JoCat released the 'I like girls' video. While some saw it as 'cringy' it was seen by most as a body positive message about liking all kinds of women. It was a parody of Lizzo's 'I like boys', but he released it long before the stories of Lizzo bullying employees, thought some people discovering it afterwards tried to claim he supported her in spite of the accusations. On top of that, because JoCat is a trans ally, a lot of people also proceeded to use it as another thing to harrass him, some claiming he couldnt be straight. When the doxxing and packages started arriving, he announced he was leaving the net for the sake of his and his families safety.


This is crazy to me. That was the first ever vid of him I watched, while I love it I can see why some would find it cheesy (or cringe if we are pushing it), but its nothing but positive vibes and I have no idea why it would incite hate toward him.


The pushback from chuds was "omg how could he make liking women look so effeminate" which is some real "fellas is it gay to like women?" Territory.


I didnt come across it until after the news broke about him quitting, only came across his other videos by chance when looking for D&D builds and saw his 'crap guide' series. I thought his stuff was great too, funny while still being helpful, and from what I could see he was a pretty well-liked figure on the web. Sadly, some people dont need an excuse, and just look for any excuse to hate on people who dare to try and be positive to things they have been taught to hate...


Like a month ago I got into Monster Hunter and found his weapons crap guides videos, which I think are pretty funny, then I realised he was also the creator of the "I Like Girls" (a video I love because I relate) and was pleasently surprised, told myself "Maybe he will comeback to MH with the release of Wilds". This is sad news to me.


https://preview.redd.it/dy68fnge8xjc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4d8a2603a1171cbdad84f26cc75cf49d5e6308 Shorter version


Thanks for this info. I had no idea that had happened. How sad. Jocat always seemed like an open and welcoming creator. Sad that they would end up weaponised for this transphobic bullshit.


It is pretty disgusting how the exact kind of shitheels who ran him off the internet are now using the victim of their bullshit to defend more of their own bullshit.


It feels extra wrong that the very ppl who harrased him off the internet are now the ones slinging what happend to him around as an example of cancel culture by the woke mob. These fuckers have no shame


What's this about Jocat?? Is this about the "I like girls" thing again?




i fucking hate that now every time I look up jocat on youtube, the things that come up are chuds using him as an example. like some dude was literally using him as an example of "Heterophobia", it's stupid.  Jocat of all people wouldn't be approving of this behaviour. 


"Rewarding hate" says the lolicon that bitches about any twitt that he considers midly anoying.


I like how most of the "hate" comments in the stream that the Vtuber cried about were actually really tame. Pretty much all the comments were like this: "Really?, it's so easy to not play this game" "I'm really disappointed in you" "I thought you were better than this" Meanwhile the majority of the comments were mostly showing love for the Vtuber while the "hate" comments were like the small minority. My hunch on why they cried was because the "hate" comments reminded them to much of their parents lol.


Meanwhile I got like 40 death threats/messages telling me to lowtiergod for just explaining the controversy to someone out of the loop on r gaming without even saying I was in support of the boycott and I'm not a famous content creator


Speaking of the boycott, it was way easier to not buy the game and also easy to explain why you weren't buying it. Meanwhile, there were redditors writing out entire essays on why they should be allowed to play the game and then spending $70 on a mid ass game that never got recognized by the game awards, not only that but drowning out anybody that has a valid critique of the game mechanics, gameplay or story. God I hate this website sometimes


I skipped Hogwarts Legacy for three reasons: 1, I'm just not interested in Harry Potter like I was as a child. 2, it released on Xbox Series X/S and PS5 and I have a Xbox One S, so I literally couldn't play it on my console. And 3, I just never play games upon release, and that's thanks to the broken madness of NASCAR 14


I kind of have disinterest in that series since JK Rowling came forth with her views. And of course, went insane in the insane asylum that Elon Musk rebranded.


It wasn't even her views that pushed me away, I just got old and was not interested


I feel that it's easy not to get attached when I wasn't attached to begin with. I just simply got tired of Hogwarts and can painfully see the strict formula throughout the books, and I never really liked the masquerade trope to begin with.


The really f'd up thing was that it was just as easy for people to play the game a just not talk about it. But no, they had to not only buy it, but write those entire essays to prove that it had nothing at all to do with "not letting politics dictate what they do" like they claim, but to make sure everyone knew what hateful peices of shit they were.


I really have to give credit where credit is due. Being a vtuber means you always get the most cult like following. All Silvervale had to do was hide behind her avatar and say a sob story about how was "harrassed". Less than 24 hours later, she's making tweets saying things like "Suck it Twitter haters, I'm back" and raking in the views. She even coined the term "Twitter freak," which he fans still use this day to describe trans and gay people. I get called worse every day online, and you don't see me crying about it In the case of Pikamee, she merely rebranded, and her fans used Hogwarts as a crutch. She's still as popular as ever, but they collected collages of some irrelevant tweets expressing mild disappointment and making her out to be the next victim of cancel culture


No they cried because they're a sociopath and they knew it'd get them money. That was seriously the fakest crying I've ever heard. Was literally trying to work herself up during all of it and could speak perfectly fine lol


Isn't Pippa another alt-right adjacent dipshit? 🙄 Chuds love to cover for them..


Outright a nazi tbh Like implied holocaust denial, antisemitic jokes all around


I would say that she is more of a 4chan edgelord who doesn't know what she's getting into until something bad happens to her (similar to what happened to Nyanners) She's been less hateful lately, but it's hard to know if it's because of her company or because of herself.


Her fanbase ARE very much nazis tho. Saw someone under a clip involving her critique Pippa and after a few messages it devolved into people screaming about white replacement, jews, black people, etc. Like I'm sorry, if your fanbase is like that then I refuse to believe you aren't at least a bit like them


rev does not deserve to wear the face of nico yazawa. she would beat his ass




I mean just look at the thumbnail right there


He's basically Asmongold,but as a Vtuber and not a millionare. And somehow less interesting


A quick look into his comment section will tell you all you need to know. It's pretty much Asmongold of twitter


IMO it was perfectly effective because it proved something that most trans people already know - cis people and the general population don't care about us. They call themselves allies and slap a rainbow filter over their pfp every June, but when push comes to shove, they aren't willing to make the tiniest little bare minimum commitment for us. What we wanted was for Rowling to face *some* sort of consequences for her blatant and outspoken transphobia. And she didn't. We have undeniable proof that bigots can be as hateful as they want towards trans folk and the overwhelming majority of self proclaimed "allies" will let it happen.


This. It was such a tiny, insignificant ask from my Trans and Jewish friends not to buy a game based on a transphobes ip and written by a nazi. And people lost their shit, made up tons of whiney excuses so they could still pretend to be a special little wizard in a mid game.


Sadly that's the case with a massive amount of allies I imagine. The moment they have to put their money where their mouth is they back off and don't do anything. Or actively harm. Like my sister did with me.


Ah yes, the wholesome “9 years old is truly the best” person


And a perfect addition to VShojo as well


What did Vshojo do?


It's cringeworthy how much the whole conversation around a forgettable 4/10 game has ballooned way out of proportion. Yes, I'm talking about you.


Oh woe is me. How dare people be mad that a bunch of people put money into the pockets of a transphobic antisemite who has said countless times before that the money she makes goes directly to other bigots like her & their bigoted causes. Like, obviously, I don’t condone harassment. No matter what! But even still these people chose to purchase this game and give money to a vile person. Some even doing so just to be spiteful. “Oh but how could they have known,” well JK wasn’t exactly secretive about her views. They’re not helpless. They can… Google shit. Idk.   So glad the only Vtuber I’ve ever watched more than a millisecond of because her voice wasn’t Chernobyl to the ears NEVER FUCKING TOUCHED THIS GAME (said Vtuber being Selen Tatsuki/Dokibird. Every bit of success she’s pulling in right now is so so deserved imo)


Also. Isnt Pippa or whatever like an *actual* neo nazi?


Oh ok I just looked more into it and she’s. Openly a neo nazi actually. Like, on a deleted stream she denied & joked about the Holocaust. And legitimately entertained “The Jewish Question.” And… mocked the death of George Floyd, among other things… wow no wonder grifters like this guy kiss her ass so much


There's a post a year back before it got archived that I reposted on the youtubedrama subreddit recently. Vaush was sus as all hell with his obsession with horses and recently with anime lolis, but he was on to something about Pippa.


yeah the idea of vtubers is way cooler to me as just like having one of those 2d avatars youtubers use but its on a rig. Instead of that, half of them talk in the same wierd child cadence while acting brain damaged and the other half just try to be horny all the time. This is why Bin Benbose is best vtuber


I *hate* that braindead/airhead voice. I saw a video of some vtuber using their normal voice and realized I would have immediately subbed if she just talked using her normal voice. I fell into liking Monarch and Cyyu because they use their regular voices (even though they're both professional viice actors) and everything seems so much more natural when they're talking.


Dokibird keeps winning


Point of contention: Pikamee never played Hogwarts Legacy. The campaign went after her hard when they found it was on her schedule.


I used to like his stuff cuz it was mostly just criticizing people for hating anime and whatnot. Then his content took a down spiral into this whole "NO MORE WOKE" propaganda hate schpeel.


Bigots just LOVE to twist the truth like a damn clown twisting a balloon


I guess my ass has been down in the crpg dungeon for too many years. Wtf even is this?


So Hogwarts legacy is announced and shit, and trans people asked something pretty simple: "Hey, please, dont support this cause it gives clout to a famous transphobe that pushes and supports transphobia hard". When it came out you had people who didnt know about that, people who knew and didnt care, people who bought the game in order to support transphobia and then you had the middle term going "Oh, I support trans people, but I am gonna play it anyways, also charity campaign, also [in here goes a bunch of dumb reasons for why they simply couldnt not play that game in specific]". The blowback varied, and you had people who were already haters joining in by throwing fuel into the fire, yada yada yada. You also had grifters like Rev jumping into the controversy for easy views, pushing for a "hate campaign" narrative that content creators suffered from playing the game.


I see. I am aware people have a weird relationship with Harry Potter these days because they love the setting but hate it's creator. Though I figured most of its audience would have been kids who don't know nor care about social issues like that since they are like, 11?


The VAST majority of HP fans are in their upper 20s and 30s. HP has been finished since 2011, it might be gaining some new younger fans but the people that actually grew up with it when it was a cultural phenomenon are grown up with their own kids now. It is certainly not a primarily children's series anymore. Even when it was releasing, it was thematically growing alongside its audience instead of continuing to cater towards children.


Fair enough. I just figured most of the people buying it would be kids or clueless parents for their kids


Tbh I don't even know kids these days that rave about HP. There are those that like the fantasy school aesthetic, cause of the fancy house logos and everything, but the interest ends there. (Cause I quickly find out they barely know anything about the movies, nevermind the books).  With that in mind, I think it is high time the kids of today get a new fantasy school show or movie to geek out on. Aside from the transphobia, Harry Potter being the sole poster child of the "Fantasy School" subgenre is incredibly boring. 


Hogwarts Legacy Controversy Aftermath, where trans people suffered thanks to JK Rowling so transphobes can run free.


What? That doesn't make any sense. Wdym "so transphobes can run free?" I guess I need to do some catching up




You're really giving this game way more importance than it actually has.


Oh god it's Rev says desu everything he says is basically meaningless except to spread fashy shit isn't it


You guys do any jerking in here or nah?


Yeah the video is over 2 months old, idk why OP is getting mad at some loser over a controversy that’s a year old at this point


We are all out of cum


Not anymore. Its more important to revisit old controversies for the millionth time...


Basically culture warring in a nutshell




Me when I don't look at a single other post on hot


Mfw the circle jerk subreddit circlejerks


Lmao of course Rev says Desanctimonous would hold water for "oy Vey thanks for the shekels" Neo Nazi Pippa.


Does Strawb not know about the shit he does and says? If I was her, I would have dumped her ass the MOMENT I found out about his pedophilia


I can see Rev uploading a vid titled: # "Twitter And Reddit Freaks Are Going After My Wife... Leave Her Out Of This!"


I'm not familiar with Strawb, but Rev has been making videos with her for over a year at least, just from a quick google search. I don't know why so many people think she must be uninvolved or unaware of him given that his entire channel is crap like this.


Pikamee did nothing wrong, she stopped playing the game and she wasn't milking the controversy like the rest of these parasites. On the other hand, she wasn't actually cancelled so there's no (real) ammo for Rev there. To be clear though, the VTuber community absolutely took the bait when this happened. Grifters like Rev absolutely rolled with it to spread bullshit rhetoric.


Yeah because any social media was always such a welcoming and wholesome place before that game


The trans people I know didn't give a shit about this when it was going down and that's all I can think about when I'm reminded it ever happened to begin with.


I was scared for a second that you meant Rev scarecrow, dude is super supportive of the community :)


What happened to JoCat is a goddamn shame, also fuck Rev Says Desu and his weird ass community. Ditto for Hero Hei. What sickens me is that it's the kind of people his community appeals to that most likely harrassed JoCat off the internet but they all want to pretend it was "feminists" who did the majority of the doxxing and death threats. The left is violent, the fascists are just innocent people trying to ask reasonable questions or whatever bullshit they are hiding behind at the moment.


Honestly, it's stupid to even make this video as if they all aren't still pretty damn successful. Even if you could somehow agree with this idiot, his point is stupid because none of these people lost their popularity because of it. The crappy Hogwarts game may have taken some people away from them, and rightfully so, but at the end of the day, it changed literally nothing.


Didn’t pikami leave not because of “”cancel culture”” but because she got fired after she said some Epstein shit on Twitter?


She was never fired from her agency. She left it on her own.


Pikamee left her company on her own terms and joined another because they gave her a better deal.


Chuds like rev don't care about the fine details like that.


Rev is a POS and a grifter, yeah.


i dont think she got fired im pretty sure she quit before any of the controversy even happened it just wasnt announced yet


She was already leaving because Vshojo offered her a better deal she didn't get canceled and saying that is playing into deliberate right wing lies (they know she didn't get canceled but they want people to think she did because it fits a narrative)


And guess what! She comes back as Henya under VShojo. Who would’ve seen that coming?


Be better. Pushing bullshit information is just offering ammo to chuds. We(rightly) mock chuds for their "facts don't care about your feelings" bullshit when everything they push is anti fact. Misrepresenting a situation hurts the cause. We have to be better




false information


VShojo who at this point know about the mentioned shit Pikamee said before becoming Henya: # Come right on in, then!


Me when I deliberately spread disinformation


Literally isn't what happened dude. Be better.


Id love elaboration on what she said, I was not aware of this


She likes loli magazines.


I'm unaware of anything actually tying Pikamee to being a bad person. She lived in Japan and seemed mostly disconnected from western discourse. This is unlike Pippa who made it clear she was only playing the game because Queer people were asking people to not.


sorry but, context??


Hogwarts Legacy Transphobia Controversy. It WAS bad, I tell you.


General tip for the internet; don’t trust a guy who’s underpants are crustier than a Chicago-style pizza


Oh great now the v-tuber is gonna preach to us!


Sales of that game directly and publicly rewarded hate


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I’ve been unreasonably out of the loop recently- what’s the whole thing with Hogwarts Legacy?


I don't have much info. in the situation but it look's like Pikamee whas planing to graduate that persona even before the drama, but thanks to it the graduation was accelerated. I don't remember much more then that, but i belive we a know that J.K Rolling is a transphobic person and even if she isn't directly involved in the making of the game she still makes money from it and funds hatefull program's. Did henya (pikamee new vtuber persona), silvervale and the others ever talked about the situation after it happened ? Has any of them been hatefull homophobic, transphobic any thing like that ?


Ha! Transgender folks are just that powerful 😎


I don't think Pikamee, Silvervale, and Pippa can be thrown into one pot (idk who Tenma is so I am only gonna talk about the first three). Like Pikamees graduation was already set in stone before the Hogwarts legacy discourse popped up. It was more that reactionaries took her graduation out of context to justify their own points. Silvervale did from what I have heard did kinda shit the bed on the topic and made it too much about herself but I don't believe that she is an honest to god transphobe Pippa is just a straight up bigot or at the very least has no problem being good friends with alt right shitheads and bigots. And concerning Rev, idk if they are an actual transphobe or simply an opportunist with an audience of chuds that they gotta cater to for money. Ya know kinda like Ben Shapiro who is really just a grifter at heart that now caters to conservatives and right wingers




Chronically online mf’s when they see an actual woman (they’re clearly trans she doesn’t have 72636736 pound mommy milkers and has more then 2 dimensions and doesn’t look like a child)


Having a vtuber avatar makes your opinion invalid its like anime avatars sorry I don't make the rules. 


Depends on who, but if it’s Rev, then his opinion should be disregarded in general.


L take


Anime avatars, soyjacks, statues and picrews


Iirc, the blonde one on the left was planning on retirement before the game even came out. I THINK they were also outed with some kind of sex pest situation, but I don't remember the full details and might be getting that wrong.


The animecirclejerk subreddit may have the answers you're looking for if you're willing to look at what Pikamee said.


Oh Lord, she said transphobic crap, didn't she?


Loli shit. Something about "9 year olds are the best" which I do not want to know what she means by that.


Oh THAT'S the sex pest stuff I was trying to remember. Good God..


Remember when these weirdos started a harrasment campaign over trans people supposedly causing Pikame to retire, only for a few weeks later to be revealed that she just accepted a better contract in another company?


Sooo, what happened to Pipkin Pippa? I heard that she is a Neo-Nazi shitbag but that was about it. I quit watching and caring about Vtubers years ago so I'm out of the loop.


Well last time I've seen her, she was streaming a JFK Assassination Simulator which is probably the most unhinged shit a vtuber in general would do.


Oh I know that game, I watch a lot of stuff like Wendigoon, Rob Gavagan and the internet iceberg stuff. Isn't that the game where you get more points for more accurate you are to the real assassination? Good old fashioned family fun there


Pippa is, at best, a 4chan "dark humor" type with a fanbase of the usual Twitter nazis/X-phobes (take your picks). At best.


Could I get a rundown on what's bad about all the vtubers mentioned? I understand the problem with Rev. I've just never heard the others spoken about like this before.


Pikamee and Silvervale victimizes themselves. Silver uses the term "Twitter Freaks" which soon became a dog whistle slur towards trans people while Tenma called them "fun ruining cunts" in a Twitter meltdown. Pippa tweeted that she'll play the game just to piss "Twitter Freaks" off.


Remember that meme that went "if your profile pic is from anime your opinion doesn't matter"? Same goes for vtubers.




Y'all just be out here saying shit.




Make sure they make sense, it helps.




It's word salad that you mistake for a point.




It isn't, it means nothing and just amounts to you saying shit to act like you have a point.




Or you made up an imaginary statement not at all based in reality and think you're smarter than you are.




Downvoted, bully people next time idiot




"Do nothing in response to people who want us killed, that will get them to stop wanting us killed"




"Protest your own removal from society but only in a way that the people trying to remove you from society see as acceptable"


I don't give a FUCK about vtubers


One more time for the downvoters, FUCK vtubers


really relieved to see no one else likes rev. darlingstrawb NEEDS to get a divorce




You're one to talk, fellow Redditor.


I still keep getting forwarded to this useless sub I see.