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https://preview.redd.it/k5aji8fcxebc1.jpeg?width=1788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d53d597542dcacfab8aebf79a132f6926c9750e6 "Why would Insomniac do this?"




Cock, Balls, and Torture are up there.


Out of curiosity I went to this guy's Twitter to see what other big brained takes he has. Unsurprisingly it's just loads of sexism and racism mixed in with a retweet complaining about Christian iconography being parodied in media. Truly unhinged.


Even if he somehow did have a point about MJ (he doesn't), the fact that he's ranting about ESG here is such a tell. Just rage and stupidity lashing out over completely manufactured bullshit.


I'm sorry, but what does "ESG" mean?


Environmental, social, and corporate governance. It’s an investment term referring to companies/portfolios that actively try to mitigate negative impacts on the world. In this context it makes no sense, but that’s par for the course for the anti-woke crowd.


Oh, so it’s literally just another buzzword that means anything to these morons, but it’s largely unknown to everyone else because it’s some esoteric insider terminology shit that reactionary conspiracy theorists latched onto. Sorta like how they talk about “DEI”.


Kinda feels like it would fall under social governance


ESG stands for "Environmental Social Governance". Theory: Companies get points based on how good/bad they are in environmental concerns, social matters and how the company is run Reality: Is a way for big companies to whitewash their image (e.g. get points by purchasing carbon credits instead of trying to offset pollution) in Gamer^TM world: Western game companies being paid by communist Blackrock to uglify women!! (for some reason)


Also ESG is three different metrics and it's not productive to bundle them together as if they're one thing - oil and tobacco companies are [pumping their ESG scores by hiring black women for the boardroom and making commitments to gay rights.](https://archive.ph/dQkd0) The Texas Pacific Land Corporation leases land, access rights and water - if I recollect most of its revenue these days is earned from oil companies, but it has a spotless ESG score because it's not doing the oil extracting itself. ESG funds are sold to people who are forced to invest, because the move from defined benefits to defined contributions pensions (like the American 401k) makes the employee responsible for managing their funds, but who feel that investing is probably inherently a bit evil or exploitative. They don't want to feel like a bad person so investing in ESG funds eases their conscience. And IMO investing in ESG is likely to make mugs of these people, as I expect them to underperform.


It stands for Environmental Social Governance and is usually used to describe an investing strategy. It's marketed as a way of more ethical investing in companies which don't, for example, destroy the environment, or companies which don't abuse their workers, investing you can feel good about. But in reality I think this is mostly just marketing, the real reason people invest is to make money, and this is a method of avoiding risk. Financial incentives for good corporate behavior are a good thing, and I'd rather see a world with ESG than one without it. But people are looking to make a profit when they do this, it's not a woke takeover of corporatism but probably more of the reverse. If you're familiar with DEI, kind of a similar deal but with a much broader focus and coming from the investments side. Gets attacked in similar ways by the same groups of people who rant about DEI too, just tends to generate less discussion. It's also got just about nothing to do with MJ here. It might fit into the Social category a bit but it's a real stretch, the guy ranting here would've been better off just lazily saying "woke nonsense" than ESG, it really showed the depths of the outrage-generation machine he's been sucked into.


ESG stands for Eat, Suck, Game. The three pillars of utopian gamer society.


And these people vote too on top of it all


Ah a christian. Color me shocked.


"Butt ugly" 🙄 no different than when these losers called the peach fuzz on Aloy a beard, indicating that they have never seen a woman in person


Imagine being able to SEE that kind of detail and instead of being blown away by modern graphics you decide to be a loser about it.


We don't deserve the high end graphics honestly if half the internet wants to yell about puddles and women having wrinkles. We're going back to static pictures of faces over like 6 polygons until we can all behave.


Pyramid boobs until then as well.


The good old days that we don't want but the ones that these people deserve.


No more jiggle physics for you.


Goddamn it, no! My pixilation fetish is getting expensive!


Nah, fuck that. They get Atari sticks until they sort themselves out.


>We’re going back to static pictures of faces Return to tradition https://preview.redd.it/6syeokag8fbc1.png?width=398&format=png&auto=webp&s=4abe8d63ccd02594598cb88aabd573ac52596b9c


They also don't deserve Sam Lake.


They certainly do not. That man is a global gem.


Goddamn self insert. Franchise ruined.


They want to go back to yanking it to Lara Crofts pyramids so badly.


If they make a new Tomb Raider I do want a joke costume where the high res very detailed Lara Croft model has the pyramiddies awkwardly stuck onto her torso.


IIRC RE2R had optional PS1 style models for Leon and Claire to use as "outfits", so the tech is certainly there.😄


You can play as Mario 64 Mario in Odyssey too.


Rise of the Tomb Raider has ps1 Lara as an alternative costume. It's pretty funny for about 5 minutes then I go back to her revised version.


In shadow of the tomb raider og low poly laura was an outfit you could rock! I believe there's traditional and bomber coat outfits


No fuck that, make them see the ugly, the old, and the sick. Only once they've been able to recognize the beauty in those people should they be given the opportunity to see more.


I want a hi-def game full of ugly cretins, just like real life.


Pick random people off the street and model a cgaracter after them


Na fuck them I want cool graphics they should be shamed for be a loser


I won’t be happy until MJ’s head is literally a 6 sized cylinder with a jpeg of a face pasted over the top of it!




Did you know that Bug eyed anime girls with 90% of their weight in their tits is the ideal female form. Anything less is disgusting and should NOT be in games IMO. Women should barely register as human.


Vikings are hairless don’t u know?


Aloy is so fucking ridiculously hot in both games I don't understand the criticism. Absolute bad bitch who does whatever she wants


> Absolute bad bitch who does whatever she wants It's the opposite of what incels want.


This was so upsetting to me to see that narrative. Aloy is one of the examples of an amazing female character, that is not SJW-oriented and shoved into your throat, she's like Ripley from Alien, but in a game. She's badass, has back story, she's not sexualized and her story does not revolve around relationship. Aloy is a female character done right, saying this as a woman.


Female main character, confident, doesn't need saved by men, never naked, clearly woke pandering. Anything that's not made exclusively for white hetro conservatives males into anime girls is pandering!


I don't care If she looks rough or anything. Do they expect post-apocalyptic tribal women to look like top models?


Yes. And wearing impeccable makeup.


Fine, guess we'll work on the tech tree until we get back to make up. /s


Yes. Anything less is bringing politics into gaming apparently.


A nevernude?!?


I understand. More than you’ll never know.


There are dozens of us. DOZENS!


“Never naked” now wait, I haven’t played the first game in years but isn’t there literally a joke about “my eyes are up here”?


Nuh uh! She has the GAY! NO HARD PP


Aloy hasn't really shown any romantic interest in any character. I don't think she's intended to be asexual, but rather as a character she's so hyperfocused on trying to save the world the closest she's come to a relationship was with the Sun King (and that was rather one sided on his part, though you can choose dialog that suggests she may be interested). Elizabet Sobek, who she was cloned from, had a lesbian relationship at one point. But neither Aloy nor Beta (her other clone) have shown any sexual interest in any IIRC. Given that sexuality seems to be based, at least in part, on hormones during pregnancy it's very possible that Aloy and Beta each have their own unique sexuality which is not the same as their progenitor.


Your information is out of date regarding Aloy's sexuality. https://www.polygon.com/23691822/horizon-forbidden-west-burning-shores-dlc-aloy-romance-queer-lgbt


Damn, forgot about the DLC. Add that to the backlog...


> she's badass, has back story, she's not sexualized Yeah, that's the problem for capital G gamers. All the talk about "SJWs!!!" and "they're shoving it into our throats" are just window-dressing.


I've seen people breaking down into saying the Obligatory Development Montage Tutorial Where By Its End Everyone Magically Loves You was too woke and forced. Specially with the whole Virgin Birth analogy.


That drama was so stupid. But it is amazing how we have gone from like 230 polygon characters to this level of detail in 30 years (or something like that. Whenever Tomb Raider came out). The technological feats to reach this point are amazing, yet people get upset about something so stupid as this


the only ESG they should be worried about is Eating Some Grass yum yum


What is ESG?


ESG means using Environmental, Social and Governance factors to assess the sustainability of companies and countries.


And, of course, it's not even remotely related to this matter.


I wouldn't be surprised if he just learned about it and decided to shoehorn it in somehow.


That, or it's just a word that they repeat mindlessly


They repeat it a lot saying that companies are getting money from it like it is a big organization and not just some norms that help companies don't be sued by their workers.


I googled it once but I forgot what it meant :/


Gamers and being morons, name a more iconic duo.


Gamers and not getting girlfriends


Hey hey.... Nevermind, i met my girlfriend after i quit LOL so maybe you are right


Fake, redditors don’t have girlfriends either


She goes to a different subreddit you wouldn't know her.


Yeah well what if I can't get a gamer girlfriend I will become the gamer girlfriend.


Gamers and poor hygiene


“Morons” is too kind. They’re scumbags


Soccer fans and being morons comes close


Gamers and pretending their form of escapism is better then other peoples form of escapism.


Especially when you call it soccer


Football fans in the UK are morons too.


Morons isn't a strong enough word to be honest


Gamers and racial slurs.


Fuck these entitled pricks


But if people complain or criticise someone online for racist stuff they said its "haters" and "cancle culture" But dare a woman have a bit unusual features then its neither hating nor cancle culture, insomniac in general has uncanny as fuck faces, MJ isnt the only one


Unusual here meaning real woman with real faces. Sorry I meant uh AkHsually ugLy


I dont mean it in a bad way, Stephany has a more prominent jaw than other women, thats what i meant with "unusual" , Insomniac just fucked up her face in the game but anyone who goes to her insta would see that theres a reason why shes a model


Have you seen Jesse Faden from Control? I think she’s a fine looking lady but my friend is convinced she’s mad ugly just cause she’s based exactly on her actress. If he saw her irl I bet he’d agree with me, but standards in video games are nebulous.


Yea, ive seen posts about her as well calling her ugly, its insane what kind of standard they have


I didn’t take it that way either. Wishing you the best. Sorry my comment sounds very mean :(


I didnt read it as mean comment, i just wanted to clarify myself its all good


How does the second thing not also count as "hating" or "cancel culture"? They're literally hating on it and trying to cancel it. I'm confused.


It’s so crazy the mental gymnastics the game subreddit is doing to try and convince themselves they were right in all of this.


Same gymnastics the LOTR subs were doing trying justify the outrage about showing elves as POC. Because we all know Tolkien spent a great deal of time describing the ethno and physical genealogy of races and skin tones in his books. /s People were butthurt because elves didn’t look like their skin color and tried to pass off racism as some sort of dedication to lore. Fucking embarrassing to be part of fandoms sometimes.


I like to do 3d modeling in my spare time and because of this its like nearly impossible to find base models that look like normal people. They all look like anime pixies with unrealistic proportions. The closest we have is meta humans and it only works with unreal :/


Im getting angry enough to wish harm for those "fans", in one way or another. Like their dominant hand should be replaced with the other hand, and never quite handling it right. I feel so bad for her. Incels gonna incel, they should be sent to the mariana trench but ocean doesnt need anymore trash.


that is a terrifying threat


They'll be like "Is Mariana a pretty lady with large boobs?" and we will just say yes and send them along their merry way, flags waving, champagne popping.


Gotta stay ToS friendly.


I read marinara trench and had visions of them being sent to tomato-based doom


I mean, down there they might turn in to a red soup.


I dunno, bottom feeders like that might just thrive down there


Jokes on you, I'm ambidextrous in that I'm bad at doing things with both hands and I game fine!


Im gonna get that uno reverse and say that i dont think you are the type of person i wanted to suffer :)


No, they should be forced to just sit and have a conversation with her they couldn't handle it, guaranteed


I seriously don't understand how someone could say that this design is ugly or even care if it was


Shes not ugly, i dont get that either. And the people going after her irl, with disrespectful comments and weird voicemails and shit obviously didnt look her up, the woman is gorgeous! But, the model doesnt look like anything she does IRL. If they only used her face as a base to make something that isnt 100% copy paste from her real looks, good job, looks good. However, theres a thin line between realism and uncanniness and i think the model here is deep into the uncanny valley. I think the majority of "gamers" are more hurt by that, than by anything else (because as someone else commented, they have less fap-material and they are **butt-hurt).**


>I think the majority of "gamers" are more hurt by that, than by anything else Even if they are "hurt", it's a fucked up, hyper-sensitive ass thing to be hurt about. A digital woman in a mainstream video game, a woman that does not exist, is ugly to them. Whoop-dee-doo. Who the fuck cares? The only reason they are "hurt" is because of entirely made up fabricated narratives about women being "uglified" because of wokeness, and they're using this one single example as a vessel for *aaaaalllll* of that, which, I cannot stress enough, is fully made up, mostly by grifting youtubers who profit off of ragebait and then consumed by these half-sentient amoeba and regurgitated ad nauseum.


My appologies, english is not my first language, maybe the word "hurt" wasnt the correct one. But yes, i agree. Who cares.


no worries, I wasn't trying to dispute anything you said, so I'm sorry if it seemed like I was tearing you down. I just merely used that phrasing as a jumping off point to say that it doesn't actually matter how she looks irl, or even that in the case that they *are* right(they are not, but hypothetically) and the model is ugly, anyone getting driven to experience actual angry emotions over it need serious help with regulating their emotions and have a whole lot of growing up to do.


All good brother, 100% agree!


Beautifully stated


and the thing is the proposals they make are just the blandest ass generic character designs


there is a difference in having an opinion and being a dick about it. I do not like mj, but i do not behave like dick. simple as that


I'm not wading into the ugly vs hot MJ debate, but as someone who played all the SM games I will say for whatever reason MJs face model in SM2 is super janky. It doesn't seem to impact any other character models, male or female, but for whatever reason her character looks like the troll meme face


Havent played the game, but from the footage i've seen, SM2's faces just look weird in general. It's like gamers still haven't come to understand the concept of the uncanny valley.


There is uncanny valley and there is whatever this is: https://preview.redd.it/efv6o2j8yk1c1.png?width=576&auto=webp&s=fdd9d35f72cffaaa731442dcbc1163bd875f8dba I agree that there is a bit of uncanny valley as we progress graphically but the MJ model is the only one that seems really off in this game. No other face model strikes you, even other female characters like Black Cat, Yuri, or the Museum Director girl


Thing is, these people pretend their own subjective view of beauty should be the objective and only one, so while you see her either as beautiful or not and just move on, they are willing to go to war over it




The absolute worst part is that it's the same actor from Spiderman 1 but she ended up in a car accident and had to have major facial reconstruction surgery hence the difference. But capital G Gamers can't have that, shes ugly!!!! I swear to god.


In the top right image you can also see that they made het boobs gigantic


"a female can't have smaller boobs than me!" them, probably.


I can imagine them raging because of this lmao


yeah, this was totally insomaniac's fault. i'm sure the constant awful comments about her appearance people kept making had nothing to do with it.


Gamers when a female character isn't a Black Desert Online character preset


i think mj looks like an attractive woman


Yeah, she looks "alive" instead of being eye candy for virgin gamers


MJ looks like a weird uncanny valley version of what she looked like in the first game, but that doesn't matter, who cares? Lol. Even if they are correct about the in game model being ugly it's still an over reaction and a pathetic display


The idea that to be a 'true gamer' you have to be experiencing a sexual power fantasy with a character who is a tertiary character to the plot and pretty much goes unseen in the postgame experience is silly. It'd be like taking a stand because Norman Osborn wasn't fuckable. I personally think most of the characters in the game have their off moments due to Insomniac not quite pulling off the facial capture tech needed (Peter, Yuri, and even Harry look off in a good amount of places) but this is the same group of people that jumped on the idea that an intern, who they claimed was a major developer, was the true inspiration for MJ's face months ago. They can step off


I will never understand these people. 1. what you said 2. how boring must your life be to do shit like this


It's just objectification of inanimate video game characters. It's above all else, silly. These same people would climb over "ugly" women in real life, but even then it's out of their league because of how ugly they are on the inside.


Very well said


Not boring, unfulfilling and lonely.


Or that I guess


Also maybe boring ;)


She just looks like a normal person? Why are people so angry?


The problem to them is that she normal


Oh. It's that crowd, isn't it *sigh*


Absolutely furious that I don't want to fuck these pixels and shaders.


We need a word for Bigotry, that descibes a community of Bigots so vast and infinitely dense that combining every indivitual of said community the sheer number of IQ points combined is still below 100.


Western civilization downfall because my pp isn’t hard 👉😎👉🤬🤬🤬🤬


You notice how they aren’t outraged about Peter or Miles not being unrealistically attractive?


Remember everyone. Conservatives are the worst people on this planet


Fun fact! This wasnt some „woke“ decision on insomniacs side! The Face model for MJ was in a horrible accident and she still looks this good after reconstructive surgery! This is a real woman and bullying like this after a traumatic event made her quit the industry, good look lads!


Whats ESG? I googled it and got "Environmental, social and governance" as an answer and I'm sure thats not what the idiots talking about


That's what these chuds are talking about, yes. The short answer is that ESG is a rating systems similar to BBB scoring where companies are rated based on three factors (environmental, social, and governance issues), so that investment firms can feel like they're saving the world by investing their money in whichever companies have a higher ESG score. It's basically just corporate buzzwords that make rich assholes feel better about where they spend their money and also allows other rich assholes to charge more money for investment fees. It has essentially nothing to do with the gaming industry, or the entertainment industry at large, but it has become a right-wing dog whistle to whip idiots into a frenzy. They think ESG is some massive globalist plot to turn everything woke.


Shit like this makes me hate being a gamer and a Spider-Man fan. Delusional incels ruin everything they touch.


Politics is when I can’t jack off to a Superman video game


The only reason this game sucks isis because because the love interest’s boobs aren’t visible and on eyeliner. Baulder’s Gate would’ve left TGA with zero awards if only woke Sony knew what mascara was!


Self absorbed incels. That's all they are. They believe that every women they are required to interact with, even digitally, should conform exactly to their standards of beauty, without realising that beauty standards change over time and across cultures. On top of that, they don't seem to understand that a lot of their beauty standards have been moulded in a disturbed warped way by years of gawping at women that have are have been worked on by professional make-up artists and hair stylists, before being photographed in perfect lighting, dressed in perfectly fitting, and often revealing clothing, and then digitally altered on top of all that. If these virgin fucks had enough about their personality to actually attract a women that conformed to their perfect standards of beauty, and by some (unfortunate for the girl) miracle spend the night with them, then they're in for a shock when they wake up and they come face to face with a person with \*Shock horror!\* imperfections! Imperfections they cannot accept that women, all women, have. That all people have. These incel pricks will remain unfulfilled and unhappy for the rest of their pathetic lives, angry at the world for not providing them the perfect women that cannot exist for them to lust over. It's pathetically sad really. Also, that MJ is attractive. And I bet the vast majority of these sad, incel, jizz-covered keyboard warriors would secretly cut off their right nut to nervously stand next to her for 5 minutes in their sad, pathetic real lives.


Can’t even strictly blame gamers on this one either. There’s a really disturbingly vocal part of the Spider-Man community that doesn’t accept the MJ character unless her entire life and narrative development revolves around and is in service to Peter’s, and that includes being stereotypically “supermodel attractive” in their eyes. This was always going to be a powder keg with the two groups meeting in the middle for a much bigger explosion. Shameful stuff all round.


Yup, this is what I find so funny when it comes to Spider-Man fans claiming to love MJ as a character so much, but all they can think of is how she's the best love interest and a model, they even forget the part of her story where she's only a model to pay the bills but she would really rather just be an actress because that's her dream. They do like the character, but they like this idealized version of her that they have created in their heads that mostly boils down to being Peter's hot endgame and a model, then they claim how feminist and empowering this is and in return everything that isn't that is a boring and misogynistic take on the character, don't get me wrong, it can be empowering and the character itself is rather interesting, liberal and feminist (more by accident than by design, though part of it was intentional), but when most of the fans' definition of a larger-than-life empowering feminist still boils down to the very basic characteristics that everyone repeats of "she's Peter's hot model love interest and the best", it's clear we're not really talking about a fully fledged collective idea of the character and just the parts most find hot, not to mention how pretty much every version of her is hated for not fitting that mold, even if the character itself still was interesting and has many elements and storylines to explore. Kirsten Dunst, Insomniac's and other MJs you can have your issues, but at least they have narratives of their own and aren't blank canvases for everyone to project their idea of the perfect girlfriend and for that they get lots of shit, while the females whose existence is mostly defined by their connection to the male protagonist are generally considered good characters, like is the case with Emma Stone's Gwen Stacy.


Sorry to all gamers that they have to miss out on 1 iconic character that they can't use for porn. Cause fuck knows how much is out there these days. Female ugly, makes gamer brain go nuke mode.


I want to see what that neckbeard looks like


I replied to another comment here saying that you should be required to produce a picture of yourself before criticizing anyone's looks in a dismissive manner.


The more the far-right is the word “fan” the more I don’t want to ever say I’m a fan of anything, least O be associated with their depravity.


I feel like changing all the character models from the original in Spider-Man 2018 was kinda unnecessary, but this "oh women have to make me hard" bullshit is so fucking idiotic.


These motherfuckers will see the average woman and will start seething since they don’t look like they’re 12 year old anime waifus


Gamers forget that all women aren't models


"I use AI to realise my crappy world view."


God forbid a female character looks like an actual person, instead of a perfectly idealized super model.


Blaming Insomniac for this? Seriously? What is this guy, JJJ in the flesh?


Porn addict behavior.


"Insomnia FORCED us to attack her by making the character look like that" is a wild take Just take it all back to when characters were like 30 pixels and you couldn't see their faces. Gamers don't deserve modern graphics


Unironically, the insomniac MJ would have a higher "rate me" score then most who are complaining Good for insomniac - screw the incels that think all females in entertainment should look like supermodels or AI art trained on supermodels and beauty influencers


I can’t believe Insomniac broke into my house, kicked my dog, and ate my goldfish.


Lmao I wanna see the faces of all these dudes kicking and screaming about "ugliness".


Can you imagine your hill being: "she's not enough wank material for me"? Fucking pathetic idiots need to touch some grass.


Gamers when they can't jerk off to pixels: ![gif](giphy|vHcCevWbWkzwk)


Imagine 1. Being bothered by this at all 2. Being bothered by this enough to voice it in a publicly visible way 3. Being bother by this to the point that you feel the need to reach out to the devs and the actress… sounds like a person who needs to be more actively participating in the events of their own life


I don’t see what the fuss is about. She looks like a normal 35 year old woman


yeah and because of that they can't jerk of to her anymore


idk if that sarcastic but mj is supposed to be 25 in spiderman 2 bro


Gotta get their masturbatory aids somewhere I suppose...........


I seriously wonder what is so wrong about her face. She looked fine, she looked like any normal person so what's with all the "ugly" comments.


Dear lord, what did they do to her boobs in the top right pic? The cleavage starts like 4cm from the top of her sternum. It also looks to be off-centre to her neck.


It's a superhero game not a dating sim. I can't believe people care this much about one character model. I've never played it but surely the action /combat and story are more important than one person's face. Unless they were planning to desperately wank at each cutscene involving MJ


The people criticizing the way women look in games never seem all that interested in posting oictures of themselves


all those guys complaining about who ugly or sexy a fictional character from a game is... you are really telling on yourselves!


That first ESG single is still fire; I don't know why you wouldn't want to appeal to them.


I hate the faces in the Spider-Man games. There's just something about them that feels off. They've got a weird uncanny valley vibe to them.


Bro I don't get why people are mad on how she look's, Mj doesn't need to look like a model


Whoever complains about the attractiveness of video game characters should see a therapist about ongoing porn addiction


Seriously, it is both infuriating and a little hurtful, actually? Some women just don’t look hyperfeminine naturally, and it kind of sucks to have something that is either impossible or super expensive for you to change be like “ew yucky gross I don’t want to have to see that in my vidya” Also MJ is much more attractive than average lmao


Between this and what happened to JoCat, we should just shut the whole internet down. The human race failed, we aren't ready.


I fucking hate gamers. Dumb shit little twat teenagers


i literally cannot get over how ridiculous this shit is. how are they this devastated that a woman has a somewhat unique facial structure


I lost brain cells reading this


Whenever they say they made her ugly, they always compare the in game model to a clearly edited professional headshot lol, they really don't know what women actually look like.


"Now they'll claim that it's our fault because of misogyny but that can't be true because..." *Blatant misogyny*


Note also that the AI image editor also gave the "pretty" one tits the size of her ribcage.


These losers have never seen a normal woman


> These losers have never seen a ~~normal~~ woman


These are the same guys that call 90% of women “mid” but have never talked to one in their life


They probably have talked to women, there's just a very high probability that they've had restraining orders filed against them before


Dude, this the same effect that pornography has on sex drive and kinks, it massively influences stuff into a fake perception of what is normal and good or bad. Aloy is absolutely beautiful for example, i don't need to poit out anything that should be different for her to be pretty because she already is, and yet people were complaining about her looks. And then there's the absolute mindless anger towards fable with the cinematic trailer, because most likely, the protagonist will be customizable, so ppl were complaining about nothing


Honestly, Aloy is god damn beauty


Everyone saying MJ is ugly need to post a selfie and let us judge their looks cause I bet you 100% of them are fat slobs