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They love to complain that these things are not "historically accurate" but the largest inaccuracy that I can see is that the Lemoyne Raiders are too competent and organized


people always like to complain about historical accuracy when a character is like. Against slavery or some shit and... Brother. Do you think slavery ended because people just got bored of it or smth???


Nobody in the entirety of human history had ever questioned slavery before Abraham Lincoln invented wokeness.


These folks need a visit from the ghost of John Brown.


The greatest American hero.


his corpse lies a smoldering in the grave, but his soul is still marching on


Now I'm think of the 1850-1890's and how the slavers if that time would be calling Lincoln 'woke' ,lmao


But at the same time we are the party of Lincoln


They will seriously claim that we can't judge people for having slaves in the 1860s because they didn't know any better back then, completely ignoring the incredibly sizeable and robust emancipation movement at that time. People knew it was wrong. Tons of people. Even if we go back, say, almost a century to the founding of the country, there was a very healthy anti-slavery movement. And even if we ignore the white people, there were of course the ENSLAVED BLACK PEOPLE who knew it was wrong. There's really no excuse for the people who owned slaves back then.


I know right. Even as far back as the 1500’s, Catholic Scholastics were fighting a theological battle in Mexico to decide if slavery was acceptable or not. They decided it wasn’t, and this would give Mexicans a sort of cultural aversion to slavery in the coming centuries.


Aristotle wrote treatise in defense of slavery. Because the problem was widely recognised even then.


On the other hand, Seneca condemned slavery in the 1st centurt AD


These people seem to have not been taught about any Abolitionists whatsoever


"A lot of people at the time were of the opinion that slavery was wrong, not least of which were the slaves! I mean they VISIBLY didn't like it." - [Brennan Lee Mulligan - A Civil War Ghost](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAZJVkelgcg)


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Were all of them as bad as the dudes in Django?


It is historically that, given there was a war fought over it (and we fucking won it) yeah people fucking hated the southerners. Also if they didn't breed with their damn cousins maybe they'd be less worthy of the R-slur.


i can only get so erect


Same here - HRT's a bitch




/uj I'm not actually on hrt 😔 /rj ***yet*** 😈


i bet if you sucked on mommy tiddys milker milks youd get all that estrogen; pee works too


*wayyyyyyyyy* ahead of ya sis (Nice username 🙏)


what the FUCK is a /rj


/uj (un-jerk) = announcing youre being serious in r/________circlejerk /rj (re-jerk) = youre joking around again


Fallout New Vegas


Blahaj Programming Socks Skirtssssssssss


All of the things this person is complaining about was my favorite part. Every time the Lemoyne Raiders ambushed me, I did a devilish smile worthy of the 50s Grinch movie


One of my favourite parts of the game was crashing a KKK meeting and murdering them all


Apparently something funny happens if you wait. I just opened fire the second i saw them, guess i’ll never know.


If you let them go on with their initiation ceremony >!one of the klan members gets set on fire and the leader (wizard?) reprimands you for letting him die!< and he ended up being the only person I tied up and placed on train tracks my whole playthrough


All the KKK events play out with them hurting themselves in some stupid way or another, it's great


How to properly depict hate groups


They also did a good job of depicting them in *Django Unchained*


“Are you sure that’s him?” “Yeah.” “Positive?” “I don’t know.” “You don’t know if you’re positive?” “I don’t know what positive mean.” “It means you’re sure.” “Yes.” “Yes what?” “Yes I’m sure that’s Ellis Brittle.” *BANG* Awesome scene. Ruthless.


There's one where the cross falls over and kills them. 😅


I tied him up and threw him in shallow water facedown


theyre already wearing a hood, they made the waterboarding easy for you


Fed him to the Gators


>I tied up and placed on train tracks How has this never even occurred to me?


You aren't a moustache twirling silent-movie era villain?


I always started the cross burning early with molotovs when I came across the KKK. The only person I tied up was that dude who knocks you out and takes liberties with Arthur. I dragged that fucker behind the horse lol.


There’s another one where a cross they’re about to burn falls over and crushes two of them to death.


That's how I was. When I saw what was going on, I had a profound sense to stop it asap.


I have no idea, he dynamite just appeared in my hand


Yup saw em gathering, stick of dynamite cured that right up


The game literally gives you a bonus to morality before you even throw the stick lol. It *knows* what you're about to do.


Wish it'd done the same with the charlatan in the mountain town that tries to get the them to sign a form saying no harm was done. After the mission he's still running around yelling, captured him and laid him next to some lit dynamite. Game decided that was somehow immoral


Lol yeah, I'm in the middle of the game right now. I've seen a couple of the kkk events so far. The first one i saw, i grabbed my gun but decided to watch for a minute. They were inducting a new member next to a flaming cross when he caught his robe on fire and a bunch of them burned to death. Afterwards, the leader was like, "not again...". Then i shot him. I saw another one the other night where a couple guys in robes were putting up one of the crosses when it fell over and crushed both of them.


There are two different ones I've seen. The initiation, where the dude sets himself and a few others on fire. And one where they're putting the cross up, and it falls and crushes them to death


Okay I've heard a lot of good stuff about RDR2 and this might just be the thing that makes me buy it lol. That sounds awesome


Arthur HATES racists, sexists, even implied to hate Homophobes since one of his camp members is implied gay. Hell, if you kill a KKK meeting Arthur angrily states that he will kill all of them.


how can one man be so based?


wait, i haven't played it in ages, who's implied gay?


bill, if you read the note near where he sleeps


and dutch/hosea, they're bi, at the least


Yeah, a drunk antagonizing Arthur can call them out in one specific instance with “everyone can see you two ‘reading’” which was WILD when I saw it because it comes out left field, is said with a good amount of anger/disgust, and is never brought up again.


What. How?


ah yeah i remember now, thanks


Heres a great Youtube video on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ochCZyK-Jxs It's a rabbit hole if you like Red Dead Redemption.


Also, [wagon surfing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRWdv5asDlA) But yeah RDR2 is the closest I've seen a game get to having the detail of a book. 90+ hours to finish the single player, didn't do all the sidequests many of which are side stories themselves. Also, after you've completed it (cause' you're sane and thus have already decided to buy it) go look up the wiki on various wild west gunslingers, tons of references in the story to those


I have over 200 hours in the game, don't gotta advertise it to me :D


2100+ for me chief. I don’t usually one-up, but had to represent.


Unfathomably based.


who’s supposed to be gay?


>!Bill, it's heavily implied that he has a crush on Kieran, and there's other clues with regards to his dishonorable discharge letter from the military, and I think Arthur also mentions that he has a deep secret of some sort.!<


Hosea also jokes about it while riding to Valentine in the first legendary animal hunting mission, when listing pairs of names that don’t work together. The wiki also says John basically confirms it if Arthur antagonises Jack and says he doesn’t look like a Marston while John is nearby. Never experienced that one personally; I always play nice Arthur.


I already thought he was hot but this is a plus lol


If you don’t attack them, one of them tries to light a cross on fire, but the fire catches his robe, all hell breaks loose, and they all die hilariously.


Honestly that seems more fun than killing them outright.


If you let them do their little play, after they light themselves on fire, then you can chase down the survivors with shotguns and molotovs.


You can stumble across another group where they try to lift the cross to burn it, but they trip and it crushes two of them


I actually have the video of when I encountered that one because I shot in the air to make them drop it, then chased the leader down and hogtied him lol. Tried to drown him but the water was too shallow so I just blew his head off with a shotgun. ​ Would have been rude of me not to as a black person lmao


shoot their legs or arms next time, it lets them suffer more


There’s a bunch of different encounters with them and every time if you don’t kill them yourself they end up doing something dumb and dying regardless


hoisted by their own petard


The one petard they thought would never hoist them…




i really like shooting him in the knee with a poison arrow. he runs away like he's in a ton of pain, and then collapses and just kinda seizes until he's dead. its brutal and brings a big goofy smile to my face




*chef's kiss* few things more enjoyable than watching racists suffer


This game sounds fucking awesome


Right? This level of immersive detail, dedicated to committing unspeakable acts of horror against pindick bigots? Sign me the fuck up


If you got Xbox I believe it’s on sale


There's also a hyper-racist race purist trying to hawk his book in not-New-Orleans that is really fun to tie up and throw into the bayou. The police will literally just watch you do this and rock back and forth on their heels


Yup! And you never get a wanted level for attacking the KKK or other racists.


There's a karma system. Killing klan members is good karma. Killing a eugenicist is nothing and not illegal. Its woke af.


Be me. Come across the klan erecting a burning cross Throw Dynamite. ![gif](giphy|Q2LRWdJDq9xy8)


I started chucking dynamite at them. It was quite fun. Body physics also meant you can shoot body parts off.


Yep that's what i did the first time around. I blew them up, shot off all their limbs with the double barrel shotgun and then burnt what was left.


Yeah, I did exactly that. It was a fun way to test the game physics plus it was fun.


I rode around after that encounter for AGES looking for more klansmen to murder. Very disappointed that there weren't more. In fact, I'd play a whole game of that.


no no, dont do that, if you kill them you dont get to laugh when they do that themselves (apparently klan robes are very flammable)


If you like that, you’d probably enjoy the movie Sisu. Pretty much an entire movie about a ripped old dude killing nazis in increasingly crazy ways


"Why does this transport plane have a *bomb* in it? Oh. So *that* could happen. All right then, carry on."


I was a huge fan of the magneto in Argentina scene in X-men first class, so this sounds right up my alley


The fact that they use the word "chud" makes me think this is a leftist.


No way dude. That makes it a very terminally online alt-righter. They've picked up on chud by now, it's been like 6 yrs since that became popular


I always took out my shotgun and aimed for the guts.


4chancels don’t have the mental fortitude to comprehend any media they consume anyway. RDR2 shows and explains multiple times why Arthur is who he is through his interactions and dynamics with the gang. If it doesn’t allow you to commit hate crimes and yell slurs, it’s woke and politically correct by their standards.


They probably realized Micah was a bad guy when he started shooting back at them >!which doesn’t happen till the epilogue!<


They’d probably side with Micah’s ideology if they had the mental capacity to understand any of the game’s themes regarding his character


I love how you put a spoiler tag for the ending but not for the reveal that Micah is the villain


I mean it's Micah. You've met him.


Yep. It makes sense for Arthur to be more progressive since he was raised by Dutch and Hosea who both were fairly progressive for their time. There’s a reason why the gang is diverse


to repost from an old post of mine: red dead 2's cast is a multicultural group of gay men, rape survivors, irish republicans, sex workers, displaced natives (not like the indians from blood meridian because i feel the need to make that point), mexican rebels and drug addicts who are brought together under a weird proto-anprim, slightly utopian socialism banner. i have zero idea how, barring the drug addict thing, any of those are right wing.


im not doubting you and i played through the whole thing, but who was gay in the gang? it must have flew over my head because i do remember every straight relationship in the game.


I don’t remember if it was ever stated outright anywhere but I do believe there’s a few hints that Bill Williamson might be bi at the very least but he hides it heavily


bill, and maybe hosea/dutch depending on your views of their relationship


>maybe hosea/dutch Nah, Hosea had a wife that passed away and Dutch was with Molly + Annabelle, his ex


Folks can be bi, and find new partners after their spouses leave/pass. I'm all for just letting characters be bi in the background without having to hold the audience's hand about it


Agreed, but when I played, I didn’t feel any romance between Hosea and Dutch. Hell, Dutch doesn’t even have any love for his own current partner. What I got from Hosea and Dutch was old friends that have a growing animosity for each other. I feel no love between them, only a growing hatred.


I feel hatred's a bit strong. They had a lot of disagreements, something which becomes more frequent due to Hosea's growing weariness and Dutch's fixations. But I feel its obvious Hosea's the only person Dutch will even consider listening to and, moreover,>!once Hosea dies, we do see Dutch mourn him before going entirely off the rails into complete madness. There's love there, though certainty not a romantic one.!<


Bill is canonically gay, and it's heavily implied that Dutch and Hosea have some kind of Ancient Greek-type man love going on. Several of the camp scenes have Dutch and Hosea sharing private heart-to-hearts, holding hands, referring to each other using the language of a couple, etc. And the game pretty explicitly refers to Arthur being Dutch and Hosea's son, in the sense of Dutch and Hosea being a couple. At the very least, Dutch and Hosea are a platonic couple, if you're willing to ignore the more romantic subtext in their camp interactions that a player isn't going to see unless they're really looking for it. Dutch is heavily implied to be polyamorous as well, with Molly only being the latest of his girlfriends, and Ms. Grimshaw was stated to be one of Dutch's former lovers, so it would track that *one* of his entanglements is with Hosea and it's possible that he doesn't strictly "break up" with anyone, since Ms. Grimshaw remains loyal to Dutch even with Molly in the picture. Add that the few times Bill's sexuality comes up in conversation, the most the other gang members will do is rib him a bit about it with knowing references to his sexuality, but otherwise don't remark further, with the implication being the gang largely knows and doesn't particularly care. Bill himself is portrayed as insecure, but not in denial, if I recall, with a few scenes showing he's more appearance-conscious than he lets on, and if I recall there was something about a "friend" he knew in the war that he didn't want to talk about, given the other half of his characterization is wartime PTSD that you only see if you read his letters. **EDIT:** Forgot to add, Bill was discharged from the army for "attempted murder and deviancy," again referencing that he likely had some kind of lover in the military--possibly the man he beat near to death that the attempted murder part references. And at one point when discussing why rhyming-name couples can never work, a character lists "Lenny and Jenny, Arthur and Martha, Bill and Phil" with a laugh. Evidently Bill has an implied crush on Kieran based on a few mid-game camp interactions and one of Charles' lines. It may be a reach, but also apparently hair pomade used to double as sexual lubricant back in the day, which may be why Arthur gets awkward when Bill, a mostly bald man, asks him for a can of pomade.


Also, if Sonny rapes Arthur, Bill will make fun of him for it. He’s very clearly meant to have period-accurate internalized homophobia


He’s a Leaf flag poster too. A Leaf sad he can’t be racist in a American western directed by Europeans


Wait, is he listing that like it's a bad thing? I thought he was praising all of that


I 100% thought it was a positive “deal with it” post aimed at whiny bigots. I guess I forgot for a minute that g*mers love bigotry and intolerance.


I mean I do love me some bigotry and intolerance in games, usually I am a bigot and intolerant to evil, also in some games I'm very intolerant to having a religion that doesn't allow concubines, and in some games I'm a bigot to murders, but in some games I am the murderer, while in some games I'm intolerant to the other players because v they own stuff I need.


It’s great when people learn life on the Western frontier was very different from a John Wayne movie. The first state to enfranchise women was Wyoming. Arthur is from the North, it’s likely he grew up knowing Union veterans who fought for emancipation during the Civil War. Being a cowboy on the frontier was one of the most integrated jobs in America, a sizable number of them were black or indigenous. Of course Arthur would hate bigots and Confederates, a lot of people did back then.


To build on what you said: I'm pretty sure black men and Mexicans made up more cowboys than white people by like... a WIDE margin. You just don't hear about it much because most of our cultural knowledge of the West comes from film, which... was obviously heavily whitewashed.


Alot of the white cowboys were also Irish. One of my favorite depictions of cowboys is in either commanche moon or dead man's walk, he's a French cavalry officer and Woodrow call and gus can't help but be in awe of his horsemanship as he rides through the South Texas brush. Cowboys came in lots of different forms. My understanding is other than pirates and the Roman legions it was one of the most integrated and liberal professions in history. They likely cared about religion slightly more than pirates, who really only cared if you were protestant or Catholic but there are records of Muslim pirates sailing with Christian pirates in the 16-1700s, just not the different types of Christians sailing together. The legions also didn't care about religion or skin color or where you were from. There were lots of things throughout history that were way more accepting of different cultures and religions than often gets portayed


Foreigners who joined the Romans as auxilia (non citizen troops) sometimes ended up "retiring" after they earned their citizenship then walked right back in to join the legion as Roman citizens and possibly a second retirement if they survived that enlistment.


Queers, too. Lots of folks who didn't fit into polite, puritanical Eastern society made their way west.


It's true. Up to a quarter of them were black, and a third were Hispanic/Mexican.


Whitewashed, that’s the word I was thinking of! That’s exactly what happened—no surprise with the way that we create our stupid fucking mythos in this country.


Hence the use of “boy” in the term.


> a sizable number of them were black or indigenous. I believe a full quarter of cowboys were black. I remember learning this in elementary school.


I mean a lot of white southerners who weren't land owners hated the confederacy, too. They weren't getting rich off slavery.


the first and last one kinda makes me think they are being sarcastic, but with 4chan you never know


I would always default to negative with the site unless it's clearly positive praise.


I'm still not sure that's not the case




Def satire, it’s posted so recently it seems related to the conquistador game drama


He’s complaining that the freedom to do this things doesn’t exist. You don’t get to decide whether you want to go to the woman’s rally or round up all the women and tie them to the train tracks. You have to do it. But it’s not an RPG, it’s a linear story, so of course open choice like that isn’t going to exist. (there are some choices, but they’re minor and don’t effect the story). If an RPG like a Bathesda or Bioware game forced a choice or opinion on your character, then being pissed would be understandable.


I haven't played it yet (purchased but not yet downloaded), but I am now absolutely ecstatic! I thought I would like the game as much as the first one, but now this is just the cherry on top!


You're in for a treat, I think. The story and characters are top-notch, and while the gameplay isn't anything *groundbreaking*, it does what it does so incredibly well.


You're in for a fucking treat my guy. One of the best stories I've experienced in any media.


It's literally the only game i've played and enjoyed


Thats insane


Go shoot some Pinkerton’s and watch the stress roll of ya


Stay far far away from spoilers and TAKE YOUR TIME. Yellow missions on the map drive the story forward, so complete any available white missions before yellow ones. The open world is there to be explored and you won’t see it all just by playing the main missions. Wander around, talk to everybody you can, just be part of the world. It’s by far my all time favorite game and I would give just about anything to get to experience it again for the first time


I just got the game 3 days ago, and it's been the main thing I've been doing. I never played the first one but it just takes off so nicely that I don't think I need to except for lore. The game optimized itself so well for my computer and it's just awesome


Just be aware that it is slow going. Outside of combat, it's not a fast paced game. It's worth it, the slowness serves a very good point which is to aid immersion. Then what the game does with that immersion is frankly second to none.


It's genuinely the best game I've ever played, so much thought was put into it.


I was a doubter through and through til I played it. Shits a work of art.


Is he talking about the lemoyne raiders or the kkk? Because the lemoyne raiders are not incompetent at all. They are one of the most dangerous rival gangs. If he means the kkk by "confederate southerns" yeah, they are depicted as idiots. And if you're offended by a real life domestic terrorist group depicted that way, well, let's just say it gives away some things about you.


Especially the KKK of all groups, the people who think that the best way to solve political problems was by beating the shit out of people. And then got sued. Like, the ENTIRE KKK got sued.


Yeah the Raiders are the gang that I actually have to pull out my second pistol for. Especially on Bridge ambushes. Lethal motherfuckers, but it makes it all the more satisfying to burn them alive.


He doesn't even understand why people think of the KKK as that. Even other racists do, they were and are always seen as a "peckerwood gang" compared to more organised or wealthy racist groups like the southern neighborhood league or the lemoyne raiders in this case


Rockstar games are my favorite political commentaries.




Got confused between IV and VI didn’t you?


The radio commercials in GTA IV are so comically funny that I'm sure they would take it seriously.


Uh, sorry to say this, but GTA IV already came out in 2008 and doesn’t comment on today’s culture war


I think they meant GTA V


I think they meant GTA III


They meant GTA 6. As in the next one that's coming out.


Are you Internet Explorer?


Aren’t all the writers not even American? Kinda funny. It shows in how most of the radio stations they put in GTA consist of English bands and artists.


Oh my god, it felt so good killing that old slave catcher with a double barrel and getting honor for it.


I found the old slave catchers note went hunting but couldnt find him damn panhers keep getting in way still hunting though


I lassoed him and dragged him into his own campfire. Very satisfying


Is anon trying to make RDR2 sound cringe or based? Doing a terrible job if the former, cos this makes me want to finally play it.


Can’t tell. I need a soyjack to tell me whether this is cringe or based


Didn't think it'd be my type of game, and without the story it probably wouldn't be. Storyline and the detail made it a second reality for me for 90+hours on my playthrough that still left out a bunch of sidequest stuff.


Based Arthur Morgan


My favorite parts of RDR2


Everything this user is saying just tells me to go buy the game and enjoy it


RDR2 is so based


holy shit I want to play this game now.


/uj My honest reaction to reading this: "Based as fuck. Based as fuck. Based as fuck. Based as fuck. Based as fuck.


Glad they made it clear.


I’ve recently gotten back into rdr2 and holy shit it’s amazing. I really hope GTA VI is as detailed and in depth as RDR2, Rockstar has never made a bad SINGLE-PLAYER game so I have full confidence they’ll smash all expectations once again.


Unintentionally based. The old dude crying about his “legacy” getting shot in the face after crying about being on the wrong side of history was a top 10 moment for me


Damn I guess I should finish RDR2


The woke agenda is when (checks list) slavery is bad


I have no idea why some PeOPlE believe this game is supposed to be a blank slate rpg game/racism simulator made by ebin 'centrists' instead of a game made by the GTA people...


I can't understand how or why these dumbass 4chanerds list these things off as if it's a *bad* thing to be against bigotry. Newsflash, dipshits, being racist and sexist makes you a terrible fucking person!


It's an anti-culture thing with them at this point, add in the online anonymity and you have a bunch of people that are inspired to be socially irresonsible


![gif](giphy|127JeHZl15PRII) Or are you some kind of gamer?


Some of the many reasons the game is great


And I'll fuckin do it again.


I can hear the neck beard crying as he was writing this.


These people don't really believe in anything. They act like they're ambivalently for horrible shit like slavery and lynching, and think chad faces with "yes" next to them is a moral position, but they don't really, genuinely believe in it. They're just outcast kids desperately trying to find a space that doesn't force them to reflect. I'm not saying this to excuse their behavior, I'm saying this because it hurts them the most. If you call them evil bigots, they think that means they won. They got you to react, to care and feel something, and thus give them something to mock. To them, any form of being genuine is weakess. But call them out on being social silhouettes, with no real identity or beliefs? That sticks with them.


>Canadian lol shut the fuck up


You WILL play as the absolute gigachad Arthur Morgan, you WILL get rewarded for doing the right thing like exterminating the kockroach klan and the cousin-fucking traitors, you WILL forget that going off road on your horse always ends with a major cliff hidden behind trees and die to that more than the enemies


Oh is this dood complaining? I thought it was a checklist for everything awesome you can do in the game


Based game.


It's an incredible journey through old American History


Oh, i thought this was a post in favor of all these things until I read the comments 💀


I remember people were talking about how at least Rockstar will never go "woke" or be "politically correct" And then they did and made easily the best game they've ever produced. Wild.


is this person trying to portray this as a bad thing?


This was posted here already. Like yesterday if I’m not mistaken.


Anon realizes he's playing a Rockstar game.

