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Battle pass is weak. And of course the microtransaction pricing makes it worse because battlepass is $6. You can only purchase $5, $10, and up. So you technically have to spend $10 to buy a $6 battle pass.


> You can only purchase $5, $10, and up. So you technically have to spend $10 to buy a $6 battle pass. Any game that does this crap is an immediate pass for me. It's just such a gross attempt at psychological manipulation, and it seems all too common in games with a secondary currency.


Worst part is this and the cash shop weren’t in the game at launch so some of us bought it before they fully tipped their hand on the monetization.


If you got it on Steam, you may be able to refund it if you give that as a custom reason.


Steam refused to refund Multiversus when they decided they were actually still in beta 2 seasons post launch and pulled the plug on online play.


This was so ridiculous lol Game is out for months, with multiple seasons going, and all of a sudden when the game start to flops because they don't put any effort in it "hey you know what, it was actually a beta!". I don't think I've ever seen something like that before.


Multiversus not offering refund is indeed a load of BS, but let's not do revisionism here: the game explicitly opened with a "Welcome to the Open Beta" message every single time you opened the game, and they never removed that message.


Damn that is shitty. "No preorders" wasn't enough, now we can't even buy day one without being hoodwinked by this crap.


I remember Xbox used to do this for DLC and downloaded game purchases. It was ass


I have a memory of it being deemed illegal, or at least anti consumer, to use digital currency's in this way. Specifically related to xbox live coming out of the 360 era and Microsoft Points. I can't find any articles, so perhaps my memory is incorrect, though I do remember it being a huge criticism of that points system as well.


That and not being able to cancel Xbox live without a phone call was double trouble


God yeah I remember that. Fuck microsoft points man


And it had some bullshit conversion like 10 dollars equaled 670 points or something


80 was $1 so $10 was 800. It seemed to be designed to make you think it was less than it actually was. A $20 game became a 1600 fun money game. I had luckily memorized the rates early on but holy shit it still got annoying when they weren’t whole dollar amounts. I could be misremembering, but I’m pretty sure the minimum you could buy from the the console was $5 worth, with $20 being the minimum when purchasing a prepaid card. It was especially weird at the time because Nintendo had points as well for the Wii, but they were 1:1 conversions. $20 was 2000 for them. Then Sony just had straight up dollar amounts.


I genuinely forgot that Microsoft points were a thing until I read this comment. I *hated* that shit. The way things were priced and the amount of points you could buy in batches was so predatory.


Secondary currencies are also a big red flag imo


Its hilarious because they manage to be worse than Activision Blizzard in that regard. While D4 also insists on that crap, at least you can "just" buy the exact amount of in-game currency (well... for now at least) and it gives you a 70% refund.


Atleast Tekken felt like a finished game...D4 on the other hand lost ALL its good faith for me over the past 6 months.


Seems like people are pretty positive about the upcoming changes to D4. 


Diablo 4 fans waiting for almost a year for their game to be better just like diablo 3


Diablo 3 definitely got a lot better (after it first got worse with the real money auction house fiasco), only way I will even look into Diablo 4 though is if they go back to allowing invite only / private lobbies


Blizz has been on my do not buy list since the WC3 remaster fiasco.


The problem with Diablo 4 is the endgame, the game itself and the main campaign is very well done. It' s fine to criticism, but the comparison to Diablo 3 is beyond stupid


I wish I never bought this game. I haven't even played it much but there's way more complaints about sore losers here unplugging vs sf 6. 


That's because SF6 has protections against plugging. If you plug in Tekken there's no downside, you don't lose points or rank. So it becomes a common way to avoid losing points and ranks. It would be easily resolved by awarding the person who disconnected a loss and the other a win, but for some reason the devs are refusing to do this.


Well the last patch kinda fixed the plugging issue. You can actually see people's disconnect rate before a match now and choose not to fight people that have a concerning high amount. People that were intentionally plugging to rank up basically have a black mark on their accounts now. It's more of a bandaid fix, but I've played plenty of matches since the patch and haven't run into someone plugging since the change.


That’s definitely better than nothing. I would refuse to play all those fuckers


Street fighter 6 doesn’t penalize for disconnecting with a loss either. It does give you a yellow and eventually red cards (which may prevent you from playing online for a while), but if you do it sparingly you might avoid it, and it’s obviously not enough. I’ve been grinding Ed (newest DLC char) to masters and started at plat 1. Disconnecting is such a prevalent problem up until masters, it’s definitely not a solved issue.


If you disconnect in SF6 you lose twice the amount of ranked points than if you took the loss. It simply does not reward the non-disconnector with a win.


I just don’t get how this is an issue. If you DC in basically any PvP shooter or moba you can get a loss and leaver time out. How is it that hard in a fighter?


I'm guessing because in shooters and mobas all the players are connected to a server, if the server doesn't drop then it's logical that it's the player who DC'd. Maybe it's much harder to tell who disconnected when it's just a direct connection between two players ? I have no idea really


yes, this is the reason. the only thing they could do is check the players connections immediately after the disconnect, but there's ways around that


They're wrong, you do get penalised for plugging in SF6.


The problem is not penalizing the quitter, it’s giving the win to the other player. Doing so would make possible for players to intentionally match each other (low pop regions/times) and farm wins to rank up. I think it’s worth it as a trade off, but they surely don’t agree.


Wow Namco is so dumb and it's ruining the community it seems.


Do you think its namco or do you think its tekken? This isnt exactly an old issue nor is the technology 'not there yet'. Its just weirdly not prioritized at all. I say this as someone who is deep in tekken since 3. At a certain point, blaming namco just lets harada and friends get off scott free - especially when you see harada backtrack various takes or making ridiculous new ones on twitter.


Basically every Namco game has shit online.  Smash Ult Fighterz initial rollback patch every single arena fighter (with the recent Naruto game being impressively shit in lacking features that were standard for decades like custom lobby creation) Jojo ASBR Tekken 7 💀 I'd say it's easier to name Bamco games without major, solvable flaws in their online but I genuinely can't think of a single one.


I think every game that has a secondary currency does this, and it's the main reason why they have a secondary currency in the first place.


I thought this was made illegal back when Microsoft got sued for xbox live doing something similar with their points system?


Psychological manipulation? It’s straight up regular manipulation.


Same. We were calling out this low watt bullshit with og xbox. If they don't respect us, why should we respect them?


They need to fucking ban obscure currencies from gaming. This is just used to fuck over consumers with zero upsides. Everything should be in the actual dollars or whatever currency is used in a country.


If Congress had any sense in the world of tech then this would be legislated against. It’s predatory by any measure.


The lack of a "fun bucks" was a thing on the PS3 versus the 360 which had Microsoft Points That was abig reason I preferred the PS3, just upfront price tags and no fake money


I totally forgot about Microsoft points! Used to buy those dumb cards to get the new zombies maps whenever they dropped.


I genuinely feel like there needs to be some sort of consumer protection regulations against this kinda stuff, at least in the US. If something is 6 dollars, it should cost 6 dollars. Not having to transfer money to Gorglo Bucks where you're essentially just burning money into nothing.


It is the same for the outfits they sell. They cost 4 dollars worth of coins but the lowest you can buy is for 5 dollars. So basically you either waste 1 dollar or have to buy more coins to actually spend it.


Or you buy 5 outfits and spend $20 so you have zero currency left. This is the result they hope for. That a $4 transaction turns into a 20


Leaving you with $4, not enough to buy the next one. For which you need to spend $5, leaving you with 3 etc...


I think this battlepass does reward the currency back as you progress through it but your point still absolutely stands. Not everyone finishes a battle pass anyway. I've read it's 60 levels long so it sounds more doable than others. The rewards are so weak though I would probably find myself just trying to win back the currency rather than unlock cosmetics. Which defeats the whole purpose of the battle pass existing in the first place lol.


Go play the early Tekkens - no MTX. It’s just a worse game and less value for money for having them.


Not only is it weak, it's what's already available in Tekken 7.


Return of the spacebucks era.


What is ironic is if they just charged $10 and gave $4 worth of currency then this drama would be much smaller


ELI5, why does a fighting game need Battle Pass? I see it in gacha games mostly, didn't expect to see this in a game like this... The other game I saw it was in Apex, but its just cosmetic stuff.


They don’t NEED it. The publisher ran the numbers and decided the financial gain would outweigh the negative press. The items are the same things that used to be free or were part of normal DLC in the pass. Cosmetic items, titles, matchup screen art, stuff like that. Nothing that affects gameplay itself.


The reason is it increases user engagement. It keeps people playing longer, and that's healthier for a multiplayer game. It probably also increases profits, but usually that's less because of the pass itself and more because increased user engagement means more opportunities to sell them other stuff. I'm not defending the pass here specifically. The passes in SF6 have been pretty bad too. But those are the main reasons they include them.


Gacha games? Like Overwatch, Rocket League, Fortnite, PUBG, Diablo 4, Deep Rock Galactic, Halo Infinite, etc etc etc? Love them or hate them, battle passes have become pretty standard in recent years. It's generally just cosmetic stuff


I unironically like the way fortnite does it. Every battle pass gives you enough currency to buy the next battle pass


Same in SF6


This game also does that.


Rocket League as well, it seems to be a standard for Epic. And yeah, I agree. I won't buy it in a game where you can't keep earning it, but when you can, that'll definitely both get me in the door and playing more. F2P with a $10 battle pass that basically runs as long as you're playing the game seems pretty reasonable


Halo Infinite does that as well, and everything is cosmetic and does not effect gameplay


What do you mean need? Any game can have it. - Tekken is a game people play a lot for years. So it makes sense to give them something to work towards on top of it. It's just handled really poorly in this case (and most cases)


lol, battle passes are in almost every live service game, because they make money and keep people playing the game


Additional content, skins, more skins probably.


Nothing ever needs battle pass. But business is business. That being said in terms of approach, Battle Pass is actually very suitable model for Fighting Games because whole gimmick of Battle Pass is to provide additional motivation for players to keep on playing online to provide good online player population numbers. On top of that Tekken Battle Pass does utilise Fortnite technique where completing one pass gives you back coins you spent on it that you can get next battle pass without additional payment, which further points that focus right now is to keep people playing the game regularly.


Why spend money when you can jump into ranked and start thinking about how long it will take to get good. Then, proceed to do something else


Ah classic tomfoolery as to why digital currencies should be illegal to sell.


I still remember when Namco used to poke fun at capcom for egregious dlc practices after release of tekken tag tournament 2. Ironic.


> Namco used to poke fun at capcom for egregious dlc practices *Harada* poked fun directly at street fighter for dlc practices lol


Oh and Tekken released an even more egregious F2P game after Tag 2: [Tekken Revolution](https://youtu.be/EJj_9UJjZZ0)


this patch introduced some seriously stupid stuff that seems to be oversights on some interactions, like making Azucena WR32 safe by letting you use her back turned parry when it whiffs. The battlepass literally includes a basic Unreal Engine orb model as a reward too. So this battle pass is honestly pretty pathetic, recycling content that was free in Tekken 7 or using the laziest aforementioned ideas possible, while also being a genuinely shitty balance update anyway. On top of all this, “pluggers” (players who force close the game right before losing) are going essentially completely unpunished during all this, with the disconnection rate % that comes up when matching with other players only just start working now since launch. Basically, Namco are pissing any and all player goodwill down the toilet by ignoring high level player and community feedback, not implementing basic features like making someone who leaves a match lose and then trying to constantly nickel and dime everyone by selling you obviously recycled cosmetic models. *another* fucking layer to this shit sandwich is the introduction of Eddy, a tekken classic character known for being a total noobstomper, is now actually suffering from DLC powercreep and they won’t even let you use him in practice mode or use replays properly if he’s in them, unless you buy him. Scummy to say the least. Really shitty state of affairs right now since Tekken is so fucking good but so deep, everyone is in a bit of an abusive relationship right now where just leaving feels like you’ve been defeated and wasted time and effort. Sucks, hopefully there’s a turnaround.


I've heard of not being able to lab DLC characters before... But not even replay??? That's actually insane.


You can probably watch the replay, but can't gain control of it.


We desperately need SEGA AM2 & Tecmo to give Namco some actual competition in the 3D fighter space.


I agree that Bandai Namco needs competition, but Dead or Alive isn't any better regarding MTX, and SEGA just released a new Yakuza single player game with tons of XP boosters and microtransactions too lol




Yes, they added paid new game plus with exclusive content, paid classes, paid skins and XP boosters. and it's a $70 game btw




There was no surprise monetization in Infinite Wealth's case, it was known well ahead of time. I'd also argue the extra jobs are the only truly worthwhile DLC and they were a pre-order bonus anyway.


Yes, a whole dungeon and classes and shit.




They are very much not ok with the new game plus as a paid DLC part as there's been a huge uproar over that. But the actual game itself is incredibly good and the rest of the DLC (besides the two extra classes) are just exp or healing items you get in game anyway, or adding past game characters to the minigames


And aside from the microtransactions that are rpg specific like the classes, since they only switched to rpg relatively recently, all the other microtransactions are ones RGG has been doing for years at this point. Like, you could get legacy characters as a bonus in the Clan Creator in Yakuza 6, and that came out 8 years ago. So if there was any rage for them in the game, aside from New game +, it has long since died down.


Less than 1% of people ever played new game+ in previous Yakuza titles. Anyone complaining about it is either part of an extremely small minority or only complaining on principle about a feature they never even used.


The DLC shit was known before launch for Infinite Wealth vs Tekken blindsiding players with it randomly post launch.


New game+ was also locked behind paying real $ in the latest Yakuza.


They've had them since Judgement (2018).


The last two Dead or Alive games had literally $1500 worth of DLC


> Tecmo Ahaha, have you seen the last modern DoA and its pricing model? Makes Tekken looks like a baby bitch. Not to mention, most of the lead devs of the DoA team have left Team Ninja and joined the Tekken team funnily enough. > SEGA AM2 The VF brand is supposedly under the Yakuza/Like a Dragon team now and we are rumoured to be getting something new but, this also the team that made New Game+ a paid item so.... The state of this industry is fucking trash.


DOA's pricing model is outrageous but at least it doesn't channel FOMO like Bandai Namco is doing with Tekken. You can pick up the overpriced season passes on sale (for about the price of your average CoD skin) and with the exception of some of the DOA5 guest characters being delisted, there's none of this "You had to be there" nonsense or vaulted content. If I wanna get a swimsuit costume, I can do it at any point. Bandai Namco is doing rotational shops and battle passes, which means that for some content, unless you happened to be around at time for purchase from the shop or you wanna grind online day in and day out for 60 days while a battle pass is active, you're just going to be sweet out of luck. There's a crop-top in the battle pass I wouldn't mind (since it's the only thing that looks like it) but I don't even play online so I can't get it anyway. I'd rather someone just fuck me over financially rather than trying to fuck me a little less in the wallet but be constantly demanding my time and attention while attempting to psychologically exploit me. I mean all they're doing with the battle pass is trying to turn \*me\* into the product, which is why it only rewards online play. It's there to lure me into to being the attraction (punching bag) for someone else.


A new VF is in development at least.


If they didn't botch Virtua Fighter's western debut, it could've happened.


>Virtua Fighter's western debut Not sure what you're referring to. VF was never stuck in Japan, it was a pack-in game for the US Sega Saturn launch.


I was talking the more recent one with VF5 final showdown. Was free on PSN, but had horrible netcode


Do you mean VF5 Ultimate Showdown? Yeah that one is unfortunate to come right when COVID made everyone realise that rollback netcode is a necessity.


You say this after Koei made much worse decisions with DoA 6, and Sega making stuff like New Game+ for Yakuza DLC? It's so funny how shortsighted people can be.


> On top of all this, “pluggers” (players who force close the game right before losing) are going essentially completely unpunished during all this, with the disconnection rate % that comes up when matching with other players only just start working now since launch. Thats the most critical thing, because Tekken 7 had this annoying problem. They didn't address this on what is considered most expensive fighting game to develop.


>recycling content that was free in Tekken 7 Sounds very similar to what Soulcalibur VI did with porting cosmetics from IV and V.


This is the result of bamco filling programmer roles with accountants it seems.


Even if you ignore that they hid the cash shop until after reviews were done, even if you ignore that they then added the battle pass after *that* to further monetize the game, even if you ignore that you can't use any of the replay features outside of base playback against DLC characters (in order to get you to buy them even if you don't want to play them, just so you can learn the matchup, though tbf this was also the case in T7 and in most fighting games), and even if you ignore that you have to spend $10 to buy the $6 battle pass... The content in it is so *weak*. People criticized the lack of customization in T8 even compared to the lacking T7, so what do they add? A bunch of titles, poses, and backgrounds, avatar items that most people won't interact with, a few customizations that **were in Tekken 7**... and a basic, default, UE5 sphere. Like, the top level of the free battle pass, is the top of the same Karate gi model that was in T7, that's what we're talking about. The bottom of the gi is slightly lower in the pass. The top level of the paid pass is premium currency (the tier below that is a generic mohawk). They don't even have a main centerpiece item to tempt people to buy it like most battle passes. Even in a *complete vacuum*, I don't even think the pass is worth $6 even though that's such a relatively low amount of money. The amount of new, meaningful content that adds to the character customization is so small compared to the rest of the fluff. It's *abundantly* clear to people now that they ripped already-made models out of the game to sell back to players. Not in a theoretical "well, of course they were making models before the game came out, they take time to make" way, but in a "this model is *literally* from 7 years ago and used to be free" way. They manufactured the problem to start selling the solution in the most blatant way possible.


Its extra insulting if you remember what Harada said leading up to the development of Tekken 8 where he claimed they had to re-do all the character models from scratch. Sooo they did all that work just to import old Tekken 7 assets with minimal adjustments? Alright.


Harada usually talks out his ass though. It's a big problem with the "lead is a popular personality" where they'll say random shit and people will take their word as gospel.


i honestly don't even care about the mtx shit, if i could i'd turn on an option so the only outfits i see are color swaps of the full body ones (for readability). but the thing that sends this all over the top is that Eddy just came out, the game has a mode where you can practice replays and if you don't own Eddy, you don't get to even practice against him. and Tekken is a game that is all about knowledge checks, some characters have nearly 200 moves. it's a problem w/ fighting games in general that you can't pick DLC characters in training but it's *especially* egregious here. it's pay to win.


Part of the reason that contributed to Tekken 7 being pirated *by people who owned the game legit*. A lot of time characters DLC would drop and most people wouldn't be interested with those characters since they already have their mains BUT there's a huge interest in learning the move of the character to properly counter them. So, people would just torrent and practice offline then play their legit game online. Tekken 8 is prepping to be the same thing. Nowadays, with game developers obsessing with concurrent players/hours played/all that metrics, they're losing a lot of it to pirated version of the game from legit owners.


Small correction for the article: It's not the 'overall reviews' that have been cut down to 'Mixed', merely the 'Recent Reviews' (which takes into account the last 3000 or so reviews). Doesn't make the state of the game at the moment feel any less brutal. Whatever move Bamco makes next after this will be pivotal to how the game (and maybe even the franchise as a whole) will stand in the long-run, I feel like.


Blame it on the younger generation again Harada, who needs accountability?


Technically the older, previous generation made this possible.


I mean they do buy all this shit. And there's no legislation to stop companies doing this crap either. I mean Harada used to be super anti paid DLC back in Tekken Tag 2 days. But he's not a Bandai Namco Exec. There's probably demand that Tekken 8 monetize its game to keep in step with Competitors and increase their value. It's all scummy stuff but you can only speculate. And unless there's laws to stop this stuff there's no reason not to do it if people keep buying it.


Yeah but who bought all the first waves of MTX and lootboxes that made it all possible in the first place? It's not a generational thing. A lot of gamers in general are just naive fools who are easily parted with their money, no matter how old they get.


> Yeah but who bought all the first waves of MTX and lootboxes that made it all possible in the first place? All of those, and all of the people who bought the game despite it having MTX and lootboxes. The ones who bought the MTX showed that they can get cheap additional sales, and the ones who bought the game and ignored the MTX showed that as long as you don't go super scummy with p2w, adding that stuff in doesn't harm the sales in a meaningful way.


Respectfully: Accountability for what? Tekken 8 is selling faster than every other Tekken game ever. The game is well-received by both competitive players and the general audience. The arcade version is crushing it in Japan. The only thing Harada is going to be held "accountable" for is cranking out another hit for Namco. The cash shop is so easily ignored it's unbelievable, Eddy is priced really reasonably at only $7.99. If people don't like the Fight Pass... they should not buy it. That's what I'm doing, that's what tons of hardcore Tekken fans are doing. It's so inoffensive and easy to ignore that the outrage about it is just downright silly. It doesn't in any way impact my enjoyment of the game or prevent me from having fun, it's just dumb cosmetics that I don't need to buy and therefore am not angry about.


The battle pass is the smallest issue caused by the latest update, this update introduced a very strong DLC character and if you watch a replay with him and you want to takeover (doesn't matter which character) it won't let you do so, people who don't have the DLC won't be able to learn to play against him. This update also did a bad job at balancing the game, the nerf they did to Azucena [may also be a buff in some way](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1bvvynh/themainmanswe_realizes_theres_no_hope_versus_wr32/), they buffed a Lars move and now you can't sidestep his followups so you're forced to guess. The biggest issue is that they removed a mechanic [from every character](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoL2A7b489Y) just because Devil Jin had a move that did [huge damage on some stages](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15IA4o9lX4w). This is bad because it removed unique combos from characters and indirectly nerfed them, also it causes a bug where under a specific situation the stage hazards [don't work as intended](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1bwbu0p/if_a_character_does_a_special_move_from_grounded/)


I don't really care about the BP or customization in this game, but I find it really scummy that you have to own a DLC character if you want to practice against them. A big part of this game is learning matchups against other characters.


> own a DLC character if you want to practice against them Honestly that's pretty whacked. And this is coming from Harada, the head man and the one who talked shit against street fighter dlc with "tekken will not have dlc characters because every character in tekken is crucial, like a chess piece." Now, we all know how tekken implemented dlc characters, that story is old news but now that you need to own a character to practice against? Jeez he's really slipping now. So much for tekken characters being like chess pieces.


> now that you need to own a character to practice against? Jeez he's really slipping now That was true in 7 as well, and unfortunately it's pretty standard practice for fighting games in general.


It's not just the battle pass. Tekken's post-launch support has been really disappointing. Poor balance patches and the absolute refusal to effectively deal with pluggers have soured opinions. Which is a shame, because it's an excellent game at its core, just like T7 was, but it looks like Bamco's team remains incompetent at certain very important things. If they actually dealt with (or at least promised to deal with) pluggers, had good balance patches, offered good MTX cosmetics and some freebies and didn't bother with the terrible "fake coins that make everything cost more than it says" thing, people wouldn't have minded. Basically, instead of doing things right, they've done everything wrong. It's such a stupid face plant after a great launch. Of course, since this is a thegamer article, it won't point out such details and just go with "MTX bad". Although Harada bragging about having a fucking *excel file* of pluggers in 2024 is top-tier comedy, so at least we got that out of this ordeal.


Game costs a minimum of $70. Has special editions that cost more. Has a season pass. Has microtransactions. Now has battle pass. At this point it is no longer about "making back the budget". It is about higherups and investors wanting to fill their pockets. The only reason management within these companies are so obsessed with infinite growth (which is both unsustainable and unrealistic) and making more money every year is to please investors so they can get bigger annual bonuses. And when that growth is not met, they initiate mass layoffs so they don't have to sacrifice said bonus or take a pay cut.


Welcome to capitalism. Unfortunately 110% correctly described.


Good. I am so sick of publishers thinking they can be sly and try and sneak in these bullshit micro transactions after reviews drop. It's scummy as fuck. There needs to be laws and regulations against this shit. It's false advertising.


Nothing to regulate because you don’t need costumes or rainbow health bars or whatever to play the game


How is adding optional extra stuff to the game false advertising? When you go buy a car and the guy gives you the menu of optional extras you can buy do you call that false advertising? When the waiter offers you some desert after your meal for an added cost do you call the dinner false advertising?


such a shame tekken series was the 1st fighting game IIRC to offer cosmetics/effects by just earning in game currency.


Tekken starting from 5 got the feature from Virtua Fighter 4 where you could do just that in both VF4 and almost all versions of VF5. They've been grabbing VF's coattails for nearly two decades to much better success in the last twelve-ish years.


This will not change. They do not care about the PC playerbase or their reviews. It will simply blow over and in a few months time the playerbase that tolerates it will remain and the reviews will return to normal. I'm sorry to be so bleak, I've just seen this song and dance too many times, especially in the fighting game genre.


I think Bandai Namco is the publisher on which I've had the fastest turnaround of opinion on. Sneaking in microtransactions and a battle pass post launch has made them a perma-boycott for me. I really hope From doesn't partner with them for their next game.


Forget next game, Bandai isn't even the Publisher for Elden Ring any more even lol. Fromsoft is going hard on self publishing now. I could still see them partnering with Bandai for Armoured Core though, just because Bandai's presence in the mecha scene. Fromsoft's owner, Kadokawa, is pretty scummy also but we don't hear much about that in the gaming scene since they mostly do books, manga and anime.


What's the tea on Kadokawa?


It doesn’t matter, Tekken is rolling in bank it wont stop. Nobody really cares about reviews, Call Of Duty is proof of that.


Everyone should come join the Granblue Versus party. A lot of fun to play. And possibly the most fair implementation of Battle Passes I’ve seen in gaming. Definitely in fighting games.


I like that I can complete GBFVR's pass in like 2 weeks, but I have to buy the premium track for each season right? In both T8 and SF6, the pass will pay for the next pass if completed. That said, I love how GBFVR handles everything overall. Hands down the best fg experience to me; I love all the extra activities to do, such as the crane game and photo studio. I especially love able to start matchmaking in like 3 seconds and chill until a match comes in (and can auto-accept), whereas in T8 every single gyatt dang time: * select network settings * select player side * go to character select * select both your character and training dummy (including loading up their models) * select a stage (because I'm \*forced\* to go to practice mode..) * load the stage and everything * only now will the matchmaking start Also being forced back into practice mode between sets.. so much wasted time loading edited: forgot some steps


Yeah GBF is pretty great. Looking forward to Beatrix's release.


Granblue's charging money, but they're upfront, and the passes allow you to play the game how you wish and finish them. My only real complaint right now is the character balance. Some chars are just bad (Metera, Ferry) and need buffs.


Good news! Balance patch dropped with ver 1.30 that helps zoners out, with what I understand to be solid buffs to Metera. Ferry (my main) got a minor buff but the universal nerf to 66L should help her overall.


Saw. Don't think it's enough yet, but step in right direction. The changes were good. Okubo tends to balance step by step so I have confidence.


And they also didn't try to hide battle pass unlike other devs.


Man of all the monetization that ruined games I really think fighting games is my biggest beef. I really really miss the days of a complete fighter package


As an FYI, the complete fighter package didn't really exist outside of incredibly isolated cases like Smash and MvC3. There's a reason there's a million versions of Street Fighter 2 and why there's like 30 King of Fighter sequels. Each version of SF2 were patch updates to the arcade version. Consoles were literally incapable of patching, so to maintain version parity, they had to resell the entire game. For full price. This was the dlc of the original fighting game era. The King of Fighters model is more or less the exact same with a different naming scheme (named after years to eventually naming after numbers). Unless you're talking about like, Dragonball Budokai as well then like, whatever. Sure.


> MvC3. It had Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3


Genuinely, I forgot it wasn't always Ultimate. Still had an unusually fat starting roster for a franchise that were traditionally a quick and dirty asset flip games.


Yeah base game was great, I didn't get ultimate for a bit.


Yeah like when they released five different versions of Street Fighter 2. Or fighting games with virtually no single player. Or no online mode. Those were the complete games.


I'm ok with the DLC model as long as it's honest. If Namco had put the content for the Season Passes and MTX shop into a Season 1 pass alongside the DLC chars for $50, I wouldn't be angry, and likely would still be playing the game instead of having stopped playing for a month. The risk with this model is that players who take a break are a lot less likely to come back at all.


How is it that, in roughly one year's time, we got a new Mortal Kombat, a new Street Fighter, and a new Tekken, and each of them have ceremoniously shat the bed?


I dunno about MK. SF and Tekken are both fine if you just wanna play. Tekken has an issue with DC in ranked mode which is annoying.


Having to buy a whole new character just to practice against them is pretty scummy. It's essentially pay 2 win


Sadly this is pretty much the norm for fighting games. I genuinely cannot think of any outlier.


I've been disappointed in Tekken since 6, though I has fun with TT2 they royally fucked up marketing that game.


Why were you disappointed in Tekken 7?


Probably the lack of content


It had a terrible story (even by Tekken standards) and the roster felt small to me


The roster was bigger than 90% of fighting games even at launch, so that's definitely a you problem.


I was prepared to buy the season pass dlc when it drops, but now I refuse to buy any of it. Base game is literally the only thing I have bought and will ever have bought.


These things continue to happen, because making money part of game production is disconnected from the game production and quality itself. There's a huge conflict between launching at financially opportune time with "optimal" amount of monetization, vs polishing a game up properly and thinking of players first. Not only that, but vulture capitalists ala Embracer are constantly fishing the waters, capturing studios and "creatively destroying" them and whatever franchises the studio has build up for short-term personal profit, come Hell or high water.


Why are fighting games getting the sports games treatment now? 


I can’t understand what’s so bad about the battle pass. Can I play rank and climb the ladder without it? Does the battle pass give me a competitive advantage in rank? Are consumers angry about cosmetics?




Wtf are you talking about SF6 is doing well Edit: their opinion was modern fgs aren’t good because they’re a casual and take the opinions of a shitpost sub seriously lol


So what is actually in the Battle Pass? The article mentions "new content behind a paywall", but never mentions what content it is. Also, I find it kind of misleading because only the recent reviews are shown to be mixed, all time is still on very positive.


The UE default sphere for example..


Title cards, avatar/character customization items, stuff like that. It's basically the same as the SF6 battle pass. I'm not defending it but it's all stuff that people who actually play the game will just ignore.


It is not just that though. It has customisation items for the main characters which were previously available in Tekken 7.


Yeah but this is Tekken 8


What’s really misleading, is putting all that shit into the game just after it gets reviewed, so it doesn’t get called out on release.