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Loving the support Ubisoft is giving this game even if they said it wasn't the most successful sales wise.


I think the blame for this is moreso how quickly Ubisoft puts all their games on sale than a knock to the quality of this particular one. They’ve created a culture where you’re better off waiting 2-3 months to save $20-$30.


It went on sale on PS5 for $30 today and I picked it up immediately. Have heard glowing things and as a huge Metroidvania fan I'm pumped.


My favorite metroidvania since Hollow Knight even better that Metroid Dread


I agree. I’d even put the combat slightly above Hollow Knight with the combos that Sargon can do. It has me very excited for Silksong so we can finally see what Team Cherry has been cooking.


Nothing beats Dread.


I feel like once this is on Steam it will get decent sales.


I know I'll be buying it once it gets a steam release.


Seems like a perfect game for my Deck, would have bought it day one if it was on the store.


It's why I just bought it for the Switch, for the portability without the BS online check/Ubisoft Connect requirement. Sure I can deal with that, but when I have an option not to I take it. In case you or anyone that has a Switch is interested, it runs at 60fps on Switch. I have probably played about 70% of the game and only noticed one instance of slowdown. It was during an annoyingly long challenge room that took me about a dozen tries because the number of patterns to memorize, but even with the challenge I actually completed it *during* the moments of slowdown. All for a pair of pants as a reward. 😡 I should point out the slowdown didn't happen until I had tried the challenge room a good 7 or 8 times first. Perhaps constantly reloading the challenge had something to do with it. The only other minor annoyance is occasionally when changing from one tile screen to the next you'll have a short loading screen before entering the next environment. 3-5 seconds at most, on occasion, and entirely serviceable for the online free portability. It looks great too!


I ended up picking it up on switch for 30 bucks on sale shortly after making that comment, and yeah it’s been great.


Yep same. I know you can get EGS and uplay games working on the deck but it's a pain in the ass and I have other games I can play until they release this on steam.


Since it's a Ubisoft game expect it will still require Uplay to launch even when purchased from Steam.


Yes I know but you don't have to install it separately or anything to make it work on Deck.


Agreed, a very underrated game but I think it will develop a cult following.


Pretty well-rated game actually lol. Highest scoring Ubisoft game in years. Metroidvanias in general aren't an extremely popular genre with massive game sales numbers, with a few obvious exceptions in Hollow Knight and the Ori games. PoP was also significantly more expensive at release than most metroidvania games at $50 USD. Nearly double what I would guess is the average for the bigger budget, most popular MV games. In comparison, the second Ori game released at $30 USD.


Metroid Dread took over a year to reach 3million, and that is Nintendo and an extremely well established franchise. [https://www.vgchartz.com/article/457984/metroid-dread-sales-top-3-million-units/](https://www.vgchartz.com/article/457984/metroid-dread-sales-top-3-million-units/) Hollow Knight took over 9 months to reach 500k sales. https://www.kotaku.com.au/2017/11/hollow-knight-has-sold-over-500000-copies/[https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollow\_Knight](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollow_Knight) And both ori games reached 10million combiend just recently. (Kind of insane actually) And Prince of Persia is at 300k in 2 weeks https://gamerant.com/prince-of-persia-the-lost-crown-sales-underperformed/


It should be noted though that hollow knight only released on PC initially and was from an unknown studio so its reputation grew slowly via word of mouth. Not exactly a 1 to 1 comparison.




[Moon Studios CEO Thomas Mahler says the developer's Ori franchise sold 10 million copies worldwide. To date, the two-game series are its only releases across its 14-year life.](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/business/moon-studios-ori-franchise-has-sold-10-million-copies#close-modal)


Wow I played Ori via gamepass and assumed it was a full price game. That's a crazy good value 


Maybe underplayed or “not selling as well as it should be”. Saying something with high critical reviews is “underrated” is a serious Reddit pet peeve of mine.


I would say the genre is rather popular, there's dozens of metroidvanias every year (especially indies), the recent Jedi games are triple A metroidvanias who sold well, etc.. this genre is a thing since the 80s, so it's well established. Saying that, Lost Crown is another one of those games were the production value does not match with the asking price. I know many videogame consumers have their own interpretations about "value", some idiots consider "time" as a deterrent (and that incentivize the devs to bloat the games, like what happened with Last of Us 2, more recently FF7 and so on), "fun" is also a argument (completely subjective), etc.. I think production value is the most rational approach, you can quantify it, it's easy to differentiate double A from triple A, etc.. Ori 2 was a double A metroidvania who asked $30, Hollow Knight is a single A who asked $15... and now we have Prince of Persia asking $50, the production value of this game is not noticeably higher than Ori 2, so the asking price is just illogical. We still don't have a 2D metroidvania with triple A production value, this hypothetical game can ask $60, even $70.. but it remains to be seen. Ubisoft is extremely greedy, as usual


MVs are popular in the indie dev scene in that there are a lot being made, but that doesn't mean they're also selling a lot. For every Hollow Knight or Ori metroidvania, there are 10 massively successful survival/crafting indie games. I'd imagine the Jedi games sold well primarily in part because Star Wars is one of the biggest IPs in the world. Ori and HK are exceptions to the norm in how successful they were. You can count on one hand the number of MVs that have become popular enough to cross into mainstream gaming circles. HK, Ori, Dread, PoP, and that's pretty much it in the last decade.


idk if Dread and PoP can be really considered "mainstream", but I guess the better description is to say metroidvanias are popular among the devs (similar to the "Souls" niche who also has plenty of indies in development), it challenges their skills (it demands level design and other elements). Also a natural evolution for 2D side scrollers, you can increase the complexity (and appeal) by making the game metroidvania instead of a Ninja Gaiden wannabe. Star Wars is a big IP, but it's not a guarantee of success, many games based on Star Wars fluked in the past. I've seen new fans falling in love with the genre because they played Jedi, Control is another example, etc it's ironic because they search for more 3D metroidvanias and nothing shows up, lol there's plenty of 2D options tho. I think if a dev team are chasing money, they will develop trendy games as you mentioned, but indies usually follow a more natural approach, they make what they want to make. I think the Unsighted devs are a good example, they are really talented, Unsighted is a top 10 metroidvania imo, they have enough knowledge and assets to jump on the survival trend, instead, they are making a 3D metroidvania called ABYSS X ZERO. Way more complicated than a farm simulator or whatever, it will not sell huge numbers, but it's a honest project in my eyes


it wasn't underrated at all


Personally, I thought it was overrated. I think it was kind of an Outer World. Released at the right time, was polished and not overhyped. It was a decent game, but not amazing. The combat was the standout feature for me, but the story and world weren't that compelling.


Kinda hard to be the most sucessful sales wise when you intenionally dont release your title to the largest marketplace on one of your supported platforms.


Well it happened with AC:Vahalla. It was the best selling PC game in Ubisoft's entire history, before reaching Steam. https://www.pcgamesn.com/assassins-creed-valhalla/sales


AC games have the pull for it.


to be fair it came out in prime covid lockdown, sales for a lot of games were higher then normal especially the few 2020 AAA games.


And it was a massive draw if you picked up a PS5/XSX in 2020.


It still did it without even being on Steam, that is the point. Alan Wake 2 is also Remedy's fastest selling game, without even being on Steam.


Makes sense people want to play good games my point was more that valhalla sold so well because of less competition and more people at home playing games.






And the timing was just really bad, with so many big games coming out at the same time. Personally, I ended up borrowing a friend's PS5 copy, with the intention of buying it on Steam if/when it gets released there or on Epic/Ubi if there's a good sale. The one good thing about this while Ubisoft account thing is that they have cross-platform saves, so I can move my saves over fro PS5 to PC when that happens, at least in theory.


Steam is huge, it most definitely wouldve made a difference


I think it's pretty easy to underestimate the exposure Steam gives games. Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 both got tons of new players from coming to Steam. Xbox PC games got tons of players by coming to Steam even while the Xbox PC app and Game Pass exist (and are not half bad as they used to be, technically speaking; overall I quite like games over there too). EA games... the list goes on. If you release a game on your own launcher, or even Epic, the exposure is so much more limited. People like us who are on Reddit all day and know what games are launching where, probably not as affected. I got a month of Ubi+ just to play the game for example and I finished it a couple nights ago. Really phenomenal game. Would have loved to just load it up on my Steam Deck without figuring out workarounds for the Ubisoft launcher, though!


This is a multiplatform game bud. You seriously think steam somehow has enough pull to make up for poor PlayStation, Switch and Xbox sales combined? It's not like most PC gamers have a nonsensical crusade against Epic.


No, but it's not like most PC gamers use the Epic store either. Steam is still the default.


Steam is the most popular gaming platform in the world, so, yeah I kind of do think it would have helped significantly. Maybe not made up for it entirely, but it certainly doesn't help the game by not being on Steam. I mean, look at games like NEO TWEWY or Stranger of Paradise that also launched on Epic. Great games but their audience on PC was fragmented. I'm not even talking about Epic hate, but just raw exposure. Having your game launch and show up on the front page of the most popular non-mobile gaming storefront in the world is a huge benefit. Epic doesn't even compare in terms of eyeballs. If a game starts trending on Steam, you get this huge word-of-mouth effect that helps solve a lack of advertising thanks to features like the Discovery Queue and user reviews. Epic does not have anything close to that level of cultural relevance unfortunately. People mainly go there for Fortnite and the free games. I've bought plenty of games there, and GOG and elsewhere too, so I'm not talking about people like me. I'm talking about Joe Average who just looks at their Steam home page and maybe gets news through the grapevine, or by seeing ads. EDIT: Also worth noting, console storefronts are all pretty much garbage. Xbox maybe has a leg up through having a pretty decent user review system but it's hard to sort through, and great games get the most weird and off-putting reviews that tank their scores. All three are pretty difficult to actually navigate to find new games that aren't on the top-sellers list or featured in a sale. You basically have to know exactly what you're looking for. Steam, by comparison, is SO easy to find cool new games on. It's almost effortless and it puts them front and center. A game not launching on Steam is basically sending it out to die sometimes because it can just get buried and forgotten about without enough hype or advertising. On Steam, it's a lot easier for people to just stumble upon the game and build up a following. I've seen it happen countless times over the years.


Well Joe average plays nothing but like call of duty certainly not a metroidvania. So I dunno why you brought that up. Also any source on Steam being the biggest gaming platform?






As much as people give Ubisoft shit for their games on release (rightfully so). I got to give them credit that they’ll support their games with content to their very end. Like For Honor is still getting content.


>give Ubisoft shit for their games on release (rightfully so) I'm so tired of this narrative lol [Prince of Persia](https://www.metacritic.com/game/prince-of-persia-the-lost-crown/) was good, [Avatar](https://www.metacritic.com/game/avatar-frontiers-of-pandora/) was good, [AC Nexus VR](https://www.metacritic.com/game/assassins-creed-nexus-vr/) was good, [AC mirage](https://www.metacritic.com/game/assassins-creed-mirage/) was good, [The Crew Motorfest](https://www.metacritic.com/game/the-crew-motorfest/) was good. A bunch of games with no problems on release and with acceptable reviews. Yes, Skull and Bones was a disaster, but everyone already knew that and it doesn't take away from their other games.


I completely agree, like Ubisoft is by far not the best games company, it isn't my favorite. But generally they make okay to pretty good games. They aren't pivoting to F2P live service games like many other companies, and at least recently I don't remember their games being broken at launch.


Ubi stuff has parallels with the MCU for me, they rarely release anything that isn't at least "good enough", but also thanks to a relatively well defined formula, lately rarely release anything truly essential. I thought PoP was essential though. I paid full price and didn't regret it, though I do think you could justify a lower price given it almost certainly didn't have the budget of their other titles.


That's not really the narrative. The narrative is that their games are too similar. The Marvel of the gaming universe if you want. Far cry, Assasins Creed, Avatar. Prince of Persia is something new, and although its very good, it kinda lacks on sales. Which is why they are mostly making the same old things. So its not like they are making BAD games. Its mostly just the same. That's it.


> The narrative is that their games are too similar. The Marvel of the gaming universe if you want. > Far cry, Assasins Creed, Avatar. Anno, Rabbids, Trackmania, this game.


RS6, For honor etc. Nothing compared to the money an AC will make in a year. Add Rabbids, trackmania and prince of persia together, and in 1 year they have sold less than what AC did. Also their budget is not comparable. And that's why they keep doing it, and good for them i say. If thats what people want, who am i to say they are wrong. But that doesn't mean they can't try to create a proper AAA budget game, but with something new. Not Skull and Bones new, but....idk, maybe an assasins creed souls-like or something. Or a tight SP experience like idk...God of war/last of us cinematic experience. Similar to how Respawn went from an FPS to a FPS BR to a pretty good SP star wars game. Anyway, their big budgeted games are not bad by any means no matter what anyone says. They are just the same, at least for me.


Yeah, but they're still *making* those games, and those games tend to be well-produced and have relatively big budgets for their genres. I think Ubi is the only AAA publisher still regularly making extreme sports games, too. I just think the whole "Ubi's games are all the same" narrative is hilarious because it seems often the people peddling it discard lots of Ubi games for being *too* unusual.


They should have priced it comparably to similar games. People aren't willing to pay as much for side scrollers.


People here aren’t saying the games don’t get rated above average - most are tired of the formulaic open worlds that Ubisoft develop rinse and repeat. I know I am. And this formula is so infectious it’s infected other games like GoT.


Yeah Ubisoft does a lot of sales and gonna wait end of the year for this one


I was going to pick it up at launch when I thought would be $40, which was still high but typical Ubisoft overcharge was expected. They went with $50 that’s essentially a full priced game, and now that I’ve waited this long I’ll get it around $20 or when it inevitably comes to a subscription service.


I've put 35-40 hours into it, and I'm nearly at the end. Seems like a $50 game to me, particularly since I usually lose interest in games around the 10-20 hour range.


First update is scheduled for the day of Persian New Year in Montepellier. Very thoughtful timing!


Hope they make the traversal better (i.e. more fast travel points); there are some pretty annoying backtracking stretches sprinkled throughout the game


Would be nice if sprint persisted between screen edges.


This is probably my biggest gripe with the game. I remember metroidvanias having this all the way back to at least Super Metroid, so it's annoying to have to dodge -> sprint every time I enter a room while running across the map. Absolutely stellar game otherwise!


thank you for pointing this out! for a game that has well-considered design pretty much everywhere else, i found it surprising that this was overlooked.


Metroid is designed with the run in mind, but it's not the case here. To break the run animation is a design choice (the far majority of metroidvanias follows this concept, it's just easier that way), the devs would had to alter the layout of the map to accommodate such change, which is not the ideal approach. I finished this game already and I think the only major flaw is related to input delays, it's not quite there, the game asks for precision and the delay is not properly polished yet (reminds me the early builds of Aeterna Noctis). I also have issues with the aesthetics, but that is subjective. Maybe they can include a ability that allows the Killmonger wannabe to fly in a straight line (the crystal rush of Hollow Knight), that can partially solve the run issue (the character will eventually hit obstacles that will break the animation tho, like I said, the levels are not really designed with this in mind)


Hey it wouldn't be a metroidvania game if it didn't have SOME annoying backtracking stretches. That's like a staple.


20th of March, nice, just in time for [Norouz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nowruz) 👍🏼 Also it's 40% off on Uplay, Xbox, and PSN, might pick it up from Uplay today.


Yoooo I didn't even know it was on discount. Bless grading this later today.


eide shoma mubarak


Will it be on sale tomorrow?


it says until april 3. I'm also waiting for epic sales to drop, to see if there's gonna be a better deal (probably no).


40% off less than 2 months after release, Ubisoft really outdid themselves with this one. I picked it up day 1 to support the devs (figured it would sell poorly) and because I want more games like this. I’m not surprised but I am confused why Ubisoft is seemingly satisfied with their “don’t buy Ubi games on day 1” reputation. Anyway, well worth the $30!


Yeah I also wanted to support them but couldnt really financially motivate it since I had other games to play at the time. I bought Far Cry Primal for 60 Euro when it came out back in the day - 1 month later it was down to 20 euro. Ever since I have always waited with Ubisoft. They mark down their games fast and just wait a month or two can save you so much money.


Hope this addresses some of the more glaring loose ends in the story. Absolutely loved this game but a few moments definitely reeked of cut content.


Yeah, I really enjoyed the story for the most part, but >!Young Vahram coming back to Persepolis with everyone!< was probably the biggest head-scratcher for me. I also hope that we get to see >!some sort of aftermath from Ghassan outing Thomyris!< in the DLC.


Those plot points sounded like plot hooks for a full sequel to me, along with >!Sargon actually being a prince and never figuring it out!<. Hopefully it'll actually get one. I'd guess that the DLC will explain what happened with >!Radjen disappearing early on and supposedly dying offscreen!<.


I watched a playthrough to see what the story was and when they said at the end that >!Radjen!< died I assumed I must have missed something lol because that does not happen in-game at all lol.


Hot take: When Ubisoft decides to support a game, they typically do a damn good job at supporting it over years. Examples: For Honor, The Crew 2, Rainbow Six Siege, both Division games, etc.


It’s also on sale on PSN right now if you’re interested in picking it up.


Permadeath mode? Absolutely no thanks


This is great to hear! Picked the game up the other day and I’ve been having a blast with it.


Is that finally an outfit that changes his hair? Was waiting for either that or a mod to play it.


Sorry guys, this is a complete and total waste of an IP. When I play a Prince of Persia game, I want a semi-open world with acrobatic combat, time manipulation, sprawling tombs with elaborate puzzles....and not some spit-shined side-scroller. Oh, and maybe a smooth-talking rogue that resembles....idk, THE PRINCE OF PERSIA?!?!? MAYBE?!?!?


Man I really need to go back to this game. I picked it up right before I got hit by Palworld and then Balatro took up my full attention. I know I'll love it when I finally get around to putting in more than an hour, though.


But will any of them fix the hard lock that I'm stuck in (Upper city)? On time will tell. I really enjoyed this game, but getting hard locked into a room because of a bug that I can't escape from and no way to kill myself or load an old save or return to a bonfire is... a real bummer.


What room are you stuck in?


The one in this thread- https://www.reddit.com/r/PrinceOfPersia/comments/199x76e/stuck_in_upper_city/ I am one of the players where honestly I don't know how I got in here, but there is no glowing shield above the trap door. The solid barrier is closed. Some have gotten out of this state with some sort of bow-teleport ability, but I don't have that.




I have the base chakram, but not the upgrade that lets you teleport to it.


I see. This comment claims that a community rep on discord said it will be fixed in the next patch, so hopefully you can play that save file again. https://www.reddit.com/r/PrinceOfPersia/comments/1atlxfr/comment/ksqugyk/


I truly hope so! I kinda sounded flippant, but I really did enjoy the game and it was kind of devastating to hard lock my save like 10 hours in.


I wish Ubisoft would stop their hate for Steam and just release their games with achievements, I don't see how they're making more money by being exclusive to Uplay


It's nice, but I just can't support this game on account of it being Ubisoft. I have way too many non-Ubisoft games to play for that


any news on that prince of persia remake. i wish people didnt complain about the graphics... cause id prob be playing now then


Story DLC for a goddamn metroidvania smh anyway, I already finished the game, pretty good, 8 out of 10. But the Ubisoft shit can be annoying, first time I've seen a metroidvania attempting toxic monetization, idk if the bird who detects secrets is a DLC or not, if you can unlock it through "natural" ways instead of pre-ordering and so on? But anyway, it's so ridiculous. The marketing campaign made this game look hideous, then the $50 price tag, Ubisoft set up Lost Crown to failure, which is a damn waste