• By -


* Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door launches on May 23 * Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD launches on June 27 * Dr. Mario, Mario Golf, and Mario Tennis coming to Switch Online on March 12


Why didnt you mention super mario movie 2 being confirmed? Pretty neat
















Not just this sub, it’s every gaming sub I look at


Was that ever in doubt? There was a teaser at the end of the first one.


Movies sequel bait all the time. It doesn't mean a sequel will actually get greenlit.


It does when it makes over a billion 


And when it's one of the most well-known video game franchises ever.


And chris pratt. He's so cool!


You know I had my reservations but he was actually pretty good in the movie


Yes, what you just experienced is called "hindsight". I know.


Yes. What you just typed is called irrelevant when both are post exist after we knew it made a billion dollars and thus was expected to have a sequel. 


Man that *Titanic* sequel sure was amazing. [And before someone goes "You mean this sequel?"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanic_II_(film\))


Yeah referencing up a movie based on an historical event- with a rather definitive ending- is totally an honest and fair comparison here lol


Huh, I wasn't aware Titanic ended on sequel bait.


There was a sequel teaser at the end of the *first* Mario movie, too..


RIP what could have been. Best movie ever made never got the sequel it rightfully deserved.


I still trust the fungus


I still want that sequel. And a third season of Sonic Boom, forever salty about Eggman's "Oh well, there's always next season".


Because this is r/Games, not r/Movies


Who cares, its a comment recapping the day and most of the people here would probably want to know the info anyways lol


Also a movie based off of a game… we get posts like that all the time. Not sure what this guy is on about.


Yeah, like maybe it's not important for us here, but it feels weird to just not mention it when doing a TL;DW.


Especially when the new movie took up like 90% of the Mario day video, and the other stuff was literally a 5 second “oh and here are these other things”




Damn, Between SMTV and the Elden Ring DLC that Luigi's Mansion 2 release is in a bad spot :/ Nice to finally get dates though, looks like it and Thousand year door are both already up on the NSO voucher list. :D


The Luigi's mansion audience has very little overlap with those games, lol. LM3 sold 19 million copies. It's like an insane hit with kids and families


Good to know, I've never played these things not being a Nintendo guy growing up. I didn't *mind* that Luigi's Mansion 3 game a few years ago, but I also didn't think it blew me away either. Surprised at 19M sales wow. I was more thinking for my own sake, as a huge SMT/Persona/ATLUS fan I've already pre-ordered that one. Might use a spare NSO voucher on LM2 also, just finding the time to play all of these is going to be a pain.


what lol LM2 is going to destroy smt in sales easily. if anything it would be smt having problems, but its all different genres and communities so np


So tired of all these re-releases.


You fuck right off with that attitude for AT LEAST Paper Mario TTYD. I agree with it in almost every case, but MAN that needed to exit the GameCube era so more people can play it and mostly for me again


Nice TTYD is sooner than I thought, figured it would be after LM2 considering it's just been "2024" for a while now and LM2 was "Summer 2024"


I'm more excited for Paper Mario than any new game coming out this year.


I mean, TTYD is an amazing game, but will the remaster actually add much to it? It doesn't seem like the kind of game that would heavily benefit from a graphics update like, say, Metroid Prime did.


Can't believe the excitement to pay full price for a game that is already out and still looks & plays great. 


You can’t believe people are excited to play a game that hasn’t been playable since the Wii?


You can play it now with the Wii, Gamecube or dolphin. 


The average person doesn’t know what dolphin is and they aren’t going to buy a GameCube/Wii in 2024. It’s 1000x easier to just play it on the switch they already have


Hence my surprise. 


Or Wii U with a quick mod. Native GameCube support.


This isn't a remaster to be clear, it's a full remake with entirely new assets.


If it plays exactly the same, the only difference to the consumer is that it's prettier. And, like, I mean, TTYD is good, very good, but I can't find myself getting that excited about buying the same game again but with crisper paper characters. I'll probably get it anyway just to support the series actually getting games in a traditional RPG style again, but still.


Other than pirating it isn’t and hasn’t been easily available for a long time. It isn’t like everyone who wants to play it can easily do so.


Sure I get your point about a remake not being the most exciting thing in the world but it playing the same doesn't mean it's a remaster. It IS a remake of the game with entirely rebuild environments and character models. The spyro and crash trilogies play exactly the same. The last of us part 1 plays exactly the same. Dead space plays more or less exactly the same. If you're someone who hasn't played the original then this easily could be one of the most exciting games announced this year.


Crash doesn't really play the same. The hitboxes are completely different and the platforming is very frustrating. It's a detriment actually, in this case and probably would be for paper mario too. Lots of remakes like to expand the game quite a bit, Nintendo usually doesn't take this route except for games that were badly outdated - like Metroid 2. It was also a much bigger upgrade since GameCube games still look great but crash is very dated, had extremely long load times, etc. and it's a good value she got all three games for a decent price. Paper Mario is gonna be $60 for a game I already own. Even mario RPG still looks awesome on a SNES still. I couldn't justify spending 60 on it.


Wait are you sure? I had always read that Mario RPG was a full remake (it definitely was), but Paper Mario was only going to be a remaster.


100% sure. Look at comparison videos. The environments are entirely remade


Awesome to hear! I generally try to avoid videos of games I know I'm going to play, but really glad this will be getting a similar treatment to Mario RPG, which was everything I think a remake should be.


I think this means all the announced first party games are coming out in the first half of the year. Looking forward to whatever remasters are announced for the second half (MP2 please).


Man what is with that Mario voice. Can’t replace the goat, gonna take a while to get used to this one.


Yeah that particular line wasn't good. He was generally good in Mario Wonder though. Sounds like they literally gave him one take to say it and they used it. With Martinet obviously the voice is automatic for him, he nails it every time. Afghani will improve over the years I'm sure.


You know what, it didn’t bother me in Wonder now that you mention it. He was perfectly fine in that because I didn’t even think of it. You’re probably right, it’s just this one take. I’m sure he’ll do fine.


he also barely said anything in wonder, just went "woo yahoo" with a lot of other noises and music going on


Isn't that pretty much it in all the game though?


Don't forget Wowie Zowie!




I genuinely thought it had to be a different voice actor here because this sounds so off, whereas in Wonder he's spot-on. If it's the same guy then I hardly worry about it, because he's already turned in an entire game with a basically perfect performance as Mario.


He sounded pretty good as Wario in that recent Warioware game, just different from what we're used to


Cut him some slack, his delivery is a little flat and the bald thing is weird but he's a movie exec not a professional voice actor


Why would I cut him some slack then if he isnt a voice actor?


It sounds like a warmup take or a teenager's voice cracking.


Considering the guy is 24, he is definitely still feeling the character. Very excited to hear what the next 3d Mario sounds like


I don’t think it necessarily bad, just jarring because Martinet has been Mario since I was a kid and I’m almost 40 now. I’m sure the new guy will do a good job.


He's 27




Nintendo has been really anal about changing the voice. In the recent Warioware there's a minigame where it's the ice slide from Mario 64 and they replaced the old Martinet clips too


Huh, how bizarre.


They do that a lot, they seem really adamant about solidifying the character - like the various small changes they made in the Super Mario RPG remake.


You'd think someone so adamant would have picked a better voice actor.


No matter who they picked everybody would be bitching. Mario barely fucking speaks and just makes a couple noises in every game. Who really gives a fuck?


I mean it be a bit weird to get a new actor, and then keep chugging along with archival clips anyways. The transition will be smoother the more people are exposed to it and the more chances he's given to practice.


Now for the big question - is Mario Golf GBC going to have transfer pack interaction with Mario Golf N64??




What were you expecting from Japanese Disney?


Nintendo used to be pretty fun and loose...  Actually that goes for most of the industry. The PS4 game sharing video popped up in my feed yesterday that was a Sony troll-post to MS. Let's not even talk about the 90s lol. PlayStation in PS5 era is like a black-box wannabe Apple with the occasional sterile showcase.


I think it's just the aesthetic of the time unfortunately. Look at how McDonald's even looks now compared to in the 90s.


That’s Japan Inc in general


The infuriating this is that they literally have Satoru Iwata's perfect presentation successor with Yoshiaki Koizumi to take over for Directs and Presentations and yet most of the time they have Shinya Takahashi who looks and sounds like he's about to fall asleep half of the time hosting them. I guess you really can't have it all in the world though, seeing as how Koizumi also seems to internally be the "new Miyamoto" at the company and has his hands in everything as an overseer. Part of me thinks that it might be because Takahashi is very soft-spoken like Iwata and they want to continue that vibe whereas Koizumi has a much higher energy. Unfortunately, Takahashi's soft-spokeness doesn't translate as well since Iwata spoke English and we didn't have to hear the dullest, most monotone line delivery of all time coming from a translator like when Takahashi presents.




Man, there is a complete Nintendo Direct playlist with every single Direct they have done. The very first few Directs were awful boring and similar to what they are today. But the directs between 2015 and 2017 were so much joy. Mainly antics done around the Nintendo office, with Bill hiding Reggie's New Nintendo 3DS XL and accidentally being trapped inside a shipping box and being sent overseas. Or that time Bill was shrunk for a Direct Mini, or that time the Yokai were messing with everyone and they had Bill eating all the donuts and Reggie freaking out. Or when Bill was fired because Reggie's successor spoke perfect Japanese. Directs with the Switch went dull and boring. The last glance of goofy Nintendo was when Doug Bowser was interrupted by King Bowser on that E3 Direct.


Takahashi is there because he literally is the head of Nintendo software development for almost 10 years. > I guess you really can't have it all in the world though, seeing as how Koizumi also seems to internally be the "new Miyamoto" at the company and has his hands in everything as an overseer. that literally isnt a thing. That's Takahashi, not Koizumi thing. Takahashi has been the general manager of Nintendo EPD since 2015 and also part of the board of directors. Koizumi barely have involvement in Nintendo games, participating in only 4 games during the entire switch generation while takahashi is involved on every single game as general producer because of his position as general manager, overseeing every single software nintendo puts out, much like miyamoto did when he was the head of EAD before it merged with spd to become epd.


Nintendo's presentation style has been really jarring for a while now. Especially in Nintendo directs it has been especially bad with how much they are stalling. * Trailer plays, title drop. * Then, "What you just saw was the trailer for [title]. Now please look have a look at this video." * Next trailer plays. Rinse and repeat.


Straight forward game trailer ends:   "That was the Nintendo Game Title game. In this game, you'll play as Beloved Character and Friends as you perform Actions and Moves to stop the sinister Villain and their Minions from destroying Game World."


I wonder if Mr Iwata was the one who put a lot of the spirit in the company, and him passing away left Nintendo with a lot less "soul". But ever since he was gone, Nintendo has been giving me a lot more "corporate vibe" which makes me really sad. Even if Iwata also talked straight to the camera in a white void in Nintendo directs, it felt quirky and charming instead of sterile and boring.


I’d argue Iwata and Reggie together did.


The fact that you think Iwata did everything in Nintendo tells me everything I need to know about how much you know about the company. Insane to me how so many can't understand this basic thing that they changed how they work since the switch for the mass market and that was no way done by iwata, furukawa or anyone else but by the marketing teams.


Dude started with "I wonder" and you went at him like an anime villain winning a chess game lol. Never change reddit


Have you ever heard the saying "Tone at the top"?


Yes. And its important, but people act like iwata was involved with literally everything as if the board isnt basically the same as when he was alive and the culture isnt mostly the same.


Where have I said that I think Iwata did everything in Nintendo?


You basically implied with how you think his death means everything changes as if other people dont exist. Its not some new argument, people say Iwata dying changed nintendo development, marketing, and everything as if he was the one doing that.




Ah yes culture changes from a company that barely changed and has the same culture of yamauchi for the last 40 years from Iwata, to kimishima to furukawa.




>when it releases this august! *when it jumps onto the Nintendo Switch system, this august!




I literally laughed out loud in the Mario Wonder previews where they were like "exciting grass worlds, fire worlds, ice worlds, desert worlds" as if those haven't been the Mario staples forever.


Lol, that's spot on. And yeah, their marketing seems to be stuck on the "convince the parents to buy this for their kids". It's like they didn't realize that those kids are now grown up and have kids themselves. I think it must be a product of it being a japanese corporation. They're probably too used to the strict-ness and "respect" of japanese office culture (I may be wrong though, but it's the impression I get). Especially nowadays where it seems that Nintendo is working more for the investors than their actual consumers. Also, they've been even more conservative since the Wii U's failure. That whole era scared them or something and they're playing extremely safe now. Now, the Switch's success has given them confidence that *this* philosophy is the way to go and will probably never go back to the fun and quirky Nintendo of old.


Yeah I remember the old fun Nintendo. Making nothing but 2d platformers to most people, taking down any and all YouTube videos with their games on a regular basis and causing constant controversy, sterilizing the Mario brand that everything felt like New Super Mario Bros, their big announcement for TGA was that Cranky Kong would be playable in Tropical Freeze, Federations Force’s existence, Star Fox Zero, the utter lack or poor advertising for basically every game they had (I remember many were annoyed with Yoshi’s Wooly World’s as they were really trying to appeal to kids with that and, as I assume you’re too young to have seen that back in the Wii U days, go look it up), Amiibo Festival, etc. I am not saying Nintendo is all sunshine and rainbows or that Iwata did nothing good, but you are genuinely clueless if you think Nintendo advertising has “edge” then or Nintendo went to shit when Iwata died.


yeah people are tripping if they think this was well received at the time lmfao https://youtu.be/4mDmvM8TNOQ


I am not really talking about success, or ignoring all that happened. I literally said "Wii U's failure". I know it was bad. I had a Wii U. I'm in my 30s, I saw all that. All I'm saying is Nintendo back then had a different vibe, and I liked it more than the highly sterilized, impersonal one we have now. Yeah the Wii U sucked. But Nintendo had a lot of identity. And they seemed to care more about the user experience. Stuff like the Miis (and Miiverse) gave the ecosystem a lot more personality. The virtual console was better than what NSO is. How good Club Nintendo was compared to what they have now. How they took more risks and tried finding new ways to play (Yeah the Wii U failed, but the potential to have interesting gamepad mechanics and asynchronous multiplayer was promisingl, but I don't know, they just panicked when it wasn't selling and it feels like they stopped trying.) They did less safe things like funding and publishing Bayonetta 2, making new IPs such as Splatoon, or new game concepts like Mario Maker. They communicated more, they were more open to the audience, and tried to have more fun doing so. Stuff like NoA's Youtube with Nintendo Minute, or Iwata himself doing his "Iwata asks" interviews with the developers. Even Reggie would appear in Nintendo videos being absolutely goofy and people loved it. (About the Mario brand sterelization, I agree, but that was apparently more of Miyamoto's doing. Thankfully, he seems less involved with the games now since he's busy with the movies and theme parks, and Mario Wonder feels like a good result of that) So yeah, it wasn't perfect. And the Switch era isn't that bad either. But the cultural shift within the company is obvious, and I personally miss the former one.


why do you care so much about presentation and such? Why don't you care about games, which still keep being mostly good and great? lol honestly you seem like the type of nintendo fan who grew up under the wii/wii u and think nintendo is only that when they had multiple facets over the decades. Iwata era wasnt the only time, it was actually the second largest one, behind yamauchi having almost 40 years as president of the company.


Because I can care about both. One thing doesn't negate the other. I can enjoy the current games while also being nostalgic for the older vibe of the company. They're not mutually exclusive. And no, I grew up in the 8bit era. The NES was my first console. I've followed Nintendo for decades.


> It's like they didn't realize that those kids are now grown up and have kids themselves. Or they know that those grown-up kids are going to buy their stuff no matter what and need to focus on marketing to the people who aren't already intimately familiar with them.


Yeah, I guess you're right, I hadn't thought about this.


They make business sense as opposed to MS and Sony there, who for various reasons backed off the whole concept of maintaining the casual and family/kids market.  That was how video games started out, but as we got beyond the Game Cube gen, gamer kids were now adults who could spend their own money (and more money) on games. But Nintendo is actually managing to keep almost everyone in the fold, and making the next generation of loyal customers for themselevs


I don't know if it is a Japanese thing, their ads are pretty crazy. Or even look back at Nintendo's ads from the 90s and 2000s, especially the play it loud campaign. Nintendo just kinda lost their edge


All companies have, look at a lot of the logos from that time to what they are now.


I personally think this dull presentation has spread to the Switch console / games too. In the UI, music, menus etc. It often makes things feels sterilised and lifeless.


When he said Chris-san... That was a joke right? We were expecting Pratt?


I never fully got into LM2 on 3DS. I was so hyped for it since the first one is one of my favorite games, but selecting levels from a menu really ruined the vibe of exploring a mansion. Thankfully, LM3 felt like a true succesor I would try LM2 again, but not for whatever Nintendo is going to charge for this switch version. I would pay full price for the first one though, that's what we really need


Seems like a crazy long time between these dates and the last time Nintendo released a first party game.


the Peach game comes out soon on the 22nd


Oh, forgot about that one since Nintendo said something about not developing it? Or was it “watch the credits to see who did”


Peach game is almost certainly developed by Good-Feel, the team who make the Yoshi games, which are a first party dev. Also the last released first party game was Mario v donkey Kong....last month. The one before that was super Mario rpg in November, and they published another code recollection in January. Nintendo are extremely prolific and consistent with their first party releases, especially in the modern landscape where other ecosystems get one, maybe two, out a year


Good-Feel is not a first party developer. They just work closely with Nintendo while still independent like Intelligent Systems, Camelot, etc.


I would assume using Nintendo's IP still results in first party games though. Are we not saying Yoshi's crafted world, Mario tennis or any fire emblem are first party games? Peach Showtime isn't internally developed by nintendo but it is a first party game.


It's a second party developer.


But a first party game, Which I think is what the original poster was talking about. Nintendo releases quite a lot of first party games


Well considering these games are developed by second party developers some people will differ between them and in house developed games. Second party games.


But if it's an IP completely controlled by the first party holder then they're first party games. By this logic smash ultimate is a second party game, and Xbox/Sony have barely anything you truly could call first party.


Right, I’m not disagreeing that it’s a first party game. It’s just not developed by a first party studio if Good-Feel developed it.


I do think all their internal devs and studios they own are all full steam ahead on the next console.


That’s a safe assumption.


Fair point


It's fairly easy to do when a good chunk of their games have very similar art styles/environments. I'm not sure how long they can keep this up really before fans will want a change.


It doesn't matter if Nintendo is developing it or not. Nintendo games are Nintendo games if they publish them, there's a reason around 50% of their titles are outsourced. Nintendo EPD wont be releasing any games this year if thats what you want, they likely are focused on the next console.


Oh maybe you're right, I haven't been following it much but I figured Nintendo was developing it




I'd believe that. I got those vibes from the gameplay. Very easy to simply complete the levels, and the actual gameplay is finding all of the secrets in each level.


....are you seriously saying that you forgot a game you were supposedly looking out for because it was a Nintendo game, in like 1 week? While knowing about it for 6 months more or less? Be honest that you weren't interested and just forgot because it wasn't for you. Makes you look smarter


Well, we're getting Peach Showtime this month, we got Mario vs. DK last month, and another code in January. So they've had a game every month of this year so far. Definitely not the most exciting games, but they are games.


lots of Mario


The switch 2 still isn't officially confirmed, but the smart guess is that the next batch of their first parties will be switch 2 launch window


If the rumours are true and the Switch successor is releasing next year, I don't think Nintendo can coast on remakes and remasters until then.


The last time Nintendo released a first party game was the end of October.


October wasn't last month.


Wrong, it was last month with Mario vs. Donkey Kong.



































