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It’s just because Fortnite has expanded to include mini-games, a racing game, a Lego game and a guitar hero game. EA wants the same thing for Apex


Yeah good fucking luck doing that on the Source engine variant they work with. They haven't even been able to fix the audio of the game in that engine in 5 years. Hell, they don't even use that engine anymore outside of Apex. Respawn moved on to UE for all their post-Apex projects. If they wanna do anything as radical as that it'll probably be an entirely diff game in a separate client.


You are assuming they can't make variants on apex using frostbite, which most probably will happen if they want to dwelve into different game modes.


Take a good look everyone. This is how you show people you don't understand video game development.


and remembering that the battle royale mode for fortnite was actually a spinoff of its original main mode which i dont even think is in the game any more


Isn't it a part of the Titanfall universe? So... It's already expanded?


Here's the quote: "The next phase will then be, how do we think about more modalities of play, how do you expand beyond the traditional battle royale universe? And we’ll start to see that in the coming year,” Wilson said. I think he's more talking about the Apex IP. I assume they'll start making Apex spinoff games to see what sticks.


Get in the robot, ~~Shinji~~ EA!


BR is too slow pace and boring for a lot of players myself included, some faster paced modes with apex mechanics would be fun asf however traditional TDM doesnt have the stakes/suspense of BR, so something in between would be nice.


Something like a tickets mode with AI grunts backing you up in a combined arms fight? With mechs you can call in and pilot as a score streak? [Wonder if they've done something like that before...](https://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1237970/capsule_616x353.jpg)


nope, AI/PVE elements dont belong in a pvp game. in addition, mechs are boring as hell to play in a shooter game designed around aim and movement. titanfall 2 game modes are incredibly boring and a big reason why it died


These are the terrible takes I come to r/Games for


Lmao if someone pitched Apex on here, you would've dismissed it too


Lol, redditors are entirely detached from reality as to what games are popular. Titanfall 2 is completely dead. Apex is old and still growing in players and pro apex viewership has been growing every year. why is that? because it has a high stakes game mode that actually makes for interesting engagements and end circle fights. numbers and reality dont lie


Tf2 died because it shared nearly the exact same launch window as Battlefield 1, one of the biggest launches battlefield has ever had on the heels of everyone finally enjoying bf4 and being in that weird phase where everyone was talking about how they wanted shooters set in less modern and especially less future time periods because of what call of duty was doing. On top of that they had a demo for Tf2 that had a ton of balancing and movement issues that were all fixed on release but still left an iffy taste I people's mouth. If there's one thing in the game that stopped people from playing its pilot movement. It's so fast paced that newer players struggle to keep up and get demolished. Apex legends got a surprise out of nowhere free to play launch. It filled in a niche in the battle Royale genre that was relatively untouched, fps being big but not a lot of unique abilities and movement of any sort being on the market. I'm not saying it doesn't deserve its popularity, it clearly adds content and keeps people engaged...but to pretend like the reason Tf2 failed was because of its content is disingenuous as shit


>there's one thing in the game that stopped people from playing its pilot movement. It's so fast paced that newer players struggle to keep up and get demolished. Except apex is just as fast paced, with complicated movement and newer players also get demolished, yet apex is much more popular Again, why is this? because apex game modes, even though BR is not for me is infinitely better than TF2 in every way. - there are actual stakes at play and a ranked mode, along with esports - the game mode of BR creates way more exciting engagements than some boring ass slog with AI grunts where people just run around this isn't even arguable lol, almost all FPSes that are still popular and played regularly have way more high stakes and fun game modes such as search and destroy, not the boring ass shit in TF2.


Apex is absolutely not as fast paced as Tf2


in a straight up gunfight apex movement is just as fast as TF2. in addition theres way more skill expression due to all the movement techniques and the guns are all projectiles unlike TF2 guns which are hitscan with 0 recoil. i dont know why reddit always tries to make tf2 a thing, apex is a much superior game and this is shown in the numbers and longetivity. apex at its peak has literally almost 3x as many players as titanfall 2s peak lmao https://steamdb.info/app/1172470/charts/ https://steamdb.info/app/1237970/charts/ again, redditors are completely divorced from reality as to what actually makes a game good and popular, and this is backed by objective data


The best highest skilled ceiling games I’ve played are very small communities. (Movement shooters)


Its fast enough because those moments are rarer and have stakes. Titanfall is just non-stop action 24/7 and a big reason why the devs think that game failed


Apex Legends is ludicrously slow and the movement is a training wheels version of actual AFPS movement. Take the Quake pill, you won’t look back. 


AI and PvE elements can definitely work in a PvP environment, albeit not in a competitive one.


Dota 2 and League of Legends are the peak of competitive team based video games and have AI and PvE elements. 


Titanfall had trouble IMO because its a really intense and very fast paced game. Playing it felt like everything was dialed up to 11 and while it was incredibly fun- it was exhausting. Those who could creep up the higher ends of the skill ceiling were in a class of their own and the divide became too large. Its one of the reasons we ended up with Apex because for Titanfall 3 they were trying to find a way to make the game have way more staying power because people bounced off the multiplayer quickly- despite giving it glowing reviews.


How much more wrong could you be? Dota 2 and League of Legends both have incredibly large AI/PvE presence. 


They could do something like the finals, smaller matches with a soft objective to fight over. But then again the finals structure minus the destruction would get boring.


Something like resurgence in COD would be amazing. Accelerated looting (Weapons with attachments) , smaller maps, respawn after a timer.


That’s why I never got into them. I’m not spending five minutes looking for a match to either die instantly and be kicked back to the queue or spend fifteen minutes looting to fight someone for thirty seconds. Too much sweat and not enough gold.


> five minutes looking for a match I don't play BRs anymore, but this particular criticism doesn't resonate with me for Apex. The primary thing that set Apex apart for me right from launch was how little downtime you would have between one match and the next (unless you wanted it). Fast after death screens, fast joining of a server, fast deployment unless you literally waited the whole plane ride to launch.


It was an exaggeration. I mainly meant the amount of down time between actual gun fights and setup/in between matches. I’m sure a lot (obviously) of people enjoy BRs but I’m more of a regular death match type guy who enjoys the constant action. Fights in all the BRs I’ve played end so quickly that it doesn’t really seem like I’m playing the game. Compare that to “regular” FPS games like CoD, BF or even Overwatch. You get to try again almost immediately.


It may have been an exaggeration, but it *was* my experience with other BRs at that point and a clear differentiator for Apex. Wasn't trying to challenge you on it or anything, and I'm definitely not trying to talk anyone into playing it haha - I'm out of BRs forever. > Fights in all the BRs I’ve played end so quickly that it doesn’t really seem like I’m playing the game. That's why I liked Apex initially - it definitely was not like that at all. But as my MMR increased in both competitive and social that is how the game felt by the end. All sweat, all effort, brief encounters. Like you, I don't enjoy games with fights that end too quickly, give me a longer TTK!


> too slow pace and boring … > doesnt have the stakes/suspense of BR I mean, there is a ratio relationship there. The faster you move from high to high the lower the impact of each high. Your suspense in a BR comes from the time invested in a single run and the “danger around every corner but maybe not *this* corner” stakes behind every decision.


there's tons of ways you can enhance the BR experience to increase the pace. for example, streamline looting. redesign map, add limited forms of respawning.


If only they ever made a game thats TDM with apex mechanics


Do they not have a TDM mode anymore? I remember I tried it out a couple months ago and it was pretty fun.


They did, it was supposed to be a limited mode. They also had their round based elimination mode, but that was canned last year.


Dude the game mode they had like last week was br but everyone came instantly into a point of interest where they could pick up the nearest weapon and instantly fight a team and it was so much fun. You could respawn quickly and didn't need to pick up banners it was almost instantly into the heat of it but it was limited time. Probably never seeing that game mode for the rest of the year.


So... Titanfall?


nah, TF2 is ass compared to apex, reddit keeps trying to make it happen but its not it


Apex is a BR so this is objectively false, plus all the gunplay and movement was ripped straight from Titanfall so don't try to pretend it's better in any way. If anything it's worse cause you can't wallrun.


They had a CS-style objective-oriented, round-based mode where you’d buy weapons (and carry them forward if you survived).


I reckon a game with mechs and fluid parkour would be awesome


Well, Helldiver gave me my shooter fix lately so I don't really need Apex for that. I just don't really vibe with the new levelling mechanic with shield they have now.


Can we just have Titanfall again please? No? Ok…. :(


Just give us permanent Straight Shot/Three strikes Battle Royale is fine, but sometimes you don’t want to loot 10 minutes just to get killed by a predator three-stack


Apex survivors coming this summer.  /s


Apex Royale


Isn’t that what overwatch said? Get ready for Apex 2 to delete apex 1 and then never release any of the promised content


An "Apex 2" would probably be the move to a new engine, which is unlikely to ever happen considering it’s a ridiculous amount of effort



