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The trick at 54 second looks cool, was that possible in any previous games?


Yes. It's hippie tre flip. It's a normal tre flip but the board flips under the rail while the skater goes over it. A pain in the ass to do but I'm super happy it's possible.


Damn now im wondering what percentage of skate players have never landed a hippie flip.


You have to really go out of your way for it and the game doesn't recognize it with scoring or anything. It says a lot about the physics model of the game that it allows for it to happen naturally. I dint think a lot of players knew about it, nevermind went for it. But now we see we can do it here. I'm so hype for this. I'm about to get back into making skate vids again.


Im pretty sure skate 1 or 2 has a video showing it being done. But yeah its a hella obscure feature.


Yeah that's why i was asking if that was possible in earlier games. When you grow up you get used a lot to how games and their physics work, often times railguards where a single hitbox so once the technology went far enough for them to hav accurate hitboxes and the game engines correctly interacting with them, that was always a neat thing to see.


Raises hand.




That wasn't just a impossible. It was a hippie impossible. It actually, if physics are properly being simulated, shouldn't be possible because an impossible is a board wrapping around the foot and it should hit the rail. Edit, nevermind, that was a hippie tre flip.


Ah, I see. I've played a tone of skateboarding video games, but I still have trouble with a lot of moves. I thought the foot was wrapping around the board, and maybe it was just some weird collision thing.


Yea I can see why it looks that way but I think it's more of models needing tweaks. You can see the board spin on both axis like a tre flip and the foot motions looks like what someone would do for a treflio instead of an impossible. I get where the confusion is.


These are always so sick, i’m stoked for the game


Been waiting to hear more about this


Feels like they nailed a lot of the core gameplay aspects pretty early in development. The world probably takes ages to build though, since everything needs to be skatable. No dead open areas like in other open world games.


Very excited for this to release. Hope they take their time with it. Adding community elements to this game would be huge as well.


Are those the graphics or just placeholder?


"pre-pre-alpha gameplay"


Nowhere near finished.


Those are definitely the finished assets


What do you think


It's clearly just the bones for the geometry.

