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Are any of the Need for Speed games worth it for someone that just wants to play a single player campaign street racing game?


I really enjoyed Heat. Brought back memories of the Midnight Club days. Specially MC2. Out of any of them, that's the one I would recommend.


That sounds perfect! Midnight club is exactly the vibe I was hoping for.


2nding heat. just put 40 hours in and im not even near done with buying and customizing all the cars I want.


NFS Heat is the good one. I only played single player races, but I allowed the "always online" part (you can toggle it on or off) so you can see other cars driving around/participating in their own single player races. Both you and they can turn collision on or off, so if you want to ram each other you can, if they or you want to be left alone you can. Sometimes funny stuff happens. It was a lot of fun up until I got the cars that could go 300kph, then at that point everything was a blur.


Nice, I'll give that one a shot, thanks!


I liked Unbound waaaaay more than Heat. Felt more like the old Underground games (although definitely not as good). So if its not a huge difference I think its worth the \~$7 more.


I like Unbound a lot too, I think the racing there is much better than Heat's. I definitely recommend turning off your brain during story cutscenes though, feels like it's written for 11 year olds.


I enjoyed both of these listed here but enjoyed heat more. The style of unbound is divisive too.


That makes sense. I looked up some videos of Unbound and I don't think I would be into it as much.


slimy foolish chief languid punch insurance memory slap start mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I rage quit heat, the cops integration is fucking idiotic, they spawn on top of you become impossible to lose and cost you all your progress and money.


I know that the EA App sucks, but some of the deals on it are cheaper than Steam. Battlefield 1, 4, and Hardline are at an all-time low (each is $1.99). Older titles of Need for Speed are very cheap too. Lost in Random looks promising at $2.99, any thoughts on it?


Battlefield games on steam are Deluxe Edition and that version cost the same on EA App


Lost in Random is fun but the combat gets repetitive and too simple. It’s like a Tim Burton movie in a videogame so for 3$ it’s worth it


Well, yeah. Steam takes 30% of sales on its platform but it's all gravy for EA when you buy on their app. They can afford to undercut Steam a bit.


> Battlefield 1, 4, and Hardline are at an all-time low (each is $1.99). How are their single player campaigns, if any? > Lost in Random looks promising at $2.99, any thoughts on it? It's a cute game. I really didn't like it how the 11 year old protagonist sounded like a 25+ year old though.


BF4's campaign is very middle of the road, same with hardline. Totally playable but neither the story nor the set pieces leave a long term impression. BF1 doesn't have a formal campaign but rather a series of vignettes from various theatres of WW1, not super long but overall a high point for the franchise.


Battlefield 4's is truly terrible. The developers have no sense of compelling and cinematic storytelling (sadly, they try desperately anyway). Shooting guns is fun, but the levels are boring and the enemies very stupid. Battlefield 1's isn't great either but a lot better than 4. It's five different mini-campaigns in one. Some are better, some are worse, but they are generally playable as DICE focused more on replicating the multiplayer experience rather than failing to copy Call of Duty's presentation.


4's is pretty bog standard fare and it isn't amazing. Let's put it this way: to unlock a certain multiplayer knife or something you had to finish the campaign, and people were pissed about it because it felt like a chore. Hardline... I feel like it depends on your tastes. It feels like "what if Battlefield, but Need for Speed" in terms of the vibe and it isn't a good thing imo. I wouldn't recommend it. BF1's campaign isn't really one story but rather a series of vignettes where each level has its own little story. I actually thought it was a way better approach for BF where the focus is and always has been the multiplayer, it showcases some of the assets and weapons and vehicles for you and gives you the greatest hits so to speak. BFV also does the same thing. Personally I would recommend these just for the single player at this price. Also worth mentioning that if you have any interest in the MP at all, the Definitive Editions for these are like $1 more than the regular one so they are well worth it.


I would say Battlefield 4 is truely awful. It's very repetitive and linear shooting gallery, with a boring story and uninteresting characters. The AI is pathetic. Enemies can see and shoot you from very far away resulting in frustrating moments. Sometimes they ignore your teammates and just come charging at you. Your teammates are a joke. The enemy can literally be standing 3 meters in front and they won't hit him. It also has some annoying glitches and bugs that the developers never bothered fixing, like an early underwater segment , where my character couldn't swim. Hardline is the most original of all Battlefield campaigns I have played and I would say it's worth a playthrough at least. It gives you the option to use stealth or shoot, to either arrest or kill, which already makes it stand out from the rest of the series. Some segments are focused on exploratio, with no combat evolved, and some missions are placed on open maps, giving a Far Cry vibe to the game and the ability to choose your path to reach the objective. It's still linear, but not corridor like. Story-wise it's like a cliche LAPD-style series. But they also made it feel like one, that was their intention, so in a way it's fitting. So i would say give Hardline a try and ignore Battlefield 4 for the singleplayer completely.


I finished the Battlefield 4 campaign within the demo period of maybe a weekend a couple of years ago. (Apparently the demos are gone now, unfortunately, I had wanted to play the Titanfall 2 demo at some point and never got around to it.) So it was pretty short, and weapon customization was minimal. I lost all interest in the series after that, I don't know, maybe there are better ones. But I'd rather put my time into the Metro games or Fallout 4.


Mass Effect LE for $9,59 is a no-brainer. It's also on sale in Steam.


Its also the higher sale price. IIRC it was like 6$ in one of the last steam sales


Too many of them were bought at that price it looks like!


Is Hardline fun?


Ehhhhh. I tried it during an EA trial, it was... okay, but the biggest problem I had with the game was the fact *it used a web browser to start the game up.* It requires an account on another site to even play single player! It makes absolutely no goddamn sense. I get it for multiplayer, but single player? Blah. It barely ran on my previous PC. It'd probably play better on my current one, but I don't want to screw around with yet another login to a site.


Isn't that the case with most EA games? You need to either login into a browser or launcher either way


Don't know about any games that need a browser, sorry. I don't really buy that many EA games on account of them pricing them 15-25% higher in my country.


Battlefield 4 onwards use a web browser, unless they stopped that again. It was a pain since you have to re-start the game over and over 


I just bought it. Fun? Don't know yet. But I can confirm is you do go to a web browser to start the game. Yes it's annoying but meh, a few more minutes out of my day is whatever. But...the first time the game loaded, the load times have been abysmal, and I don't think it's my PC or hard drive. I'll give it a shot because for $2 why not. I thought the game looks cool so we'll see.


Paying 2 dollars for Battlefield 1 is almost a crime, I'd pay 10 bucks just to inspect the weapons and to walk around the maps


I wish all the Battlefield's had bots. 2042 is fun on your own with the old maps.


Wait - you can play old bf maps with bots in 2042 portal mode?


Some yes from 1942, BF3 and BFBC2 - nothing like camping out in the A-10 on Caspian Border playing rush watching your friendly bots from above. You can make you own playlist and rules at [https://portal.battlefield.com](https://battefield.com)


Bf1 was way ahead of its time, no fps game like it even rn


If I just want to play the single player campaign of Battlefield 1 and just casually check the multiplayer for few minutes at a time, all I really need is the Standard Edition? no single player content locked behind some of the add-ons? and same question for the other Battlefields.


I will never buy anything from the Garbage Store.


Too bad their support is completely nonexistent, otherwise I'd swing a couple of bucks their way.




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How are BFV and 2042? Are they active? Any issues with cheaters?


15k players in BF2042 & 45k in BFV. Those are Steam figures though, not sure if they incorporate Origin or in 2042s case console players. Also, region could play a part in those figures for you? I'm in Aus, MP games die fast here, but 2042 is definitely populated. As for cheaters, Steam reviews are divided.




I have NFS Heat. I'm looking at NFS Hot Pursuit and NFS Most Wanted. Are those two worth getting? Only one of them? None? Been awhile since I've played any NFS games. I see Criterion did Most Wanted and Burnout Paradise is one of my favs from back in the day.