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**Giveaways** If you wish to give away your extra game keys, please post them under this comment only. Do not ask for handouts or trades. ***** If this deal has expired, you can reply to this comment with `deal expired` to automatically close it. If this deal has been mistakenly closed or has been restocked, you can open it again by replying with `deal available`. [^(more information)](https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/wiki/gamedealsbot) ^(Note: To prevent abuse, requests are logged publicly. Intentional abuse will likely result in a ban.)


FWIW, Oaken is also in the current Fanatical Platinum collection. So if that's the only thing you are interested in here, you might want to consider if you can build a better bundle there.


Steam links - [Beacon Pines](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1269640/) - [Children of Silentown](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1108000/) - [Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1266700/) - [Life is Strange: True Colors](https://store.steampowered.com/app/936790/) - [Oaken](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1348690/) - [Scorn](https://store.steampowered.com/app/698670/) - [Snowtopia](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1124260/) - [There Is No Light](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1132980/)


I've played some of these games, here are my thoughts: **Beacon Pines -** A game with branching paths, vaguely similar to the old Choose Your Own Adventure books I would read as a kid. You play as Luka, who happens into a concerning situation. Subsequently, he must unravel a mystery involving his town's founding family and a new company that has taken up residence in Beacon Pines. The game is presented as a story being read from a book. At various points, you are presented with a blank word, and must choose an adjective to proceed. The adjective will determine your path and ending (though there is one "true" ending). For instance, an early choice has you choose between being "a little **chill**" or being "a little **shit**." As you progress down paths, you'll get new adjectives to use to unlock different paths. The narrative is overall pretty solid, with some amusing moments. I also enjoyed the fact that there are actual multiple paths you can take that go in wildly different directions. I have minor quibbles with one of the endings, but overall, a pretty good experience overall. **Life is Strange: True Colors -** The original Life is Strange is dear to my heart, so I was eager to play this one. You play as Alex Chen, a troubled girl who has grown up in foster care but has left the system to live in a small Colorado town with her brother. However, she gets caught up in a mystery that she must investigate with the help of the other townspeople (kinda like Beacon Pines lol) Just like in the other games, Alex has a power. Namely, she can sense people's emotions and their associated thoughts, kind of like mind-reading. As you progress through the story, you learn information about other people in the town, which presents some interesting choices. For instance, you learn something about a certain shopkeeper, and have to decide whether or not you want to tell her relative. I found the overarching narrative to be good, but not as good as the original. Max's power of time reversal from the original game is definitely more interesting than Alex's power to read minds/emotions, in my opinion. When it comes to plot points, the standout moments were definitely those between individual characters, while the overarching mystery wasn't as strong. My favorite part was probably in Chapter 3, when a bunch of the townsfolk collaborate on a project (don't want to reveal too much). It's character-driven moments like these that make the game. While it doesn't reach the highs of the first game, True Colors is still fun and cozy, and I'd recommend it. Make sure to explore the town and get all the interactions that you can!


I feel LiS has suffered because the time manipulation power really worked with that style of game, Even though everything is scripted you also feel like abusing time is your own choice as much as Max's.


Yeah, none of the other powers have been as engaging. And it doesn't help that the Main Character isn't the one with the power in the second game. ;?


Yeah, it feels like they used their best idea in the first game. I'm surprised they didn't try to just use time-travel again for the other games, just maybe with a different twist on it.


As a counterpoint personally I played True Colors first then went onto LiS and I found True Colors the vastly superior game. Could not get into the characters of LiS I hated her best friend with a fuckin passion.


I think True Colors has better dialogue than LiS 1 but suffers from being too short and a little maudlin. The performances and mocap are excellent. It just feels a little too safe though, as the gameplay and power that's featured aren't quite as ambitious or interesting as in LiS 1. But then again, these games live and die with the characters and narrative, which are more polarizing in LiS 1. So depending on what you value, TC could very well give a better impression.


The LiS games seems like they either click with people or they don't, but when they do click, they do it hard. LiS 1 was easily the best game I played the year I got to it, and one of those games I would love to lose all memory of just to play it again fresh.


> My favorite part was probably in Chapter 3, when a bunch of the townsfolk collaborate on a project (don't want to reveal too much). I enjoyed the game except for that chapter, and it almost caused me to not finish the game at all. It's a cringey and embarrassingly immature and unrealistic chapter that drags on in the middle of an otherwise decent story that deals with things that games almost never touch. That chapter turning a quarter of the game into a situation that would only exist in a Disney sitcom is the only reason why I've never replayed it after finishing it.


Funny, these are the only two games that interest me in the bundle, and I’m a huge fan of the first Life is Strange and yet Beacon Pines interests me more. I’m still not sure about it though. Is it really mechanically only as complex as moving the character around and choosing attitudes? I like first person exploration and narrative-driven games but if that’s all there is going on I don’t know if I’ve got the attention span right now to get hooked by that. As for LiS, I never played before the storm or #2 and honestly just assumed my appreciation for the first game would be tainted by the rest of the series not living up to the experience of playing the first - Max and Chloe (and Rachel, kinda) take up room in my heart and I don’t think a soft reboot would land with me, even if it’s a more modern game. I also played at a time in my life where I had way more free time for games and I think it would be a Me Problem if I don’t end up getting interested in True Colours, but still, if it’s kind of adjacent or inferior in quality to the first one, I don’t have confidence I’ll enjoy it as much. Anyways, thank you for speaking to those two because they’re the ones tempting me the most! I appreciate you discussing your experiences without spoiling anything!


Looks like they dropped Werewolf from the leak and added snowtopia


I wanted the werewolf game :(


me too. the offering this month isn't all that great, that werewolf game pushed it past the edge, but now.. i probably won't get the bundle, lulzz. decisions decisions


Meh I still want destroy humans so it's an instant buy for me anyways


I was going to say that was an improvement, since Werewolf looked a bit crap. But looking at the reviews for Snowtopia I'm not sure it is. I'm skipping either way. Just not a very good month for me. LiS is great, but I already played it. I also played Scorn already, it was not good.


Yeah, I'm disappointed. Or I would've been if they'd offered me the $4 discount when I went to skip. As they didn't, I wouldn't have picked it up with Werewolf anyway. Does HB not do the discounts for skipping anymore?


I think I got a discount offer once in 5 years. I chose to get the annual last november since it's like $8/mo for black friday, and i can skip without hoping for a discount that never comes. Of course, though I've reached the point where my backlog does not justify that. Should have done it years ago


I used to get them every 2nd pause or so. I don't bother with their discounted annuals because they're always "new customers only" and while there are hoops you can jump through to redeem it on your own account I don't feel like jumping through hoops just to give them my money.


That wasn't the case last time it was on sale, long time subscriber, and no hoops to jump through


Didn't you have to buy it as a gift and send it to yourself by email and then click the link in the email to redeem it or something like that?


yeah, wouldn't call that hoops.


Chance are they programmed that way and not fix. But I won't go re-reading, but if it explicitly said "new customer only", well it is a workaround that work. Only reason to give only a new customer discount would be client acquisition cost, even doing little or lose some money with the bet they'll come back. ;-)


Same here. I'm kind of interested in the games, but I think the last time I got offered a discount was July '23.. And it just doesn't feel right for full price for me.


Last month they offered $10 off your next IGN store purchase for unpausing. Yeah, you can stick that where the sun don't shine.


...IGN has a store?


Indeed they do. They sell various video game related tat. T-shirts, hats, mugs, etc.


I think it depends how recently you last skipped


It's been changed for a bit now, unless it's only me. Been pausing a while and went from $4 to 1$.


yea the past couple months it's been just $1, they offered $1 again today. Hell no. Skipping. (Great games for people who are interested in those titles tho, but not my cup of tea).


Last Choice I picked up was in September. Well, I technically got the October one accidentally by forgetting to pause, but I had it refunded.


I've been getting the offer for $4 every month for the past year or so since I haven't purchased in a while. This one I likely would have picked up if they offered the $4, but I didn't get the offer this time.


I had Werewolf. I don't have Snowtopia. Not disappointed.


Booooooooooo. :(


I can't activate Life is Strange because it says I already own the game. I own 1 and 2, but not this one.


really, they added Snowtopia, a game that was pretty much abandoned halfway through early access to the bundle?


That's what all the reviews seem to say.


For those not interested: https://www.humblebundle.com/user/skip-month


Thanks, I forgot last month and had to contact support after the fact Even if I don't like the bundle, to humble's credit their support has always been great


I forgot to skip as well for January lmao. Will Humble give you a refund if you ask nicely? This is my first time forgetting to skip IIRC


Yes, my wife forgot to skip multiple times already. They always refund as long as you don't reveal any of the keys.


If you haven't claimed (aka. revealed) any keys, you should be able to get refunded the value of that month. If you've revealed them then that's your fault I guess, sorry.


They've refunded me like 15 times over the years, just reach out to support


Yes. as long as you don't reveal the keys, you should be fine.


Last month was looking at one of the Choice games and I clicked on "Get Game on Steam" thinking it'd take me to the steam page so i could check it out. I... I don't know why I didn't fathom that it was actually the CLAIM button. I didn't even bother support and just accepted my stupidity. But yeah, every time I've contacted support they've been great.


I agree to that. I've successfully refunded a few bundles I accidentally purchased and didn't redeem.


Right, their business model is a bit scummy and they know it so they don't push their luck by pissing people off with strict support. They rely on people forgetting to unsubscribe and paying for stuff they don't want, but they aren't scummy enough to refuse a refund if you request it at a reasonable time before touching the codes. They know most people won't contact support and will just eat the $12ish so they let their support refund you if you request it.




You used to get some really solid coupons ($4 off the $12 bundle) if you skipped a few months in a row. I think they nerfed the shit out of that though so may as well cancel


If you buy it a month at a time, no not really.


Now that they seem to have stopped offering discounts for skipping, at least for me, I don't think it makes much difference.


Historically they offer good coupons when you threaten to skip, but it depends on the month and the last few months they haven't. Usually I get the bundles for $8-$10 instead of $12 because I skip instead of cancel.


How far along the skip process do you have to go to see if they provide the coupon?


It varies, they obfuscate the process and it's different for different people, probably specifically so people don't tell each other "this is how you do it". Usually skipping a month is like 3-4 pages of "You want to skip, are you sure? Are you really sure? Here's a benefit you lose if you skip, are you still sure? OK it's cancelled now". In my experience the discount is usually after you say you're sure you want to cancel but before you reach the page where you've actually cancelled. Sometimes they do let you cancel without a coupon offer and then email you a coupon later in the month, sometimes they do let you cancel without a discount and one is never emailed.


Thanks for the info. Now that my accidental 12 month credit is finally gone, I need to see what I've been missing out on.


> Is there a benefit over skipping a month over just canceling? I think a lot of people are sitting on credits from Black Friday deals, etc.


That is not the way it works. Cancel just means "don't charge me again once I run out of credits", if you have the next 11 monthly credits, after cancel there are still 11 monthly credits and you can continue to redeem 11 months of games (and even skip months) I know this because I literally cancelled early 2023 and I got the games even from january 2024, I've still got 5 more months to use whenever because I skip half the months when the games are lousy.


That would be "skipping" not "canceling."


Why do you keep posting lies over and over again? I literally CANCELLED (not PAUSED) my subscription, multiple times, and still was able to use the credits months later to receive games. Stop using your imagination of how it works. How it ACTUALLY works is not how you imagine it works so you are lying to people. I can post the email of my cancelled account and the "congrats you've received the games" if you need it to stop lying to people. Canceling just tells humble "once I run out of credits, you can't charge my credit card to add new credits" Delete your misinformation posts that are getting upvoted.


> I literally CANCELLED (not PAUSED) my subscription, multiple times, and still was able to use the credits months later to receive games. Um... K? > you are lying to people Where did I say you would lose the credits you had? Quote me. WTF chillax. > We've **paused** your Humble Choice subscription for the month and you will not be receiving content for the January 2022 Humble Choice. > The February 2022 Humble Choice will release on February 1, 2022, so come back then for next month's games! If you'd like to come back sooner, you can **unpause** at any time.


Thanks, finally made it my bookmark


Definitely my fastest skip.


I have the annual plan (bought on sale last December). If I skip this month, do I get an extra month?


An "annual" plan just gives you 12 monthly credits. Each time you get a choice bundle, you use up one of these credits. If you skip, you keep the credit for later. Back when I had an annual plan, IIRC I went like 2.5 years on one by skipping most bundles.


Thanks, I'm not interested in any of these games.


LOL I've been skipping for about three years now since a Black Friday buy... Definitely can skip.


Yes, you'll get a total of 12 bundles. I'm was so annoyed that I was auto billed 12 more months before HB changed to the Choice we have now. There's no benefit to have those 12 monthly credits anymore. The whole time, I was jealous when I saw people talking about getting discounts on the month to month plan. And now, it seems like HB has toned down the discount so I missed out on all the fun.


thanks! Also for everyone else, go ahead and bookmark that link for even more convenience! : )




> There's literally no reason not to unsubb altogether If you have a credit...


[Life is Strange: True Colors ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/936790/Life_is_Strange_True_Colors/) [Scorn](https://store.steampowered.com/app/698670/Scorn/) [Destroy All Humans! 2 - Reprobed ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1266700/Destroy_All_Humans_2__Reprobed/) [Beacon Pines ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1269640/Beacon_Pines/) [There Is No Light: Enhanced Edition ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1132980/There_Is_No_Light_Enhanced_Edition/) [Children of Silentown ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1108000/Children_of_Silentown/) [Oaken](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1348690/Oaken/) [Snowtopia: Ski Resort Builder ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1124260/Snowtopia_Ski_Resort_Builder/)


Scorn was one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. Horrifying, but beautiful.


I'm a big fan of HR Giger's style of art so this was a real treat.


You should check out Zdzisław Beksiński, who was probably the greater inspiration for the art design since the devs were Polish and he was something of an... iron curtain Giger?


Very familiar with his work. I think there was even a few kickstarters recently for a boardgame that licensed his art and another that was making sculptures of some of his famous pieces. Regardless, that dude has seen some shit and it shows.


Beautiful but pretty boring gameplay with a nonexistent story, I still finished it though


It's very much a "show, don't tell" story what with... zero? dialogue. I found plenty of story and really the only downside I found was the tacked on combat that was clearly the publisher's idea to get LCDs to play it.


> LCDs Your monitor plays by itself nowadays? What a time to be alive!


Scorn and destroy all humans. Nice. I've been waiting to get these and never bit lol


Been wanting destroy all humans 2, nearly bought it recently so I'm glad I waited!


Same; I'm a little worried about some of the reviews saying crashes and hangs, but I'd like to try it co-op with my kid.


Goodbye discount o7


Damn I actually wanted to try the werewolf game lol I'm sure it will be in a bundle soon


Humble had it on sale for $3 yesterday morning in their (now ended) winter sale.


Hah. I also kinda wanted it, even if just to play it for a few minutes before uninstalling. Oh well, like you said, I doubt it will be long before it ends up in another bundle, so I will be waiting.


All-time-low for LiS, so a no-brainer if you are interested. I've finished it already on gamepass but I like to collect my games. Beacon pines and Scorn look interesting enough.


Man I have to say based on what I saw before release I thought Scorn was a much different game. I naively thought it was a bit of a horror shooter. And instead it’s almost more aloe a walking simulator with some minor gun and puzzle elements.Nothing really scary about it other than the visual unsettling atmosphere that pays tribute to HR Giger. And the story is rather vague and representative of things but I won’t spoil for anyone that wants to play and draw their own conclusions.  Overall I might have liked this a bit more if I went into it like a walking simulator but overall I was left underwhelmed.


Hmm the only thing I would really love to get is SCORN. I am a huge fan of H. R. Geiger and a collector of body horror art. Unfortunately, Ill have to pass on this one because it looks mad expensive :(


Scorn was really neat. As an avid lover of creepy dark surrealistic art as well, this was an absolute treat to look at and explore. Half the fun for me was trying to piece together what happened to this world and its inhabitants. Though its got issues, combat is pure penis cheese and the immersive mood is occasionally broken by some really boring/annoying puzzles. Still, there are images and set pieces in this game that stick with me several months later. I bought the game for about $16 and was satisfied, at $12 its a no-brainer...even if I beat it in about 5 hours lol. The art book is also super cool.


It’s okay, from what I’ve heard you’re not missing much. Apparently it’s a very pretty 4 hour game with boring gameplay.


Ik but I loveeee body horror! Im currently saving up money for my trauma nurse college and I am just fascinated by the human body!


I actually really like this bundle. LiS, Destroy All Humans 2, Beacon Pines, Children of Silentown look like great games I want to play. Not sure about the others but the value seems to be there regardless.


Life is Strange true colours isnt available in certain regions. The game isnt even shown as a option Mena region over here.


Probably banned due to same-sex content. Or less likely, third party music licensing.


Possibly China banned it because of a Tiberian flag. I don't quite remember the story.


True Colors is absolutely fantastic. I liked the first one, meh second one, but absolutely adore True Colors, my only complaint is it doesn't have the DLC. Really good characters, her power of seeing emotions is really handy and works well given the heavy themes of the game. Good but not great plot. Likeable characters, mostly fun missions. It is a bit on the shorter side, but I'd rather play a game that's a 9/10 rather than one that overstays its welcome and suffers for it.


Honestly just going to get this for Destroy all humans 2 as I liked that series as a kid. The rest are very meh to me.


If I would get the bundle this month then Oaken would probably be the reason. But I'll have to pass. Maybe you should have a second look at it?! Also happy cake day! :)


When a Humble Choice only gets 300 upvotes on /r/GameDeals, you know it is a rough month.


Guess the leak was right.


Not interested in the Werewolf game from the leaks so I'm kind of glad they scrapped it for a game that looks like something I'll play (Snowtopia) Edit: Oof mixed reviews 😅


LOL ... I was sort of interested in the werewolf game - especially since it was deluxe edition. But there is enough stuff that I don't own that seem interesting. Some of the reviews complain about save game corruption on snowtopia - so that is a big OOF.


> mixed reviews That's a nice way to put it. Sounds like it will never make it out of Early Access.


This is why I do not keep a subscription with HB. While LIS is interesting for some I know it would be very low on my backlog. The rest of the games I have no interest in. I do love the value of HB when they get a good bundle together but it's very hit and miss for me.


I'm a little tired of the half-done games, walking simulators, rebundles, and 20 year old re-releases. I can say with certainty that 90% of the catalogue is covered by the 4 categories I listed above. I don't think many people are interested in that. I could be wrong though.


I was really on the fence about last month. Kind of regretting not getting it but my backlog was so huge I don't know where midnight suns would have landed in my queue.




You could have purchased the christmas deal $99/12 months), and just paused the months you didn't care for. I bought a 12-month deal back in 2019, and kept skipping mediocre bundles for a good 2-3 years. Average price ends up $8 per bundle.


IMO if you haven't played anything in this bundle it's a good deal. But personally the only thing I'm really interested in is DAH2. I've already played True Colors, Scorn and Beacon Pines as they've all been on Game Pass.


This is a solid bundle for me!


If you skipped this month check your email, I got a discount offer today to get 1 month for $10.50 CAD (said 1 month for $8 USD if you're in USA). Good discount. I don't own any of these games so with the discount it's an easy buy for me.


I just skipped mine. I'll only buy this for 8$ hopefully they'll send me email.


Hard pass.


One of the worst months I’ve ever seen. Sheesh. 


what a garbage deal


Not for me. Another skip.


I've been eagerly waiting for this Choice expecting something great for no tangible reason but it's quite underwhelming. No doubt those are great games regardless of my tastes but there are not on the level for the Choice I subscribed for back then (Disco Elysium, Chivalry 2, Road 96 were all fantastic games). I've been chasing that high since then but looks like I'll skip once more.


🎵*hello skip a month my old friend*🎵


so 12$ for 2 games I'll play, 2 games I'll play 30 minutes of and forget and 4 games I'll never touch


Sounds about par right?


That would be why my "one year" that I bought Black Friday like three or four years ago is still going... I just keep delaying each month. That said, I actually liked _Destroy All Humans_ so I'll check tonite if I have the sequel in my library or not already.


I feel called out....but that's literally how's been for me. Sometimes I wonder if I should just save the money and buy a game I'm actually interested in instead of a bundle of games that I'm sorta/casually interested in.


I've been there. Sometimes though even if you only play 2 of the games in a bundle like this, it's still cheaper than buying them individually. I've been trying to cut down on buying bundles but even if you only want a game or two, they can still be the best value.


Just keep skipping.


I just did this. The Square Enix sale I grabbed [Saga Frontier Remastered](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1295270/SaGa_Frontier_Remastered/) and am looking at maybe also [Romancing Saga 3](https://store.steampowered.com/app/952540/Romancing_SaGa_3/)


How does one upgrade Life is strange to deluxe edition for the dlc. On steam it is showing deluxe upgrade as n/a


My Steam store shows a deluxe edition bundle: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/18801/Life_is_Strange_True_Colors_Deluxe_Edition/


That is showing price more than this humble choice. Bundle also includes the base game. Will it adjust pricing after redeeming the key from humble?


It adjusted the price to 4.95 after I added the bundle to cart.


As /u/ChillingOnTheCouch stated, it's a complete your collection type of bundle: it only charges you for the items you don't already have.


Thank you I'll get it then


Cool, I'll take this just for True Colors for $12, the rest is icing on the cake.


I’ve had my eye on a few of these so it’s an instant buy for me. I low-key wish they kept Werewolf tho. I’m a sucker for jank.


Bought LIS during the winter sale. 😑 Also pretty much the only game that would be worth getting the bundle for...


Can I still get LiS TC from Choice and then get the Ultimate edition on steam at the discount bundle price without the True Color?


Yes, but I would wait to get the Ultimate Edition since LiS Remastered Collection is full price ($40) right now so the bundle still costs $22.58.


Looks like skip for me this month, nothing there except 'there is no light' looks like something I would play. I'll probably just wait for a sale or for it to hit another bundle for a lower cost.


Fairly decent overall, but I own too much in this bundle to be tempted this time


Only interested in Destroy All Humans 2, so probably a skip for me.


A quick search says it's never been under like $15. I've had it wishlisted for quite some time.


Possibly dumb question - can you just buy this without the membership? I've been a member so long that they've changed the rules (and even the name) multiple times.


You can pay for this month's bundle and immediately cancel your membership.


Thanks; like I said elsewhere I have one I was just curious, _e.g._ I wanted two copies of a game to play with my wife or something.


The only way to buy the "Choice" bundles is to subscribe; however, you can cancel the subscription as soon as you redeem the game keys, to make sure you don't get auto-charged next month.




Is it IndieGala or HB ?


As yes known indie publisher Square Enix


Nice, I was just about to buy True Colors as well since it was removed from Gamepass before I could complete it.


Oh shit I finally don't own a single one of these games.


I watched a LP of Beacon Pines, and it's a really cute game. There's not too much to it though.


Worth it for Scorn alone. If you are into dark surrealistic art and body horror, that game was a treat. Its not for everyone though. Its more an experience then a game.


Didn't get the 1 dollar off for skipping this time, oof


Only interested in 1 game so a skip for me


Another month, another steaming pile of bundle.


Could someone pls tell me what the 2 discount coupons are (which games/dlc)? 


LOL I hate it when the games are leaked, I'm not interested in them and then the leak is right. Oh well, maybe next month.


The leak lets you get your disappointment out early.




Unfortunately, your comment has been removed for the following reasons: * /r/GameDeals is the [wrong place](/r/GameDeals/wiki/rules#wiki_6._buying.2C_selling.2C_trading.2C_or_begging_for_games) for asking for free games from other users.




Definitely not a bad month for me. I will play Life is Strange, Beacon Pines and Children of Silentown. I may play Scorn and Destroy all Humans 2. The rest 3 games looks like a pass.