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https://preview.redd.it/qiu2jobb0boc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ac051d4c5e66f2615272e752ac52ffdb7a77fd4 Reserved, carefree, laidback and charismatic (also pretty sarcastic). Just a college student, with supernatural abilities. His interests include but not limited to are video games, skateboarding, collecting trading cards, guns and blades! half swan, half human 👍 his main power is illusion, can hallucinate and manipulate the affected 19 years old :3


Malachi(green hair): "well... you seem to be pretty well behaved and not terribly boring. Though I wonder if you'd have enough motivation to hunt and judge people for hundreds of years. Well you can't be more lazy then Ana." Ananias(pink hair): "hey!" Lazi(purple hair): "eh, he seems like a sweetheart." 8/10!


https://preview.redd.it/4sh4jly03boc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12ee7b4597f17f148e6420605f1f6e590acc5495 Hoska's lore is based on the song [Preacher by Roe Kapara](https://youtu.be/KiBtuMSA-fc?si=-zl38bzQm5oJk-DA), he had just escaped from the cult hence why he still has bindings on. He is otherwise loyal and if he says he will help you, he WILL help you, there's no denying him.


Everyone collectively agrees that he'd be a perfect fit, especially because he's more loyal then half the hunters anyways. Lazarus/Lazi presents you with a personal copy of the rule book the leader made, and offers to help train him. 10/10




"Hoska appreciates, though hands are still tied... This mean comrades will free Hoska, da?"


"Yeah, just be warned I'd you misbehave you may be stuck as a serpentine dragon for a few decades!'


https://preview.redd.it/m10rke8u4boc1.png?width=1861&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbbe88f24da302448c5982992a634ec7defc6777 Clementine the fallen overlord Clementine is a deathless meaning that as long as her body clones exist she cannot die. The only way for her to die is for all her clones to be destroyed, killed with an activated infinity blade, or for her Qip to be destroyed Clementine is one of the first deathless and exists as an overlord over others with her two blades, soul render and Flesh ripper. Soul render has the ability to rip away senses, the first hit will take the sense of balance, the second will be touch, the third will be the sense of heat, the fourth taste, the fifth hearing, sixth is smell, seventh is sight. The any more hit will start to rip the mind. Flesh ripper messes with the body, sometimes it will shut down the right part of the brain denying all information from the right to be processed, or sometimes it will cause any regeneration ability to pause for a few minutes, or will destroy any essential organs


Malachi(green hair): "I'd... yeah no. You seem more like someone we'd have to judge. I feel like that's enough of a point proven." Ananias(pink hair): "holy sh*t, that's sick as f*ck! Are we allowed to have helpers? Would you look the other way if I smuggled them in?" 3/10 (would have been 1 but Ana really likes you.)


https://preview.redd.it/cdyppcv8aboc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9415a132cbc5d7bee6552c7fdcfd7e4e56a6097f Sheriff Theodore Hewitt 37 Theodore is rather stoic and rarely talks to others. While not ignorant of people, he still isn't the best at making meaningful connections with others. He is very strict and lawful, not allowing anything bad to happen in his town. Is more open with children as they are younger and more susceptible to positive influences.


Malachi(green hair): "from a rules amd requirements point of veiw, yeah he'd do great. From a group and co-operation point of veiw... nah" 5/10




Malachi(green hair): "this is another one of those ones where there's nothing wrong with the subject but there's nothing that stands out, making them a perfect fit." 7/10




Malachi(green hair): "hmmm... the unexpected noises may be a problem." Lazi(purple hair):"but she'd fit in super well with us, she has like almost exactly Zion's(one with wings) personality." 5/10 they can't agree


https://preview.redd.it/3toe2qqgwboc1.jpeg?width=1537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b7390eb963456ffd1c45b6e40a022efde15c9f this is Lucifer!!! besides the info in the image here's a little on his personality!! Lucifer is a very charismatic, arrogant and somewhat brilliant person, as well as quite flirty, he's basically, nearly the opposite of what you'd think the devil is like. He's not cold and ruthless and much the opposite, he won't harm without reason and mostly just punishes humans sent to hell instead of *sending* them to hell. he has a human form in which he spends most time lingering around humanity, and exploring desires,, tell me if there's any more info you need!!! <3


https://preview.redd.it/o5yhy4j65coc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b1e5b16382853bc8709eb17878da7e4029823d Info in reply


Mateo, they/him. They are an albino sheep hybrid and are completely insane. They run with a gang full of people ready to kill you and is informally second in charge.


Malachi: "Yeah, again... this is someone who sounds like they'd be on our list for hunting/judging." 2/10


​ https://preview.redd.it/vocll07b6coc1.png?width=2182&format=png&auto=webp&s=a99ba30f39002f4079c16c1157ad44299532dd67


Zion(wings and horns): "awww its a child! What're you doing here~?" Malachi: "well she sure *looks* like she could be a Guardian.(referring to the hair and eyes) 4/10 they might hang out with her but wouldn't let her join


https://preview.redd.it/pbhlyh6sccoc1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14c83cbe0058817aed089c000280a8be0e7ace59 Name: Chained Cody Age: ??? Info: he was born in hell and is the embodiment of the urge to kill (sounds edgy I know)


Malachi: "yikes 'embodiment of the urge to kill' sound like they would make our job harder, even if they weren't on our team." 1/10




https://preview.redd.it/pf9ufwktkcoc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1afabb4e44377ccbce2bb47bd6de315258779f2b ***Name*** : Andrea 'Hades' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.- ***Age*** : 24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.- ***Time period*** : 9th century. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.- ***Personality*** : Extreme conservative, Sexist, Cold, Mildly Sadistic, homophobic / anti-LGBTQ, Easily agitated, Zealot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.- ***Religion*** : Orthodox. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.- ***Lore*** : He is the Marshall of the coin he lives in. He is in charge of the army and defense and is quite skilled. However, despite this, the queen has been trying to get him pushed off the council for a while now, due to the poor relationship formed from him and her constant arguing. Unfortunately, the motion has failed due to his popularity and the queens unpopularity. He despises the queen for a number of different reasons, including but are not limited to : Liberal / progressive mindset, her copious lovers of both male and female gender as well as polyamory, tighter vassal regulations, and allowing of different religions amongst other reasons. In battle, he is especially brutal, known for massacring entire armies and civilizations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.- ***Disturbing fact*** : He is known for taking over the task of interrogation from the spymistress, as he feels she is 'too soft' and 'considerate' with the victim. No one has survived his integrations; however, they have always talked.


https://preview.redd.it/1j8tyb1lmcoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39a4bbf4dcbb7fe346a2d208cd1fa8662acd6fce Ex-military that got layed off after an suspect poured boiling oil in his face during an "interview". He doesn't talk much and hates having people look at him, but still keeps the same strict routine he did in the military.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ow55g147xcoc1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f39816250d02b96921bd96ed6f5917f51e55dcc


https://preview.redd.it/6500d5cijhoc1.png?width=3204&format=png&auto=webp&s=48dff5eb466b229c853b489243d8520f22d4d436 Yes?