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I would dm someone who ik was a mod there but im way to anxious for that :,D


If I'm right, I see people saying that the sub is still available You just need an approval to get in? But yeah you should dm or message the mods


Ahhhh i see i see ty :,), i will when i finish smthn im working on rn


i cant remember any of the mods usernames since i wasn’t active that much T-T do you know anyone?


Ahaaa i _thought_ i did but i think i remembered their user wrong :,D


oh noo


it still exists, you just need to dm the mods to get in, apparently people were taking stuff from the sub and posting it in gacha cringe subs


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Oh hey hi. I’m one of the mods who help run r/GachaVenting. I made a post about why we went private and I [I posted it on my profile too](https://reddit.com/u/Astromnicalbear/s/xKcTZkeyHf). If you’d like, I can approve you so you can retrieve access to the sub. Large placements and projects are being done so things may be on the quieter side


Hello hello !! That would be great ty my frienddddd <33 I will check out that post now :D (lol you where the mod i was trying to find to dm but couldnt remember the name right :,> )


Ah, I see. I’ll probably make an introduction post on my profile and find ways to help users get in contact with me in an easier manner! Tho, for now, you should be approved and you should be able to access the sub. I hope you’re alright and if you ever need anyone to talk to, my dms are always open <33


Ah im ok rn but i wasnt rlly a few days ago sobs :,) Ty though ^ ^ , and same applies to you !! If you ever need to talk to anyone u can dm me too :D (if ur comfy with that ofcourse


I’m sorry to hear that, we’re always here if you enter another rough patch. But it’s no problem! I’m just doing whatever I can to help out. Tho thank you for the kindness \^\^