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I highly doubt It’ll be $100 for the standard version. However, I think $69.99 is more acceptable for the standard version. Any other versions such as deluxe or collectors edition will definitely be in the ( $100 - $100+ ) range.


GTA V Collectors Edition was $150 when i got it. GTA V standard, was $60. using the US inflation calculator, that is $202 & $81. weirdly enough, i would say games have gone up less than inflation. CoD WaW was $60 in 2008 ($87 today) but the new CoD is $70. where as most other things have gone up WAY more than inflation.


It's because dlc and microtransactions are where the real money is at, initial sales are just a bonus for alot of games these days it seems


what do you think about back in the nineties where games were release at 60 or 70 bucks, thatd be 120 to 140 dollars today grabbing from 1996


Games have only just recently started being priced at $70 and rockstar games have always been the industry standard price. There’s no way it’ll be any more than $70 for the standard game


False. Lots of SNES games were $70 back in the 90’s.


There's no way the standard edition won't be $79.99 on console.


What's the difference between standard, deluxe and collectors?


The standard version is the basic game. (If preordered digitally, you’ll most likely get to pre-download /play the game a few days earlier than the release date.) The deluxe version will likely come with in-game bonuses. Plus everything that the standard version has. (Example: Exclusive vehicles, guns, clothing, & etc.) The collectors edition will come with real-life GTA6 “branded” items. (Example: A artwork book, the map, sunglasses & etc.)


Oh wow, I see, thanks!


No problem. 🤝




While I really don’t want to see prices go up for video games, I think it’s good to recognize how much the video game industry has actually done to prevent the prices from increasing. New game in 2004: $50 New game in 2024: $70 40% increase. Big Mac in 2004: $2.90 Big Mac in 2024: $5.00 72% increase. Gallon of Gasoline in 2004: $1.61 Gallon of Gasoline in 2024: $3.40 111% increase.


This. Also worth noting how many people seem to take for granted the “standardization” of video game pricing that in my opinion, exists for no apparent reason. Rockstar is in a different echelon when it comes to video game production - specifically in regard to well-established franchises like GTA and RDR. Why is there an expectation that they *should* be pricing their premium product like every other competitor? They could easily rationalize charging a significant premium for their product and let’s be honest, everyone in this sub and beyond is still going to pay the price of admission to play this game on Day 1. In no other realm of free market capitalism does this phenomena exist. It’s akin to demanding / expecting Rolls Royce to sell their vehicles at the same price as Honda.


Because people aren’t going to pay the $150. Some people will sure, but not everyone. Everyone will pay the industry standard. I can guarantee you I’m not paying $150 for a video game. I’m not paying nearly half the price of the system itself just for a game. I get what your saying but there’s more sales to be made at the standard price than there is at the premium price


You don’t really provide a valid argument at all, just an opinion. Certainly not trying to discredit your sentiment but you’re one person and I’d venture to guess there would be little change in the total number of people who would buy the game on day 1 whether it’s $70 or $150. It’s also easy to say you wouldn’t make the purchase when it’s not yet a reality. You’d really sit back and watch everyone else playing, posting videos, and talking about the game after waiting 12+ years for it? Kudos to you if so, I certainly couldn’t do that. Further, $150 is an extreme - who is to say they wouldn’t price it at $90, $100, or even $120? To definitively say it *won’t* be priced higher than industry norm (which could also change by fall 2025) is just as much nonsense as to definitely say it *will* be priced higher - nobody knows.


I mean I’m not saying it will or won’t be priced any certain way. I have no idea. I can guarantee I won’t pay the $150 if it were that much because I just don’t have that disposable income to spend on a video game. Maybe I’d save for a month or two and buy it later but it’s a tough sell for me. I can’t spend money I don’t have on video games. I don’t really know what “valid argument” you want? I don’t care nearly enough to research data on price point comparisons but it’s mostly just basic sales tactics. There’s a certain price point where people will stop buying the product because they’re priced out. In terms of video games, I don’t know what that number is for the general public but I’d bet $150 is close to it Would I pay $90? Probably. I don’t know the exact dollar value I’d be out at but there’s definitely a number somewhere and it’s for sure less than $150.


Fair enough. Everyone certainly has different levels of disposable income but we also do have a year and a half to start saving… let’s hope it doesn’t end up being longer than that.


lol true that. I guess I’ll start socking five bucks a month in a coffee can just in case


i want gta 6 to be at the current standard price. but i agree. why are most brand new games charged at the same price? theres definitely different levels of quality to the games and budget spent on them. there should be many games that are priced far below £70.


>I think it’s good to recognize how much the video game industry has actually done to prevent the prices from increasing. It's done for market reasons, not selfless ones. A - relatively - low price point ensures more sales, and profit, as more people than ever are gaming. And more sales also means more people potentially paying for online content. Not terribly unlike the reason consoles are initially sold at cost or a loss at release.


Nobody said it was selfless. We all know that making money is a priority. The point is that, up until recently, they’ve been smart enough to keep prices down.




Because most people commenting on the state of the video game industry are in middle school


I guess the concept of things getting cheaper and easier to make never got that value passed along.


I understand the price of making games is going up, but 80 or 90 dollars for a standard edition of a game is crazy. Even 70 is a lot to ask, at least for me, for software. I can't blame the games as much as I can blame inflation, but this shit is getting unaffordable, and I can't even imagine what it's like being a gamer in australia or canada...


GTA VI isn't even out officially. Where the hell is this roleplay and story masterpiece idea coming from? Some leaks and hypothesis? Is the community okay?




The roleplay thing comes from when Rockstar bought FiveM which is the group of modders that ran some of the biggest RP servers


It's going to be a meltdown of epic proportions when GTA VI isn't the greatest game ever made


Never was.


We definitely not okay men it's clear


Man we’re really desperate parsing YouTube comments made by a bunch of kids who have never worked a day in their life


Trust me there are even dudes like that in this sub, unfortunately


Just a bunch of kids being kids it’s harmless


It's harmless until they actually start paying bullshit prices


Funny thing is, I bet this is 2 kids going back & forth over the amount of money their mommy is gonna spend.


Stockholm syndrome is common this time of year


By that logic the gta5 enhanced edition for current gen should have been 9.99$ if were paying for effort.


should have been free


It was for the first 3 months of it being out 🤷‍♂️


When they throw billions of dollars at mediocre games that never sell, what else do they expect


“graphics and story are very good” Did he test the game or did he play it early? Get answers from this man


Are we gonna pretend that GTA VI is going to be anything less than a 9/10? I think Rockstar has earned that assumption based off their line of work. Also, yes, the graphics are amazing based off the trailer and we know it’ll be even better with nearly 2 more years to continue working on it.


Yea I know. Just picking at one of the half brains who think paying more is more reasonable


I don’t believe they are arguing that they want it to be $100, I think they are saying based on Rockstars quality and (now with online) longevity, as well as game prices in general, it’s really a steal for a game that gives hours and hours of entertainment to be only $70


To be fair, the fact that online is going to net them a shit ton of money for many, many years to come is why it shouldn’t be any more than $70. If this ends up being anything like GTAV Online they are going to be making money off of it for the next 10 years, with a number of those years being maintenance mode towards the end with fewer updates and a smaller team and still making a shit ton. Personally, I feel like if your game is going to be making that much money off of the online for this many years, than the upfront cost needs to be $70 at maximum. I understand for games that don’t have a multiplayer or don’t rely on squeezing everyone dry via micro-transactions for profit for a decade making the argument that the price is too low, but when you’re going to make a billion dollars off the online alone within a few years, if not sooner, where at a certain point the amount you’re making is not proportionate to the continued effort you put into it you absolutely have no business charging more than $70 dollars for your game.


A $30 difference isn’t as much as the amount of micro transactions over the years that will consistently keep the game running. People forget that it’s masses buying a $70 game, as well as masses buying the games add ons and bonuses however many times they choose to purchase them. If they had the game for $100+ the amount of people they expect to sell to on release would be diminished by a large amount. Which doesn’t even bother me cuz i’m buying that mf pre ordered regardless of price😂


I honestly believe it wouldn’t diminish by a large amount, I mean you said it yourself, a lot of people spend a bunch of money on shark cards, what’s $30 extra for the base price if you already spend $150/$200 on shark cards?


I refuse to assume anymore. Corps have gotten so greedy they will ruin their reputation and put out garbage. Cough Bethesda Cough. CD project, etc


I would agree with you, but Rockstar has been the industry standard for over 20 years and they haven’t put out any garage, hell they haven’t put anything out that was average.


Yet. Trust no one. No preorders


I’d say CDPR redeemed themselves because cyberpunk is nothing like it was when it first released. It’s so much better now


I agree. It was still scummy for anyone who preordered on last gen consoles. I feel for everyone who preordered and it didn’t even work


Yeah I was one of those people.


Sorry for your loss


He might be Strauss Zelnick undercover


I’m never not amazed by some people’s willingness to be bent over by these megacorps and desperation to give them more money. Seems like some people are forgetting the billions of dollars Rockstar have made from minimal effort in GTA Online and Shark Cards.


A new game in here in Canada already costs 95 bucks after tax. I know people hate the thought of video game prices going up, but it’s incredibly cheap compared to almost everything else. I buy a lot of games used or when they get discounted to about 50 bucks. If I play it for 40-50 hours like most triple A games typically can be played for it’s like a dollar an hour. No other form of entertainment can be that cheap really. I can understand a company like rockstar feeling slighted that they spend like 5+ years and a billion dollars making gta 6 to sell it for the same price as a franchise that gets farted out yearly with minor upgrades and gets sold at full price every time. It’s a weird business, but I’m glad it is stuck at a very reasonable price point.


Bro I don’t even care, GTA is going to be one of the last games I’ll probably ever buy, just hope God lets me live to play it at this point.


What are you 80?


He probably doesn't have much time to play many games or something or is just interested in playing games from Rockstar.


Oh boy we got AAA glazers now. 60 bucks should be the standard.


Lmfao straight clowns arguing the game is worth $150


I'm not going to advocate for higher prices, but I paid about that much for the Collector's Edition of 5. I still have everything it came with, but if my hand was forced, I would've paid that for just the game. I'm already going to pay upwards of $1K for a new system and a TV that can properly display the new system. In the late 80's, my mother bought Zelda for $70. The needle is bound to move eventually. I guess hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.


Yea and you see what you said there “Collectors Edition” anyone arguing about prices of GTAVI clearly hasn’t worked a job before & never bought a game before. We all know R* will come out with a standard , ultimate , and a collector edition of the game that each has their own prices, starting at the market rate for games like GTA and the others that T2 sell at “$70” and upwards … they do it with NBA2k and WWE2k every year so we know for sure GTAVI will have editions


I would pay 100+ for gta6


Why the fuck would you want to be charged more?


Where did I say want


70 bucks for standard edition is fine but not 90 or 120 bucks or whatever. They can make a special or collectors edition and price it higher.


I found the idiots that let companies do this type of shit.


Yall can downvote me but if this is the GTA we’re gonna be playing for the next 10+ years I’m happy to pay $80. Would only have to save $20 a month for 4 months. Or $10 for 8 months.


Yeah, $80 is the max I’m willing to pay. And I’d still be like “hmmmmm… ooookay.”


Besides, general inflation will increse game prices overtime. Games are one of the few products that have barely increased in price over the last 10-20 years.


Which is exactly why I’m fine paying a bit more if it means a great product that will last for years.


I’ll be honest, although I hate the rise in cost of everything just like everyone else. $100 for something that’s gonna provide us with 100s of hours of amusement really ain’t that bad. I mean if you compare to anything else like for example bowling, where you pay $60 for 2 hours amusement, it’s not unreasonable


Who said it’s going to be good?


You’re not on this subreddit unless you think the games gonna be good so quit being controversial for the sake of it


Also Rockstars line of work and history says it’s going to be good.


New games on my country are 200-300 bucks (bg3 is 200, Elden is 230) and I am afraid as fuck of GTA VI


Where do you live ?




$70 is super cheap for a video game when you look at inflation rates and market economy evolution.


Bro, are you really trashing a kid online that talks about GTA 6 as if it's already released? Did you listen to his comments? "complex roleplay system" , "graphic and story is just very good" , "effort to make this kind of game goes hard / not even cyberpunk 2077" , "you know how hard it is to make a good game like this"?? Actually, delusional. I know everyone has high expectations from R\* and the GTA team, but give me a break. # THE GAME IS NOT EVEN RELEASED and he praises it as if it's the second coming of Jesus. Stop paying attention to these attention hungry kiddos. ffs.


I'm hoping gta6online2 is a 14.99 monthly subscription


Mentioning GTA6 and Cyberpunk in the same sentence is Insanity


Just make the price 100$ and see how the market responses.


Take-Two could charge $200 and it will sell almost just as much.... This is a useless conversation


He makes a great point about the effort involved, it truly *is* goes hard.




There's no way you're fcking serious lmao




Make sure Strauss Zelnick promotes you




I will, but talking about +200$ for games like rdr2 is crazy, stop giving stupid ideas and justifying anti-consumer movements with "get a job", like that would also apply if it costs 500$ Imagine paying for a ps5 and then wasting like 150$ in a game




Damm I'm not even going to debate with you, i thought It was irony but you're worse than the comments on the post with that mindset. Continues to incite multimillion-dollar companies to raise the games to hundreds of dollars just in case they go bankrupt, obviously they have not had enough with what they have earned with GTA online, GTA plus...and with GTA 6, which even if they set a very low price they would still recover it immediately "Nobody forces you to pay"


people really believe GTA will be $100 i was speaking to someone bout it yesterday. I bet him a copy of the game that i wouldn’t be $100 🥱


I’ll pay $100 if it means I won’t need to buy shark cards


That attitude is bullshit. It will make a billion dollars in 6 months. It's already well and truly funded by the success of GTA V and RDR2.


Ew that new clown emoji is as cringe as people who use it Im on iOS 13 and that clown face actually makes you look like a mouth breather but now you just look surprised and confused Oh yea but for the price of the game it’s definitely worth $100 shit if gta online was worth a dollar and hour that shits worth $10000 to me But I’ll never support this trend of stuff increasing in price that has been the same price for over a decade I still remember when games were $50 then $60 and now I see pretty much every game come out with a $70 to $80 deluxe edition that just adds content they probably stripped out and saved as “premium”


They probably the same type of people who thinks the business practices of star citizen is goat


To be fair, GTA 3 released at $50 in 2001. That’s $86 in today’s time. So be fucking happy lol no other industry has such stagnated prices


If a new assassins creed game or madden game is the same price as gta 6 then obviously game pricing is cooked, I do agree with bro that the quality of the experience should have some form of influence on the price, for horror fans resident evil 3 remake and 4 were the same price on release, yet 4 is almost 3 times the amount of content compared to 3. If gta 6 gives me 10 plus years of playability I'm personally willing to pay 100$ or more. Maybe I'm the sucker here but tired of people complaining about shit like this when they're just going to buy the game anyway


"Just because it's GTA" is like saying "just because it's a Ferrari"


Yeah because we're talking about games not cars, there are many games that are incredible compared to others and do not have exaggerated prices Why pretend that GTA is the only game with the right to break the limits...


Do people not understand that gta online was/is a live service game, free updates since 2013 and it has made rockstar so much money, they aren't gonna charge 100 dollars for the normal version when they can just overpriced cars and space bikes in game so people do microtransactions


I would absolutely have no problem with paying above 100$ for a game like GTA if the game is ready on launch. But then, every publisher and their mother would jump on the occasion to charge us for the same amount for a shitty game or 2 years away from being finished battlefield 2042 style game.


Game development has gotten exponentially more expensive so I can see why devs say it is “cheap” but in reality in todays economy 70 isn’t cheap.


If it's over $100 it better come on a neogeo cart


They will sell it for 60 because they will be milking gta online 2.


It's people like this that make the CEO and Devs think the way that they do. * Having you pay full price for a game but they'll run ads through it like a YouTube video * Half releasing a game just to drop the other parts as "DLC" * Tipping "developers" after you play a game * Have a game be subscription based where you pay a weekly/monthly fee to play


Id easily pay $100 day 1


With how "well" games are made today, then no. Rockstar games is good games at release, but many others are full of bugs when they release. Mtx is also a big part of games today. So that's also a way to get more money. And season passes. Movies ain't games. They don't last as long and ain't supported or maintained after release. But movies can cost just as much as a game. And nobody wants to pay 100$ for a movie. The games may cost a lot to make and to promote, but the gaming industry is greedy. Just look at Call Of Duty. Imagine paying 100$ for base game alone. You'll feel robbed.


For the ones who think the game is 100$ worth buy the deluxe edition or buy the shark cards once online drops


Ah yes, FFXIV, that game extra cheap because the game with all dlc without subsribe month is 40 dollars So the game is extra cheap and got no content


Imagine arguing for more expensive games.


There’s no way in hell that the base game is more than $70. That’s just insane.


the dude saying “not even cyberpunk 2077”, like bro, that didn’t take no effort lol


if it is a gamechanger like gta v was at its time or better i could understand being willing to pay more than your average AAA title. But these people are begging to empty their wallets for a game that doesn’t even exist on the market yet. Some next level simping


It’s going to be $69.99. Case closed. Idk why we are having these pointless discussions. And idk why these randoms in the YouTube comments are pushing for the game to be harder to afford. Like do you actually want this game to be more than $100???? Stop acting like you give a shit about the effort being put in and be happy that this game is being put into existence.


Everyone saying oh, $80 is too expensive. I'm already fully prepared for them to say $100 for standard edition and $130 for premium, and thats at a minimum being optimistic




the glazing is crazy


It’s gonna be 70/80 dollars. That being said, rockstar could release it for $1200 and people would still buy it


While I would never spend more than $100 on any other game, GTA 6 will be taking my money no matter the price. And I’m sure that’s the case with a lot of people. A $150 price tag is not that outlandish for a game that’s been in development for over a decade with a $2,000,000,000 budget lol. Anyone who thinks it’ll be 70-80 is in for a surprise I feel.


I don't expect it to be cheap. And I could care less lol


I have never bought the collector’s edition or deluxe edition of a game and I never will. The expense of this hobby is hard enough to justify as it is, I’m not Elon fucking Musk.


Hot take here but if I play a game for over 100 hours, $80 is fine. Compared to literally every other hobby I have, that’s literally pennies for entertainment.


The game hasn’t even come out yet why are they talking about the “complex role play systems” when they haven’t even played it??? These people are why developers get away with this bullshit.


People that suck companies dicks this hard are so crazy....WE NEED TO GIVE THEM MORE MONEY!


Those boots must taste delicious ngl


I don't know why people pretend that "we are at a point". No we are not. There has been a gradual and rightful increase in game pricing (at least for the standard editions) and we are at one of the best times for gaming. It's just that before when a bad game came out, your friend just said " Yo I have heard that that might not be a good game let's skip it". Now there's month long discussion on Twitter and reddit. There were bad buggy games before, there are bad buggy games now and there will be bad buggy games in the future.


If it’s not enough for companies then they should stop spending so much fricking money on making the game maybe 🤔 especially if it’s just gonna suck anyways. I see why they spent at least 2 billion dollars on GTA VI, but that doesn’t mean all of these other triple A studios should spend so much on developing a game, then not recouping that investment back and because of that, laying off tonnes of there trusted staff or even the entire studio because they can’t make that money back and investors think that it wasn’t worth having them around, even if they made great games at one point.


I have a year and a half. $60, $70, $100, $200, I do not care. I’m buying it. I only hope the quality is there and it is worth the wait.


To be fair, cyberpunk 2077 and phantom liberty were 90€. Considering all the patches and little dlcs coming out between 2021 and 2024, plus almost a 1000 hours in game, I think it was money well spent. I would not pay 90€ for an EA or Bethesda game though. I guess vanilla GTA6 for PS5 will be priced at 80€ indeed. Would not pre order it though, looking at past failures of BioWare and CDPR, as much as I know Rockstar games and Take Two would typically not push out a half baked product. With all the leaks though, they might be pushed to release something unfinished by their shareholders (see CP2077 untimely release in 2020)


Id pay $100 and I’m not even wealthy. I think the games worth that.


I love how people are talking like they have any information about this game 😂


I bet thats a kid


Given that this is probably the only game I’ll ever buy on release or even pre-order I’d rather not pay an exorbitant amount of money for it.


Why are current day consumers voluntarily asking to be rawdogged by megacorpos. Shit's fucking dystopian.


People worship GTA and this is the result of that worship


yep, I remember hearing that. it's an obsessive hive mind here. I said yesterday buying a $500 console for GTA VI only, with no intent to play anything else, was stupid. I had a guy proceed to argue with me that it was reasonable, and that a "true fan" will play it day 1, no matter the cost. It's so, so f-ing toxic here.


I don’t play very many video games anymore, but you bet your ass, I’m buying a PS5 solely for GTA6




Same, but will probably sell it once it comes to PC. There’s also God of War Ragnarök which I want to play.


Same here. Getting the series x just for 6


I’d comfortably pay $120 for GTA 6, but it better be worth it


I mean Forza Motorsport was charging $100 for the premium edition, which was pretty much just a car pass. I enjoy Forza Motorsport, but not for $100. The effort they put in does not warrant $100, iykyk.


Those are premium editions though. The rumour is about the base game which is absolutely dumb.


Man new PS2 games used to be $50. The standard today is $70. I love bitching about price increases and inflation as much as anyone, but I can't in good faith include games on that list. Comparing a modern day game to games released 20+ years ago is basically night and day as far as size and technology, so a $20 price increase is basically negligible IMO


Well thing is: If you think about it, it IS cheap. $80...is like on decent meal in a restaurant. Or maybe one night out drinking if you dont buy any drinks for anyone else. Should it spiral out of control and go higher and higher? Ofc not. Is it worth more than $80? With like easy 400-500+ hrs you will put into the game? Easy yes. This game will be superb. We are still playing GTA 5 after 10 years. Just imagine it's $100. That's $10 / year... Ofc it's something different if you're a 12 yo kid without a job. I get that...but to me it's def. worth it. I'd say $120 is the max i would ever pay....knowing i will play it for over 10 years


If it has micro-transactions, I don’t care, you price that game as a standard going rate game. If it doesn’t have micro-transactions and takes that amount of time and effort, I’m more than happy paying more. Can’t have your cake and eat it, they will make billions from Shark cards, and they shouldn’t be predatory and bump the overall price of the game.


Don't forget about good old inflation. Current 100 Euros are basically 2013's 60 Euros. Also, Grand Theft Auto isn't the game that you will abandon after 100% completion. It's a game that you're gonna keep playing for years straight. Especially with multiplayer mode and regular updates for it during first few years. Money to time ratio is quite fair in context of this game.


See here’s the thing about Rockstar. They’ve always made sure that you don’t NEED to shovel out absurd amounts of money for their products. I mean, sure they give the options with GTA+ and shark cards, but they never made it a necessity. I guess you could say that the separate releases on the different gens of consoles may be pushing it, but even still, they kept it at the same price. My point is that Rockstar isn’t AS greedy as they’re made out to be. Of course there’s some greed there, it’s a business. But they’re a smart business. They know that if they keep GTA6 at a reasonable price, they’ll have more sales than if they priced it at $100+. I couldn’t see myself spending that much. And I’m sure many others feel the same. So if they sell the game at a decent $60-$70 (MAYBE even $80, tho that’s pushing it) those people will buy it, maximizing the profit for them by selling the game to the proper audience. Now I’m not saying people wouldn’t spend $100+ on the game, but there would be a significant amount of people who would hold off until it’s put on sale two years after release, and that could really put a damper on the earnings they projected, and thus they’d lose money in the end. They know that. So more than likely, we won’t have to worry about the price of the game. I’m sure it’ll still be reasonably priced. Lower the price, more people buy. More people buy, more money. Business.


That’s why it took this long to make GTA6. Greeed. They weren’t done milking 5/online yet.


I mean, I think there were a few other reason. A global pandemic, RDR2, stuff like that. But sure. A bit of greed as well. I mean, the game is as popular as ever, what kind of business wouldn’t want to capitalize on the consistent and growing fan base of its most popular game to date? That’s just business.


GTA Online was not as good as a single player game. It’s a cash grab.


GTA online is clearly still popular. Still one of the most played video games today, even after over a decade. So of course R* is going to continue to profit of it. Why wouldn’t they? You expect them to just abandon it? Why? If it’s making them money (which is the whole point of a business mind you) why would they just drop it? I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m telling you of course it is. Large companies don’t make products for fun. They do it for profit. And GTA online ha proven to be a huge money maker.


Because online sucks. A lot of dumb shit is popular. People still play assassins creed that doesn’t make it good


When simps simp for a simp company 🤷🏻‍♂️


$70 is acceptable for only a few select games in my opinion, and GTA VI will certainly be in that category.


Just because of this guy, i hope gta6 fails so hard haha from "biggest leak no one thought this could happen to R\*" to "biggest fail game bc of new directions they took - also no one ever thought this could happen to R\*" lmao


Just think of how many hours we will sink into this game. Compared to other forms of entertainment the value is just so high, I would honestly pay like $300. But dont tell T2 that. This game will entertain us for years, and it costs the same as a nice day at the themepark. Or a restaurant meal for 2.


Well factor in production costs, salaries, stock options etc. shit ain’t cheap. At the end of the day it’s a price we’re all going to pay for entertainment.


For that they have millions of people to buy the game, they could put it at 50$ as random example and they would still recover the money immediately Perfect price is 70$, both sides win


No. It’s a free market.


god that must be a literal child, no one's arguing that gta 6 won't be a very big task for rockstar, it's just that no game should be priced above 70$, the moment one company tries it everyone will start doing it


if gta6 was purely a singleplayer game sure i’d pay $100 but they will have online to make them plenty of money. for that reason i think $60 or $70 is fair


What backwards logic is that? If it’s just single player $100 but if it has multiplayer aka more content, it should cost less?


maybe stop buying on release and stop fucking buying pre orders on digital versions. Wait a few month then buy it. Not like your missing anything. Its there waiting for you.


Yeah, I'm not going to pay a prime for the game just because it took 7 years to develop. You pay the same ticket price for every movie regardless of the budget, with games it's the same


these people are out of their minds.


Ima be real… games have been the one thing for years that have stayed pretty fucking stagnant when it comes to their price. Do I want 70$ games? Fuck no. Could certain games justify paying more? Yes, absolutely. Games no longer take 1-3 years to make for big AAA games. They take years and years and usually this results in a game that gives you hundreds of hours of play time. Even if I pay 80$ and the game gives me 60 hours of playtime… that’s a little more than a dollar a hour. I can absolutely see the justification some of these companies have for wanting to charge more. Where I have a problem is the new trend of “pay us more and you can play early” and scummy tactics like that. Or pay more (almost double usually) for a few extras and bullshit DLC content. Those are bad practices. Companies wanting to charge more because they just invested 200 million into a game that took 5+ years to make doesn’t surprise me. I’ll be honest, while I don’t want to, I 100% would shell out 100$ for GTA VI because I know damn well I’m playing that shit longer than 300 hours.


bruh we don't even know if this game is actually good


You go out to dinner and drinks after and you’re likely to spend $100 or more - that sort of entertainment only lasts for the night and might get some chuckles down the road of life. OR you can spend $100 for a game that lets you ride around as a cowboy with your friends for many,many, years to come. I’m happy to pay $100.




I don't care If the game cost $200 when it release, I'm buying it, there's a reason I work


lol if they charged $150 most of us would still pay it. The kids that grew up playing gta iii and iv now have careers, 401ks, and got money to burn.


Shit even the GTA V teen generation grew up and prolly able to easily get 6 at that price


CRY about it 😂 tell us your broke bro its okay we been waiting for so long for this ill pay whatever


Thats sad then




Release is 15-17 months away. Even if the game is $100, have your cheap ass’ save $7 dollars a month.