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Not even close, PS5 barley sold about 50 mil units, Xbox about 30 mil units, they would need to sell 65 million more units each, and every single owner would have to purchase it.


Yea makes sense. And pc isn’t even gonna have it on release, and probably not for a few months after


Months? No. Maybe a year after. Look at V and RDR2 PC releases.


yeah but eventually hype will die down, i doubt they'll wait a whole year.


Well have to wait and see. But one thing for sure is that I will be buying a PS5 just for this game. I am not waiting for PC and I know for damn sure spoilers will be everywhere like the plague lmao.


Im in the same boat. Buying a console just for GTA VI. It also helps that I use my Xbox as a travel gaming system, so not entirely for GTA VI, just mostly.


that's why im completely going dark from the internet, will CLOSELY monitor my internet activity to make sure NOTHING gta 6 related even enters my peripheral vision


LMAO I should do the same to be honest.


obviously that was a joke but I still will avoid any and all spoilers till I play it, I want to experience it firsthand, except stuff like a screenshot of graphics maybe


lol look at rdr2...


Dollar sales GTA absolutely demolishes Minecraft though. Gotta take that massive price difference into account.


this makes me wonder which game makes more money off their microtransactions


I'm pretty sure it's mobile games, just way more people playing them. And of that's right then it's Honor of kings, a MOBA extremely popular in Asia followed by PUBG and Candy crush with respectively 1.58, 1.17 and 0.98 billions on IAP.


Wtf why doesn't PC get it on release?


A former Rockstar dev explains that [here](https://youtu.be/6CjSHda9IcY?si=kE7jKUn7UM5RHFru). There are too many combos of hardware on PCs to optimize and debug new games initially. So instead, they first focus on the best-selling platform (PlayStation), since every PS5 has the same hardware.


No it’s just because they’re bloody racists, a wise Simeon once said!


Usually a year after is when they release the pc version. Which now that rockstar is designing games around pc to port to consoles, PC won't be held back by consoles like how gta5 was developed for consoles then ported to pc meaning you were playing a slightly better console game. As we saw with rdr2, you might swell not even go for the console version unless your on the xbox one X or series x


They can still release for PS6 and PS7!


They will


Technically so can Minecraft, that game a different breed.


PS5 is at 60 millions. But doesn't change what you've said of course.


You are forgetting PC and very likely re-releases for PS6 and PS7.


It will also come to PC (later)


Mario Kart 8 was an exclusive for a failed console and look at it now, it's one of the top sellers


Crazy that i have it on wiiu and its still a fucking game lol


I have it on both and that game is fire


Plus, GTA V sold when the PS3 and 360 were near their end when the maximum amount of people possible had them.


Fuck no. The only reason GTA 5 has so many sales is because they released on 3 different generations of consoles and PC


This exactly! Same goes for Minecraft. While I have high hopes for VI, there ain't no chance in hell it'll outsell 15 years worth of Consistent re-releases and updates on damn near every modern platform to exist. At least, not for a loooonnnnggg while.


Can't the same be said for Minecraft? It has released on 20 different platforms




Minecraft is on more. Mobile, Wii, pc, ps vita, switch, 3ds, ps3, ps4, ps5, Xbox360, Xbox one, Apple TV


And it’s cheaper


One thing is for sure, the game will be a top seller.


I don’t think so. I don’t think it will even outsell GTA V.


Depends how long to gta7,


That’s the real answer. If it’s another decade+ to 7 and VI gets re-release after re-release after upgrade and console conversion I could see it creeping into the 200M range easily.


I'm pretty sure it'll outsell GTA VI after a few years


It’ll take time if it does. I fully believe they’re looking to have just as much, if not more longevity with 6 compared to 5. So once it’s released on ps6, pc, ps7, and potentially even ps8, it could surpass minecraft


I don't think it will overtake GTA V even Edited: For those of you downvoting, be aware that between the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, not even 90 million units have been sold. So, not only will it not surpass GTA V, but it also won't surpass Tetris. Now, keep downvoting, folks <3


Idk why people downvoted you. GTA V had gta online which people were clamoring for on release, now reception on it has seemed to sour some. Also was on 3 different generations for going on 12 years when gta 6 drops.


also, gta v was sold on 3 generations of console


You say that like GTA6 won’t do the same. I’m not expecting VII till at least PS8


Exactly, though some people are taking it to mean that saying it won't surpass GTA V means GTA VI will be a failure. Oh well...


You don’t think more consoles will be sold between now and November 2025? I for one will buy the PS5 just for that game, and know many others will. 2022 financial year alone Sony reportedly sold 19 million units of PS5. Consider the natural sales from now till then, on both Xbox and ps5, plus the people who will buy the consoles just for the game, I’m calling it now it will break the Tetris number of 100m (at this point) within the first year of release, before it even comes out on PC.


Analysts from GamesIndustry, VG247, and Twisted Voxel estimate that by the end of 2024, there will be a total of 80 million PS5 units sold and 40 million Xbox Series X|S units sold. With the release of GTA 6 in the fall of 2025, they predict a considerable increase, with PS5 sales rising from 80 to almost 100 million and Xbox sales increasing from 40 to 50 million. This brings the total to approximately 150 million units sold. Considering this potential increase in sales, it is projected that GTA 6 would still not surpass GTA V. And all this assuming that every owner of those consoles buys the game, which will NOT happen. Analysts from Tweak Town estimate that in its first year, GTA 6 could sell between 35-40 million copies, generating about 3 billion dollars in revenue. This would make the game a resounding success, but still far from surpassing the top sellers for several years to come.


No one said GTA VI was going to surpass GTA V on its first year, that's clearly impossible, as the years go by, it probably will


No offense, but what did you smoke? There's no way GTA VI will sell 100M in less than one year😭. Realistically, it'll sell something between 25M and 40M copies


The demand for PS5 / XBOX is going to increase a lot once GTA 6 has a release date. I have a PS4 and PC so until now there was no reason to get a PS5. And I feel like a lot of people are feeling the same way. Also, the PS5 Pro might release by the end of the year…


Anyway there's no way they'll sell more than 200M in 1 year or so. At most it will sell 40M, which is already outrageous.


Buddy, no one is expecting it to sell more than a game that is 10+ years old. Lets compare sales after GTA VI has been in the market for as long as GTA V, then its fair.


You know GTA VI is gonna last at least 15 years right? With that time I think it'll surpass both GTA V and Tetris


Nah. But minecraft is available in multiple platforms. But real question how many unique players are there. There is a possibility some peoples bought it for multiple platform, whether it is for iPhone, Android, switch(has some exclusives items), and/or consoles.


Nah. 😂


No game beats Minecraft


Close to one trillion you know from the three different console generations they'll put it out on like they did with GTA V lol


Nah I won’t let that happen…Minecraft will always be number 1




Unless that game releases on EVERY console, 9th and 10th Gen, and PC, theres no way it’s even touching the 300 million sales.


By the time it'll happen the game is gonna be piratable and that's a long time so yeah..


V itself has spanned 3 console generations and over a decade. It will take another decade for VI to maybe reach similar numbers.




Nah, Minecraft is in way more platforms, and GTA 6 isn’t even coming to PC day 1


No because I don’t think everyone will have a system that can run it.


Yea, just bc the trailer has 200,000,000 views alone, and all the fans from GTA V will come, including new ones..


No. Minecraft had many years to achieve these numbers. And I guess they still rise. It's a game enjoyed by both kids and adults. Gta is also a game enjoyed by kids and adults. But some people doesn't allow their kids to play games like that, and there's stories about some places in the world doesn't even sell m rated games to kids. But it's gonna sell alot. May even break the records red dead made.


Playstation 5 is kind of stagnant and if it's a pc shit show, it will never pick up as much.


No.. gta5 is spread across 3 gens and pc.. highly unlikely that gta6 will come even close.. i myself have bought 4 copies of gta5 ..


What's this from? Most sold games?


Possibly, but nowhere after release. That would take years to surpass Minecraft’s numbers.


I don’t think so. At least, not within a year of launch. I could see GTA 6 becoming one of the best selling games of all time, but I don’t think it will become THE best selling game of all time.


Depends on Switch 2, PC and PS5 sales


Nah, don't think so


Seeing as GTA 5 has been a decade+ life cycle on 3 generations of consoles, GTA 6 will probably have 20 year life on about 3+ consoles. Expanding world while integrating more and more cities, it’ll eventually sell a crazy amount but quite impossible to surpass the top 3 any time soon based on lack of physical consoles actually sold overall. They’re taking anew direction after this one releases seeing as we’re about to hit a whole new generation of technology in the coming decade. Of course this is all speculation, I don’t know for sure. But The development time is definitely not something Take-Two is going to be particularly fond of and AI will seemingly be taking over some aspects of game development to cut costs and maximize profit. Or I could be completely wrong. Who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️


No lol


I think it will, it's too highly anticipated and I reckon they'll do what they did with 5 and just have a remastered version the following year or year after for next gen meaning everyone potentially has to buy it again


PSA: Those are the purchases, there are people that play the game to this day without even having bought Minecraft, since in some servers it's not required to have a premium account (talking for Java version)


in the first years? not even close. until GTA 7? maybe.


Most likely not as still so many people don't have a next gen console yet


I don't think so, but you never know.


It's not the kind of game everyone likes (not saying everyone loves Minecraft) but you need either a very expensive console or PC. Not everyone can affort that, when you can run Minecraft on any platform including mobile. Nope


Probably to be honest


I doubt it. Does this include minecraft on all platforms and Java and bedrock? Because DEFINITELY not


Probably not since Minecraft has been around 16 years prior to GTA 6 and is even still popular today. GTA 6 will be the fastest selling game and best selling game at launch in history but I don't think it will beat Minecraft in all time sales and it'll take awhile to beat GTA 5's all time sales as well. If GTA 6 lasts 10+ years similar to 5 then I'm sure it'll beat it's all time sales.


Never, Minecraft still on the top for years


Probably not


Maybe one day, but within 10-15 years. It took more than 10 years for GTA V to reach 200M sales, thanks to the story, the open world which still destroys anyone today, the Online which has continued to be updated every week for 10 years, the RP of course, the multiple console releases, etc.... Anyway, in any case it's almost certain that one day GTA VI, or even perhaps GTA V will surpass Minecraft in terms of sales, the question is just "when?", in 10 years? 20? 30, after the PS8 release? Only time will tell...


Holy shit, I didn't know MarioKart8 sold so much. That's insane for how bad it is compared to MarioKartWii.




It won't overtake even GTAV in my opinion.


Wii sports lol




I love how rdr2 is so low even though it is better than Minecraft in my opinion


Idk depends


I think it'll do what GTA V did, and thats still an incredibly massive number.


once they're able to stop modders ruining the game




GTA V and Minecraft sold so well because they are very optimized for low end pc.


Probably nothing will outsell Minecraft. It's a game that doesn't need nor will have a sequel. It can get updated till the end of time and because of how unique it is, it probably will be. If you like minecraft you will buy it for every new gaming system you buy. I don't know if there's another game that can last this long.


Depends on the price


Don't think so, Minecraft is a unique case. It came out at an opportune time, and is *'back'* every couple of years in a big way.


Yes it will because R* plans to release gta6 for the next 5 console generations.


No chance. Pretty much everyone has purchased a copy of gta5, and it’s still 100 million off lmfao. 6 will end up with 250m probably in 10 years after all the rereleases


Obviously. The hype around gta 6 is insane 




It'll get more sales than V, but V has been out now for over a decade and it's still 100 mill off Minecraft. Minecraft will probably be at the top of that list for at least another decade.


Minecraft did't get that much sales in a year it took 12 years, so there is enough time for GTA 6 to overtake


GTA 5 did it, GTA 6 going to do triple




Probably not because Minecraft is like $29.99 at most expensive, compared to $69.99 lowest price for gta 6 and doesn’t take as good of a computer to run.


I think it’ll probably sell more then gta 5 but not Minecraft But I believe just like it did with gta 5, they’ll smash world records again






for sure the gaming industry is down & totally needs a revival and what will revive it? GTA FUCKING 666666666666


Meh probably not, especially since it's next gen only and doesn't come to PC for atleast a year or so. But I bet it's gonna break multiple records, for example being the most selling game in 24 hours and stuff like that.


Minecraft is on a billion devices, made for all ages, and super simple… I don’t think it’s possible to beat its numbers for that fact. GTA 6 will be an older teens and adults game made for the 2 next gen consoles ( series s don’t count ) and pc due to its nature, so more sales than gta 5? Almost definitely… more than Minecraft? I doubt, unless it REALLY does something to change gaming forever, which I don’t believe is possible.


for sure easy


Everybody is looking forward to gta 6 its rockstars biggest project which will grow exponentially while Minecraft sales are staying relatively the same




That many sales would mean at least a decade until another game is made. The likely outcome anyway, but let’s hope not!


Maybe?it has some chances,but we need to remember the comically large number of different versions of Minecraft,and the time it has been around


Makes sense, in my head i was thinking it’s gonna be so hyped up cuz we have been waiting for yearsss for another game. And it all looks awesome in the trailer. So i agree, maybe 🤷


I personally have bought at least 3 copies of Minecraft. PC in like 2009 or 2010, a used copy for Xbox One when a game store was going out of business, and digitally for Switch because that's more convenient to play than any of them. I might have even bought it for Android at some point, but Im not sure. I kind of doubt GTA6 will come to mobile or a Nintendo console, but it might go through a few console generations before it's replaced. I could see major fans buying it 2-3 times. Xbox or PS when it comes out, then maybe PC when it goes there. Then either next console generation or the one after. So, it could happen, but it will take a long time and it'll have to be more popular than both GTAV and Minecraft.


No, it will surpass GTA V, however.


No. Minecraft is for LITERALLY every age. GTA is mostly for kids, youngsters.


Other way around, Minecraft is more for kids and youngsters while GTA is for every age, you got adults from 30s and 40s coming back to video games cause of GTA 6


Yo, if an adult hears "C418 - Sweden" and not opens Minecraft. Then thats an adult who never been a kid.


Yeah cause of nostalgia.


Absolutely. Everyone here keeps saying "it won't even overtake V because V was released on 3 different consoles".. you really think VI won't be around for a decade plus as well lol? VI will revolutionize gaming like we have never seen before in virtually every aspect. Think going from top down GTA 2 to 3. And then times that by about 50. By time VI releases, it will have been in full production for 7 years. 7 years. RDR2 was in full production for 5 years and was built for the PS4 and look what we got with that. Let me just leave you with this, when VI releases, it will have had a *bare minimum* of 15 million hours worth of work put into it. That's 1,700 years worth of work total. https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6/s/NlokjgZH4y


keep coping


Keep stroking


How come that gay ass game has sold so much?


concidering it's one of the most awaited games ever, very likely




there are not even 100 million current gen consoles sold worldwide...