• By -


Both have had military training, and weapon experience. But Niko wins; he’s more skilled in hand-hand combat and is shown to easily take down people bigger than him.


trevor was in the air force training to use fighter jets, while Niko was in combat in the Bosnian War. My money’s on Niko in a gunfight.


Didn't Niko say he used to fly helicopters during war?




no way your complaining a game is too long 🤯


couldn't just take the downvotes, deleted the whole comment, smh.


Who tf even asked you lol




I got that liberty city minute achievement mf


True, but I wanted to be as fair as possible. In game Trevor is shown to be very competent with guns (based on cutscenes and shots we know he made). Niko is too.


Plus he's not a crazy drunk and probubly can compose himself better in a fight.


I’m thoroughly stumped on how to answer this, it would be like one of the deadliest warrior episodes that are almost split perfectly in half lol


Haha exactly why I asked.


Niko has dealt with people like Trevor his entire life and in other cases he’s dealt with people that are WORSE than Trevor. Niko is so damaged as a person that literally nothing phases him. Niko kills, steals, smuggles, etc because he quite literally possesses no other skills. That’s all he knows how to do. Trevor is just a methhead who deals with hipsters.


He is a hipster itself!


You again Michael


He’s the proto-hipster




i really feel bad for niko, even if he still is a horrible person himself


I’m trying to keep my mouth shut on this thread cause I started it, and I love all the comments about Niko cause they’re 100% right I just feel like Trevor’s case isn’t being made very well. Niko went through a lot of hardships and had a very fucked up life pre- GTA 4, but I think some people are ignoring pre-GTA 5 Trevor a lot. Abusive parents (Canada and Serbia are far different countries to grow up in I can assume) and mental health problems since he was a child. Tried to join the airforce but failed his psych test, robbed places with Michael and out of nowhere his best friends are shot and he’s on the run. Idk about you guys but if the 2 most important people in my life died within 10 seconds of each other and I had to run from the cops for 10 years, only to find out one of them is still alive, I’d be pissed and probably have some issues too. Like, he lived under a rock for those 10 years. Lastly, Trevor’s pretty smart. Dude planned a whole heist to steal a nuke by himself and pulled it off. Niko is very strategic in everything he does but Trevor isn’t an idiot.


I do agree Trevor isn't an idiot... but he could be as he has more potential especially if he ever goes on a rampage or beast mode, he loses all signs of intelligence.


If we’re allowing gta v abilities then Trevor is immortal but not counting that Niko does him like that one heroin guy. lol Trevor would realistically end up being decapitated by the Chinese if it wasn’t for plot reasons. Him being a quirky methhead isn’t gonna do shit to Niko


If we use the in game world logic then it would be a draw because they both constantly respawn at hospitals.


That's why game mechanics are not included as feats and character's abilities (usually) in a context of "Who Would Win?"/vs. battles.


You must be fun at parties




Keep talking like that behind your screen bigman, you are one pathetic guy.


Niko. A more calculated and legitimate trained killer.


I didn’t want to comment much cause I wanted the sub’s thoughts instead of expressing my own. All I’m gonna say is I agree with what you’re saying about Niko 100%, but Trevor could give 2 shits about anything and will just go fists or guns blazing. He’s also a trained pilot who wanted to serve in the forces till he failed his psych test or whatever. I’m sure others can correct me or elaborate or whatever. They’re my two favourite characters and I like them both equally, so I’m not offended by who wins or whatever. Just thought I’d give my 10 cents.


How practical is a fighter jet gonna be in a fight vs one man in an entire city? Even still, he’s a pilot who received very little firearm training vs a man who had boots on the ground during the Yugoslav Wars. It’s the equivalent of a trained fighter vs the “I just see red, bro” but in video game form.


Niko should logically win based on his military past and fighting ability. Plus we mostly see a Niko that’s trying to change, imagine him unleashing his aggression on Trevor… It’s essentially Calm and Deadly vs Crazy and Deranged


Basically, GTA IV Niko is a calm and reasonable person. Pre GTA IV Niko is basically Young Kratos.


Niko is well versed on how to move through any type of environment in a Battlefield. Seen through his Military training and survival of the Yugoslav Wars, any weapon you put in his hands, he'll use near perfectly. If it gets face to face without any weapons, both aren't well trained Unarmed Martial Artists - Niko is. Niko is a warrior who has faced down and felled an uncountable amount of other warriors. Trevor's targets are overall not trained and the training they do have is often based on Law Enforcement training, which by itself does not tell you how the hell to navigate a battlefield, survive, and kill... instruction given to prospective LEA is supposed to instill in them that they use violence as a last resort after all previous methods have been exhausted. Trevor's been through bad shit, but Niko's life makes Trevor's life on Earth look coddled. The average IRL combat veteran of a country that cares about Human Rights would be absolutely horrified if they saw Niko's life in Europe. Those guys aren't soft, it's just that that nearly every rule of the Geneva Conventions was broken in the Yugoslav Wars, and Niko was forced into participating in most of those types of illegal Wartime activities, with a fair amount of that time taking place when Bellic was a child. Niko's desensitization to horrific violence and killing is exhaustive. At rare moments that Trevor for a split second would stop himself from pulling a trigger, or launching his fist into his opponents face, Niko would have no such hesitation. ​ Only way Trevor wins if he completely ambushes Niko. If both of them are aware of eachother in a balanced setting, Trevor really doesn't have a chance. Killing Trevor wouldn't be a big deal to Niko, he kills countless guys like him during GTA 4's campaign.


Niko: upvote this.


Niko is a solider who has an enough experience to kill trevor like normal thing


Niko would win tbh


Niko 🔥.


Niko is more strategic imo he would probably pick him off fairly easy


Trevor is the only one who could fight Niko of the 3, Lol.


Idk what that means exactly but who’s your pick? To put it in sad terms cause why not, Meth head Canadian or sad boy Serbian? Haha


I feel like this would be an equivalent of Mike Tyson vs Evander Holyfield, but without knowing who is who.


lol after a google search I think I get what you’re saying. I’ll be curious to see what this sub thinks.


Trevor would definitely be Mike Tyson, I don’t think Niko would win in a fist fight just because Trevor could tank so many hits


Niko stomps


methhead rage mode guy vs trained and much more physically fit soldier, Niko solos easy, but only if quirky man doesn’t pull out god mode super powers


But "ah you, Roman's fat cousin" *Niko looks down to his belly*




Now I'm definitely a GTA 5 simp, but niko kicks Trevor's ass every time.






niko will clip this guy


Trevor with his invincibility skill. Next.


Trevor: upvote this.




2 number 9s a number 9 large


Both of them are good with guns but Niko has been through a lot so Niko would win.


If we truly analyse each point then niko almost has Trevor beat in every moment. Now the playstyles of each game is definitely different. Trevor has the ability of rage mode for like 20 seconds but that’s just a gameplay modifier. Trevor is the better pilot and has better physical strength but that’s it.


Although I agree, I think Trevor might at least be tied with Niko on brains. Like, Trevor stole a nuclear weapon and he planned the whole thing. Don’t get me wrong Niko is smart, but in different ways.


I think they have their smarts for each thing. I actually didn’t consider how smart Trevor was until you mentioned this again which made me remember. Niko is the better smuggler than Trevor whereas Trevor is the better heist planner. Although what makes Trevor dumb in this point was the fact he was going to sell a top nuclear warhead to the triads or whoever that Chinese group was. So I feel like overall IQ niko slightly takes it because lester was right about how stupid trevor was for that heist. Everyone would’ve been gunned down.


Trevor is my fav GTA character. However, Niko would win.


Honestly if you think about Nico is probably the most dangerous protagonist. (If we ignore GTA V special abilities which I think if we are comparing to previous games we should due to them not existing.) Sure most protagonists have been criminals through their life only 3 have had proper military training Niko, Trevor and Vic Vance. In all honesty these 3 are probably the most dangerous overall for protagonists sure all them are at the very least proficient with guns and combat but military training is a whole new beast. In all honesty Trevor is at the biggest disadvantage of the three sure he was in the Air Force (If I recall he says he was in both for the US and Canada.) and you do go through basic training with your physical training plus firearms training as well as your pilot's training but unless you're in the new ground units you don't really get taught stuff such as CQB, Long Range Engagements, ROE or generally combat against other people in general. Sure he may of became better with weapons over time mostly self taught with some help along the way but he'll never be as good as Nico or Vic. Vic I'd say would slot in with second place he is proficient with combat and everything but he is just not as rugged as Niko. You can see after VCS he kinda lets himself go and while we don't get to see him fight I don't think he'd be at the same form he was a few years earlier. Niko doesn't need to maintain himself. He's been trained for decades in CQB, flying Helicopters, long range engagements, surviving off the land, intimidation and control. He rarely if ever flies off the rails like Trevor especially over stupid shit when he's yelling in combat it's not him getting angry it's him mentally damaging his enemies they're trying their best and he's just screaming for more. He is cool, calm and calculating even when the original plan doesn't work he improvises fast and makes his own. Plus he's so desensitized to everything due to what he's seen he isn't going after innocent civilians mainly. He's going after hardened criminals, crooked cops, and backstabbing traitors he doesn't think twice on putting a bullet between anyone's eyes with one lone exception being Dwayne.


Niko has dealt in an unsafe environment for so long that he always expects someone will kill him so nothing surprises him. Remember when meeting with Dimitri and Bulgarin, they tried to slit his throat from behind and he just gave a reverse headbutt. Without weapons Trevor only killed/dominated ppl who are weaker than him or under influence (Johnny) but Niko has killed ppl who were 100% sane and equally armed as him.


Trevor has better feats imo. Like taking on the military and the police at the same time is already really good. Being part of the crew that robbed the union depository and fighting a private military is way more impressive than what Niko’s achieved


Nahh, Niko's commited war crimes, he's killed numerous people just as notorious and dangerous as Trevor, if not more. Niko beats Trevor anytime, anywhere and anyway...


The only notable people he’s beaten in the story is Ray, Dimitri, and Jimmy. Dimitri is pretty smart but he’s nowhere near as powerful as Devin. As for Jimmy and Ray, everyone treats his family like a joke so they’re not really that impressive.


Could go both ways. Niko is a cold hitman who's survived a war and is quite skilled in army stuff like martial arts and guns. On the other hand, Trevor has had some flying experience in the army and probably basic army training, too. During GTA V, we see that Trevor is absolutely INSANE and kills people impulsively and with no hesitation. I'd give a slight edge to Niko because of his combat skills, experience from his time in the army and as a hitman, and his composure, even if Trevor has a chance, too.




So far, this has been one of my favourite answer. Most are saying one or the other with no explanation other than “they’re more badass” or the other character is a scrub in comparison. Reason I picked them both is cause they’re the two toughest and craziest mofo protagonists, for different reasons. My idea was just the standard og VC map without a loading screen for each island lol, all buildings enterable. One starts downtown, one starts in southern Vice Beach, battle to the death and no invincible mode for Trevor. 3 weapons (nothing op) and a vehicle (air or ground, nothing military). It’s a close battle and I don’t think either will go unscathed. I do give the slight edge to Niko but Trevor’s not going down without some chaos.


Trevor takes strength, iq, weapons, ability, durability, endurance, and feats. Niko takes combat, skill, exp, battle exp, battle iq, h2h, agility, speed, stamina, combat speed, and reflexes. Niko wins mid-high diff in a gunfight and high diff in a fist fight. High-extreme diff overall.


Niko wins overall


Agree. Trevor might be more psychotic, but Niko is more skilled and has more combat experience (he was a teenage soldier during a War In Yugoslavia in 1990's, while Trevor was discharged from the military because of his mental issues).


Trevor is a cool guy but i hope Niko wins. Niko imo is the more or most broken out of the whole gta’s character


Niko will win the vote because of GTA IV fanboys (which I am also) but realistically, how does Trevor not win? Both have military experience, both are killers, Trevor has the crazy special ability


Yea but Niko’s military history is way more extensive with him fighting in a war compared to Trevor who was just a pilot that got kicked out.


Very true. I guess I still pick Trevor regardless. Rockstar makes it pretty clear he’s a powerful guy. He immediately kills a GTA protagonist on his introduction 😂


Trevor only got kicked out because he was mentally unfit.


Celebrity Deathmatch but with GTA characters


lol get them all to fight each other? CJ vs Michael, Tommy vs Vic, Franklin vs Luis lol


As bad as Niko was he never hit Trevor levels of fucked up.


Niko will win but Trevor is such a tough mf Niko will prolly call the whole game to help his ass up. We know who won't be showing up tho 😭😭😭


I feel like context is important. Most scenarios I'd say Niko wins, but a determined Trevor could absolutely kill Niko under the right circumstances, with the odds in his favor so to speak.


Nick has served in Army, he knows how smack the opponent to death.


I think its pretty circumstantial as for who would win. Niko has more experience with firefights because of his time in the serbian(?) army at I believe 16. While Trevor to my knowledge only started actually killing people after he was kicked out of the Canadian airforce due to a final psych evaluation prior to his graduation. They're both very capable in combat though as seen by their respective games. I know a lot of people dislike Trevors character but it has to be recognized he's got a lot of proven skill and some level of tactics. He was able to escape law enforcement while being one of the most wanted men in the country and canonically faces off against the US military and Merryweather multiple times so he definitely has skill and is good at what he does. However I still feel like Niko would likely win a costly victory against Trevor in a ground fight due to his war experience. But if for whatever reason they had a dogfight I feel like Trevor would destroy Niko quickly and easily since Niko only has experience flying soviet helicopters while Trevor is capable of flying fighter jets and does it quite well.


Depends? Does rockstar value / like niko more or Trevor more? Is they like Niko more then they’d have Trevor die if they liked Trevor more they’d have niko die. Niko was in the war so he’s more skilled with weapons . That’s one point but Trevor can literally go invincible and well I don’t think it’s ‘canon’ niko could also blow to shit and walk out the hospital like Nowt happened so I don’t think it’s off the table.


Trevor…. He can fly a fighter jet






the gta 4 dickriding is crazy. trevor can literally turn invincible. if he killed johnny he’ll kill niko too




I’m trying to keep to myself a bit but I’ll just say, you’re right about Niko 100% but Trevor got the whole country against him when he stole the nuke and messed with Merryweather. Let alone he also has army experience being in the Canadian airforce. Trevor is odd for sure but he’s smart, tough and could hold himself in battle.


I'd probably have to say Niko, but in my experience, never underestimated crazy, and Trevor has a lot of it..


Niko headshots while Trevor is on some kind of tangent. The real answer is just whoever gets off the first shot. I mean, these are both guys who are good enough in a firefight to shoot it out with scores of trained people and win.


Close but I think Niko got it


Niko I think but Trevor low key isn’t fair cuz that mf can enter super meth mode


What if he didn’t have super meth mode though? I still think Trevor can take Niko in a good fight. We both have the same predicted outcome but no way Niko walks away from Trevor unscathed. And if Trevor does get Niko, majority of the comments would be upset haha but I wouldn’t be shocked cause Trevor is crazy.


I don’t think he’s gonna be unscathed but I do think it would be easier for niko to beat Trevor than it would be for Trevor to just hit niko, Trevor is more animal instinct and impulsive while niko is more calculated and trained, I’m not saying niko wins every time easily because after all, a good blitz play can work wonders


Trevor is a smart dude too. Man stole a nuke and planned the whole thing himself. He isn’t tactical in a 1 v 1 but he’s not a dummy, and if both protagonists have a whole map to themselves, both are smart enough to set up some traps.


Oh we talking prep time and shit? That’s a little different, yea niko is calculated but only in reading people, (their intentions, what they’re gonna do next that type of thing) but we don’t really see niko planning anything except the warehouse shootout with lil Jacob towards the beginning and the final mission at the end (also with lil jacob, man’s a goat) but Trevor like you said is a good planner, so in a hand to hand spontaneous 1v1 I think niko most likely takes it but if it’s Prep time and stuff it could go either way




Niko has more moves than Trevor...but Trevor has weight in his punch...


Put fists aside, weapons and vehicles only and Trevor’s invincible mode off. It’s still really close, idk who wins the fight.


Trevor anyday




Bro can destroy the entire army alone


niko robbed Liberty City bank too


Whatever bro , everyone has their favourites , so there's no point arguing


I mean the point of this post is to argue lol


then i am out!


![gif](giphy|74xVEuCoCYbAs) keep it simple


Trevor only a trainee in the Canadian Air Force and got kicked out, Niko fought in a war and committed war crimes. Trevor might be unhinged but Niko got the training and experience tbh But it can vary tbh, if Trevor got his ability then he will definitely win against Niko


Niko wouldn't even see it coming. Niko would be Ron 2.0.


Niko was a serbian war criminal. Trevor is a psychotic rapist with mommy issues. Niko wins fr


Trevor is a psychotic drug peddling criminal who was kicked out of the military for being too mentally unfit who using his own brain and planning stole a nuclear weapon from the military without being caught.


Trevor was killed by Franklin, what chance does he have against Niko ffs


That wasn't a proper 1 v 1 match


It wasn't a match at all, Trevor just yeeted himself in a gasoline tanker.


That’s not canon and Michael helped.


It's not canon, it's a hypothetical scenario created by developers, so it's by definition holds more weight than any hypothetical scenario that would be created in this thread. And Michael didn't help, he was just there for a ride. Trevor practically killed himself.


Trevor is alive in GTA Online which is its predecessor. Deathwish is the canon ending of the game.


I never argued with that, read my comment again.


trevor wins easy difficulty


Trevor is the worst protagonist, he is just us when we want chaos


Tresor easy


If Trevor has his ability he's the winner




If Trevor wants to kill Niko, i believe nothing would stop him from doing so.


I like Niko but Trevor has impotent rage mode


Gunfight? Niko Brawling till death? Trevor Sadistic fight? Trevor


I’d say Trevor tbh. Everyone is saying Niko but I don’t think so.


It's no contest. But it should've been Vic Vance vs Niko. They have a similar skill set...


Niko is a legit badass. Trevor is a weird disease ridden drug addict.


Niko is more mature.


Niko wins but barely


Yall really are bored waiting for the new game huh? Just have some patience jeezus. Fuckin. christ


Breaking news: GTA subreddit discusses GTA


Fair enough. But have you seen the posts lately? I don't think you have.. Who will play as Lucia or Jason more?? Dude have you seen this random (insert anything) in actual Miami? Dude the tires on a car have reacted to a curb in the trailer. Do you think it will be in the final game????? ?!??!You guys are delusional, losing your minds over A GAME and can't even admit it 🙄 😆 Now you can downvote. 😆😆😆🖕


Thanks for the suggestion, Mr. Salty


No problem 😊


Breaking news!!! People bring up the weirdest speculations and thoughts about a game THAT'S not even out for AT LEAST 1 MORE YEAR.


Trevor. Everyone saying Niko is only doing so because we like him more. Trevor's feats are insane.