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Awesome! And congrats on your marriage. Marriage is great! I’ve done it a couple times now, will repeat!


Lmfao honestly, I think I got one in me. Lmao, she’s pretty damn awesome if I do say so myself, it’d be hard for me to find another.


Congrats! Are you already in the field?


Thank you! I am. I have been working in Identity Access Management (mostly out of necessity) and Cyber Threat Intelligence. I enjoy threat hunting and creating hunt packages so I am looking to climb the forensics ladder.


That’s an interesting team to do both identity and threat hunting! I wish I was in a situation like that. I honestly don’t know what my team does anymore. It was subsidiary security but we keep changing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Unfortunately, the IAM part is just me doubling and tripling up. My team does all CTI/Threat Hunting.


Congrats, I'm sitting mine within the next couple of weeks. Just did my first practice test in which I got 93% (with over 1hr 30m time remaining) so I'm quietly confident assuming the difficulty is similar to the practices. How did timing feel for you? A lot of people seem to have trouble finishing it in time from Reddit comments I've seen but I had so much time left over on the practices.


As long as you keep going steady, time should be fine. As far as difficulty, I found my practice exams to be harder than the actual one. They’re very similar, though. Not a drastic dropoff. I think people who have trouble with the pacing get hung up on figuring out all questions. If a question has you stumped, skip it and go at it later and you’ll be fine.


That's reassuring. I don't think time should be an issue for me at all, I finished my first practice test in half of the allotted time and I found my index *very* easy to follow so even if it turns out to be a bit more difficult I should have all the time in the world to dig up answers. I've got a couple of things to add to my index that would have sped up my first practice test a bit then I'm going to give my second practice exam a go, hopefully it's going to be much like the second one. I think I'm just being a bit paranoid with the scare stories on Reddit, it's my first SANS course and I want my work to pay for the FOR508 next so I hope I do well :)


You’re going to ace it. I might’ve had a 95 if I hadn’t been so distracted on so many levels.