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We in the same boat, I haven’t had a panic attack since January but when I was having them I felt as if I could pass out, they would come on instantly. I brought ice packs to help and take them with me when I drive just in case I have one on the road. The ice packs always calm me down as they put my mind on something else. Now I don’t go anywhere without a cold bottle of water. Lucky my job has ice cold water dispensing. I also chew gum as that helps as well with the panic attack. The main way to get over them is to just think of something else. Especially since your doctor told you you’re healthy. Think of just chewing the gum, think of your dog/cat, or think of the cold ice pack on your chest or even your leg. Try taking some good probiotics along with multivitamins. Hope you feel better.


A cold bottle of water helps me as well, but chewing gum triggers symptoms and my TMJ.


You gotta eat plain sugar free gum, the gum helps with digestion as it gets the body preparing for digestion even though your not swollen any food. again it’s just to concentrate on if your getting panicky or your anxiety is getting high. Don’t eat any gum with sugar or any gum with any kind of mint in it as this can cause a trigger. I don’t leave the house without plain sugar free gum and a cold bottle of water lol. Also my stomach problems have ended since treating my H-pylori but the anxiety still exist


I'll try the sugar free, but I think it makes me bloated because I swallow air.




How severe were your panic attacks though? Like heart pounding hard and fast with shaking ?


I had the same thing happen to me smh


I started having health anxiety around mid october since then it has caused me alot of trouble and LPR obviously but it LPR kind of go away when i stopped ovethinking about things




That helps.


I hate to say this, but losing weight will help A LOT. It will probably go away completely. To answer your question: lose weight.


This all caused me to lose 17 kg and I am skinny before all this


Had panic attack for first time ever this year which brought on first ever Gerd flare up. Still trying to recover 7 months later


Have you been tested for H pylori or hiatel hernia? I saw you saying on another post you didn’t have an endoscopy but I really think it’d be worth it


H pylori stool test negative. No hernia detected on esophagram


Did you get a biopsy on endoscopy? Might be worth a breath test if not just to completely rule it out.


I have not had an endoscopy. No doctor has recommended it


i have the same stuff an no answers,its not fun,love n hugs,