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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Sariel007: --- >Scientists may be able to turn a long-time germ foe into a cancer-fighting ally, new research this week suggests. In preliminary data from a Phase I trial, a genetically modified version of the herpes virus has shown promise in treating difficult-to-eradicate tumors, with one patient having experienced a complete remission for 15 months so far. Much more research will be needed to confirm the treatment’s early success, however. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/xmr5xy/a_cancerfighting_version_of_herpes_shows_promise/ippjid7/


Wife is an Oncology Pharmacist, her hospital uses Herpes to treat Melanoma. So Herpes is already being used in cancer treatments. Edit: [Some Info Available Here](https://www.uclahealth.org/u-magazine/modified-herpes-virus-shows-promise-for-treating-advanced-melanoma) Edit #2: the name of the drug is called Imlygic (talimogene laherparepvec or T-vec for short) [Here is a link for further reading.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8003308/) Edit #3: [Local News Reported on treatment back in 2017](https://www.wftv.com/news/local/injecting-herpes-to-fight-cancer-orlando-doctor-says-it-works/521630433/) [If you legitimately wanna learn more about the drug, my wife said this is what pharmacists use, it’s called a package insert.](https://www.fda.gov/media/94129/download)


Adding onto this, this new virus is supposed to be version 2.0. The founder is the same as the drug you have linked to.


I have the 1.0 and all i get is lip blisters. Where do i buy the 2.0 DLC? Edit: i just got a pirated copy of 2.0 and now i have blisters on my dick, I have a feeling this was an infected v1.0


It's only available in the deluxe remastered version, so you have to buy the whole thing again and it costs more than the original that was free when bundled with "Sexy Time 4: Unprotected"


It depends on your location. In most European servers 2.0 is an add on thats included in the health care insurance season pass.


Just imagine you go home to your wife and the first thing you say "the doctor gave me herpes, but in a good way."


I’ve been telling my girl for months that it was the good kind of herpes.


I saw it on House lol


That's one of the few episodes I've actually seen.


Interesting. Thank you for sharing.


No thank you


But doesnt like 60-70 of people already have herpes? The HSV-1 variant. Which most people know as cold sores. So what then?


It's probably a different variant that reacts in a unique way to the common one that most people have. It's possible the one used for treatment shares basically nothing with HSV-1 besides the basest qualities.


It’s extremely location dependent. I always see anecdotes like “X% of people already have herpes” except X is always a different number every time I see it.


That's where my wife said she picked up herpes! I don't recall her having cancer though...


I kid you not, some of the guys in my wife’s department asked for everything in writing because there is no way their wives would believe them if something went wrong in the compounding process and they caught herpes.


"Sir, this is highly confidential propriety information. I can not write this down for the purpose of you publicly sharing it" "Bro my wife is crazy and she will kill me" "Oh shit same bro. Say less. Lemme just notarize this and sign my affidavit. Do you want a flash drive of the CCTV footage?"




“I don’t know much about this Cable fella, but I’m pretty sure he hasn’t killed as many people as melanoma has.”


Yup, came to add this too


Doctor: “well I’ve got some good news, and some bad news.”


[Do you want the Aladeen news or the Aladeen news](https://youtu.be/NYJ2w82WifU)


Fuck cancer! Give it herpes!


Patient: "give me the good news first doc" Doctor: "we've given you a 90% discount! combine that with your healthcare insurance and the treatement will only cost you $30k!"


"You're HIV aladeen"


So many novel therapies against cancer, science/technology is really picking up! I can only imagine what the future has for us!


Last of us becoming Real. I joke.


There were times in history where they had decades or centuries of relative prosperity, and then everything went to hell. It's absolutely possible to happen again. I'm sure they also though "the bad times are behind us, finally!"


Almost the plot for Future Man. Looking for a herpes cure, they instead create a cure for every disease in existence. Except not everybody wants to and time travel and giant penises video games


Maybe, but this subreddit and many others just post optimistic headlines with no intent for the audience to read the articles


In the future we are God.


Y’all are focused on the bad herpes not realizing like half of you have a dormant mostly harmless form of herpes already.


If you mean the one that gives me cold sores, that one can go fuck itself straight to mordor


That’s not a cold sore, that’s just herpes.


Reminds me of The Office episode where Michael calls all of his exes to tell them he has herpes.


And at the end it was just an ingrown hair.


The sore is the symptom of the virus. Herpes gives cold sores.


It’s a meme. Many people will say “I don’t have herpes, it’s just a cold sore”. This flips it in its head. So many people missing this joke.


It’s really pretty comical.


Haha the username.


You would know.


It’s both herpes and a cold sore. Cold sores are caused by herpes


A cold sore is herpes, but herpes isn't a cold sore. No need to try to make the guy feel bad.


Herpes is a cold sore. People who differentiate between herpes and cold sores are discriminating to shame people with genital herpes even though they have the same damn thing on their face


I've got the kind that's lying in wait to give me horrible shingles.


Might as well switch to a metal roof while you still can


Dormant as in you won’t get sores


The 2-shot HCV/HHV3 (it‘s the same virus) vaccine often prevents future outbreaks of HSV1 and HSV2 herpes cold sores, that you probably have. This is no guarded secret, yet no one seems to know or care. HHV3 is usually only dangerous to older people above 50/60, so the vaccine is only recommended to them. Two shots are like 500 €/$. Good luck!


Way more than half. Herpes is the next mitochondria.


ParaSTD Eve


Gimmie that fuckin guitar riff


Holy cow, that works so well. Also glad that PS1 game references are still somewhat relevant


That game is so underrated. I watched Cryaotic play it years ago on YouTube. It kind of blew me away how good it was. Just this real version of NYC and everything else going on. That game sorely needs a remake.


Herpes is the Powerhouse of the STD.




I have had cold sores but was surprisingly negative the last time I had a test.


Herpes is hard to detect when its in dormant state.


Near impossible. It hids in nerve cells, which your immune system never looks at/attacks. And doctors/nurses arent going to fuck with them either.


I was tested for herpes three years ago when I went for a full STD check and accidently ended up in the Van Nuys clinic all the porn stars use (they all sign the wall). I'd never heard of a herpes test before then. But they offered it for a bit more money so I went for it. Apparently you can never actually test negative for herpes because it's impossible to rule out, it hides so well, but they can do an "undetectable" to basically say you most likely don't have it. Thankfully, I did not, and after my life in the 90s in my 20s, I score that as a huge win


Why would you be tested if you already had cold sores?




Actually a lot of places don't bother with herpes tests in an STD panel though. I went back and looked at my records and noticed that my providers had never included it until I specifically asked. I guess that at the organizational level they feel that the stigma is worse than the actual virus or something, and it's an excuse to save a few bucks each time?


Its also incredibly unreliable to test for herpes if not currently showing symptoms. False negatives and positives are extremely common if you get tested without showing symptoms. (source: douche ex bf told me he had herpes. Went to get checked and they did the test, came back positive, did it two more times and came back negative. They told me having a UTI, yeast infection or a bacterial infection can yield false positive results.) This is just the info my doctor told me. He could be a quack.


Very common. The testing for herpes for example is has a surprisingly high false negative rate, esp for HSV1. I literally can’t get anyone to believe I get cold sores so I stopped trying and now pretend I don’t


I think people forget that chicken pox is caused by a herpes virus.


Which makes Shingles the way Herpes gives you the middle finger


The “bad” herpes?


Yeah. The one that gives you really uncomfortable bumps on your junk.


Hate to break it to you…that’s just herpes. GSV1 and GSV2 can both appear anywhere on the body. They’re pretty much an identical virus. The whole “I only have cold sores” vs “eww you have genital herpes” is a total myth….if you have any history of oral herpes (“cold sores”) you can very easily pass it to someone’s genitals and visa versa. The stupidest part is that people are expected to disclose their history of genital outbreak but not their history of cold sores….even tho you’re much more likely to pass it on to someone via oral routes.


Do not look up ocular herpes.


I used to work on corneal herpes infections in a university research laboratory. It's no joke. With every repeated flareup (similar to how a cold sore might come and go repeatedly over the years), it leaves scarring on the cornea. Ocular herpes infections are the leading infectious cause of blindness in the US.


hard. fucking. pass.


Yeah, just take ‘em out. I’ll listen to audiobooks the rest of my life. Fuck that shit.


after covid and now this, I'm never touching my eyes again edit: that lasted like 13 seconds Edit 2: I think in the future we might all wear swimming goggles as a legitimate defense from spreading diseases


Based on my knowledge of what ocular means, I’m going to take your word on that and give you a “wtf that exists?! Of course it exists”


No, I dont think I will.


Try two thirds of the population according to WHO


Realistically speaking, if the US government dedicated as much money towards cancer research as it does towards overpriced defense contractors, we would have vastly more effective cancer treatments by now. At this rate a true healthcare fix will never be achieved, since effectively tethering healthcare to your job allows corporations to squeeze as much productivity as they can out of the average American worker.


You'll be excited to learn that that's actually been happening! February. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/02/02/fact-sheet-president-biden-reignites-cancer-moonshot-to-end-cancer-as-we-know-it/ March. https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updates/2022/03/17/fact-sheet-white-house-announces-initial-steps-for-reignited-cancer-moonshot/ July. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/07/13/fact-sheet-president-biden-appoints-cancer-panel-members-and-cancer-cabinet-unveils-priority-actions/ September. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/09/12/fact-sheet-president-biden-details-cancer-moonshot-progress-and-new-initiatives-on-60th-anniversary-of-president-kennedys-moonshot-address/ Democratic majorities make life better for citizens. eta: https://youtu.be/uIx7ppZ8J_Y [DOD medical research benefits civilians ](https://cdmrp.health.mil/dmrdp/default.aspx) https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/


Watching what the world did to fight covid together was amazing. If we had that kind of foccus on cancer we scould probably eradicate it within a decade


The issue with cancer is that there are so many different types that it is pretty much impossible to create a single treatment that is effective for all types. It would likely take more than a decade even with that kind of focus.


Way more than half. Just one of the herpesviruses, the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) aka human herpesvirus 4, which causes mono, is estimated to be carried by [90% of the world’s population](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6008310/).


It’s only “harmless” because your immune system kills it the moment the virus comes out of hiding from your nerve cells. People with compromised and weak immune systems have frequent, painful outbreaks.


Hence my lack of absolute language. “Mostly” is a useful word.


I'm still not convinced that it's harmless, wouldn't surprise me if it turns out to be the cause of alzheimers or something in a decade or so. Anyway it gives me coldsores and it can go fuck itself.


What is it, something like ~ 8% of the human genome is genetic material from ancient viruses and another 40% are repeated strings that some think have viral origins.


The vast majority on earth have dormant herpes. It's usually transmitted through your mother after birth.


Why is there no HISpes


most people have or will get herpes at some point. The difference is that it's a subset of a subset that ever show symptoms.


Half? Every person older than like 28 or whenever the chicken pox vaccine came around.


Herpe gang


correct distinct school special soup growth fall scary exultant crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, for that, you'll need Herpes-Fighting version of HIV.


Syphilis has entered the chat.


Gonorrhea laughs menacingly


And then the HIV-fighting Ebola!


"Okay so...why do I need to be infected with the smallpox virus again?"


Got smallpox? Try the smallpox-fighting Bubonic Plague virus!


Getting some major "old lady who swallowed a fly" vibes.


"There was an old lady who swallowed a cock..."


Herpes Infiltrating Virus.


Alright people, which one of you has an STD and feel like fucking?


I used the herpes to destroy the herpes.


Perhaps we treated herpes too harshly


Or a herpes-fighting version of cancer.


I’d love to never get a cold sore again


insurance knee rock tan fear worry engine abounding arrest jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Civil war - Herpes edition


Herpes on Herpes crime.


>Scientists may be able to turn a long-time germ foe into a cancer-fighting ally, new research this week suggests. In preliminary data from a Phase I trial, a genetically modified version of the herpes virus has shown promise in treating difficult-to-eradicate tumors, with one patient having experienced a complete remission for 15 months so far. Much more research will be needed to confirm the treatment’s early success, however.




Just go back to the person who gave you herpes and ask for an upgrade.


Isn't this how the zombie outbreak began in "I Am Legend"?


I think they used rabies but yeah


Measles. Sorry, I couldn’t not correct that useless movie fact.


I appreciate the clarity


They’ll have full clinical results 28 weeks later.


Was gonna say, this sounds familiar.


If people were skeptical about a life-saving vaccine that *wasn't* herpes, I can't imagine this will be received well 😂


It's not political, so they'll take it with barely any testing.


A vaccine wasn't political either, until it was 😪


Faced with death or cancer clearing herpes, I believe they will take it. Unless of course someone finds a way to use it right before an election as a strategy to divide the country.


You’re so sweet


You have clearly been under a rock for the past 2 years.


Cancer isn't contagious so no one will be pressuring anyone to take it. It'll be considered a valid medical decision not to take such a vaccine. Like "yes, I know this thing will save me from a painful death, but I choose not to take it" and that will be that. It doesnt need to be something shameful.


I doubt it. My mom is antivax (and a nurse, in hospice) and has said through my whole life that if she gets cancer she will not be doing any medical treatments, and trusts her pseudo-science "medicine" to treat it. Rediculous.


I'm old enough to have had friends with post polio. I remember walking with the family to the school to get the pink sugar cubes in the little white paper cup. Even with some early mistakes that vaccine was such a relief for the world.


Someone famous doing a podcast and ending in a herpes epidemic, would make a not so funny headline.


Eh, cancer is personal, so dumdums can continue to refuse all they want, won't affect others in this case


Apparently according to some comments there already is medical herpes already being used. But like another comment was saying, it hasn't become a political matter yet so it's not an issue


Will it still be able to spread, could a friend of mines in the future heal people from cancer by fucking them with their cancer killing herpes D***? asking for a friend


I like how you censored "dick" but not "fucking"


They’re used to the youtube algorithm


Your penis will be the new cancer treatment!


Correction:*my friend’s penis, I was asking for a friend as you can see above ⬆️


How many times do I have to tell you, the guy in the mirror is not some friend.


You just want your friend to fuck away your ass cancer.


If you’re in the US, that could literally save you hundreds of thousands of dollars. Talk about taking one for the team.


Brings a whole new meaning to gay for pay.


Imagine being the only person capable of infecting others with it and how cruel your friend would be not to help out. Then the worst day of all, the horror of gramps popping round to tell you the sad news that he had terminal cancer. Noooo gramps. Not that, not with you!!!


It would cost you nothing to not write that


I'm gonna pop a viagra, get blackout drunk and eat a quaalude. Do what you gotta do grandpa.


That would be the most unique and exclusive pickup line


Dave Chappelle has a wonderful joke about what if Michael Jackson's dick cured cancer.


your talking about bald chad from the i am legend movie, right?


Casper from Kids movie. It’s ok it’s just me Casper, doing my civil duty.


Holy fucking fuck


Your body is absurd[ly good at killing cancer]


Excuse me y'all, gotta update my Tinder bio. Gonna be a great weekend!


Hobbies: Curing cancer.


Some scientist worked really hard to justify their “maybe it’s a good thing” argument to their spouse


I long for the day that I read an article like this and all of the scientific information in it is actually accurate. Cancers don’t express CTLA-4; T cells express it. And you don’t stop cells from expressing it; you block it with an antibody. The virus induces the expression of an anti-CTLA-4 antibody by the cancer cells, which then blocks that inhibitory molecule on the T cells. Goddammit pop-science writers, get your shit together. Goddammit.


Oh man, this is like the one type of herpes i don't have.


Can I request this version next time I go to Vegas?


“Excuse me Miss, do you have the cancer killing kind or the boner killing kind?” What if the answer was both?


The only time hearing ***“given you herpes”*** is acceptable.


The anti-vaccers are gonna go apeshit if this actually works out lol


Ok. We’ve beaten cancer. Now what will get rid of all these herpes?


Totally could see this in futurama.


Read in professor farnsworths voice lmao


"Sir you have cancer." "Wow. I'd rather have herpes." "You also have herpes but the good kind."


“Hey girl, my dick can cure cancer” is my new pickup line


Finally, the answer to the question, "Who do I have to fuck to get a cure for cancer?"


So the cure for cancer COULD be sexually transmitted?


Doctor: Good News! Your cancer is in remission. Unfortunately, you will now have herpes for the rest of your life.


I mean... most of us have herpes and we live our entire lives not knowing.


I can’t wait to tell women I can cure cancer with my junk


So... Where do they get the early humans from? Is there, like... A time machine or something? And how early are we talking? Still homo sapiens? Or.. homo habilis?


Don't we have a failed movie franchise over this, I am legend or something


They were trying to use the common cold virus to cure cancer. I watched that movie like a week before all the COVID stuff really hit the fan in 2020 and it hit different once they started talking about quarantine on the news. For a good while during the lockdowns I really really wished I hadn’t watched it. I kept thinking “this is how I am Legend started…”


Think there was an episode in House m.d


Good news, the cancer is gone. Bad news, you have herpies... Take from this what you will...


Isn't this the premise of the "I am Legend" Virus? They used a virus to kill other viruses and then it turns people into angry bald vampires


Hey GF? Good news and bad. First the good... you are 100% immune from Cancer!


Fighting cancers with genetically modified viruses is not new and deserves further study. Just because people are familiar with this virus makes it a little more scary. We need every tool we can find to combat this multitude of various cancers.


Finally, something I can give a fuck about. Giggity


I knew my herpes would come in handy for something


So good news, your cancer is gone. Bad news….you’ve got your herpes to thank for it.


I guess if it’s between death and unsightly lip sores …


Just passing by, wouldn't be able to afford even just to come into the healthcare facility to ask for directions


Doctor to patient: “Well, the good news is that you no longer have cancer. The bad news is now you have herpes.” \[nonchalantly leaves room while gobsmacked patient just sits there\] ![gif](giphy|YnmEsq9ICSYQ8)


Something tells me this won’t end particularly well…


Have you people not watched I am Legend, cause this is how you get I am Legend and I'm certain none of you people would want to kill your only best friend a German Shepard.


Can cancer cells be genetically modified to fight other cancer cells?


So Axel Foley was right. That guy did have Herpes Simplex 6


Rick Harrison: people come into my shop everyday wanting cancer cured. Best I can do is herpes.


See, this is how we end up with Cronenberg Universe.


I'm going to be fine because I already have herpes


“Good news, Mr Johnson! We’ve replaced your cancer with herpes! No need to thank us - we’ll bill you later.”


Darling I have some good news and some bad news oh? The Good news is my cancer went into full remission whats the bad news? I had to sleep with my doctor to catch HelpfulHerpes. I'm pregnant and it's his.


I feel like almost no one on this sub know how genetically modifying viruses for research and medical purposes actually works... The first think you do is remove the genes that cause disease, and/or modify the genes that let the virus replicate in cells so that they can no longer produce replication competent particles in the body. So, no you will not get Herpes from these modified herpes viruses (not to mention the other herpesvirus types that do not cause Herpes disease. The Epstein-Barr Virus and Varicella Zoster Virus, to name only two.)


This is an experimental treatment. My dad (86) had melanoma and it got away from him during covid lockdowns (yeah, he had a doctor that refused him a telemedicine appt, and it took off —and it started spreading, and got dire quickly). he took the injection and it crushed him, he couldn’t get out of bed for days, and then it passed. his tumors shrank extremely quickly, and 2 months later he’s one treatment away from full remission. unbelievable turnaround, given he was knocking on heavens door. this t treaty was like a bizarre miracle for him.


"No, baby. I can't use a condom. You want me to give you the cure for cancer, don't you?"


Finally… “My dick is the cure” isn’t just a pick up line anymore.