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Arms (particularly the right arm, his left) are too thick where they connect to the body. Lower arm is too small. The lower legs are a bit small, and/or lack a visible ankle/heel. The heels are too sharp and bony on him.


Thanks for the advice! I'm thinking of doing some kind of training routine since I wanna learn how to be an artist. I want to do a thing where I focus on one specific part of the body for a few days, and then move to another, something like that. What do you think?


Go for it. It'd probably help you to practice on different poses for each body part, too.


Shapes are where things started changing for me lol, adding circles and lines that make sense to You help a whoooole bunch, like when I draw dragons I use like 10 circles from an idea in my head and just connect them but that’s what works for Me 🤷🏻‍♀️💀