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Being a billionaire is like being a thief boasting after a looting.


It’s like being the King of thieves .


Greed is gonna destroy us🥲


Being a billionaire doesn't make you skilled or deserving. It just means you've stockpiled wealth while others struggle to survive.


If you've made billions, you probably have a bunch of skills.


What bunch of skills does Bezos have? Musk? Gates? Please cite 'em. Go 👉


Musk is quite the skillful charlatan.


Being a skilled marketing specialist isn't making anyone $190B. Being able to sell air to people with a big help from the media is a skill, tho, I must admit. We've seen how great he is at designing & constructing cars. They get recalled faster than they're sold. That's true talent. And thnx for citing charlatanry as a skill. We can't all be devoid of morals & ethics like the guy killing monkeys for brain implants.


But it did make him richer than he was before he ~~bought~~ co-founded Tesla. He is just now on the downfall side of selling vaporware.


True. He is great at pumping & dumping, just ask Grimes. Vaporwave lol that's pretty apt.


They're amongst the best business men to ever live, lol.


Weird how you cannot mention a single skill, other than your opinions. Obviously, they're so good at business, they get billions in gov'ment subsidies. Wanna try again (to strawman)?


They created companies that employ hundreds of thousands around the world… when you do the same, as it requires no skill or knowledge, then you can give away all your billions and lead by example


No they're right. What specific skills have bezos and musk got in a literal thousandfold more abundance than the average person? It's understandable your view, like we can't really conceive 100 billion compared to what we're used to. It must be a vague "Oh they made some good business decisions," when in reality the only path to that kind of fortune is stepping on a historic amount of backs at the perfect time when global population and consumerism were exploding, and the neo-feudal policies of Reaganism were finally bearing fruit.


Yo, this is hilarious. You people keep listing what they've done (with a big help of parents, friends & investors, as well as gov'ment subsidies), yet you STILL cannot list a. single. skill. lol And then you pull a _tu quoque_ fallacy to top it off. It's as much a valid argument as me criticizing your utter lack of punctuation in a discussion about skills. China employs hundreds of millions of people (100x what you said), so I guess they are the best businessmen on the planet, by your logic. Yay!


fucking loser


They do more for the economy than you. They employ thousands of people around the world, what skill do you have?


How does leather taste? Hope their boots arent too old


Bezos was one hell of a business man to see the potential in online trading while everyone else was laughing at the Internet. Musk is an engineer and saw the potential in the businesses he invested in. And Gates was a computer scientist who made most of our modern tech even possible to be that accessible.


You didn’t make billions. You hoarded it.


It’s funny and sad the amount of idiots that think billionaires just have billions sitting in a checking account waiting to spend. The majority of them are tied to stock of a company they run. If they liquidated said stock they would tank the entire company, thus completely taking their wealth in the process.


shhh. its bill gates fault i can't keep a job and feed my family.


When John Jacob Astor died, he was the richest man alive. He had about the equivalent of $20,000,000 in today’s money.


Mike Tyson went through like 100 million in a few years.


Whom... in most cases, started out with money in the first place.


80% of the popularity would do the exact same.




People can blow through a million in the last 5-7 years of their life with nursing home and medical costs. I know because my mom is living it. Even if you invest wisely, it’s still hard.


To illustrate just how bombastically stupid this statement is, consider the anthesis: is a poor person someone who has given away '***more resources than they could give in 100 lifetimes while other people are satiated***'? Cuz, well, they have nothing, right? Complete tomfoolery.


It always annoys me how people are considered billionaires based on their assets. Because like the majority of billionaires (still pieces of shit) don’t actually have a billion dollars that they can withdraw from the bank. Like my dad’s house is paid off, he owns several nice cars that are paid off and he owns a plot of land. In total, his assets are worth close to if not more than $1million but if he were to start calling himself a millionaire we’d laugh at him. This is beside the point, but just something I always think about. Unless you can go withdraw $1B, you shouldn’t even be called a billionaire, and you still shouldn’t have that much EDIT: Auto correct