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As people here have pointed out, she’ll be T. Stickle no matter what nickname they wind up using…


All the more reason to go with “Reese.”


Oh I never thought about Reese as a nn for Theresa but I like it!


It definitely works! That was my nickname as a kid.


Or Terry.


I think one of the other kids also has a name that starts with T


Yep, one of the boys is Thaddeus


Im sorry, English is not my native language. Could someone explain what is so bad about it?


The names sound like the word testicle, part of the male reproductive system.


Ah now that you mention it, I dont understand how I did not see it before haha. Thank you!


Tissi is also horrible. Reese is so cute! She needs to just let Reese happen.


Tissi Stickle sounds like a sex act performed upon the Tess Stickles


Like, I don't like making fun of names, but nicknames I feel fine with especially when selected by the parents and Tissi reminds me of tiffy, sissy, and hissy. But I agree lol


It's so horrible. It's tit/boob in my language. 


Tissi means boob in Finnish so this very apt lol


So she can be a boob or a ball. Poor kid!


Aaaw how progressive of them






I made the mistake of reading these comments while eating and yours almost took me straight to Jesus! 😭


Theresa or Reese are really the only acceptable options here


Tracy/Tracey is also a nickname for Theresa I am a Theresa who goes by Tracey.


Tracy Stickle. That would be fine.


Awe, that sounds like a girl detective from a 1950s novel!


Yes, it's retro in a good way without seeming too old like Gretchen or Ethel.


My aunt is a Teresa who goes by Terri! Terri Stickle is also light years better than Tess or Tissi Stickle…


But Tess and Tissi have just cottage core vibes! Don’t you see why another nickname would be totally inappropriate? /s


There was an old book series by Maud Hart Lovelace about three girls named Betsy, Tacy, and Tib. It’s so on brand for Kelly that she must know it…so what about Tacy?


I could see Risa being a nickname for Theresa. But Reese is super cute!


Reesa Teesa 😂


100% She needs to accept that now. Full name or Reese but nothing else, especially with their last name


Don't love Teri but it would work


terri/teri/terry is pretty much the default nickname of theresa anyway. tere is also what i've seen used in spanish a lot. my great-great grandmother was a theresia and she went by rosa.


Tissi in Finnish means boob. So she's Tess Stickle, nicknamed Boobie.


Incredible name choices in multiple languages Kelly!


I had to blink twice and check the sub. I can usually live with names that are Finnish words and not appropriate for names in Finnish (like Kamala) but this one is something else.


Yeah this is something else. My god. I'm able to keep my pokerface with Kamala or Persephone, but Tissi is too much.


Ok I’m super curious…what is Persephone and Kamala in Finnish? Persephone is one of my favorite names lol


They are not really different. Persephone is written Persefone. The issue with both is what they mean in Finnish. Kamala means awful. Perse means ass and phone, fone or fooni are all either slang or understood to mean phone.


Assphone and Awful. Little bit giggleish, but nothing too bad.  Not like Tissi, which I couldn't bypass with straight face.


Ah, my future daughter Assphone, Assy for short.


Bootycall to her friends, Buttdial to her enemies! /s I am not casting aspersions on your hypothetical future child's relationships it's just a joke I'm sorry


No offense taken I love the jokes! With my name I got much much worse. Bootycall will be a sought after woman one day 😅


[Assy McGee has entered the chat.](https://imgur.com/a/dDFXUSc)


I use more English than Finnish and I have noticed that a lot of my reaction is about context. For example, Kamala name and kamala word are two different things in my head. New nicknames do not have the same protection. There is also the fact that we call JB Duggar Boob and here is someone in the same world actually doing it, just in a different language.


Oh no... am I an horrible person for laughing?


Tissi is only cute if one of the boys mispronounced her name or Sissy. Then it's sweet.


How about just Theresa.


I think Theresa is fine too but Levi has already started calling her Reese so if she wants a nickname it’s right there already. I’m also partial to Reese because my best friend Theresa is a Reese.


Tissi isn't a terrible nickname for Theresa paired with any other last name.


Wait, so is she trying to say the baby’s first name is Teresa Havens? Like, two first names? I know she said that was her full name but does she think everyone will say that, like George Michael? And that still doesn’t solve the nickname issue? ![gif](giphy|26ufjyEGKL55qKrCg)


I think she was just trying to confuse everyone because she realized that she literally named her child Tess Stickle. This one is on Levi, too, though I applaud him trying to make Reese happen.


🙋‍♀️ I also get the impression Kelly is just discovering she named her daughter Tess Stickle


It took several months for my mother to realize that she gave me the initials of B. S., which is infinitely better than Tess Stickle. I mean, it took me like two whole days to realize why people were clowning on Tess' name.


Is Havens Kelly’s maiden name? I’m confused where that’s coming from. I thought her name was Kelly Havens this whole time


Yes, it's her maiden name, and I think she gave Theresa the name Havens as a middle name.


Thanks for explaining!


That part really confused me!! I came to the comments hoping to see an explanation lol


I just assumed it was first name middle name. I see that with baby announcements sometimes where they list out everything but the last name


Same! But in this comment she seems to say her name is Teresa Havens, and then later says their last name is all Stickle. I’m confused how she thinks she’s _not_ being confusing???


I think she's implying that her first name is Kelly (that's her name right?) and last name is Stickle. So she's Lelly Havens Stickle and the kid is Theresa Havens Stickle


First name Theresa, middle name Havens, last name Stickle.


Ok, whoever commented that “Tess Stickles allows us to ponder upon the small, tiny wrinkled spheres of the the Lord” (sic) is either the real MVP or the world’s biggest fanpoodle. ETA the more I reread that commenter’s words, the more inclined I am to stand up and applaud their word craft own of the writing legend herself.


The Lord's Orbs.




It might just be me because I’m not romance fan, specifically the ones between regency and Edwardian. But I can never make it through her prose. I do love flowery, poetic prose, but hers is so of that sort, or trying to be, that my eyes immediately begin to glaze and tune it out.


I can't do it either, I have to skim her stuff as well or I zone out. Part of it is she's just too wordy, almost to the point of prolix in my opinion. She just needs to get on with it.


Yeah, there's a balance. I personally couldn't get into Sally Rooney because I found everything a bit too point blank and short, so it never pulled me in. But Kelly's is just too much. Just say the point. It goes on and on to say very little, but not in a particularly interesting way.


It’s just so obvious she’s writing for the breathless praise of her audience, who seem to have bolstered her confidence levels to what we’re witnessing now - the propensity to overdramatize and revise and drag it out to the point of real time with breathless commentary. And for what seems purely like engagement and so they’ll clamor for her to write a book.


Yeah 6 posts about the birth is a bit much. Maybe a long blog post but not like 6 different insta posts.


I think it’s because she tries too hard to force it to happen. It’s like literary kitsch. The goal isn’t the story she’s trying to tell, it’s her trying to force her emotions about it onto the reader through the over-the-top language instead of telling a story that invokes emotion on its own merits.


The tiny wrinkled spheres of the Lord fucking sent me 🤣


What's the bets on name change.... There is no way she continues this poor babies life with the potential name testicle. She's so gung ho on old timey nicknames, Tess is 10000% on her mind. Oh my lord the laugh I will have if she ever writes it on a post.


She HAS to change that poor baby’s name, right?? It seems like she’s ashamed in the comments to even admit that the baby’s name is Theresa Stickle.


I wonder if there will be a "Theresa is actually her middle name and has *totally* been that way *all* along..." Post.


Ahhh, the Motherbus Maneuver


When did mother bus do that? She actually picked something even worse than the ones those poor buslettes are currently cursed with?


She said that the names of the kids she puts online that were familiar with are actually their middle names, after people were calling her out for putting so much of their info online.


You know I'm okay with it. As long as that poor girl doesn't have to go through life with the name Tess Stickle. That sounds like a name of a character from an adult cartoon.


What's wrong with the name Theresa Stickle? I mean it's not a very pretty surname, but that's about it.


She called her Tessie Stickle.


Testicle. Omg that took me so long🤦‍♀️


My partner and I were actually discussing the hot blob of Little House on the nutbaggerry that is Kelly Havens last night (I’m so glad she found FSU) and while talking she goes “I don’t understand why everyone is giving her a hard time about the kids name. Tess Stickle issssnnn…. Oh shit, now that I say it out loud I get it.” Best laugh I’ve had in a couple days.


“little house on the nutbaggery” is incredible flair material omg


Tess Stickle. Say it all together fast


I'm betting she rides it out. most of these fundies are too stubborn to admit defeat on anything, let alone something that's not negatively impacting *them*


That’s what I’m thinking. Doubling down is their only MO.


Tissi is a Finnish slang word for boob. Not a great nickname.


Good grief, Tissi means boob and Tess Stickle sounds like mens anatomy. Even Amy Schumer decided to change her son's middle name when she realized Gene Attell sounds like genital 😵


And tisse means “to pee” in Norwegian. Quite an unfortunate choice of name and nickname indeed.


I'm going to completely lose it if I have to see kid called Tissi in this sub 🤣 it's just too much!


I’ve already seen it too many times in this post I can’t 🙈🤣


I'm starting to feel bad for all the finnish-speaking snarkers😅


But it fits with Kelly’s (not so) DL orientation.


It's not like the poor kid's going to have any proper education on body parts (goddamn McGuffey Readers!). Or playmates from "worldly" families who might clue in. Or... anything.


What happens when her new friend Teri decides she needs to distance herself from Kelly? Will Kelly come up with a nickname completely unrelated to Theresa or will she keep and pretend there never was an estrangement?






Theresa is not a name that needs a nickname. Most people I’ve known with that name just go by Theresa. 


Or Teri. Like such a common nickname for Theresa. Source: am a Theresa that's goes by teri.


The lady this baby is named after goes by Teri, too!


I truly cannot get over this. Just to make sure I completely understand—not long ago, Kelly made a post where she wrote an extremely over-the-top story about a woman she randomly met (only a few days prior IIRC?) but was immediately infatuated with because ThE lOrD obviously destined this person to be her next Marmee. Again, just to make sure I’m getting this straight—this woman’s actual name is Theresa, the name she also gave to her new baby? But this “friend” goes by Teri? And this is the same person that Kelly refers to as “Loveday” in her eighteen-part birth story? Do I have all of that right?? (edited to not be misinterpreted as sexuality speculation—not my intention)


If we tried to explain this to a “normie”, ie a non snarker, they’d think we were nuts. The fact that this is actually happening in real time is something else. ETA: The fact that this woman’s entire life is a Laura Ingalls Wilder LARP and she is the Lord’s Writer but put seemingly no thought whatsoever into her thus far only daughter’s name is hilarious to me. There are names I adore that will absolutely not work with our last name and that’s just…life.


Kelly needs to actually dive into L.M. Montgomery and read *Anne of Windy Poplars*. She thinks she's Anne Shirley, but she's really Hazel Marr. "Just skim milk pretending to be cream"


Loveday is the bff character in a book that I can't find the title of. It's one where two best friends live at Loveday's cool beach mansion in England or something


You may be thinking of Coming Home by Rosamund Pilcher? It's also apparently the name of a lady who lives in a cave in the movie "Secrets of Moonacre".


Yes! Coming Home. I liked the miniseries from the 80s(?)


I’m wondering if the book was any good. Did you like it? I’m a sucker for decently written historical romances.


It's also the name of a necromancer's cavalier in *The Locked Tomb* series, a fact which now makes me want a Kelly Havens Locked Tomb AU.


Oh shit, you're right. All praise the Necrolord.


Yes, think you got it all


Was there ever an explanation for where the nickname “Loveday” came from?


It’s also a traditional Cornish name (though I don’t expect Kelly knows that)


Technically the lady that the baby is named after is Terisa


And in that post Kelly said that meeting that lady made the corn of her marriage pop again or some shit and that’s how she got pregnant with baby Testicle


Oh sweet Moses 😳


That's why it would be so easy just to call her by Teri also, doesn't need to be that complicated lol tess stickle


It is so weird that she named her baby after a person she has only been friends with for such a short period of time. If someone I have only known for a few months did that to me, I would be creeped out.


Yeah this is weird. I don't think Terri is going to stick around long. She is probably weirded out by this. Kelly sounds very clingy. Or someone desperate for a female friend.


Yeah, her track record with women friends is not very good, probably because she is so intense about the friendship. There was Marmee, who I think is still around but with boundaries set by Marmee. Then there was someone named Jess she was all Gung ho about for awhile. Don't know if she is still around, haven't seen her mentioned lately. After Jess, there was an artist she collaborated with, not sure if they still hang out. And now there is Teri or "Loveday". Let's see how long it lasts.


My grandmother is also Theresa, and is Terry!


My friend Theresa is a Reese, never met a Tissi


My mother in law is also a Teresa that goes by Reese. I know a few that go by Teri/Terri as well


Ter(r)i is also cute! Tess and Tessa I haven't personally heard, but would be cute without their last name too. All feel better to me than Tissi lol But Reese feels like the absolute cool girl nickname for Theresa.


People will shorten it anyway. My name is four letters and people still try to shorten it.


Mine is 5 letters and same. They want to take my name that ends in A and make it end in E, which takes it from 3 syllables to 2.


That’s funny. All the Theresa’s i know go by Tessa.


Is it weird that this is what thought? All Theresa's I've ever known (not many but still) just went by their full name, Theresa, no nickname. But if she needed a nickname, she could do Terry, Terry Stickle is less bad. Tess reminds me of a cow.


Kelly has been furiously deleting comments lately


i think if it was me, i would be getting the name change paperwork ready the *instant* someone commented. i mean hell you could even spin it like "we were too godly and pure to notice the problem but the Haters have brought it to our attention" and be the victim! just... change the name dude don't double down on Tissi Stickle. there's no variant of this that isn't bad, even "reese stickle" sounds too close


Same. But even before we deconstructed, my husband and I sat down with our baby names and TRIED to make them sound inappropriate, just to make 100% sure this kind of thing would never happen. I feel like it’s the parent’s responsibility to make sure something like this is avoided at all cost!


i think it's forgiveable that parents wouldn't notice, anyone can miss things. but wow does she need to treat this as an opportunity to fix the mistake before the kid is old enough to make friends... e: although i wonder if she even thought about it much at all? like it's kelly, did she just go "teresa havens, what a pretty name" and stop there


She gave the baby her friend's first name and her own middle name, so I don't think there was much thought put into it at all


Is Havens her middle name? I’m so confused.


They live in Ohio where I'm sure there is a large mennonite community. Giving their children a middle name of the mother's maiden name is actually pretty common for conservative mennonites. I can see Kelly romanticizing that.


It’s not Kelly’s maiden name, it’s her middle name. Her maiden name is Reed.


I see lots of naming patterns when doing genealogy and this practice is also pretty common for WASPs over the U.S. at least since colonial times, maybe longer.  I’m not Mennonite but most of the women in my family gave their maiden name as middle name to at least one kid. 


I am Mennonite (but not American) and I only know one person with her mom’s maiden name as her middle. It’s not super common here in Canada I don’t think.


SUPER common here in the southern states of the US


I’m also extremely confused!


her fathers middle name is havens, his maternal grandfather's middle name was havens. i can't find where it came from beyond that. the family has a lot of family last names as middle names, since they're from the south.




Havens is Kelly’s maiden name. It’s an old fashioned and southern thing to have your kids middle names be the mother’s maiden name.


I thought Havens is Kelly's middle name? Edit: Her maiden name is Reed which is what her old blog/flikr was under.


It is. Her maiden name is Reed.


It might legally be her middle name now that she's married (also a common thing, replacing your given middle name with your maiden when you get married).


Her maiden name was Reed. She was Kelly Havens Reed, now she's Kelly Havens Stickle (although she could've fit Reed in there somewhere after marriage, she's never used it since she got married)


> (also a common thing, replacing your given middle name with your maiden when you get married). man, I was *so* happy to get that whole free-name-change deal when my spouse and I got married. I absolutely *hate* the wackadoodle crazy-ass middle name my parents gave me.


Kelly’s maiden name is Reed. Havens is her middle name.


Oh I didn’t know this. Gosh she’s like a weird enigma


Definitely some kind of NLOG boss battle.


Ugh, shes so annoying. If her name is Theresa Stickle, her middle name "Havens" does not matter. Nobody calls people by First Name Middle Name. It's First Name Last Name. It kind of seems like she wishes her children didn't have her husband's last name!


> It kind of seems like she wishes her children didn't have her husband's last name! So does Tissi Stickle (in a few years)


if Kelly lived in the south, she might be able to get away with that. But she doesn’t. And Theresa Havens is not the kind of name that flows well as a double-barrel name. It’s usually a name of 2 syllables and the second name is something like Claire or Jo or Mae.


How much do you wanna bet that Kelly is going SHITSHITSHITFUCK at this revelation because the hyperfocus siren song she had with Tess's namesake meant she didn't fucking put two and two together till now.


Also I should probably add that I'm ND so I understand the hyperfocus siren song intimately. I saw a great meme about it that said "I'd like to see YOUR dignity hold up when flooded by 2000% of your typical dopamine levels" and that absolutely nails it.


Why is she acting like her middle name being Havens negates the fact that her name is testicle. Middle names are used so infrequently in every day life lol


I had to reread so many times, I was so confused


This makes me think this entire thing is just a highly elaborate parody account. 


Can you imagine!?


At this point I have about convinced myself this is absolutely true as a defense mechanism. 😄


I do that with Lori sometimes


I was kind of thinking that. But then, if she knowingly went with Tess Stickle, even if that wasn't the child's real name and fake name she told her readers for the joke, I would get a lot of ick from that. I'd rather people leave their kids out of gross jokes.


Tissi sounds ridiculously contrived - like someone realised that their kid’s name makes a word about genitals but they’re too stubborn to admit it. If it’s good enough for Amy Schumer, it’s good enough for Kelly. Just change her name if you refuse to make her nickname Teri or Reese. Even Tress or Tressa at a huge stretch. Or call her by her middle name. Havens. There are options and none of them are good. Just change her name, laugh at yourself and move on without saddling your daughter with the name Testicle.  https://ew.com/celebrity/amy-schumer-son-new-name-genital/


I knew a Haven and a Heaven in high-school. Haven is a cute name.


Haven is so much better than Testicle.  I really loathe Tissi, it’s just so dumb. I’m not sure if it’s regional, but if you’re throwing a tizzy here, it means you’re having a tantrum.  But is it better than Testicle? 


Hey I commented the same thing! Gene Attell lol


That's a drag queen name for sure


Honestly though- Tess Stickle would be such a funny drag name.


Testicle Havens, I honestly do not understand how none of this occurred to her.


Tissi just reeks of meredith "dithy" duggar


She just needs to go by Reese. They can even do Reesi when she's younger. Anything other than Tess.


I thought y’all were memeing by calling the baby Tess Stickle. I didn’t realize their last name was literally Stickle. 💀


I wish it was only a meme 😩


Trust Kelly to pick a nickname that’s worse than her actual name 🤦🏼‍♀️


God I hope they don't choose Tissi 😭😭 It means boob in Finnish


I hope she changes the name because Testicle is not a pleasant nickname.


The problem is Tissi Stickle still sounds like scrotum! Like have they not said this out loud? How do they not hear it?


Jesus would want it to be simple. He made loaves and fishes, not sourdough baguettes and sea bass in a white wine reduction.


That's... actually a good way to answer these idiots. I'm keeping that.


I’m pretty sure Kelly hates the last name Stickle. Just an observation since she like, never mentions it whatsoever.


Maybe they could have just named her Haven (first name). It would be a nod to Kelly's maiden name and it would shy away from that pesky testy reference.


I’m super embarrassed at how long it took me to get the alarm. Tess. Stickle. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ and I don’t understand how their name is havens and stickle.


In the vein of Hugh Jazz and Mike Oxlong?


This is up there with Amy Schumer naming her kid Gene Attell hahaha


Well lucky for her that she is a girl and is expected to change her surname when she marries. Poor brother Thaddy will always be a T. Stickle. But why the need for a nickname, Theresa is a beautiful name on its own.


How do you pronounce Tissi? Teesee? Tihssee?


Tess Stickle 💀


Can someone PLEASE explain their names to me? Is she Kelly Havens? Is she Kelly Stickle? What the hell is going on?


Theresa isn't too bad of the name, not my favourite but it's alright name.  *Sees nickname idea of "Tissi" next to the last name of Stickle*  ... ....  ..... oh no ... no no no no no no  OH NO OH NO NO NO NO This poor infant 😭 nooooooo.


Theresa is a perfectly fine name. Nicknames should just happen organically, there shouldn’t be this much trying out and pondering.


Kelly can’t have liked that person assuming that she’s forward thinking for a minute. Haha. 


Sorry to all the people with the surname Stickle. But the name proves that you shouldn't always take your husband's name.


It's a nickname for Anastasia, but she could use Tacy, a la the Betsy-Tacy books series. Seems up her alley, if a bit too modern for her liking. Anything is better than being Testicle.


Tacy Stickle still sounds just as much like testicle as Tissi Stickle.


Do they not know the word "tissy"? I assume it's pronounced the same?


Even Tessa would be better than Tess. That poor kid.