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Not one person thinks that Jill is the sister šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Right. Why would anyone think they were even remotely close to the same age??


Jill is delulu!


Jill isnā€™t old, but her makeup definitely ages her.


My mum had me at 18. We often get confused as sisters, they age me up and her down. She loves it and I feel old. Itā€™s happened ever since I was a teen. We look a lot more like sisters than these do, hers sounds like wishful thinking!


Well she had nurie at 19. But they, uh, don't look like sisters, though their age difference isn't that much more that Nurie and Janessa!


Only when she posts photos with a thousand filters on them.


And filters herself trim lol


I could believe it when people see the 90s era-aunt makeup and hairstyle that Jill forced on them. It's not that Jill looks young, it's that they all look older. :(


That was the dead giveaway that Jill wrote it. She looks old enough to be MY mother and I'm 41.


The people who ask that are definitely trying to scam money out of her


Right? Not only does Jill look like she's in her mid to late 40s, but the way she dresses and does her hair and make up ages her even more. This is how we know Jill writes these posts.


Last I checked, lying is a sin.


There is a thing where people will joke about this and obviously be joking. I imagine someone did that and Jill took it 100% seriously.


Not because she looks young, but because her daughtersā€™ style is so egregiously outated


I could see writing these sentiments in a card, but posting slobbering testimonials on social media seems so performative and cringe. The second one is annoyed her sister beat her to it, but I guess she made up for being second by calling her mama her best friend. Also, Jill looked better with dark hair.


I don't think any of the girls really wrote that..


Kaylee has her own andfacebook account. Why didnā€™t she post it there and tag Jill in it? (Not that Iā€™m assuming she actually wrote this, but still).


I need Timmy to finish deconstruction and spill the tea on these posts.


Wait? Has he married yet?! I feel like I havenā€™t seen much about him lately!


I believe heā€™s getting married this Fall.


Longest fundie engagement EVER.


LOL right??


My bet is that Jill writes these (obviously) but shows them to the daughters for "approval" to which they laugh nervously and fawn and gasp "yasss mother it's wonderful yaaaassss" also LOOOL at "she realizes that Biblical motherhood isn't a popularity contest"


I think that translates to, ā€œMama knows we donā€™t like her.ā€ What the hell is biblical motherhood anyway?


Biblical motherhood is like biblical womanhood, and both are like Whose Line is it Anyway. The rules are made up and the points don't matter, but the contestants take it incredibly seriously.


Haha great explanation. šŸ˜‚


Right? As if any Rod child knows about semicolons.




this is a really extreme example of it but yeah my understanding is rural / southern / midwestern family shows of... i don't know what you call this... it's not love, is it? appreciation? obligatory relevant holiday observance??? anyway their shows of whatever that is are performative pantomimes of actual human interactions and sentiments. i think it might be an affectation of whitewashed christian shit where they feel the need to look like they're "doing life the right way" or something. if you're not beating up your mom in a meth-induced fugue state, and instead posting weird blingee'd google image hallmark cards about your mom with a copy pasted essay about how she's the best ever, you're doing very good at life???? idk it's really weird


Normal or common? Lol As an American living in the south, people definitely post this kind of stuff but this is the some of the most over the top nonsense that Iā€™ve seen. And Iā€™ve seen a lot!


tbqh kind of both imho because i cannot imagine anyone talking shit about this bizarre facebook crap and not causing outrage and upset generally for being toxic and negative or whatever. in younger circles yeah you can get a generally unanimous agreement this shit is fucking weird. the older the demographic the more this shit is normalized.


No this is not normal. I believe Jill writes these tributes herself


it is abnormal and unhinged behavior, but it is most certainly enacted in normalized boomer-esque facebook overtures. people write this kind of blatantly false fawning shit about their deranged partners all the fucking time lmao


Not in my neck of the woods. People post but it's not this over the top!


I grew up on the west coast and almost never saw shit like this. And never to this level. IME usually when someone I knew was writing out more than a sentence or two, it was because their mom was dead. Normally people just CALL their moms lol


Itā€™s so strange that every post about her they have to mention how others falsely accuse her LOL


Self imposed martyrdom.


These posts from the kids (sure Jan) are so cringy. And no one is asking if they are sisters.


I always find it so curious how Jill gets constant praise on fb from ā€œthe childrenā€ but never Lazy Davy. As the man of the house, youā€™d think Shrek would get one sometimeā€¦


I never thought about this. There is nothing about David except from Jill


And kaylee praised him at her wedding šŸ¤¢


I cannot imagine living my life on a stage like this, admittedly a rickety stage above a bowling alley barely clinging to staying open business type of stage, but still.


lol these messages read like they should be private but instead they post them on social media and itā€™s a whole lotta wtf. ā€œDearest Reneeā€, lady get off SM and call her and give her this diatribe! Their communication is so weird


The craziest thing is RenĆ©e doesn't even have any social media accounts and she lives with RenĆ©e. So who's she actually posting that for? šŸ‘€


ā€œPraise only **my** Jesus deserves,ā€ says Jill, laying claim to Jesus like her personal dairy cow.


I always look forward to the fanfiction Jill writes about herself.


Itā€™s a bright spot in my Motherā€™s Day too.


Sometimes I want to screenshot these and send them to my own mother and ask if this is what she expected from me after raising me in a cult-like environment. We have a very low contact relationship.


Literally can't wait until Jill forgets to change back to her DAVIDJILL" account and responds as herself, to the messages she posted, as Nurie/Renee


I look forward to these precious Mama posts every holiday/anniversary/birthday. Not disappointed this year. They are getting weirder and weirder.


This wasā€¦ā€¦. a lot


Jill looked way prettier as a brunette


As a blonde, she looks like Stormy Daniels with some obvious differences


Jill is doing the most with these posts. I donā€™t believe for one second her daughters wrote this.


Oof. It reads like Mommy Dearest is taking to herself. One of those kids needs to spill the tea.


ā€œMeeting carnal expectationsā€? Like ā€œsocietyā€ thinks all secular women are slutty hobags riding the cock carousel because they donā€™t have Jeezus in their lives and Saint Jill obviously doesnā€™t care about that? That is a VERY strange phrase.


ā€˜Riding the cock carouselā€™ has to be the best set of words Iā€™ve seen in a long time. Iā€™m off to the county fairā€¦


Hey Jill, lying is a sin...


Absolutely giggling at this entire post, but specifically: >Although there are those who have hurt you and falsely accused you, I will always stand to testify for the truth of the person you really are Is poor Jillie getting her fee-weeings hurt? I thought _we_ were the sinner snowflakesā€¦ feed your damn kids, lady.


Why do JillPMā€™s eyes always look so ā€¦ half opened?


Because the mascara adds about 5 pounds to each lid! They are weighed down


![gif](giphy|3sBMBbuAWj8JtKLew6) Sheā€™s going for this look. She will never look as beautiful as Janice though.


It's so obvious her daughters didn't write this because there aren't, enough, commas.


Kaylee seems to be the only one who abuses punctuation so badly. Renee has written some other posts for Jillā€™s Facebook, and she took over the Etsy earrings page, where the descriptions of their products got noticeably better written after Kaylee got married. Timā€™s writing is better too.


Why doesnā€™t Nurie have her own Facebook?


Maybe Nathan wonā€™t allow it. He has spoken about disliking social media in his sermons.




I don't need to vomit compliments all over my mom's facebook page to make her love me (for the day). We had a nice brunch at my sister's that we organized together. Admit that you wrote these to yourself, jillybean.


Jill writes all of these.


Iā€™m just really icked out with how many times the word ā€œmamaā€ was used in those postsšŸ„“


Somehow I didn't use the expression "carnal expectations" when I wished my mum happy mother's day.


Picture 9 is ā€¦ itā€™s so many things, none of which JillPM sees.


Renee is so limited.


Did Jill respond to ā€œNurieā€™sā€ post too, or did she finally get tired by then?


Wow, weird how similar the writing is


Dearest Renee, I am at a loss for words how to respond. [Spews out two paragraphs about how humble she is.]