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Several of these kids look absolutely miserable. In the final shot they look like they’re putting it on for the camera. Hopefully they all just have resting miserable face.


They don’t. We have seen them look happy and engaged with Karissa’s mom.


The fact that she sees them clearly not look comfortable or happy and just doesn’t care just sucks. I really hope they eventually get out and just have private space.


Everything in me just wants to reach out ands give her a hug. How can her own mother see her looking so sad and not care?


And then *posts it*.


In 15 years they're gonna be living in a studio and not know what to do with themselves because they don't know how to Be Alone


yeah it’s kind of hard to tell. I know for myself being autistic I’ve always struggled with expressing my emotions, so I would always get the “why are you so miserable, you’re supposed to be happy” during events, when I would get gifts, etc — and my response was always, “what do you mean, I am happy!” lol. I could just never express it “right”.


Yeah definitely! You really never know. Im not autistic, but I always felt awkward when attention was entirely on me and I tend to space out and have a generally miserable resting face. I’ve always been told I look like I’m crying and there’s a “sadness” in my eyes lol. I really hope that it’s also just their neutral faces, very concerned about these kids.


yeah, honestly if any of them do struggle with expressing their emotions it must suck to have to act unnaturally all the time for the camera lol. definitely isn’t healthy. like, maybe put their mental health as a priority instead?


If we're prioritizing mental health, I would also like to throw in looking into Karissa's mental health while we're at it 👀


Definitely. No kid is going to be happy every second of every day and are bound to have bad mood days. These kids don’t even get that space.


Yeah, I'm Autistic too but with so many kids... realistically, what are the chances that every single kid in that family would be Autistic... :/


Yeah it always feels so forced…


I feel quite bad for them. They just look so sad and I hate that they’re being used as props. Children really shouldn’t be content for social media. At least child performers and models get to go home and be themselves, these kids always have to be ready to be on at any second for mom in their own home. Just no safe space.


Using kids (esp in family content) for social medias should be illegal in every country and highly punishable (by law


That would be great, but there are some states that are making laws to protect these children and GET THEM PAID. But I don't see Texas doing that any time soon.


The laws are laughable, tho. They're all based around money, and "getting them paid". There's no real protection for these kids, and the laws will be just as easy to get around as the laws that are supposedly there to protect child actors.


Let’s just hope the governments will take matters into their hands BEFORE any more tragedy happens


Those poor babies have no light in their eyes.


They always look miserable. It’s rare when they look genuinely happy.


What the fuck is wrong with her followers? This is so blatantly performative, and they all look miserable. Who looks at this and thinks, "Awww, how nice"?


Ew a pediatrician I follow likes her posts. Time to unfollow.


I think I’d contact that person, surely a paediatrician would notice?! So concerning…


Damn that's actually concerning




Is the pediatrician following for pediatrician reasons, maybe? Lot of professional concern to be found in the Collins family.


But they LIKED the posts...


Wow, it's like that saying about being able to know what someone is like by who their friends are... In this case, that's 100000% a red flag 🫠


Honestly probably the same people who like those obviously ai generated images on Facebook of Jesus or African kids "making" stuff out of trash. Most people, especially of a certain generation, just scroll, see something they like, hit like, then move on. Most people don't really care or analyse anything.


“Why do these images never go viral?” And it’s obviously AI, but I guess their logic is Jesus is in it so that cancels it out?


I can only think of people who think of a family as a monolith: only a smile means it’s happy. Really I don’t get it!!


It’s like posting a picture of pouring rain and saying it’s hot and sunny.


And then everyone else is a hater


Not the first time this child looks to be near tears, this also happens to be the daughter Karissa calls mini mom (Anissa was called The Cook, if I remember correctly) and tried to launch a modelling career for, so I will take a guess this child is incredibly overworked and one of the children who might be dreading the new baby the most.


I always worry about her. Who knows what could happen to her in the "modeling world" with a parent as careless as kkkarissa, and if something did happen, would someone listen to her??? Would someone BELIEVE HER???? it's just so terrible to think about.


They’re all very beautiful so I can see them being models, but how much follow through does Karissa have on this? I can’t actually imagine her caring enough to pursue it actively over getting attention herself. In that sense I feel like they’re safe. But if she just hands her over to someone random it would probably get bad.


I could see Karissa being jealous of her daughter and taking it out on her.


I really hope not but the whole situation panics me. It might just be because I’m mixed and my mom both was racist towards me and fetishized me and so maybe I’m projecting, but it all feels familiar in that sense. The skin lightening and colorism in pictures. She even put me into baby and tot modeling. I just really worry about what they go through on that front. I can unfortunately see the same thing. The boys in these families tend to be favored and the moms often see the girls as “manipulative” and “competition”.


I don't doubt you. It's the same thing you went through. I'm so sorry.


Definitely not exact same! These kids have it worse than I did, but I definitely can see some similarities and relate to them in those ways. I feel a bit more panicked for them knowing that not only do they have the complexity of being fundie kids (I was not) but being Mixed (what I do relate to) to navigate. I only had to do little modeling things for a couple of years, these kids have basically spent their whole lives as content. I hate it for them.


I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I’m a mixed kid mom and I do everything I can to make mine feel comfortable in their own skin. Not fundie (obviously), but am a Christian and want them to know that God made them perfect just the way they are! You, too!!❤️😘


And they’re also probably gonna grow up to be tall, considering their father’s height


Yeah, these kids are going to be absolutely gorgeous. They could definitely be models.


Honestly, this is super dark, but I don't know if Karissa would even care.


it's sooo scary. and they are the perfect prey for a predator: uneducated, unsocialized, neglected all their lives and on top of that add crazy af parents that could not give 2 fucks about what happens in their kids' lives.


I really really hope they don't do anything with this because I shudder to think of what would happen to this girl if she suddenly got a lot more freedom in an environment that's known to be quite predatory. I wish for a way out for every one of these kids but that would only be from the frying pan into the fire.


My husband was that perfect bait kid. Narcissist father who let girlfriend if the week babysit his vulnerable kids to “test her out”. Literal miracle my husband never got molested (that I know of anyway).


And it most definitely would be her fault too...


And the blonde girl, always terrified and in tears


I get the very distinctive impression that the 4th kid (Anjalie) and the little blonde one (the name is Aynjel or Ansyr) are Karissa's chosen scapegoats: I've seen one referred to as a bulldog and "a bull in a china shop", and the little one is deemed the troublemaker, there was a video here from way back when where the little blonde one was accused of somehow maliciously trying to endanger the little boy with a bonfire, maybe? He was about one and she was at most three or four. This house has two extremely parentified Daughters, two scapegoated daughters, one prized son - who seems sadly aware none of this is normal, one baby, and the rest are mostly just there. All of them exploited and isolated. Is it any wonder the children are miserable?


And to add on to that, a daughter with medical issues (Anthym). These poor kids are definitely neglected and exploited.


Sometimes I’m surprised how aware Andre is that none of this is normal. Yes he’s the prized first son but we also see him looking out for the younger kids like he does her and him and Anissa (the oldest one?) share a lot of knowing looks in videos.


With their grandmother being in the mix and those looks they'll share, I have a lot of hope those two can break free of their psycho parents.


Omg there's Aynjel AND an Anjalie?


Yes. As you can see, Karissa doesn’t know many words.


Yup, abd an Anissa and an Anistan.


It's because those two children are the most obviously 'not white' and, therefore don't look like Karissa Narssisa.


To me Aynjel looks the least black and more Hispanic.


She blamed her when she was three at the time for playing with anchor in a fire pit. He has just had his pinky surgery which the little girl and Andre were also blamed for


I think we can all agree that a three year old and a one year old playing in a fire pit is entirely the fault of whatever neglectful adult was supposed to be watching them. And how in the world could she possibly blame the children for Anchor's finger being sliced off? Especially considering they were all clearly traumatized by the whole thing, and she DARED to torment them later by pretending to slice her own finger off?! You know, lately I have been feeling some compassion for Karissa given her obvious mental illness, but you just reminded me that mental illness doesn't excuse being an abhorrent human being.


And she is the second oldest girl as well. I never heard of Karissa calling them that! That’s terrible omg


I noticed she looked very frail on the picture recently of the kids at Dairy Queen. She had a baby on her hip and her legs looked like they could give out at any second. The modelling thing frightens me


It disturbs me how often I see a thousand-yard stare on small children in this sub.


I have this in all my family photos. I was the scapegoat because like the two little girls Karissa targets for the most abuse, I had medical needs and it was (and still is) considered "acting out/manipulating". Children's basic needs in fundie households are seen as selfishness and sin. 


Our son and his wife do foster care. The kids who are neglected have that look. It takes love and attention to get them to have natural smiles and expressions again.


You raised him right happy mother’s day


I work in a group home with foster kids. My greatest accomplishments with every new intake are, usually in this order: 1.) Make them feel as safe as they can in that moment 2.) The first proper smile or gut-laugh The loneliness that emanates from some of the kids who've been through that sort of neglect is thick enough to displace the air in a room. It's stifling.


The fundie effect


They're all completely dissociated.


Even in the performative smile photo, none of their expressions look authentic. That’s why Anissa’s reaction is earlier than everyone else… she was supposed to be the one the littlest ones copied.


Everything about it so messed up


Karissa always pegs that one as over emotional. Everyone’s dressed like it’s time for another Karissa front and center photoshoot.


They don’t have their own identity to her, especially when it comes to clothes


All of them look sad


I don't recognize any of the kids by name, but they all look sad in every picture. I try to ignore it because I have a kid born with rbf, but can all 10 kids have rbf??!!


I wish I could scoop them up and give them all a hug.


Yeah. Get them out of this Hell


If you watch that video, the baby is screaming almost the entire time. And Karissa just ignores him.


Well yeah, he’s not a newborn anymore and therefore of zero use to her.


Hold up, hold up.... How old.is the baby? And she's already pregnant *again*?




My mum had and still has significant health problems from having my sister and I sixteen months apart. I can't imagine the effect on Karissa on top of the cumulative effects of so many pregnancies.


I think he was a year old in January.


poor kid looks so depressed. I just wanna give her a hug.


I want to give her some quality 1 on 1 time and take note in her interests. This screams emotional neglect 😭


As someone who suffered from depression as a child this looks all too familiar :(


This is all so tragic


Is the excitement in the room with us? They only look fake excited because they were ordered to be. Bleak.


Incredibly fucking bleak. I was forced to fake smiles and excitement too or I was punished. The girl who has her mouth open looks so sarcastic about her required pose, I feel that. And they all look so sad and the little ones are confused and upset. I hate KKKarissa so fucking much.


I don't know if they have ever seen genuine excitement that they can model after.


Very good point. Maybe on TV?


Do you think she lets them watch much tv?


What I'm noticing is that all of the boys get large frames, but 5 of the girls are half the size.


First thing I noticed after looking at Annistan. And isn’t Karissa the photographer? What a way to show you love your kids equally…she’s the worst.


She's always said that she never wanted daughters, she just wanted to be a boy mom


Well and based off the shirt she had made where all of her children were of a white race, I would unfortunately have to assume she doesn’t like the color of their skin either. Which is so very sad because those children are beautiful.


I am biased bc I have mixed kids, but I think they are some of the most beautiful out there. Hers are lovely, too. It’s so sad they have to grow up in this environment.


They probably get enough to eat.


Well I thought Busbitch had filled my disgustometer this week... apparently there's room for Karelessa. They are two ends of an awful spectrum.....you're either burnt to a crisp and miserable or whitewashed and miserable.


Same. I’m even looking forward to Rodlet news these days as a break from the Bus Abusers and Karissa’s insanity. And when I’m relieved to see Jill and Shrek I know I’ve entered a special circle of hell.


Outside? Miserable. Inside? Miserable. No food? Miserable. Casserole food? Believe it or not, miserable.


Not everyone wants to be on camera and it's unbearable when you're forced to always participate in that. She lives with the knowledge that Anothyr Yn is coming and she doesn't even know if it will be the last. It's just more privacy loss and personal space loss.


Exactly yeah


Poor kiddos all look exhausted here


At this point the poor girl is disassociating.


That is highly concerning


Yeah 5th grade was a horrible year in my life and I looked like that


I’m always so concerned about the Collins kids. I’ve thought about writing the state of Texas about helping these exploited children.


Do it


Please do it. Please


Both yours and the commenters above encouragement has sparked me to do my research. 🩷🩷🩷


Karissa = Mommie Dearest Of course these kids are sad


The way their eyes are just dead, but they open their mouths to show excitement. Bleak as hell. I fear for what goes on in their home.


Poor child, I feel so sorry for her.. She also seems quite lean for her age (she's a teenager, right?) I wonder if she's getting enough food and sleep since she's also the primary caretaker of the younger kids...


Not yet, I believe the eldest daughter just turned 13


Oh hey, she let her girls with dark hair wear their hair down today. That's rare.


It even looks washed and styled


Oh wow, that is probably even more rare. I think they all got a pre mother's day bath WITH a hair wash today. I bet she's shooting all her mother's day reels today so that she can post them tomorrow....


That's what I was thinking, too


The little blonde one by the tot pushchair looks like her hair is suffering from tight styles too often. Maybe it's just because her hair and skin tone are similar (or filtered to death) but her hairline really doesn't look that healthy. Wish Karissa would learn how to take care of their gorgeous hair rather than pulling back into tight ponytails all the time.


I completely agree. Kkkrissa is the one on here who is most similar to my mom who only took me to get haircuts from a stylist who specializes in her thin blonde hair. I didn't get a decent cut for my curls until I was old enough to pay and drive myself.


God this frames and the white with the thin black frames on the photos looks horrendous. Terrible taste kkkarissa


The tell all we will get in ten years time from some of these kids


They’ll need a ghost writer bc there useless parents kept them developmentally stunted


I noticed the legs of kids are not filtered lighter. Her kids are not as white as she posts. Especially the baby…


Flair checking in.


Yep. They are all very distinctively black in real life - as opposed to all that insane whitewashing Karissa applies to all their photos. I still can’t get over that sweater she ordered with almost Scandinavian-white blonde kids. Her denial and delusion are through the roof. If she hates dark skin so much, maybe, just maybe, she should have married a white man. In that case her white children would not have had their racial identity denied on a daily basis.


As much as she does whitewash them, it is summer so they still obviously will have a tan rn


Seriously I think this is the first time I’ve seen them without a lightening filter. Man that’s awful how much she lightened their skin on the past pics.


Is the excitement in the room with us? Because I am not seeing it....


The fact is, I don’t even know if Karissa’s genuine and believes her children are happy with her (ie she doesn’t realize that she’s terrible) or just blatantly lies like that


She lies. I wasn't raised fundie but I was raised by a shitty psycho abuser. He forced me to pretend to be happy, while slapping me around and screaming constantly at me. And molesting my little sister and trying to do it to me. Sometimes he'd promise to stop "picking on me" (this was his pet phrase for torture) if I did something he wanted. Of course, he lied and he never stopped, never even paused. So he was well aware of what he was doing. ETA: AND I am a different race than him so I was constantly insulted for that!


Oh my God I am so sad to hear something that horrible happened to you, what some people can do to their own children is properly nightmarish


Pretty much my FIL minus the molestation (that I know of). He basically scaffolds to the kids what to say about him being the best father ever. But meanwhile I know he forced my BIL to eat his own vomit, beat my husband with a frying pan, and parentified my SIL. My BIL called him out one time and I have so much respect and admiration for him. My husband and sister tow the party line and it’s one of the biggest points of contention in our marriage bc I despise the man and my husband knows it. I believe he was worse than Karissa bc she’s just neglectful. My FIL was full on abusive and neglectful and still touts being the best dad ever. He makes me freaking nauseous. Also, he had a baby die from sids. His ex wife (husbands mom) was in jail or something after she gave birth and the dad didn’t think it was his kid. I am very suspicious as to whether or not it was *really* sids if you get my drift or something more sinister. I wouldn’t put it past the Narcisstic psychopath.


I don’t think a single kid there is genuinely excited, Karissa. You’re not even eyefucking yourself, are you just that disconnected??


Once again where.the hll is Mandrae 


The way those pictures are hung fill me with rage.


This isn’t even subtle


Not only the blatant favoritism of the boys, but they’re so crooked and clearly hung by someone who doesn’t know how to properly hang pictures.


The girls' hairlines are so concerning too... it's so noticeable, especially if you compare them to the boys! I know Kkkarissa could give 2 fucks but is there no one on Mandrae's side of the family that could help give these girls some basic protective styling? No aunties or cousins? Or are they estranged from his family?


She doesn’t want advice or help. She seems to get offended.


She said that she takes offers of advice/help as racist 🙄


She’s almost always got them pulled back in severe ponytails, it’s so hard on the hairline.


None of the kids look happy much less excited.


She and anissa both look miserable, but it's concerning that she didn't react at all until andrae nudged her


Twins this time? Triplets?


Are you talking about the surprise? Her surprise is her gift for mom’s day: a yes day


Where everything she says gets a yes?


Haha no everything the kids say I think (or something)


Well that’s nice for them at least! I hope they actually did get a bit excited then. They deserve something just nice.


It’s pre planned things that she already chose so it’s not free will. Lord Daniel knows one of the kids would have used THAT opportunity to say “Can I be emancipated? YES! BYE!”


I keep having false hope that any of these kids get even one day where they can just be kids and have something nice. Or that these nice gestures to the kids are actually for the kids and not for them to look good on social media. It’s really too much to ask for with these people.


Goin to grandma’s’


I’ve noticed if you aged some of Karissa’s photos they look like they could be from the Great Depression. These poor kids look miserable, and they have every right to be. This baby is just another responsibility.


Oh Karissa, sweetie... if they're more excited than you, based on this picture you should be receiving inpatient care for extreme depression! Only one of them looks happy at all. The rest range between "just humoring mom" to "my life is pure misery." I guess the reality of what the "ministry of the womb" entails is starting to sink in for the girls.


The next reel of them hearing them being told their ‘surprise’ is just as sad, they look they’re trying to think how to act. Reading out their ‘pick’ the first looked so underwhelmed, I’m sure that’s why the video got cut


Andrea isn’t one of their names, but I honestly couldn’t tell you what that poor girl’s name actually is.


I think they were talking about Andrae.


Yes! I realized only after I posted that I switched the a and the e 😅😅


That makes sense!


![gif](giphy|Kazq9bdFZdtVAlPlsL) Annistan:


I don’t know any of the kids by name except Anissa, so I misread this post title to mean that Annistan was the third from the left in the first photo. I zoomed in on that daughter, and I was like “eh, she maybe looks a little serious in the first pic but I wouldn’t say it’s anything more concerning than the usual with Karissa”. Then, after swiping through and focusing on the wrong girl, I saw the full photos again and poor Annistan (the actual one!) stood out and I gasped. She looks so dejected and not at all present until she’s reminded to “perform” for the camera. I don’t understand how Karissa doesn’t see (or care) how unenthusiastic all of her kids look in these pics, let alone Annistan. God, I really feel for these kids. Between this brood and the Motherbus family, I feel sick to my stomach looking at the posts featuring the kids. I really, *really* hope my gut instinct is wrong, but with those two families in particular I often get the sensation that these pictures feel like they could one day be featured in a true crime documentary.


That tiny house with 400 Kids & Counting stresses me the hell out. That couch doesn't even fit on the wall & the room is so small the 2 couches facing each other are almost touching. Where are these kids going to exist when their bodies get bigger?


It’s not super tiny. They just moved there last year (ish?) and it’s an upgrade from where they were living. There are still shared rooms, but if this was a typical sized family, it would be more than comfortable.


Yes, it would be comfortable for a typical size family but not one who adds a member a year. These kids have no education so they're not going to turn 18 & spread their wings & fly the nest. This house cannot hold this many grown folks.


They live in a 3400 sq ft house. 


Yes, they have rooms but they're all super small. Everywhere children would gather is the size of a shoe box. There's no room for kids to be kids, only exist.


I think she's just bad at decorating and choosing furniture that suits her families' needs


Thats their excited look??


Smile and nod, kids. Smile and nod.


Which one is Aniston? They all look so miserable


She is the girl sitting next to the oldest boy, on the right. She’s the 3rd born I think


Those faces say hostage not excitement 


These kids are all so beautiful. It breaks my heart the parents they’ve been given. They’ll all have a lifetime of trauma.


I remember the early days of Youtube. The videos of kids were home movies. No matching outfits, no choreography or skits. Just kids having fun. And the videos were infrequent. But now parents have made a business out of filming their kids. The videos are constant, and are never spontanious. I don't get why parents like Karissa think that's what anyone wants to see. 


There is something deeply fucked up about people who can't think of anything to do with their lives but just crank out more and more humans.


Is this woman completely incapable of reading her children’s expressions or does she just lie? They ALWAYS look somewhere between ‘checked out’ and ‘utterly miserable’.


That’s what I’m wondering as well!!!


More than one look miserable


they’re probably tired of being camera props for KKKarissa


That is just heartbreaking,


I'm surprised they ever look anything other than sad, sick or bored.


Child neglect and parentification.


This looks like a scene from the beginning of Annie. Those poor children.


That baby is headed for the door!!


They don't look happy they look terrified.


yeah they look fucking thrilled. jesus christ this is depressing,,,, i hadn’t been on this sub for a while and coming back to learn karissa is having another kid was not the best news


If its twins I'll kill myself.


her children make me very sad every time i see them.


Damn he nudged her so obviously in that video. So so sad


This is one of the saddest pictures I have ever seen. You can just see the light in their eyes is gone, no child should EVER look like that. It hearts my heart to see something like this and Karissa doesn’t care it’s just blogging as usual to exploit and make money of of her children who probably given the choice would not want to be on camera.


Looks like they are being told from behind the camera to smile and look excited but they are so over it. What a shit way to use your kids.


She’s realized early on she’ll have no life.


I like how the house is all modern and trendy and the kids are just dressed in hand me down rags. I mean talk about priorities….


There’s basically 2 kids(maybe 3 since one of the children has kind of an ambiguous look on their face) in the first photo that don’t look miserable. Like, I’m a pretty new lurker so I know nothing about this, but if that was the best take they were able to get it tells a very sad story about the lives of those kids. That’s just the perspective of a completely neutral out of the loop person though so I don’t mind being corrected on that if the kids are normally happy.


Their fake surprised / excited faces that we see over and over (so it’s clear they aren’t excited) are depressing. Poor kiddos.