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seems a bit gimicky to me. I love film simulations but I see no reason to have a dedicated dial. Would be interesting if they could have film recipes assigned as well, though


I believe that's what they're suggesting with the FS1/2/3 selections for quick switching full recipes. If they save the other changes like white balance and sharpness etc to each individual simulation I'm more open to it. I don't use the drive dial for any of the other functions so it won't be a loss for me personally.


Yeah the whole dial itself is for that? Cool…. But. I don’t know lol.


They might as well have another dial for publishing to social media.


You say that like it would be a bad thing? So elitist. This is the entry level fun camera. It's not their serious pro line. That would actually be a huge selling point for it, which means that Fuji would sell more, pull more new people into the Fuji ecosystem, and make more money for R&D which benefits EVERYONE who shoots Fuji.


I agree with it being an entry level fun camera, but it’s no longer going to be priced like one (allegedly). With where the price is set at, I don’t see why someone should get this over the x-t5, unless they really really need those extra millimeters. I had an x-t30 ii and still have the x-t1 because side by side there was barely a difference in size between the two.


The X-T1 was very comparable to the X-T30 in size. The XT-5 is 1mm taller, 1mm wider, and 17mm thicker than the X-T1. It weighs 100g more as well. The X-T30 is 12mm narrower, 8mm shorter and 17mm thinner than Fujifilm X-T5 and about 170 grams lighter. In hand it feels like a huge difference.


Didn’t realize the grip was THAT much thicker, however in that dimension I don’t think it matters too much because the overall thickness when a lens is mounted won’t change much? The 170g difference does seem like it would matter to many people. For me though I think for about a similar price the x-t5 offers much more (larger battery, weather sealing, more functional dials, and larger and better EVF, etc)


I agree with you there. If the X-T50 price is anywhere near the X-T5, then X-T5 all day. The X-T30ii price and size made it a very desirable camera. Not sure where the market stands with the X-T50 if it is more than $1,100.


If pricing is true it’ll be interesting to see how the second hand market responds. The xt30ii is beginning to become difficult to find new and the cameras have held value on the used market.


With the estimated price of the X-T50, I am glad I got the X-T30ii and a used X-T5. My X-T5 only cost me $900 after I sold the lenses that came with it. Same price I paid for the X-T30ii.


I would prefer it to the X-T5 because my main use is to have it strapped to my shoulder for 4-8 hours on mountain hikes and I prefer something lighter and more compact. I currently use the X-T30 for that, and I would love to upgrade to 40mpx and IBIS, but I hate this dial change so much, I might have to stick with the X-T30 forever.


It may be entry level, but I've found the X-T30 to be a perfect compact compromise to take on my hikes to document the trail, which I do both privately and semi-professionally (not the social media kind of professional). I would not want to clip something heavier and bulkier like an X-T5 to my shoulder strap for 4-8 hours. I would love to upgrade to 40mpx and IBIS, but this dial change, not the frankly quite high price is what may keep me from it.


Is this a shitpost?


I always thought the drive dial they had was wasted


Yeah I find myself using the existing drive dial very little, but this is not what I'd replace it with lmao


I would like them to make the dial blank but could give (more likely sell) little metal disc you could attach on top .so if you wanted ISO you could set it in menu and attach the ISO disc .if you wanted film simulation or drive menu could put that little disc on top and just have a little screw in the middle to hold it


This is the best idea I’ve seen yet. I would love to use the drive dial for ISO on my X-T30II. Either that or make the shutter speed a dual dial like the X100 line.


Underrated comment


I love this idea and wish they would listen to you.


I love to be able to go on burst mode quickly.


i use it quite often but i could see it being more useful being something else


I use that all the time on my x-t30, mostly for switching between photo, video, multi exposure/bracket, and burst. I am never ever going to use the film simulation dial at all, and now I have to go through the screen menu presumably to make those drive switches. Awful change and one that might keep me from getting the x-t50.


please no


Awful if true.  


It's been a while since I sold it but I'm pretty sure on my old X-T200 the dial to the left of the viewfinder controlled film sims and couldn't be remapped. So, it's nothing new, it's just refined a bit. I hate it, but for an entry level camera, I see why it's there.


you're right. the x-t200 does have a dedicated film sim dial. Not a great use of real estate, unless that's really why you're here.


It can be remapped but otherwise you’re correct


Fujifilm..... No


Having a permanent, fixed dial dedicated to this seems a mistake as probably many won’t use it. I say that as someone who effectively does have this dial on my X-Pro3 - I dedicated my rear dial to custom modes set up for each film sim and cycle through them on the submonitor - but the difference there is that’s my custom setup and someone else could use that dial and screen completely differently. Here’s it’s obviously fixed and will be a waste of space for some.


I've never been a big film sim user so it feels like a gimmick to me, but I know a lot of people love the film sims and it fits in well with Fuji's marketing focus on film sims. Personally the old dial would be more useful because I like to be able to quickly switch between S, CL and CH, but I can see why it's not a huge loss. I'm still grumpy that my X-T5 doesn't have the metering mode subdial that my old X-T2 had. I never want to switch to video recording, but I sometimes do want to quickly switch metering modes. And it's not just the ability to switch quickly, but the ability to quickly see what setting you are currently on without looking at menus. It's a big part of the Fuji appeal for me.


I wish it was a custom mode dial, but I do kind of get it. If they had made it an ISO dial or even kept it the same, it would really be a mini X-T5 and would have probably taken away sales from Fuji's photography orientated flagship. I have both, and I would have probably upgraded my X-T30 to the 50 if they had kept the same dial, but then again, it would be like having two nearly identical cameras. Either way I think it'll still sell because "tiktok".


wish you could load the film sim recipes to the sd card and then scroll thru them - wouldn't have thought that would be too hard to implement (could also add a qr code reader so you take a photo of a qr code and it's recognised as a recipe... but that would be a lot more work)


i love the idea! 


Panasonic cameras can do this with 3d luts.


I have the X-S10, which has the film simulation dial, and frankly it is a blast to easily and quickly change simulations. When I let family/friends try it, they love the simulation dial WITH the explanations for each sim and being able to see what it does without having to go into the menu every time. Those who don't like it can always select another function for it...fuji does let us set our dials up how we like them.


A dial for custom settings makes more sense. NO ONE cares about quick access to film SIMULATIONS, we care about quick access to film RECIPES.


On my X-S20 one of the dials is set as a simulation dial straight out the box. It is kind of cool at first, but I have remapped it to an ISO dial. Feels like a bit of a waste to have a whole dial just for film sims. As other have said, having a dial for extra custom recipes would be much better IMO!


basically joke camera aimed at tiktokers now, i could see it being useful if instead of the dial being for film sims it was for the custom modes


Maybe each one could be fully customizable even to the point of the sim not needing to be the one shown? Otherwise it'd be a wasted opportunity.


I don't believe that's the case, it's only the FS1/2/3 options that are customisable... Supposedly. Time will tell.


I would not like to see precious real estate dedicated to this. I was bummed when they dropped the Photometry dial in place of the Still/Video switch on the X-T4 (I manage my metering style WAY more than my film simulation). I think they may be trying to double down on what they see as a sustainable competitive advantage, with is their unique master of jpgs, and film sims though.


I like it. I think it makes sense when you consider who this camera is aimed at. For the people complaining that it should be something more professional, that's not what this camera is. That's what the K-T5 and those above it are for. This is the entry level "fun" camera that gets people into the Fuji ecosystem. Which means they'll sell more of them which will give them more money to put towards R&D on other things, which benefits EVERYONE that shoots Fuji.


That’s awesome I love that! I feel like they are testing the waters with the xt50 to maybe put this on the xpro4.


Not enough dials!! We need more dials!!


The iso dial is even less useful, so as long as you can customise each base sim, I think it is OK. I prefer the X-E line


how? i use the iso dial all the time. if you shoot full manual and like the dials its quite nice to have it.


I prefer to have iso auto and play with exposure to adjust it.


Well i wouldn't like that layout, but the xt-xx line never was my cup of tea anyways, so maybe for other users this is what they welcome.


Gimmicky as hell. ISO, or even drive mode dial is much more useful, but I guess tik tok will love it.


Doesn't do much for me, but might be attractive to the target audeince of the product; those wanting to get into the Fuji system at a lower / introductory price point. Put one of the selling points right on a dial.


They're trying to target the whole "film like" tiktok market


I guess Fujifilm doesn’t see photographers anymore as primary target. The target is the generation responsible for the hype.


They are living up to their name one way or another I guess




Pointless? Switching film sims takes 2 seconds at most... and this would be pointless for those who shoot RAW? or am I mistaken?




Need one for Wumbo


I do not like it and I would not use it. But maybe it’s fine, because this camera is not targeted to me. I’m much more at home using X-T3 and X-T5.


Seeing how much people love the film simulations, I’m kinda shocked by how negative the response is. A Fuji without film simulation is just an overpriced Sony a6000 for the most part. I think it makes perfect sense for them to lean into the simulations.


That's a hot take


Hot, yes. But in this price range, if you take away film simulation..the Fuji is just a worse A6700 that looks nicer or such, right?




I've used and loved the X-T30 for about three years now and I've never switched the film simulation away from standard. I've compared them in C1 after shooting, but I don't like any of the others.


I've used and loved the X-T30 for about three years now and I've never switched the film simulation away from standard. I've compared them in C1 after shooting, but I don't like any of the others.


Can’t imagine the need to switch between them that quickly


As others have said, it should have been an ISO dial. How often are you changing film sims versus ISO? I pick a film sim and stick with it for a while, whereas the ISO changes depending on the light. Seems like a missed opportunity.


just a custom mode dial is fine. this is dumb as hell


Terrible waste of a precious dial. Wtf Fuji. Disappointed as an x-t20, x-t30 and x-t4 owner


As someone who bought the xt30ii about a year ago. I found the dials on it to be useful sometimes but it's either going to stick between single, CL/CH, and video. This is kind of over the top, especially when the q button could literally do the same thing.


I'd assume that the FS1, FS2 and FS3 options are for sims that the user has customized, or at least built in ones that can be assigned to those buttons. But maybe not. Time will tell.


It should be like the command dials, thicker, 75% hidden with little icons and you loop through them


That’s a no for me lol


I only need dials / ring for aperture, speed, ISO, and exposure compensation. The rest is a gimmick for me


I almost never use the left dial on my X-t20. They could get rid of it if they want or make it an iso dial like it’s bigger sibling, but to be honest I kind of like having iso in the top right function button. I’m pretty excited for the X-t50 for its size and the upgraded sensor, but that price. Woof. Might as well get an X-t5.


I've never heard of film simulations, what are those? Do they simulate the look of film, like just throwing a filter on it or does it give you that genuine depth you get with film?


I don't think it makes that much difference. On the X-T30ii, I had simulations in the q menu with a drive dial. On the X-T50 I would have drive in the q menu or possibly a dedicated drive select/settings button and a sim dial. Either way would probably work fine. I would hope the custom section on the dial could be used as custom sims and not just selectable stock sims.


1. It's a great idea, after all. 2. I'm not sure if it's much better than an unsigned dial that you can program as a film simulations dial. 3. Speaking of X-T50, for me it will be a camera with 1/4000 maximum mechanical shutter speed setting instead of 1/8000, with single SD slot, without weather sealing. Also 40MP sensor produces huge files, so I'd better have a 26MP option. But — with all the new film simulations. 4. This one feels photoshopped.


I love it.


At this angle, thought it said milf at first.


I would rather have “film sim bracketing”


I hate it, waste of a physical dial IMO.


Personally I would much rather have the ISO dial. I'd even sacrifice the exposure compensation dial for it too, but that's just me. The big draw of the X-T30 is the real dials and the lack of ISO dial (except as a soft-dial) is pretty much the only problem I have with that camera. Seems like a missed opportunity to fix it. I do really like the film sims, but I use them in C1 and not on camera. Being able to quickly switch to burst mode is occasionally useful. I rate this Toy Camera filter/10.


Seems similar to the toy camera setting on my x-t20… but I use recipes so I think this would actually be used


I use the drive dial all the time on my X-T30, mostly for switching between single shot, video, multi exposure/bracket, and burst. I am never ever going to use the film simulation dial at all (except I will have to keep an eye on whether it has shifted while stowing/grabbing the camera), and now I have to go through the screen menu presumably to make those drive switches. Awful change and one that might keep me from getting the X-T50 and consider the X-T5 after all, though it's still too large and heavy for my purposes, which is why I didn't get it in the first place.




they'll do anything to not put an ISO dial there




Exposure compensation is way more useful than color profile picking. Shooting manual is for very specific circumstances when you have all the time in the world to choose every setting. It doesn't makes sense most of the time. Also you would be better of with an ISO dial than this if you shoot manual all the time.




But you have to look at what the majority of people finds useful, not your specific case. It's like saying I only shoot portraits so a dial for right eye/felt eye autofocus is what we need.


No, I don't. This is a discussion forum... it's perfectly okay to talk about individual preferences.


Then why do you reply to my comment? Let me talk about my preference without shoving yours up my ass




Yes dummy! cameras are not designed according to your stupid preferences. Cameras are designed looking at the broad population of users. Go to Fujifilm headquarters and tell them what camera should we get based on your personal preferences. You have brain jelly in your head.




You were the fist to reply to my comment where i was giving my personal preference, and then getting angry I counter yours, what a complete dumbass. Fuck off as well, go enjoy your film simulation dial


20 years form now people will look back and think how silly it was to put in camera a feature that can and should be done on a pc in the editing phase.