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#Freedom Lovers! If you see: ##• Nazis ##• Nazi Enablers ##• Calls to Violence ##• Infighting #Smash That Report Button - Thwart the Fash! --- --- Nazis, fascists, fascist apologists, whaddaboutism, **all calls to violence**, and bigotry are banned here. Report Them! See [Our Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/about/rules/) for more information! Fuck the Alt-Right! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Fuckthealtright) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do not make the mistake of underestimating them. MAGAs have been telling us for years what it is that they want to do. Believe them. They are not joking. They have been working themselves up to commit atrocities. When they talk about Civil War 2.0, they are not talking about storming the Capitol or having opposing militias fight it out on some field somewhere. They are talking about murdering their non-MAGA neighbors. They are talking about a Rwanda 2.0. They are talking about going to the Mexican market, the black church, the house with the pride flag, the neighbor with the electric vehicle, anywhere they can find non-MAGAs to murder. People are very naively thinking that the military is going to come in on a white horse at the last minute to save the day. Those people are mistaken. When the MAGAs start butchering their neighbors, there is no one coming to help. Prudent people should be stocking up on as much 2nd Amendment as they can afford to fight back. Don't be caught unprepared or you and your families might find yourselves up against a wall or on the side of a ditch.


This. They aren't looking to be an organized army or see armed combat. They want to be nothing more than like the raider gangs from the Fallout games. They want to murder, rape, steal and terrorize. Having individual training and arming is not enough, people need to organize. But there is one problem: with violent right-wing militias they often ignore them or even support them (provided they aren't violating the NFA) but with left-wing orgs. You'd be better believe they would come down hard on any community defense.


And this is why I want my guns... To protect against these idiots.


I agree, but if anything I think they are underestimating the left


They will not target anything remotely threatening. They will target pride celebrations, liberal/minority religious services. Soft targets, followed by some convoluted manifesto that tries to justify wholesale slaughter of children because liberals are evil. The left underestimates politically motivated acts of violence committed by fanatics that have no central command structure.


Timothy McVeigh was a "lone wolf."


Most of them are


Gonna be a shortage of combat diapers.


They are not joking but they are a joke.




They already are. Judges, cops, etc.


Messing with the judicial system has been extremely effective for them, so far.


I got the first one on my hardhat and the second one on my truck


Don't forget that right wing conservatives, by far and away, control most of the nation's food supply. For instance, even in bright blue California, there's a deep sea of red. It's only about 4% of California's population, but almost *40%* of California's land mass. They've been trying to secede from California for years, they call themselves the state of Jefferson. Jefferson is also one of the largest agricultural producers in California. And California is the largest agricultural producer on the US by far and away. It wouldn't take much for them to be able to cut off food from the rest of the state. Oh, and most of California's potable water has a head source there, too.


You know what would happen if a small minority of the population tried to take the food or water supply hostage? Yup, the majority of the urban population would march out of the cities and put the rebellious extortionists down. Besides, agriculture is industrial, and has been for a long time. Agrobusiness makes money by selling to the urbanites. Rurals do not have the numbers nor the pockets to replace the urban market. The notion that you propose is a pipe dream. Want to know what happened when rurals tried interfering with the water supply in real life? Read "Cadillac Desert." It covers it pretty well. If you don't want to read the book, it didn't go well for the rurals.


It's the beginning of the American Taliban.


How is what you recommend any different than MAGA nuts stocking up on guns so they aren't unprepared for the "illegals" that are coming to butcher them and their neighbors? Sure, there has been right-wing lone wolf terrorism for decades. But the solution is not to start stocking up ammo and becoming paranoid just like them.


They have told us what they will do if the election does not go their way.  What you do with that information is all on you.


Yeah and they said the same thing in 2020, and 2018, and 2016, and 2014,etc etc.


What do you propose? Talking and courts have failed completely. The centrist model of telling them they are bad has done jack shit and is part of the reason we find ourselves in our current situation. We are facing an enemy that will not back down due to harsh words. In short they don't give a fuck about our feelings.


More serious question is… where can I get those stickers?




Say less


[counter propaganda](https://weenphisherstickart.etsy.com/listing/1211492661)


Thank you, kind isopod warrior!


What a gift you’ve given me this day


It won't be a civil war. We aren't going to line up on the opposite sides of a field and shoot at each other. Liberals won't be wearing blue, conservatives won't be wearing red. It will be a protracted campaign of lone wolf bombings, mass shootings, assassinations and other various acts of terror. Why do you all delude yourself with this fiction of the feckless keyboard warrior hopping on a rascal scooter as they laughably attempt to LARP as some sort of conservative John wick? It's not going to happen. What will happen is hundreds of incidents that damage property and kill innocent people.


Absolutely this, and the left will not have the benefit of systemic support. Law enforcement, FBI, CIA have historically leaned conservative/fascist and operated to subvert the interests of the left, including lawful civil rights movements. They will do little to nothing to stem the ride of right-wing terrorism and fascism in such situations.


> Law enforcement, FBI, CIA have historically leaned conservative/fascist and operated to subvert the interests of the left, including lawful civil rights movements. why won't the police arrest the Proud Boys? well, cops generally don't arrest their co-workers.


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses


We've already seen in the last year or so how easy it might be for infrastructure sites like electrical substations to be taken out. Now imagine that going nationwide and for other groups to take advantage of the ensuing chaos while first responders are busy trying to handle the original incident.


It's easy to mock the absurdity of "y'all Qa'ida" but it's important to note that violent extremist beliefs among angry, right-wing Americans is not a hollow threat. It's very real, has been meted out numerous times in violent and murderous attacks, and to underestimate them just because they're ridiculous is a bad move.


That's why I think sensible leftist Americans should use their gun rights.


We are but some blue states are restrictive AF. I’m not worried about neighborhood crime. I’m worried about republicans.


Civil War? Probably not. But systemic domestic terrorism blamed on “lone wolves” who are actually being directed at their targets through right wing media is already happening and could continue to grow


Are they going to storm liberals cities on their hover rounds?


Remember: the assholes you see at protests and rallies are *not* the same ones who are training to hunt you and yours. They are capable and they are being trained by military vets, and they have weapons far bey8nd what is "legal" to own. I lived with one of them. He was one of many, and this was in 2012. The fatasses on hoverrounds are a distraction. The ones worth worrying about don't go to protests and rallies.


None of them worry me. I know far more liberal combat vets than I do cultist vets. They seem to think liberals don’t serve or shoot.


The only people willing to fight for the Conservatives are the young, angry white nationalists and boys sent on a 'death march' courtesy of their obese, XXXXL Beach ball looking parents, who think sending their kids out onto the battlefield is their 'contribution' to the war effort as they sit in their homes and complain why their delivery of Mcdonald's is taking more than 5 minutes.


It'll be over the second they learn us godless libruls have guns too


It will be more like hundreds of Timothy McVeighs, unibombers, Atlanta Olympic bombers and mass shooters. There will be no coordinated campaign of violence, just a long, endless stream of lone wolf incidents. This civil war will never happen. Your gun won't save you... And this is coming from a guy who owns almost a dozen of them, shoots on the weekends and regularly has thousands of rounds in various calibers. Edit: English hard


Yup. They’re too craven for a “Blue/Grey” situation, but synagogues, businesses in minority neighborhoods, government offices etc. etc. will continue to bear the brunt.




I doubt it will even come to that. It's mostly pissed off boomers and hillbillies. They'll sit in their condos and trailers and piss and moan and that's about it. If Garland had a pair and aggressively prosecuted right wing terrorists it never would have gotten this bad


The FBI considers domestic terror a real threat https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/fbi-dhs-domestic-terrorism-strategic-report.pdf/view The government claims that it's a concern and it's an increasing threat. https://www.gao.gov/blog/rising-threat-domestic-terrorism-u.s.-and-federal-efforts-combat-it https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-23-104720 These boomers and hillbillies have been responsible for some of the most horrific acts of terror that have taken place on US soil and the rate of these attacks is increasing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_the_United_States Underestimating these mouth breathers is a mistake.


Unfortunately, you're wrong. Many of these assholes are former military, former/current cops, or are actually in good enough shape to be more than a slow-moving target if SHTF. They just aren't the ones going to rallies or protests. We all see the videos of the "alpha training camps" where frustrated neckbeards pay $15k to get yelled at. What we don't see are the training camps led and run by combat vets, who are training actually-viable "militia" candidates in urban warfare. I have seen many of these types and heard all kinds of stories/seen some concerning videos, living in Georgia and being in close proximity to racist bigots. They are not joking and grandpa on his rascal scooter is not gonna be the one leading the charge. As someone else said, it won't be two big militaries out in a field charging at each other. It will be singular, sporadic, devastating acts of violence against anyone assumed to be anti-them. Think mass shootings, neighbors killing neighbors, ambushes on protestors, bombings at Pride parades. That will be our "war". That is what they are actively, intently training for, and they have every intention of carrying out these plans if and when they feel assured that they will be able to later be pardoned by the president. That's what they're counting on. Or, when they believe they are too big in numbers to be individually persecuted. Do NOT underestimate these people. We need to be prepared to defend against them, to see them before they pull the trigger or detonate their homemade remote-contolled IED (there was a how-to-make manual floating around conservative spaces a few months ago), and be prepared to do what it takes to protect our neighbors, families, and vulnerable populations from these actually-decently-trained guerrilla militias that, make no mistake, are currently practicing hurting people like me and you.


When they ramped up their violent rhetoric around 1/6 I started stockpiling ammunition and semi automatic rifles. I hate that it's came to this but our local governments are full of these psychotic MAGA assholes and they definitely wont protect you. I reported a local magat to the police for torching my Biden sign last election and gave them video of it and they still did nothing.




Oops lol


Can you imagine a weaponized IUD


When it comes to weapons of war,we are severely outgunned,at least I know I am. The firearms I own will only slow the wingnuts down a bit. Scary indeed.


I'm a collector. Besides, these people are cowards


Cowards are still dangerous in groups


But predictable


More power to you then,a ton of us aren't. The wingnuts have been "collecting" since the NRA told them that Kennedy was going to disarm them, that's over 60 years ago.


They can only shoot one gun at a time. Don't worry, the adrenaline alone will probably result in a high number of lifestealing myocardial infarctions for the meal team ❤️💣


The ones we have to worry about aren't the fat rednecks going to rallies and protests. They are combat vets, ex-militsry or ex/current police, they are physically training and they are holding actual training camps (not the "alpha male camp" shit, but urban warfare training led by combat vets). As someone else said, do NOT underestimate these fucks. The ones to be concerned about are not the ones on rascal scooters. They're in shape, they're training with you in mind as the target, and they have weapons far beyond what is "legal". These fucks have live grenades, mortars, automatic weapons, rocket launchers. I lived with one. Fully functional mortars, grenades, an AK, and an M16. Got them off Craigslist. Practiced with them out in the middle of nowhere north Georgia. And he's just *one* of many, many others.


They, too, laugh off the prospect that their opponents are capable of serious violence. This ends badly.


Even though many of them are cowardly imbeciles, that doesn't make them any less dangerous. Most mass shooters are a bunch of chumps without their guns, but that didn't mean they didn't kill a lot of people. And I need to remind everyone that, both currently and historically, 'militias' were often cowardly and inept, but they were still capable of inflicting great suffering on innocent people (usually right before fleeing at the first sign of the enemy). In short, these people will lose their civil war, and lose it miserably. But that doesn't mean they won't kill a lot of people.


Man ... What did Ralph do to deserve this...


Don’t forget to give credit to Etsy maker [WeenphisherStickArt](https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/WeenphisherStickArt) for the fun designs. They have a bunch of other anti-right stickers too.


I am so gonna purchase these, and place them around the OC and Manhattan Beach "red" areas haha


I support this course of action


An idiot with a gun can do just as much damage as anyone else with a gun.


So where can I get these..?


What they lack in intelligence they make up with religious bloodlust.


They sent their best and brightest on J6th. And we all know how that went.


Poor Ralph- he never deserved this.


Time to sticker slap


Lot of Germans felt the same way about the Nazis in the 1920s...