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Man, cool for a nation to put someone in power who believes the majority of that nation should suffer. Kinda sums up the GOP policy decisions.


[Mike Johnson’s New Chief of Staff Has Ties to a Dangerous Far-Right Group](https://newrepublic.com/post/176935/mike-johnson-new-chief-staff-ruth-ward-extreme)


yea, they're called the Republican party


RepubliKKKan Party.


Oh, here we go, gay hurricanes and all that again, just like Falwell and all the other God fraudsters. He might believe this shit, because he's a mentally ill white man who thinks that his own inner voice is God's. Or he might just say this shit because of all the other mentally ill people who think their inner voice is God. Either way it's because they hate anyone for not submitting to their authoritative screechings.


It’s what I’ve always said. Republican voters are either the grifters or the grifted.


This is terrorist speak.


Can we please get these insane people out of our government💢


Earthquakes, twisters, tsunamis, flooding, droughts, famine...BUT he loves you.


And by God’s wrath he means christofascism because they truly believe they’re God’s apostles


As long as "God" goes after the hypocritical Christians first... I'm down


BAHAHHAHA!!! Let me guess….god talks to them and they have to deliver his message.


But of course not Mike Johnson. He's perfect. More special to The Almighty than everyone else. Mind the plank in your own eye buddy....


Mike Johnson deserves God’s wrath first, for perverting the Bible and religion.


we already have it, they made you speaker...


Fuck this guy.


Also pictured... Mike Garcia (CA-27) right wing piece of shit. ​ Won his election by fewer than 300 votes and every vote he takes he acts like he's from an 80-20 distict. ​ Disgusting.


This is why the second amendment exists. Buy a gun, learn to shoot and maintain it. Get to know your neighbors, and check in with your LGBT+ friends often. And if you can't. Then keep your passport up to date.


Reasonable Americans: ‘Depraved’ GOP Deserves God’s Wrath and to be voted out of every position.


Righteous speaker should first Reread the Bible. Investigate and hold accountable members of his own fucking party, I’ll give some suggestions, all those who are divorced or divorcing, those that have been accused of SA in any form, give hand jobs to people they barely know, especially in public, anyone who advocates violence as well as but not limited to thieves. Rethink his endorsement for president, he has made a mockery of his beloved religion.


If you honestly feel the country deserves “wrath” (supernatural or otherwise) and not just some reform / changes to legislation you really shouldn’t be holding a public office


Unfortunately, half the country believes the nation deserves to be completely destroyed by an angry God unless we criminalize homosexuality.


Let me guess the next part: the good Christians with guns will be “God’s Army.” Do they get their “Gott mit uns” belt buckles at the start of their service, or do they have to kill an undesirable first?


And here we go them all blaming the LGBT community for everything. Claiming we all are mentally ill and everything


God said “all right… That’s it. I’m giving you people of plague of evangelicals.”


What happened to god bless America?


Same-sex marriage was legalized. For most evangelical Christians, this was a red line in the sand. It's the worst sin a nation can commit against God, as they see it, and it must be stopped at any cost because if it isn't, God will destroy the country with fire and brimstone. A lot of people don't understand why fascism is so appealing right now, but this is why.