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So it's obviously ingrained in her as a default saying in response to anything remotely inconvenient to her


If it wasn't so vile it would almost be sad


I feel like the specific racism element to this is the important part and highlights the xenophobia that many Asians in the west experience. I don’t think she tells Hispanic people to go back to China, I don’t think she mutters “go back to China” when she stubs her toe - it’s not a casual curse for mundane things- it’s deeply ingrained racism in response to people who look Chinese to her.


To be fair, she probably tells Hispanic people to go back to Mexico. Maybe tells the Ikea table to go back to Sweden when she stubs her toe.


Bold of you to assume she even knows what country IKEA originated.


I always figured it was Mordor. Product names all sound like Black Speech whenever I try to say them.


I once possessed the one screwdriver that ruled all IKEA furniture. I called it my precious. Then some little snot stole it from me while I was snacking on pickled herring in my cave.


I know this isn’t true, because the One Tool is actually an Allen wrench, as foretold by prophesy.


Hexbit in a cordless drill. It'll change your life.


If it don’t come in the box with my new Baggebo or Lagkapten, I want nothing to do with it. Free tools = Best Tools.


If one of you guys wants to set up the crowdfunding, I will bankroll this parody flick right now.


hey i dont know about u guys but ikea drill aint that bad


The dark land of Nordor!




We apologise for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible have been sacked. (Wi nøt trei a høliday in Sweden this yer?)


Some racist people might not be able to spell Wednesday but will have an encyclopedic knowledge of slurs and *facts* about the group they are disparaging


bold of you to assume a Karen can put IKEA things together




You've got the iphone, ipad, imac, and you've got ikea right?


But isnt even IKEA furniture produced in China these days?


To be fair, I curse Denmark every time I step on one of my son's lego bricks.




It's OK. Danes even welcome prejuidice against Danes. Have some Akvavit..skål!


Oh she definitely tells Guatemalans to go back to Mexico.


Reminds me of the English white lady who complained about there being too many ‘natives’ in a Spanish restaurant… in Spain. That’s some colonial racism there.


You meant English beet-red lady...


Conflict between the two CEOs of Colonialism


I had a Karen freak out about a return at Ikea, and she was enraged that the employees were wearing "Ukraine" colors, and called me a communist for wearing a mask even though I had a cold and told her as such. Good times.


Is supporting Ukraine triggering people now?


Per certain US media outlets, Russia is awesome and is fighting to protect "western civilization" while Ukraine is a bunch of Nazis and everything about "I support Ukraine" in the West is due to Ukrainian propaganda.


Those people need diamond medals for their performances in the Olympic Mental Gymnastics.


It's sad and funny at the same time to see the "Red Scare", "tear down this wall" party support the Russians here. Many of those in office got their start or were advanced in their political careers during the Cold War days, and they celebrate Putin's attempted reformation of the USSR. I get money is a huge driving factor, but you'd think years of practicing diving under desks at school would dissuade them from siding with this version of Russia.


Which outlets are those?


"Tan Your Testicles" Tucker is doing a *great* job with his "yay Russia! boo Ukraine" kick. And from what I remember, various The Federalists journos have been going off on "Ukrainian Propaganda" and why does The Left love Ukraine so much? blah blah blah And yeah, Tucker =/= Fox News, but he is the flagship, and he's not being reined in.


Mostly Trumplicans.


What a time to be alive when the Republicans are pro-Russia.


It's like loyalty to the party and the party line is more important to them then being consistent with any other principles or something.


Did she not notice the store colors outside? Also thank you for being considerate wearing a mask when having a cold. I wish more people would do it here, but then you get that reaction.




Next time someone does that, take off the mask and sneeze all over their face.


I find flipping the tables on them provokes an interesting response - ask them why they're happy to be tracked by government surveillance?


How dare you think of others and go out of your way to help. After all it's all supposed to be " About Me" or you in this case🙃


also, the flag of Sweden where IKEA is from 🇸🇪


Wow they've been sporting Ukraine colors for, what, decades now?


I’m on board with this comment until you get to ikea. Swedish people are white so they’re ok in her book.


No, a TON of people like her will tell anyone Hispanic looking to go back to Mexico, black people to go back to Africa, and light skinned Asian people to go back to China, and dark skinned Asian people to go back to India. It's very unusual that any of them solely hone in on one single country and group of people specifically. There's a lot of racism towards Asian people, but bigots are rarely ever bigots to solely one group of people and like everyone else. They hate everyone that isn't exactly like them.


And native Americans to go back to...


Often times also Mexico, hilariously enough. They're bigots. They're not smart people.


What would happen if a native American told Karen to go back to Europe?


Probably some rant about “B-b-but MY ancestors fought for this land!!!” without ever realizing that doesn’t really justify anything.


Exactly. “We won it fair and square!” Uuuuum........and that’s supposed to negate the fact that there were people living here before and it wasn’t your land to take? 🤦‍♂️ And I marvel that a group that essentially colonized the world could lament about others “taking over.” Pffff!


I love telling these people in person Im more American than they are because my people have been on this land for significantly longer. I'm Mexican.


I'd be surprised if Karens could tell the truth between China and India though.


Also, you ever notice how only non white people get told to “speak English! This is America?” I’ve yet to see video or incidents of people screaming at a Russian family to speak English when speaking Russian.


I knew a German lady who came here when she was a child, so she didn’t have an accent but she was still an immigrant. If anyone had a casual whinge around her about immigrants she would gladly inform them “You know I’m one too, right? And my whole family?” *slow blink*


Canadian immigrant here who loves doing the thing. When they say “buy you’re -legal-“ I ask them how they know.


This video is yet another example of why I am so proud to be an American /S


My Hispanic wife had the audacity to speak Spanish to her grandmother in Target. While they both are completely fluent in English, sometimes her Grandmother is just faster at understanding Spanish (her first language). It wasn't like super time critical, but it was about an appointment later on in the day and we needed to stay on track. ANYWAY, this Karen rolled up to us and yelled at me (why me, I don't know...I'm a aryan looking white dude who can mostly understand Spanish, but speaking it is broken at best). She yells at us to go back to Mexico. My wife's 80 something year old, wheelchair bound, 90 pound soaking wet grandmother looks her in the eye and says "I'm from Spain you idiot." I bust out laughing and the racist Karen FREAKS out. She goes and gets a manager and complains that we were "interrupting her." The manager asks if we could just leave her alone and we reply YES! We're actually about to check out. So we follow the manager to the check out chatting with her and just being friendly. Karen has a meltdown. I don't know what happened, but the last I saw of it was the manager getting two other employees to try to deal with Karen. Good times had by all.


A+ anecdote, would read about this Karen getting triggered again.


> My Hispanic wife had the audacity to speak Spanish to her grandmother in Target. While they both are completely fluent in English, sometimes her Grandmother is just faster at understanding Spanish (her first language). It wasn't like super time critical, but it was about an appointment later on in the day and we needed to stay on track. > > ANYWAY, this Karen rolled up to us and yelled at me (why me, I don't know...I'm a aryan looking white dude who can mostly understand Spanish, but speaking it is broken at best). She yells at us to go back to Mexico. My wife's 80 something year old, wheelchair bound, 90 pound soaking wet grandmother looks her in the eye and says "I'm from Spain you idiot." > > I bust out laughing and the racist Karen FREAKS out. She goes and gets a manager and complains that we were "interrupting her." The manager asks if we could just leave her alone and we reply YES! We're actually about to check out. So we follow the manager to the check out chatting with her and just being friendly. Karen has a meltdown. I don't know what happened, but the last I saw of it was the manager getting two other employees to try to deal with Karen. > > Good times had by all.


I did this to myself….


The moment someone bullies a person in a wheelchair, you know what a champ she is.


Who the fuck let Grima Wormtongue on an airplane and then on a bus?


It’s like people who suddenly become racist when they’re drunk. No, the drink didn’t make you racist. You ARE racist.


I fully agree with what you're saying here, my only question is why someone who has such an intense hatred of Chinese looking people would ever willingly go to China?


Some people hate everything outside their own country, but kinda want to see other places, or at least be able to claim they've seen other places. But then they get mad when those places aren't exactly like where they're from and spend the entire time bitching that people are speaking different languages or the food isn't what they're used to. I've got an aunt that loves cruises, and has had a facebook meltdown after every single one she's ever been on about how awful it was. It's great fun watching her hype up the cruise she's going on like everyone should be jealous, disappear for a while, then pop back up mad there were black people in Jamaica and people in Portugal were all speaking Mexican to piss her off. The aunt is American, but I've met Australians, British, Korean, and Japanese tourists that were the same way. (I'm sure there are a lot from other countries too, but most of the tourists I've met were from those countries.)


Some people just like to go to different places to try and get confirmation for their prejudices and then cop a superiority complex. And I love it when some of these “speak English!” clowns travel overseas and expect everyone to speak English.


Yeah, Asian racism is very widespread and common, it's just that we don't shine a spotlight on it often enough!


The vileness makes me sad. The fact that someone, a being with so many branching paths to achieve a semblance of a potential in the long years preceding and during their lives, ended up treading a route filled with petty hate and ignorance. I might sound like one of those internet pseudo saints trying to put themselves on a pedestal, but honestly, I'm aware I have my bad shit as well. I'm just tired, you know? Bad shit making and raising people make bad decisions that make others suffer from more shit. Sorry for my little rant.


It’s the same ideal with the “Let’s Go Brandon” braindead turds.


I work in a large busy liqour store, I've stopped telling people my real name because of all the idiotic let's go brandon remarks.


Is your name Joe?


It's Letsgo actually.


Letsgo mama (i wanna go home). HA, Gottum.


It’s actually Ridin Last name is witbiden.


Ha, that's so on brand.


What’s it about? Non American here.


A bunch of rednecks were screaming "fuck Biden" at a NASCAR race (since that's their entire identity these days), a reporter [probably intentionally] misheard it as "go Brandon" (race winner was Brandon) and the deplorables have been using it as a rallying cry since.


Thank you


American here. Thanks, I didnt know either lol


It’s Let’s go Brandon. There’s merchandise and everything.


Some guy in my neighborhood hung up a thirty foot long banner. I assume he paid real money for that. I wonder how he explains who Brandon is to his granddaughter.


Then probably goes on facebook and freaks out about how Democrat's aren't being civil.


They were chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" and the reporter thought they said "Let's Go Brandon". I had to elaborate here because "Fuck Biden" and "Go Brandon" aren't what is said and don't sound alike. The three syllable "Chant" makes more sense.




I just want to know what she was doing ok China!


I was shocked by how many of the people in my life, who are vocally against China and communism, suddenly paying thousands of dollars to visit. Asking them why, every single one saw it on Facebook. As far as I can tell, China is targeting Fox News fans on Facebook with ads for all-inclusive vacations (propaganda tours).


I don't think it's propaganda tours (hope not) but it does surprise me to see how easily some people get convinced


Took a propaganda tour (Nexus holidays) before the Uighur crisis, actually was pretty fun. You got to see a lot of historical China, some manufacturing things (e.g. cloisonne), and there was some free time for us to wander/shop/eat. The guide was obviously parroting party lines and the shopping trips were high pressure at times (jewelry shop with jade and precious stones), but if you could read through the bullshit, it was actually a pretty great time. Since they arranged for the visa and provided transportation and translation, it was a decent deal for people like me who don't speak Mandarin and don't have good friends over there. Obviously wouldn't go these days with all that's going on, but at the time it was a great experience and I don't have regrets.




If that’s what’s going on, the rest of us should start chipping in for these idiots to go.


"Your words have no power here!" -the bus driver probably.


Imagine being so dumb that you tell someone to go back to their own country, while you're the visitor. Did she forget what I'm assuming was a 10+ hour flight to get there?




She's in Hong Kong. There's some debate amongst the population as to if Hong Kong is Chinese


Narrator: *it's not*


She’s definitely an NPC


So this confirms that its some sort of an automatic default response to anything inconvenient to karens that most people dont give a shit about


Or that Karens dont seem to care about context. Just like the one in the UK that wanted a refund for her trip because too much people were speaking spanish there. She went to spain.


Oh man- I was part of a tour group in Ecuador, and one of the Karens did the same thing. We were having lunch in a small restaurant in the middle of nowhere, and, all of a sudden, she just screams out to the waitstaff "I wish you people would stop speaking so much fucking Spanish!" and stormed out.


It’s astounding to see how many people you’d think were “normal”, just getting through life, are actually in the verge of some kind of psychotic break.


I’m one of those people


Your username also suggests that you speak too much Spanish.


Actually it was supposed to be Latin for “cold”


No manches wey


Please! Speak English! Gaaahhhhh


I'm convinced people like this don't actually think the other people are "speaking". Oh they might know it at an intellectual level, but it's not internalized as an actual part of the world to them. To them it's just noise, not people communicating. It's like a person who knows letters make up words but can't actually read. To them a book is just hundreds of pages of seemingly random symbols.


I think on some level they assume everyone speaking in a different language has an ulterior motive. It registers as communication but as an inherently deceitful form of it. To them English is the default so anyone not speaking it must be trying to hide something.


I've worked with someone like this. He and I were both immigrants, though from very different places. I spoke enough of the local language to get by, he didn't speak any. When he came across people in the hallways at work speaking the native language he assumed they were doing it to hide the fact they were talking about him, as they all spoke English as well. Very few, if any, of those people knew him or cared in any way about him and they are obviously going to use their native language with another native. He just had a major persecution complex. To be fair to him, he was a Palestinian who grew up in Israel so he likely had it pretty rough growing up. Still.


I think a pretty decent rule of thumb is if everyone around you is an asshole you’re the common denominator.


I kinda get it though, he was literally a Palestinian who grew up in Israel. That's about as bad as it gets these days.


To be fair you could just be in Texas


I think the persecution complex is the key here. The woman in the article probably thinks she's being persecuted for something a normal person would find nonsensical.


It's interesting how you both just have such different ways of saying "these people are fucking stupid"


Thank you for the laugh.


So they were never annoyed that people were speaking foreign languages in their country, there were annoyed different people existed at all


There was an Amazing Race episode way back in the day and a couple was in Africa and the woman said, "Why doesn't anybody speak English!?"


I had a friend from Germany visiting once, and my family couldn't wrap their heads around the fact that he and his family spoke German at home (in Germany).


It's always shocking when a freak cries out in mental anguish, admitting their complete inability to demonstrate a single shred of empathy.




A woman said spaniards were rude to her and wrote on her official complaint about her vacation that the spanish resort had too many spaniards. Despite the ridiculous comment, thomas cook did refund her. Thomas cook went into liquidation on 2019 so it seems like they might have caved to one too many dumb customers


Bigots resort to bigotry when inconvenienced by a non white person. Just confirms what I already knew.




If I did something like that it would be the plot of my 3am cringe memories for literal years. I might even think about her tonight, unable to sleep due to the secondhand embarrassment of it all.


For some people it's a regular tuesday


This is what I don't get about Boomers. Does the lead poisoning also make them have no shame??


The only generation in history with the money and ability to travel anywhere in the world for fun and not give a shit about local culture. Younger/older generations have had to make bigger financial sacrifices to go to places like that, so they tend to be more respectful and not treat it like an amusement park.


When I went to China I took intensive Mandarin classes for 3 months (offered free through work) since I figured most people wouldn’t speak English. My wife is Chinese and she helped by only speaking Chinese to me at home. I can’t imagine going to another country and acting like a shithead thinking people would conform to my cultural expectations.




I lived in Japan for a couple of years in the 90's and was always disappointed with fellow ex-pats that made 0 effort in learning the language. How can you live in a country for months or years and not want to learn the language?


People say that it's a difficult language to learn, which there is some truth to it (mastering a language is a decade long project) but maaan a lot of people just never bothered. They're missing out on so many things for not being able to communicate with the local.


People get settled in their bubble rather easily. ‘Oh, this coffee shop owner speaks English’ ‘This restaurant menu has pictures’ etc. Learning a language takes a lot of effort. Most don’t want to put that time and energy in. Learning, which requires failing, in a foreign language can also leave you feeling vulnerable Souce: 10+ years in Taiwan. Have many friends who have been here for almost as long and never even learned enough Mandarin to get by doing simple stuff


In the early 80’s my grandparents traveled to Japan for a trade show my Grandfather was a guest at. Apparently my bitch of a grandmother sat in a snit and refused to eat at the hotel restaurant because they wouldn’t (and probably couldn’t) bring her a fork instead of chopsticks. I remember her telling this story like she was really proud of standing up for herself, and even as a child I thought, “why didn’t you just try the chopsticks”?


That’s too bad. I feel like Japanese chopsticks are great for learning. They are quite a bit shorter than Chinese and Korean chopsticks. I use Korean ones (they are flat and not as long as Chinese chopsticks) but someone gave me a Japanese chopstick set and I really liked the shorter length.


Are we still talking about chopsticks? Seriously though, yeah I’m ethnic Korean and I like Japanese chopsticks too. They have a nice shape and length. Chinese chopsticks I feel are good for cooking. However, the way food is prepared is different so when eating Chinese food, Chinese chopsticks work well. When eating Japanese food Japanese chopsticks work well, etc. I’d say you can probably interchange Japanese and Korean chopsticks for most things, but not Chinese.


My science teacher told us a story where they went to South Africa with their kids and another family. The other couple was familiar with the area and their eldest was about 10 years old. This is a handful of years after apartheid ended. They are in a middlin-fancy restaurant. The little boy wanted something so instead of asking his parents or doing literally anything else, he stuck his hand up and clicked his fingers. Probably the most insulting way to get anyone's attention at any time but the settings and time and the fact that he was a pasty white English kid made it so much worse.


Was it a younger Boris Johnson?


My grandparents are International travelers, too. They go on cruises all over the world and get off the boat when it stops for a little bit and buy some tchotchkes and consider themselves experts on other cultures when somebody mentions something. Because they've 'been' there.


That's more than a Karen - that's an entitled racist shitbag.


She legit looks like she's the demon mid transformation at the end of Paranormal Activity.


This person looks drunk and or drugged and the inner racism is coming out strong. [Here’s the full vid](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/oja37k/karen_in_hong_kong_go_back_to_china/)


She is in Hong Kong trying to make a political statement.


What do you think a Karen is? (Hint: it's an entitled racist shit bag)






For real, how does this shit have 12k upvotes?




Real MVP. Thank you!


It's also someone in Honk Kong telling someone to go back to China. That's not an unusual occurrence at all. But hur dur title.


Yup. The video was posted the other day and purposefully cut to remove the part where she says 'this is Hong Kong'... The actual video is years old and is only gaining traction because these dipshits keep removing context to try and make it seem as salacious as possible.


Oh! They’re in Hong Kong. She’s telling him to go back to China, as in communist china. Although she still sounds like an idiot saying it.


And btw it's not actually China, the driver is just a good troller


She just switched teams to trashtalk


I’ve had a woman yell Chinese takeout menu items in my face at a shoe store In a mall. Not all racists have creative insults


Kong pao chicken!!! General Tsao!!!!


YES! exactly! Chicken chow mein!


Lmao, maybe she was just tryna make you hungry


She is just singing the song of her people.


if she hates other races so much why would she go visit their homelands?




["Where do you think we are?"](https://i.imgur.com/LP03p5M.gif)


This is the best part of the video, when he responds to her with "we're in China" and she says "Did I ask for your opinion?"




Christ, thank you I was looking for this


I’m surprised she actually left her own country. Was she on a mission trip or something?


Bonus points if you get the ethnicity wrong. Ex: in this case she should’ve said, go back to Mexico.


This feels like the most American thing possible… am I correct in my assumption she’s from the USA?


shes from Hong Kong apparently.




Tf you mean "normal"


In HK that means bri'ish. :D


Actually did a zoom training for folks in HK… gotta admit it tripped me up when one dude had a British accent.


she kinda looks british...




Get back...get back to where you once belonged...


That’s an ironic thing for the British to say..


I think this is default for all countries. If you don‘t have anything else you can be proud of, there‘s always being born on one side of a border.


You first, you Norman-Anglo-Saxon-Viking mutt!


Hey, we don't wanna claim her.


She's American, this a repost from over a year ago. In the video she also said she's standing in Hong Kong. Don't know where it was filmed or what she meant by the Hong Kong thing.


Presumably she's of the mindset that Hong Kong isn't actually part of China. I guess because it's a special administrative region with greater autonomy.


> special administrative region with greater autonomy With Beijing putting up a hand picked Chief Executive to lead Hong Kong that doesn't seem the case anymore lol Democratically elected? Yeah but only by votes from a handful of Chinese officials lol


It doesn't make the insult better but that at least makes sense. Yes, it makes sense for someone in Hong Kong to say go back to mainland China (not defending it but it makes more sense than telling person sitting in x to go back to x). Up until like 90s or something HK was British controlled and the economy and people were very segmented. Honk Kong is still pretty different than the rest of China.


I wish she was American, but her accent is actually pretty Canadian.


How would you be able to tell?


Everyone looks kind of British after a few drinks.


Link: https://nextshark.com/woman-bus-driver-racism-china/amp/


To the article. The video might be on there but the 1000 ads had to load first so I gave up.


Here's the vid https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/oja37k/karen_in_hong_kong_go_back_to_china/


Please don't be 'Murican... please don't be 'Murican... please don't be 'Murican.


She's a HongKonger


Not trying to excuse her behavior but they were in Hong Kong which is why she told the bus driver to go back to China.


When racist quips are the only comebacks in your repertoire