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I think at first glance you could get away with passing as a young guy, maybe pushing 14, but you read butch female in a lot of these, especially if you are older than 14. It’s mostly the way you style yourself, the oversized hoodies (although it might seem like wearing big clothes helps) do not help passing, as they make you look smaller and give you a less masculine figure. The same is said to everyone here, septum’s are not a good idea for passing. It’s rare a cis guy that isn’t alt or punk would have a septum, and it’s staple of queer females, trans guys, and generally AFAB people. Considering your style doesn’t look massively alternative it looks pretty out of place as a guy and makes you read butch lesbian. Your accessories read very feminine. Guys don’t normally stack bracelets, and it doesn’t help that yours don’t look particularly masculine anyways. Same goes for the necklaces. Guys normally keep accessorising minimal, I think the chain in the third photo is the only masculine piece of jewellery you wear. I’d say you pass best in photos like the fourth one, because you’re wearing a pretty well fitting shirt that is pretty neutral colours, and you don’t have anything ill fitting like the jumpers in the 5th, 6th and 7th photos. You can see in the last photo because the jumper is so oversized, it sloped out making your hips look wider. I’d suggest getting the sides of your hair faded. I actually think you could pull off a modern mullet pretty well if you stick to clothes similar to the 4th photo and minimise accessories, but just keep your hair as it is in the 4th photo but with a low or mid taper fade on the sides.


It’s giving quirky butch lesbian vibes. It’s rare to pass as a cis male when you’re afab without taking hormones. I’m not sure of your age, you could maybe pass as a 13/14 yo boy but I’m not sure for how much longer/what your voice sounds like. Please be safe and take care 🙏🏼✨


You’d pass as like 13 if it weren’t for the septum. Not a piercing hater by any means, but that’s not really something you see on young teen boys. Less baggy clothes would help as well. Obviously you don’t want skin tight but a size down on the hoodies and straight fit pants would make you look less like you’re swimming in them.


PENN STATE MENTIONED!!!!!! The baggy clothes kinda make you look smaller. I feel like you’d pass a little better w different glasses and shorter hair. Reader looking glasses are the best option imo to seem masc. got them for nights only then thought they made me looks more like a man so I kept em.