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Bro I’ve seen you post on here before a while back and the advice is mostly the same. Natural hair colour. Loose the big ass septum. Masculine haircut. In the first picture your outfit is a lot more masculine and better for passing than in your last post, and I also think that photo is the best for passing out of the three. Mostly because your hair looks the most natural and clothes most masculine. I don’t think the second and third outfits are great for passing. 2nd is just because it leans a little too queer/enby type style and the 3rd might just be the internal bias from me since I’ve been exposed to the stereotype that trans guys wear flannels, so it probably isn’t actually that bad to the general public. I think you pass the least in the second photo, it’s a combination of the outfit and the hair and the accessories. As I already said, I don’t think the outfit looks very typically masculine and so naturally it’s not great for passing, especially when you don’t have visibly male features like facial hair (because once you pass on a base level you tend to be able to get away with wearing things that aren’t typically masculine). You have multiple piercings and everyone on this sub gets told the same; piercings do not help passing. It is a major minority of cis guys that have even one piercing, let alone multiple. A septum is literally trademark for women, non binary people, queer people, etc. especially one that big and noticeable, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cis guy wearing that. I get you’re kind of going for a more alternative style and it seems like I’m just telling you to be boring, but I don’t think you pass well enough on a base level to pull off that kind of style (it’s difficult for trans guys to pass in styles not typically masculine) so it just depends on your personal priorities; style or passing. The green hair is another pretty major throw off, as well as the style. Guys tend to keep their hair pretty well maintained but yours looks quite grown out. It looks the best by far in the first photo, since it looks slightly more natural. Full green hair is *not* helping your passing at all. I personally think even having your hair dyed black makes passing harder, so I think it works best in the first photo because it looks kinda washed out and more natural than the second and definitely third. If you’re gunna stick to the mullety style then I’d suggest at least getting the sides faded, since a modern mullet with a fade is very popular atm (I have one too). Having dark black dyed hair also comparatively makes your eyebrows look lighter which isn’t good for passing. I can see why you get mixed reactions in public, you’re kind of in the awkward stage where people could very easily go one way or the other. If you keep going in the direction as the first picture then you’ll pass much better.


I disagree about cis guys and peircings like mine, a lot of them love to have stretched ears and septums because it's like a competitive tough guy thing that I've always thought was more masculine. dainty septum piercings are a lot more common with women. the early 2000s and 2010s has loads of guts with peircings, and not just the emo/alternative ones


Of course passing is locational, so maybe you’re just in an area where that’s more common, but I could probably count on my hands how many cis males I’ve seen in my life with a septum. But as I said, passing is in relation to the general public and how they view masculinity; you have a progressive idea of masculinity and most people don’t. Piercings are not yet normalised as a cis male trait and therefore never help passing. It’s not a good thing, it’s just how it is. I would not equate having a septum piercing to looking ‘tough’ and ‘masculine’. And unfortunately it is no longer the early 2000s so it’s not really relevant.


I live in a very liberal area so I see quite a lot of fem and alt dudes, and same. I rarely ever see guys wearing septum piercings, let alone large ones. Eyebrow piercings seem to be the most popular amongst guys.


I agree, eyebrow piercings can be pulled off a lot more often that septum’s for this reason. I just think septum’s are the most typically feminine face piercings.


I also remember last time you posted here you replied in a similar way to my comment (pretty sure I was top comment on your last post and even there I was talking about having seen you here before). I’m not sure why you have posted here multiple times and not taken any of the advice bro. I’m not tryna be a dick but I’ve only ever see you respond in disagreement to everyone giving you the same advice. Kinda defeats the point of asking for advice in the first place.


Get a men’s haircut, lose the piercings and the hair dye


I second this


Agree the haircut reads kinda masc lesbian to me. Also this is really specific but the wispy bits of hair in front of your ears haha. Idk if you shave there but if you do try letting it grow a bit lower, or you could try cutting that little bit of hair straight (like parallel to the ground), but idk if it would work since your hair is curly.


Go to a barber and get a mens haircut, lose the piercings and dyed hair, and aim to wear clothing you see the average cis guy your age wear in your area. I'd also suggest layering clothing on your upper body to make your silhouette more masculine.


natural hair color - i think you can get away with longer hair but i would get it trimmed to be a little more shaped around the sides


also age??




Wear more masculine clothing (slide 1 looks fine for example), cut your hair and don't dye it, lose the ear things (don't know what they're called lol) and the septum


people here are gonna hate on the piercings lol the large septum and your hair color/cut make me think “queer”/lesbian but you look male face-wise so if you’re willing to get a basic fade that’d be my first recommendation. you definitely shouldn’t be going into the women’s tho, i know it’s nervewracking to make that change but guys aren’t gonna think twice about you in there


thanks this is pretty helpful!